World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Whats your greatest ever beybattle? - Printable Version

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RE: Whats your greatest ever beybattle? - Nac55 - Jul. 30, 2010

this was recent me and my bro got two new beyblades metal fusion i got bull he got Pegasus i wanted a sagittario but as i was going to pick it off the shelf this little kid grabs it and runs off :\.

Anyway we were battling and Pegasus got bull underneath and bull went flying at me still spinning and hit me in the gut and somehow cut my shirt! one of the coolest battles for right now!

RE: Whats your greatest ever beybattle? - rsteele09 - Aug. 08, 2010

My lightning ldrago vs my sister's storm pegasus. Pegasus knocked my ldrago out but drago hit the rim of the stadium grinded around it once jumped back in and knocked out pegasus.

RE: Whats your greatest ever beybattle? - ThatsTakao - Aug. 08, 2010

Hah, I only had two that were "great" and I don't really remember one. xD
But the one I do remember was pretty amusing, hahah.
My friend was using Gaia Dragoon G and I was using Gaia Dragoon V. We battled on a smooth surface table since it was at school and we weren't allowed to bring stadiums. We both shot our Beyblades from opposite sides of the tables, as soon as Gaia Dragoon G hit the table, the engine gear went off and Gaia Dragoon V was going pretty fast because of it's metal flat. When the two clashed at the middle of the table, Gaia Dragoon G's blade base split into two pieces, the rest of the beyblade "exploded" into pieces and hit this one kid in the eye who was watching. My Gaia Dragoon V was still spinning at a pretty good rate in the end.
It was a pretty legit battle, if I do say so myself. ;D

RE: Whats your greatest ever beybattle? - Brooklyn-Z - Aug. 08, 2010

hmmmm mine would be when i was blading agains myself XD doing some testing :T i launched my strata dragoon then galaxy dragoon into a flat stadium i had built with an indent in the center(making it close to a beystadium) .strata dragoon went to go hit GD but he dodged and went to go hit SD bu he doged it went on like that for like a min then they hit each other was like they were locked toghter. they just went around and around with each other then shot away then the both like went into the center of the stadium but GD curved and hit SD from behind but they both got shot acrossed my room. GD hit the door to my room and GD shot got shot away and landed on the floor(my floor has some kinda of weird padding so my beys can spin on it).GD hit the floor and rolled on its side but stratiend itself up(their was a chip in the door guessing the engine gear activated when it hit cause the EG is broke now :T) then they both ran out of spin

RE: Whats your greatest ever beybattle? - Akel - Aug. 13, 2010

I was at Kalihari Getaway and, some person bumped into me. It was weird, he had a beyblade and I had a beyblade(I left mine in my pocket when packing from home lol) and they both fell out. He saw my Pegasis and he asked if he wanted to battle. I guess he was on his way to some tournament mabye because he had a stadium with him(MFB Attack and also my first time using MFB attack Stadium). Then some other people saw us battling and they asked if they could battle with us, this kept going until we got like 8 people. It was like some mini tourney. Of course I got my butt kicked, they had some top tier defence combos and some nice attack combos (I only had Storm Pegasis 100RF). Something else not fair.....One of them had a Quetz. This may not have had my best battle but it was my most weirdest and random one yet.

RE: Whats your greatest ever beybattle? - Dusk - Aug. 13, 2010


RE: Whats your greatest ever beybattle? - GeneralHawx - Aug. 13, 2010

wow this thread should be renamed my most impressive match made up story in 1 min because they seriously don't sound realistic

RE: Whats your greatest ever beybattle? - Priscient - Aug. 13, 2010

(Aug. 13, 2010  6:09 AM)GeneralHawx Wrote: Wow, this thread should be renamed my most impressive match made up story in 1 min because they seriously don't sound realistic.

Even though it sounds mean.
Anyways mine just happened around an hour or 2 ago.

My Lightning L Drago which I was playing around with in right spin (yes, I know it`s illegal to use in a competiton.)
Knocked my stamina type out of the stadium and it actually jumped up due to the Tornado Balance`s low walls and landed in my thunder whip.

Sounds far-fetched, yes.
True?, Yes.

Also as an extra note, Lightning L drago in right spin is a monster.

RE: Whats your greatest ever beybattle? - Temporal - Aug. 13, 2010

First ever battle with my right hand man, and cousin Adam. I was using a Bearing Stinger, He used Draciel G, My little brother used Dragoon G, and My older brother used dranzer G

Started out okay for them, but my older brother (let's call him... OB!) smashed Bearing into a hole, (we had a dragoon hurricane stadium) but he hopped out and both Draciel, Bearing, and Dragoon smashed poor dranzer. Dranzer's stuck with a cracked AR BUT STILL MANAGES TO BEAT DRACEIL BEFORE FALLING VICTIM TO A HOLE AND FELL APART! Dragoon gets bashed into submission after multiple brutal hits and at least 5 hole saves (hasbro! just keep TT's stadiums!) Dragoon submits to bearing stinger's final hit and flies into a hole! EPIC BATTLE I TELL YOU!!! no lie IT'S THE TRUTH! 2-on-2 epic battle lasted about 1 1/2 minutes

RE: Whats your greatest ever beybattle? - souless1234 - Aug. 13, 2010

Using a Battle Striker stadium and Storm Aquario + Rock Leone. I launched them after each other and S Aquario launched Leone into the wall, S Aquario Shadowing its movements. They both hit a wall, then bounced back and crashed in the air. Once they landed S Aquario circled around and kept hitting Leone. Eventually Aquario managed to make it fly out of the stadium Smile

True Story.

RE: Whats your greatest ever beybattle? - Temporal - Aug. 13, 2010

okay! I just remembered one that happened just this monday! I was using a Flame Sagittaro OB used Aries (storm) and my little brother used wolf (dark)

Battle starts. WOLF COMES OUT DECIMATING POOR ARIES! SGTO just sat in the middle (Using a Cyber Draceil stadium) on that plateau thingy. ARIES' BOTTOM COMES OFF AND BASHES WOLF REPEATEDLY UNTIL IT FLIES INTO A HOLE! (I mean FLEW!) It stops after about 13 seconds. SGTO IS STILL ON THE PLATEAU, ALMOST UNTOUCHED! (Wolf hit it once,and grazed it as it got bashed into a hole) It then wobbles back over the plateau and circles it, like it's doing a victory lap! EVEN THOUGH IT DID NOTHING BUT LET OB DO ALL HIS DIRTY WORK!

OB= my older brother

RE: Whats your greatest ever beybattle? - teku66 - Aug. 13, 2010

the match i remember the most happened way back when when the normal plastic blades were insanely popular. i found out while blading with my cousin that i could build a beyblade with 2 weight disks with my galeon and galzzly attack rings making it practically invincible. probably wasn't legal in tournaments but who cares. it was awesome.

RE: Whats your greatest ever beybattle? - geminiguy2000 - Aug. 13, 2010

flame sagittario vs dark gasher in the 4-phone-books-made-to-look-like-a-stadium stadium.

RE: Whats your greatest ever beybattle? - Masamune 107 - Aug. 13, 2010

My best battle was when i was battling my friend and both of our blades were spinning at top speed and when they hit eachother both blades flew out the stadium.

RE: Whats your greatest ever beybattle? - gblader - Aug. 13, 2010

My best battle went on for months. It was me and my cousin.

Me: Driger S/ EZ grip launcher/ dragon winder
Him: Galmen/ laser guided grip launcher/ dragon winder

This was like 6 years ago. We had battles every day and no matter how fast i was, he would out-spin me in the end. i trained all day every day, and developed a rough version of the slide launch. I used it in our next battle; Round 1: I smacked him into the pocket, Round 2: he grind attacked me till my blade stoped, but in round 3 when I used all my power in my slide launch, my blade banked off the wall and smashed into his blade and his galmen blocked my first attack with a perfect grind defence, but then i went in for a second attack and right before i made contact i shouted "TIGER CLAW ATTAAAAAAAAAAK!!!!!!!!", and his blade flew over the stadium wall( i know thats cornie but it worked...). After the battle we checked on his blade and it turned out that i broke his galmen's 2nd attack ring into 2 pieces and cracked the main AR.

Now that was just one of my best battles...

RE: Whats your greatest ever beybattle? - ChromeZephyr - Aug. 13, 2010

I was batting My best friend when we were around 10-11. I don't remember which blades we were using, but right after we launched our blades clashed and and flew incredibly fast away from eachother. Mine went angled upward and hit the top of the stadium and rode it 90 degrees around the circle then fell back in and smashed his blade. he flew into a pocket and mine just died. We still talk about it. I'm we're both 18. haha We still battle.

RE: Whats your greatest ever beybattle? - Poisonserpent - Aug. 14, 2010

me and my cousin(he is a member of WBO, poisonphoenix)
me:storm pegasis 100RF grip and right launcher
him:storm aries 100HF/S(HF mode)
PTW arena
we start of with our beys ready, and i notice he is about to launch at an extreme angle, i prepare a sliding shot to acoid his first few shots.i messed up and he connected with my bey and my bey literally flew out of the arena a good 2 feet away from me. it was like a sheep horn throw XD

RE: Whats your greatest ever beybattle? - Mc Frown - Aug. 14, 2010

RE: Whats your greatest ever beybattle? - Dusk - Aug. 15, 2010

my greatest battle was just this morning vs. my neighbor. i used rock leone and he used flame bull. our blades clashed in mid air and landed in the stadium. in the flash of an eye, his blade upper cuts mine into the air! while rissing in the air, my bey hit the stadium wall causing it to change direction and when it came down it landed right on the edge of his bey sending it hurtling over the stadium doing flips

RE: Whats your greatest ever beybattle? - Pimpju - Aug. 15, 2010

(Aug. 14, 2010  4:26 AM)Mc Frown Wrote:

I think that wins.

RE: Whats your greatest ever beybattle? - Goldbug - Aug. 15, 2010

when the plastics came out, I battled in the bathroom stalls of my elementary school it was my wolborg 3 vs some kids dragoon or driger, in the end i smashed his into the wall and it broke XD that kid had to get some pieces out of the toliet too. sadly my wolborg lost against a rock in my backyard when i found him 06 (I was bored and looked though my old toys to see what i could find)

RE: Whats your greatest ever beybattle? - SkyFish - Aug. 15, 2010

One time my friend and me brought in our Beyblades on a day where we were allowed toys (this was during the Plastic Era). It was his Dragoon Galaxy vs my Metal Draciel. At that time I didnt know about Engine Gear. We set up our arena and Let it rip! It was looking like I would win but then his Engine Gear activated. It span round the arena like crazy and smashed up my Draciel. My Draciel was ruined, it Attack Ring was in pieces, the Weight disk was scratched, the Bit Beast broken. I was so gutted (I was only 7) so I got him to buy me a replacmentEee

RE: Whats your greatest ever beybattle? - Mc Frown - Aug. 15, 2010

EG's are pretty bad, and you made him buy you a replacement?

RE: Whats your greatest ever beybattle? - Brooklyn-Z - Aug. 15, 2010

my galaxy dragoon (think turbo or whatever Tired) vs my friends dranzer(the one befor dranzer ms) we launched them and the hit in mid air andflipped into the stadium and went round and round (going oppsite ways) then befor the hit each other their engin gear activated and smashed into each other so hard the flew up and out when we looked at them they were like totaled not a single thing usable it was like a car crash and their were plastic peices every where and the wieght disk broke :\ they most have hit really hard so we bough HMS versons and thats a diferent story.................

RE: Whats your greatest ever beybattle? - kool-kid9980 - Aug. 16, 2010

It had to be when i faced Allen at BoG.
Our two attack types goin at it, and for him to win, he blasted me out of the stadium as his blade barely held on at the top corner of the Wall.