World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
[New York,New York] Battle of the Blades - Printable Version

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[New York,New York] Battle of the Blades - joseph317 - Jan. 04, 2011

DONT COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RE: [New York,New York] Battle of the Blades - ikmv - Jan. 04, 2011

I work on Saturdays usually. If I am off count me and my son(BladerSnowKid).

RE: [New York,New York] Battle of the Blades - ShadowVampj - Jan. 04, 2011

dang i have classes, if it could be a bit later i could probably be in it to win it lol

RE: [New York,New York] Battle of the Blades - joseph317 - Jan. 04, 2011

how would you guys feel if i moved it to sunday the 30 i think that would also be better.
also sky prince will help out with this to.

RE: [New York,New York] Battle of the Blades - meteoldrago3748 - Jan. 04, 2011

i think that you should probrably move it to sunday the 30 cause i have something on saturday and ill try to come

RE: [New York,New York] Battle of the Blades - L-drago gen - Jan. 04, 2011

(Jan. 04, 2011  3:43 AM)joseph317 Wrote: Are you all ready for the most epic tournement of beyblade in NEW YORK CITY!!!!, if not get ready because i am.

The host are rayeagle1 and me joseph317. Here are the details you should know.

The tournement will be Jan. 29 witch is a saturday the time will be freeplay time ( before the tournement) will be 12:30 to 1:30 am and the other 30 min you guys and girls can pay while other people who are a little late to show up.

The tournement will be set up like this. the first group will have some bladers and the second group will have the other half of the bladers and the top two from each group will come out and battle for 3rd, 2nd and 1st. The prizes will not be mentioned until the tournement.

The place is still unkown i will post the place later mabye by fri.

bladers attending:

sky prince
and some more and if you want your revenge on someone for beating you big time this is your chance to get back.

SO GET STRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/u][/b][/align]
so can we use hell kerbecs or killer peafowl

RE: [New York,New York] Battle of the Blades - Deikailo - Jan. 04, 2011

Where is it? Surely you have a general area in mind. And 12:30 to 1:30am is impossible. From personal experiences, you need at least 2-3 hours for a tournament. By time you wait for everyone, organize the format, and then actually play, it takes a while.

You should also include what types of stadiums will be present and type of tournament (i.e. round robin, block, double elimination).

Have you been to a New York tournament yet?

(Jan. 04, 2011  9:41 PM)beybladefan80 Wrote: so can we use hell kerbecs or killer peafowl
If you have it, yeah, it's not on the ban list.

RE: [New York,New York] Battle of the Blades - joseph317 - Jan. 04, 2011

what i ment was in time wise its 12:30 to 1:30 for you guys to have some fun and free play and the actual tournement starts at 1:45 to whenever it ends im thinking it will end at around 4:45 or 5:00.

RE: [New York,New York] Battle of the Blades - Galaxyblader28 - Jan. 05, 2011

the best beys to use in a tournament are the newer ones because you dont know there weakness

RE: [New York,New York] Battle of the Blades - joseph317 - Jan. 05, 2011

hey i nver thought of that but im also particapating in the tournement and i won two other tournements i got first place in both and i got a realy realy strong one.

RE: [New York,New York] Battle of the Blades - Grand Libra1213 - Jan. 05, 2011

but not better than me lol
and my parter Earth Gasher

RE: [New York,New York] Battle of the Blades - TheSilverBlader - Jan. 05, 2011

is it official that the tournament will be on sunday the 30th

RE: [New York,New York] Battle of the Blades - Akatsuki Blader - Jan. 05, 2011

Ill probably come. but tell me the place. im am not comming unless i know where it is.

RE: [New York,New York] Battle of the Blades - xStorm Bladerx - Jan. 05, 2011

YAAAAAAH!!!!! The tourney is on my BIRTHDAY! I'm So winning this one. I'm also helping to plan it too XD
that is if it is on the 29th

RE: [New York,New York] Battle of the Blades - joseph317 - Jan. 05, 2011

ok guys its most likely going to be in central park hecksher plaground but it depends on the weather so far i think it might be able to reach 45% witch is more warm then now.

were still thinking of a date if your good with jan.30 post a comment saying 30 if your better with jan.29 say 29 if your good with both say both and ill decide soon.

RE: [New York,New York] Battle of the Blades - Grand Libra1213 - Jan. 05, 2011

and me we will decide later

RE: [New York,New York] Battle of the Blades - ShadowVampj - Jan. 05, 2011

30 is better.

RE: [New York,New York] Battle of the Blades - LILHOBOHUNTER - Jan. 05, 2011

ill go to the tournament

RE: [New York,New York] Battle of the Blades - meteoldrago3748 - Jan. 05, 2011

january 30 is better

RE: [New York,New York] Battle of the Blades - LILHOBOHUNTER - Jan. 05, 2011

30 cause more ppl well come

RE: [New York,New York] Battle of the Blades - Sky Prince - Jan. 05, 2011

30th sounds good. oh, and joseph, 30th sounds good. =) let's just hope my girlfriend doesn't plan to hang out that day. [Image: yeeeeaaaah.png]
oh, and if bluezee is coming, we may need to borrow his stadiums. Most likely we'll be using TT attack stadiums.... they were so much fun to play in... oh which reminds me, IKMV! we will need that beyblade mat... so hopefully you get it by then. =D
uhhh, hmmm, yeah, and i'm pretty much taking care of everything else. haha, just remind me to run down to citibank to deposit the money after the tournament so i could send it to the WBO when i get home.... actually, nvm, i'll definitely remember, and if i forget to deposit the money, i'll do it the next day after school. and yeah, heckscher park sounds good. =D they have a grassy area we can play on... also, we'll have IKMV's matt to kneel on if its wet. =D oh and Ikmv, you don't have to give me a ride. I'll most likely have a monthly train ticket to the city by that time. i wanna abuse it as much as possible. [Image: imdiabolicalplz.png?1]

RE: [New York,New York] Battle of the Blades - LILHOBOHUNTER - Jan. 05, 2011


RE: [New York,New York] Battle of the Blades - ikmv - Jan. 05, 2011

I'm only gonna use the mat on my matches HAHAHAHA...

RE: [New York,New York] Battle of the Blades - ShadowVampj - Jan. 05, 2011

ill try to be there, if i dobt get lost lol, so could somone pm the way to get there or just post it here. trains, bus routes etc.

RE: [New York,New York] Battle of the Blades - Sky Prince - Jan. 06, 2011

[Image: myspacegens1188227466.gif]