World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Soul Saviors! (A Non Beyblade Story) - Printable Version

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Soul Saviors! (A Non Beyblade Story) - SwiftShadow - Feb. 04, 2011

Hey everyone, I was working on my beyblade story, when I got bored and decided to start this. Hope you guys like it.

Chapter 1:

Chapter 2:

RE: Soul Saviors! (A Non Beyblade Story) - brianDAblader - Feb. 13, 2011

awsome story cant wait to see what happens

RE: Soul Saviors! (A Non Beyblade Story) - Ga' - Feb. 16, 2011

This looks very good, please continue. It's too early for me to correctly determine, of course, but this is a great start.

RE: Soul Saviors! (A Non Beyblade Story) - EarthEagle2813 - Feb. 16, 2011

thats a good start. I like it because I am in tae kwon doe

RE: Soul Saviors! (A Non Beyblade Story) - SwiftShadow - Feb. 19, 2011

Chapter 2 is now up! I rushed through it, only taking about 25 minutes. Sorry that it's been so long, but I was working on stuff for school, my beyblade story, and my rpg game that I am making. Chapter 3 might be up tomorrow, as I will probably be bored and will write a lot. Also, this doesn't have any action, just some information and setup for the plot. The next chapter will have action though.

RE: Soul Saviors! (A Non Beyblade Story) - SwiftShadow - Feb. 27, 2011

This story is now going to be put on hold, but don't worry all of you who read this, if anyone does. It might come back later, as a have a HUGE storyline planned out for it. Until then, I want to leave you all with a cliffhanger.

Chapter 3

Chris wasn't lying about it being a big day. He might as well have said a big week.

Richard and Sid woke up to Chris launching them into the air with a gust of wind. Everything that goes up must come down, and they hit the ground hard.

"Rise and shine," Chris said. "Your training is about to begin!"

"Can't we do this later?" Sid groaned as he turned away and climbed back into bed. "I'm going back to sleep." Before he got a chance to close his eyes, he was whipped backwards with another burst of wind, and crashed into the ground again. Sid was now wide awake, and pretty angry, but he reluctantly agree to train.

The first part of the "training" wasn't any training at all. It was more like a lecture. Chris talked about the soul, and how they had been chosen due to their souls. He also went on to talk about the monsters, whose souls had been corrupted.

"You see," he started. "The soul is the essence of our life, but it is also much more. It contains everything about us, personality, strengths, weakness, you name it. These monsters souls have been corrupted, the only thing that they know is evil. Their souls have been swallowed by darkness."

"Wait, what do you mean by darkness?" Richard questioned.

"Darkness can come from a lot of things. Hate, anger, envy, all of these things create a darkness in our souls. If too much darkness gets in, the soul becomes corrupted, and covered with darkness. Anyway, as the chosen souls, your job is too protect people from these monsters, and keep the darkness out of everyones soul." Chris a started to walk outside, onto the canyon, and Sid and Richard followed. That's about all that you need to know for now, so let's get training!"

First off, they had to learn how to use their weapons. They both got the hang of using them right away, as it was just like in their Tae Kwon Do class. Sid was a master with his sword, and Richard felt great with his new combat gear. Chris noticed this and moved them into the next part of their training.

"Come at me with all that you've got!" he shouted at them. Sid and Richard glanced at each other for a second, and then attacked. Richard hadn't noticed it when he was training alone, but his new gear made him run faster. He couldn't control his speed and ran straight Chris. Right before contact, Chris jumped, and Richard, who couldn't stop, smashed into a tree at The edge of the woods. Sid swung his sword at Chris, but barely managed to skim his clothing. Chris was to fast, almost as if he was seeing things before they happened. The sword continued to miss Chris, who just kept dodging. Then suddenly, Chris jumped, and Sid was knocked backwards by a strong punch.

"Sorry Sid!" Richard apologized. He had just run right under Chris and smashed Sid in the face by accident. Chris landed right behind Richard, who turned and punched. Quickly, Chris grabbed Richard's arm, and threw him at Sid, using the wind to aid his distance.

"If that's all that you two have, we are going to need a lot more practice." Sid finally managed to get up from the ground, his whole body still shaken up from the blow. Richard's gear must have made him stronger too. Sid started to run, but stopped in his tracks. This was just like what had happened in their sparring match against Kiernan.

Sid took his mind off of the battle for a second, thinking about his home. What was going on there, everyone must have noticed that they were gone. A blast of wind which knocked him to the ground shook him away from this state. Chris was acting like this was nothing. Richard and Sid looked at each other and both knew they would have to work together to win. Richard ran up first, with a barrage of punches and kicks. As fast as they were, Chris still kept up, dodging every one of them. Sid managed to get behind Chris, and when Chris blew Richard back, his blade was ready. In one swift motion, Chris was brought to the ground with the sword to his neck.

Chris merely started chuckling at this. "You two are pretty good. But you know that I let you win, right?"

"What!" They both screamed. Sid continued the talking. "There's no way, we beat you fair and square!"

"Fine you can believe what you want," Chris started. With one movement of his hand, Sid was sent hurdling into the air, and wrapped in a ball of wind. The same thing happened to Richard. "Just always remember, a battle isn't over until there is only one side left standing."

The rest of the day went on like this, they ate three meals and slept, but besides that, all they did was train and battle. That's what happened for about a week. Then one day, that routine forever.

All three of them woke with a start, they had all had the same dream. Chris had told them earlier on that a dream can be a message from the soul, and they all had a feeling that this was a bad message. I mean, how can a huge behemoth of a monster towering the woods be a good thing?

Chris told Sid and Richard that they would have to deal with this threat alone, as a kind of test to see if they were trained enough. The two of them left into the woods at around 6:00 PM, they wanted to do some training first. Luckily for them, it was them Summer so it got dark later. They wandered the woods, looking for anything out of the ordinary. They finally made it to the center of the woods, near the tallest tree, and decided to take a rest.

But there is no such thing as a rest for a chosen one. Right as they sat down, they jumped back up, as six monsters fell from the tree above them, followed by a vociferous roar. Sid quickly swung his sword into the air, slicing through three of them, while Richard punched at the other ones, making them disappear on contact.

The two of them sprinted toward the noise, to find the monster from their dreams. It was a huge humanoid type monster, with big muscular shoulders. Its arms weren't like arms, the were more like blobs of energy, which had hands on the end of them. There were thick veins on it, each one pulsing with a red energy. It was usually crouched on both its arms and legs, like a dog. Sid and Richard tried to sneak up on it, but it turned it's head right at them. Its red eyes pierced into their's, and entered their souls. They were immediately filled with fear as it loose another roar. Knowing that they were the chosen ones and had to do this, the two of them charged.

Sid ran up first, stabbing the beast in its chest and releasing some of it's energy. Richard, using his increased speed and power, leaped into the, driving his fist into the beast's head. It staggered back for a second, but then whipped its arms around, flinging Richard about 45 feet backwards. Sid was struggling to do any damage to this Behemoth, as its skin was so tough, and his sword was barely cutting through. He was knocked backwards, as a huge pulse of the red energy went through the monsters body. It slammed its arms into the ground, sending pillars of the energy erupting from underneath.

The two boys stood no chance against this thing. They both thought about giving up and running, but there was a whole town on the outside of the woods. If the monster escaped, the whole place could be destroyed. Chosen ones were supposed to save people from these things.

The energy was too fast for Sid to dodge, even when running at his highest speed. Richard saw this and picked Sid up, dangling him over his shoulder. When the attack was finally over, the two boys hid behind a tree and started planning. They didn't get that long though, because after a minute, the Behemoth knocked over their tree. 

Richard charged at it, slamming his foot into the Behemoth's stomach. Sid, who was right behind Richard, jumped off of Richards back and sliced into the beasts upper chest. He dragged his sword down with him as he fell back to the earth, making a huge gash down its body. Red energy was flying everywhere and the behemoth summoned it all up, moving it all next to its mouth. Sid and Richard knew that this was now or never. Richard yanked Sid off of the ground, spinning around before releasing him. He was flying through the air, right at the Behemoth's head. At the same time, the Behemoth fired a huge beam of the energy, and it flew right at Sid. Instinctively, Sid drew his sword, aiming at the middle of the beam, and also at the middle of the monster's head.

The blade reflected the energy, sending it throughout the forest. Trees that got hit disintegrated as soon as they were touched. Sid flew right through it, with the energy around him, and like a giant needle, he stabbed into the monster's head. It cried out in pain, before toppling over and slowly disappearing. The chosen ones had done it.

Now tired out from the battle, the two slowly walked back to the tent. When they finally got there, it was 7:00 PM, and the sun was beginning to set.

"We did it!" Sid exclaimed as they walked into the tent. Chris was nowhere to be found. They checked the trapdoor and everything. Then suddenly, they heard a loud noise from outside of the tent. The sounds of a battle. Richard and Sid ran out to see what was going on. They glanced down the canyon to see Chris and another person. This other man was about their height, had two swords, and was controlling darkness. That was all that they knew about him though, as he was hiding his face with his black hoodie. By the time that they got over there, Chris was on the ground after getting slashed across the chest. Sid and Richard ran in and tried to fight the man, but he merely dodged their attacks, before vanishing into the night.

"Well at least that's over," Richard sighed. The two of them were now by Chris, and trying to get him onto his feet.

"A battle's not over until one side is left standing," Chris started. His voice was weak and shaky. "That person wants something from us, and he won't stop until he gets it. He will be back." Chris looked up into the sky to see that the sun had set and that the stars were out. He smiled, and fell back to the ground. His eyes were shut, maybe for the last time.