World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Hiding Beyblade from your friends - Printable Version

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RE: Hiding Beyblade from your friends - YggdrasilWyvern - Jan. 01, 2014

I never hide it from my friends. Most of them don't really care...

RE: Hiding Beyblade from your friends - Cyvern - Aug. 09, 2014

I'm kind of shy to admit anything I like in public, or online Unhappy In real life I can't even mention Beyblades without getting mocked, my biggest secret is that I'm a bron- no no not a brony he he he what are you talking about :[]

RE: Hiding Beyblade from your friends - Cake - Aug. 09, 2014

(Aug. 09, 2014  9:14 AM)KirbyRobot Wrote: I'm kind of shy to admit anything I like in public, or online Unhappy In real life I can't even mention Beyblades without getting mocked, my biggest secret is that I'm a bron- no no not a brony he he he what are you talking about :[]
Element of Honesty, everyone

RE: Hiding Beyblade from your friends - Jinbee - Aug. 10, 2014

I can barely tell even my closest friends who likes toys and anime toys that I like Beyblade...

RE: Hiding Beyblade from your friends - Neo - Aug. 10, 2014

(Jan. 19, 2013  9:35 AM)Duck Wrote: Yeah, that's true, quack. But I have this weird trait where I care a lot more about what people I don't know think of me than what people I do know think of me. In fact, I don't care what people I do know think of me at all to the point where I enjoy being called an oddball and a freak. Maybe this is because of the lack of respect I have for people I know at my church. Not sure. But I freak out in public. Like, if someone just stares at me weird I feel ridiculously self-conscious, but if someone did the same to me at church, I'd just stick my nose up and swat at them. It's so strange that you could almost say I have two different personalities: my real one and the freak I become at church. I swear the people there tick me off so much I go to an extreme to make it clear that I am not one of them. That's part of where the "I'm a duck!" thing started...

Oops. Sorry for the off-topic-ness.

I was going to make a whole story, but this sums me up just about right.
I walk into Target...and I feel weird. I hate seeing kids from school. They all know me; that one fat kid who is smart and makes awful grades. I may seem nice, I want to be nice, but I'm usually an sailor that swears all the time because I feel **** enhances the sentence so much more then freaking. I'm rude if I swear, but I'm kiddy if I use watered down versions. Okay..? So I'll come off as rude, I won't help people unless I like them. Sure, I'll lend a book if someone needs to finished homework, but you know they don't speak to me otherwise. No one messes with me. I make a point to scream random things out because I could care less what ***holes think, but I know it will make someone giggle. I have some friends. I had a friend back in Pre-School and he came to my Schools after moving in 3rd grade. In 5th, Metal Fusion came out. I dunno what I was doing, but I decided to get Beyblades again after my infantile stage of mind back when I was 3. So I picked a double pack, but my mom told me to get the Flame Sagitario Grip Pack. So that's what I got. Back then I had to "earn" things. I was pissed; my mom wouldn't let me use it until after we went to my friends soccer game which I self-monologue about myself and my history walking by some trees. Anyways, I was hooked. Got every Metal Fusion anime bey, even Cyber Pegasis! Well, I got my Pre-School friend into it. We even made some youtube vids which are now deleted for my privacy.. Lol. When we entered 6th grade @ open house; I talked to him about Galaxy Pegasus and Ray Unicorno that came out! He didn't even care. He didn't want anything to do with Beyblades. It makes me wonder, where are the days of searching high and low for Lightning LDrago finally finding one in a drug store?! It was and is quite awful. He didn't even like BAKUGAN. He was a BIG Bakugan fan too. So I kept on Beyblading with that friend from the soccer game. We kinda got bored after they started making Metal Fury. Hyperblades sparked my interest but I only ever got Diablo, Omega, and Phantom. So back in June I saw my Beyblades. I needed a fun thing to do now, Starforce 3 was just shutdown internet wiseUnhappy. So I grabbed em out and found the fun again. I've spent a lot of money on Plastics and HMS, because I never got these. I had two. That's it. Now I have over 60+ Plastics. 10+ HMS! And 50 something MFB. I can't hide these anymore. I just got into HS, and I'm me. I feel free. Not stressed. Bey blades, the tops that are stress balls. So I suppose that's it. Don't hide it. It's unhealthy.

RE: Hiding Beyblade from your friends - OwnageDerp - Aug. 10, 2014

Hot damn that's a long post! Well said though. You shouldnt really cuss, i understand why you do, but dont do it. My friends are aware of me liking beyblades, but they minimally tease me about it, I'm friends with people who waste their life away at a TV screen. (They live to play video games)

RE: Hiding Beyblade from your friends - Neo - Aug. 10, 2014

(Aug. 10, 2014  7:46 AM)OwnageDerp Wrote: Hot damn that's a long post! Well said though. You shouldnt really cuss, i understand why you do, but dont do it. My friends are aware of me liking beyblades, but they minimally tease me about it, I'm friends with people who waste their life away at a TV screen. (They live to play video games)

If it's fun, it floats your boat.
Swearing, to me at least, isn't crude at all. It makes sentences fun to say. Not religious, atheist. No religious things at all. I say it in a joking mannerism.
"It's not the word that's bad, it's the thought." -Uncle Anonymous

RE: Hiding Beyblade from your friends - Jinbee - Aug. 10, 2014

Kids like those can tend to really just rely on Video Games for fun, without them then it could be problematic, if my friends did make fun of me for liking Beyblade, I don't do the same and remind them that I shouldn't have to be on the rails in opinion, different is generally good, plain and simple.

RE: Hiding Beyblade from your friends - SupremeDragon - Aug. 14, 2014

Hmm... At one point I did hide my beys because afterschool I used to trade and do combinations with my brothers but a year later I realized that who cares what other people think? Just do me and I'll be fine! I think hiding your beys shows insecurity.

RE: Hiding Beyblade from your friends - jacob beyblade - Sep. 03, 2014

I dont find any reason to hide beyblade from my friends. There are things some dont like, while others do
Its their problem if they dont like it

RE: Hiding Beyblade from your friends - Beiburēdo - Sep. 03, 2014

I've just left secondary school so I see no reason to hide the fact that I like beyblade but when i was at school the kids were like almost anti beyblade and it was like they almost bullied anyone playing with the tops. A couple of kids were beybladeing and one of my previous friends started teasing and making fun of them. Those kids never bought a bey to school after that so i hated how people put them down so I stayed quite about my hobby for the time being but now I'm not really ashamed about it so I can understand where you guys are coming from. JUST KEEP BLADING AND COLLECTING EVERYONE.

RE: Hiding Beyblade from your friends - Jinbee - Sep. 03, 2014

(Sep. 03, 2014  4:07 PM)BeiburÄ“do Wrote: I've just left secondary school so I see no reason to hide the fact that I like beyblade but when i was at school the kids were like almost anti beyblade and it was like they almost bullied anyone playing with the tops. A couple of kids were beybladeing and one of my previous friends started teasing and making fun of them. Those kids never bought a bey to school after that so i hated how people put them down so I stayed quite about my hobby for the time being but now I'm not really ashamed about it so I can understand where you guys are coming from. JUST KEEP BLADING AND COLLECTING EVERYONE.

I bet it's one of those idiots who are close minded, or people who rely on Video Games like Call of Dudu for fun.

I'm not trying to stereotype in anyway but it's what I experience, since they like to feel older by trashing others for liking toys.

RE: Hiding Beyblade from your friends - Dark_Mousy - Sep. 06, 2014

Ive actually recently started embracing my Beyblade side more then I have in a while. In fact some of my closest friends call me "Dark" now instead of my real name. Even at Forward Conference a lot of people were calling me Dark.

RE: Hiding Beyblade from your friends - JoJo [Jp0t] - Oct. 02, 2014

Do what makes you happy. Plain and simple. If your friends can't accept you for what you like or for who you are, then maybe you need to get new friends or maybe you need to make them understand more about yourself. Honestly, I did have my doubts about telling my friends and especially my boyfriend that I still like Beyblades, Pokemon, cartoons, etc. but that doesn't mean I can't be a competent human being. Coming from a 25-year-old female who still has a passion for collecting toys, I really don't care what people think of me anymore. I love what love and I think everyone should find friends who love what you love or at least understand why you love them. Yes, I may be older than the main demographic of Beyblade but it doesn't make me a lesser person. I have a job, I'm in a healthy relationship, and I have the funds to keep up with my hobby. And if you're in the the younger demographic, then have fun while being young! Like I said, do what makes you happy. You're not hurting anyone and you shouldn't be friends with someone who hurts you for your love for Beyblade or anything in general. I really hope this post helps people because I've encountered many bullies and hate over the Internet or in person about my hobby for toys and cosplay and for being a nerd. Ignore the hate and just do what makes you happy Smile

RE: Hiding Beyblade from your friends - Phantom Indo - Oct. 03, 2014

Apologies in advance for the long post.

She is so right! This is 2nded by a 20 year old who does plenty of adult activities and listens to hip hop and hard rock lol if you looked at me, you'd probably think i was a thug or something.
I'm currently trying to be as active as i can be in Beyblade and Yugioh communities, etc.
There were times where a few of my friends were "intrigued" for a little while, but I'm sure you can see how hard it is for a person like me to find more friends to play with Tongue_out
But i still buy beyblades at stores and such and haven't gotten any comments really, but i feel weird when i picture myself holding a beyblade or something lol but i love them so. They've made me who i am today, regardless how I've changed my lifestyle so many times through-out growing up. I have a wonderful girlfriend who's into nerdy stuff like me too so its all good.

A little thing I like to keep in mind:
Not everybody is going to accept, nor deny you.
They may even flat out ignore you, or not.
But that doesn't mean to stop being you.. Ever.
BE YOURSELF. Example: I'm ME and always will be.

Some people.. are just jealous that they didn't get to play with cool things like Beyblades as a kid(cause of parents/$$$), and therefore never got into them..
I've heard many other older people say that about themselves.
Hmm. Something to think about.

RE: Hiding Beyblade from your friends - Bladerguy2 - Oct. 12, 2014

I am being made fun of now, no one knows (ex-cept my ex) about my beyblades. If anyone else knew I would be even more of a social out cast. I wish I could be proud of it but in a small class of 11 everyone finds out. Ill just keep it a secret until people stop picking on me for minecraft?!?!?!?

Anyone else picked on for being a MC nerd?

RE: Hiding Beyblade from your friends - Camarilla - Oct. 16, 2014

Dude I'm 22 and I'm a minecraft nerd and a beyblade nerd, what's to be embarrassed about? other people play games I think are silly, like Fifa etc, I don't see why they don't go out and just play football (soccer). Honestly, it doesn't matter what people think because in the words of Dr Seuss "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind".

Honestly when I used to be in school I was a 16 stone, 5 ft tall 11 year old with terrible skin, ginger hair, my voice was already all over the place cus it was dropping and I had to shave patchy hair from my face every other day. I got bullied until I stopped caring because they want a reaction, they know they'd be wasting their time if the person ignored them and genuinely stopped caring, they just want attention. They'll get louder and louder until they realise they're not getting through.

Seriously, I love my beyblades, played with them all the time and now I have free time I find myself doing it again, half the time I walk around with blades in my pocket without realising it and when my friends question it if they fall out I tell em straight what it is and say "Yeah I'm a geek". Do they care? nah, do they wana play? yes, are we working on the mechanic papa design launchers together, hells yes. You just gotta ignore the people who want to get in your way and find the people that wanna get behind you.

Oh and a side note, those people in school don't know anything, they'll bully you and all but they've all got something to be embarrassed about as well. Hell I got the last laugh when by age 14 my skin was clear while they had acne, I could grow a beard like a darn lumberjack, I was 6 feet tall, voice had levelled out long ago and as it turns out, girls love running their hands through my hair =P

RE: Hiding Beyblade from your friends - unicornoxtreme1 - Oct. 17, 2014

Im 11 and I hide it from all of my friends at school I only battle with people in my apartments

RE: Hiding Beyblade from your friends - ~Stoney~ - Oct. 17, 2014

Camarilla, I fully agree with you. Especially that quotation.

Guys, there´s no need to hide it. Tell your friends that beyblade is almost a science, because customization is full of physics. It´s much more fostering to your brain than any video game can ever be (except stuff like Dr Kawashima). That´s something to be proud of, and really not only a child´s play.

RE: Hiding Beyblade from your friends - Yoruba - Oct. 26, 2014

I'm 20 lol. At this point though, I've realized most people got a childish side. It's not really something I think too much about. Most people collect some sorts of items anyway, whether that be Beyblades or ancient coins doesn't really matter.

Whatever holds the most value for youSmile

RE: Hiding Beyblade from your friends - Howaitonekon - Oct. 31, 2014

Well, I'm also 20 years old now and I can agree with everyone here. My old class knew that I collected Beyblades and of course some thought it was stupid and I was okay with it. There is so much time for being serious, why not enjoying your hobby?
Some of my closer friends spend their time beyblading with me, moreover my best friends still support me and I'm always happy if they ask for our next little tournement.
It's not like I'm running through the streets telling each person that I'm interested in Beyblade, but my friends? Of course. My friends are okay with it. That's why they are my friends, they support me.

Quote:You just gotta ignore the people who want to get in your way and find the people that wanna get behind you.
That's a really nice one!

RE: Hiding Beyblade from your friends - SealPlays - Nov. 03, 2014

14, still hide it from friends, even though they already know my YouTube Channel which I post videos regularly involving video games. But I feel it just wouldn't be accepted so I don't care if they don't know, I'll post videos of it when I find my stadium and launcher.

RE: Hiding Beyblade from your friends - #Mr. Awesome# - Nov. 12, 2014

(Oct. 16, 2014  2:55 PM)Camarilla Wrote: the words of Dr Seuss "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind".
...You just gotta ignore the people who want to get in your way and find the people that wanna get behind you.

(Oct. 31, 2014  12:45 AM)DrigerGatling Wrote: ...There is so much time for being serious, why not enjoying your hobby?
... My friends are okay with it. That's why they are my friends, they support me.

Many great points on this thread! Also, it is not something you run through the streets telling everyone. Yes, there will be people who make fun of you, (as they sit there wondering if you know that they have secretly been watching Power Rangers) but life is just too short to focus on what others think of you. I have been teased for having Beyblade as a hobby by a Lego fanatic, and I don't know why. Both are toys. People I know say it is stupid and pointless, as they are just tops. SO WHAT?!?
My life doesn't need their sayings to just put me down, and if anyone says anything rude about my or your hobbies, you're better off without them (sometimes friends will have reason if it is something that is not good). However, true friends will always be there to support you and tell you if what you are doing is wrong or if you should stop.

-Excuse my ranting,
Andrios77 out!

RE: Hiding Beyblade from your friends - rahul blader - Nov. 19, 2014

I dont hide my beyblades from my friends . they are cool with it

RE: Hiding Beyblade from your friends - Mitsu - Nov. 25, 2014

To be completely honest, I do feel a tad afraid of letting others know, given how rude most of the kids at my school are and can be. I know for a fact that I'd be made fun of, back-talked if people were to know.

I actually just recently told one of of my present good friends about my liking towards Beyblade, and not surprisingly, he did find it to be quite strange, but was totally fine with it and me kind of talking to him about this forum. As for an ex-friend of mine, who use to attended a couple of tournaments throughout the coarse of 2013 now laughs at me for playing Beyblade and being a dedicated member towards this forum. Therefore, It's clear who the better friend is.

I also remember mentioning something to Kei: A huge obsession in my past school was Yugioh. Some kids at my present middle school play it, too. They were made fun of it, but, the kids who picked on them are them are also the ones who spend hours on sites like Facebook or Twitter, knowing the kids at my school, probably some more inappropriate ones, too, playing games like Call of Duty or GTA-oriented ones till one or two in the morning.