World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Where are you in life? What's going on? - Printable Version

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RE: Where are you in life? What's going on? - Primal - Jul. 25, 2011

Meh, I can't be too sure that he did it. But if he did, however... carp's going down. Serious

RE: Where are you in life? What's going on? - Temporal - Jul. 25, 2011

(Jul. 25, 2011  3:43 PM)th!nk Wrote: I wouldn't call them anything. I'd just rock up to their house with a crowbar.


Lead pipe, anyone?
It cooled off some here. It's only...95 degrees. WHEN WILL THIS HEAT WAVE END!? At this point, movement outsiide is out of the question.

RE: Where are you in life? What's going on? - Odin - Jul. 28, 2011

A friend of my family just died... I've known him, and his family my entire life, and my parents and grandparents have known him longer than that. I get choked up thinking about him. He was so nice... it's just not fair. But, I'm not a child, I know that life isn't fair...

RE: Where are you in life? What's going on? - Temporal - Jul. 28, 2011

Geez, man. You and your family have my condolences. I wish I could say something like "He's in a better place", but I'm not religious at all. Dammit, I so wish that I could say something a bit more, y'know, helpful.

RE: Where are you in life? What's going on? - Temporal - Jul. 28, 2011

Well, it's been a hell of a ride, but I have come to a decision. Faced with the idea that majoring in Creative Writing and the Philosophy and Study of the English Language would not allow me to play football as seriously as I'd like to, I've decided to give up on either becoming a published author, or being an NFL Quarterback. I butted my head against a wall, metaphorically, toying with the decision. Just a few minutes ago, however, I saw Deikailo's amazing story/novel, and I decided. Being a football player with all of the money and glamor IS nice, but it's not really what I'm after in life. Ah, well. I'm done with football competitively, in order to focus on my studies. It's not a major shift, like Odin's, where he lost someone important, but football was something I held dear since watching Kordell Stewart play for the Steelers. I still bleed Bears blue and orange, but I just couldn't see football working out. It's a lose-lose situation On one hand, I make it, become pretty good, and retire, leaving my whole life behind after about 8 years, and have nothing to show. On the other hand, I win a ring or two, and do the same, and be BORED for the rest of my life, and possible develop Parkinson's. There were a few other matters. I recently saw the clip of Joe Theismann's last play, and it was GRUESOME. It made me think realistically: I'm WAY too small. That wasn't really the issue, however. The problem was, that success changes people. Vince Young couldn't handle the fame, nor could a lot of people. I've been a total douche due to recognition and becoming big-headed myself, so there's no reason to do it again. Anyway, I was pretty sure I would come to this decision for a long while now, and actually, typing it makes it seem more like it's happening. Thinking it just seems too surreal. Ah, well. I can live without playing football. I'll just try to be another subjective fan. Haha, I never thought I'd say that I'm actually done with football. Besides, academic success is much more fulfilling than athletic success, as far as I'm concerned.

RE: Where are you in life? What's going on? - Odin - Jul. 28, 2011

Thanks, Temporal, that means a lot to me.

Now, what you said: I think it's a good decision. I'm happy that you've decided what your going to aim for in life, and that you know whether the spotlight is good for you or not. Also, I'll be sure to pick up the books by you whenever I go to the store... but also, here's a bit of motivation, to show you how much more likely it is that you'll get published: take a look in a bookstore. Now at the entire Football League of America. Back to the bookstore. There are as many books as football players there, if not more. And the majority of books that have been written aren't even on those shelves. I don't know how many people are drafted each year, but I strongly believe that the number of books drafted is much greater than that of football players. I'm glad to know that you're going to be writing. Go for it!
[Image: might-guy-rock-lee-07252009.jpg]

RE: Where are you in life? What's going on? - Roan - Jul. 28, 2011

Finishing up my fourth semester of college today. Just took my final exam in Political Science and now I'm waiting around until my Art Fundamentals class starts to take that exam. Feels good to be making real, solid progress in life again. I had some lofty goals for myself to accomplish this year, but so far I am making good on every one of them. Smile

RE: Where are you in life? What's going on? - Temporal - Jul. 28, 2011

Oooooh, Roan, that's pretty damn cool! Actually, for the first time since, well, ever, I actually can't wait to go back to school. Though yesterday, my knees stopped working for a while. THAT was annoying, and it kinda hampered my mood a bit.
Thanks, Odin. Nice to know someone's supportive of this. Now, to explain this to my father. THIS is gonna be hard...

RE: Where are you in life? What's going on? - Khel - Jul. 29, 2011

Finished my undergrad (BBA) in May and starting to begin prep for the next phase of my education.

[Image: DSCN3815.jpg]

Oh hi there GMAT prep.

RE: Where are you in life? What's going on? - Ultra - Jul. 29, 2011

Damn! What is GMAT exactly? Also i'm happy now since i've got an interview with B&Q! Finally.

RE: Where are you in life? What's going on? - Blitz Unicorno - Jul. 29, 2011

RE: Where are you in life? What's going on? - Temporal - Jul. 29, 2011

And I thought ACT studying was hard... Geez, Khel. Good luck?

RE: Where are you in life? What's going on? - BeybladerPotter - Jul. 29, 2011

I don't know...I'm just 10. Anyway,

I moved to a new school this year. Took me time to adjust really. Now I'm happy, although I already failed my quiz in Music...Dang. I'll get it back....I'm recently busy with my PC life. I recently was pulled into Graphic Making too. For once, I think I found three hobbies that will last for a LONG time..Graphic Making, PC, and Beyblade....Speaking of which, I'm way behind on Beyblade stuff.

RE: Where are you in life? What's going on? - Raigeko13 - Jul. 30, 2011

(Jul. 28, 2011  5:29 AM)Temporal Wrote: Being a football player with all of the money and glamor IS nice, but it's not really what I'm after in life.

I wish I could quit, and at least just do what the carp I wanna do, not have to waste my time playing this god damn sport. I hate it, but it's for my health, if I stop now, I'll become who I don't want to become.
And it's the same way the other way around... *sigh*

Well I just can't really seem to find anything in life that I like. Beyblading is barely cutting it now, I just feel so empty. I don't even know why. Maybe a lack of a relationship that isn't just for the sake of a relationship, maybe it's just me overreacting to football, I don't even know. I just can't feel very happy anymore, I feel like it's my attitude for some reason, idk why. I'm a totally different person online than I am in real life, I use the internet to shield my true self or something I guess. Not trying to be an attentionwhore, I just felt like posting.

RE: Where are you in life? What's going on? - Temporal - Jul. 30, 2011

Let me tell you, football is NOT good for your health. Joe Theissmann. He had a brilliant career, won a Super Bowl, and was on his way to another. Then, when he seemed to be at his best, Lawrence Taylor shatters his leg. Hell, my knees sometimes lock up on me, and my toes? They barely work, I've been hit so much. I'm 14. That's not supposed to happen. Look, dude. If you need to talk, I've been in a similar position not so long ago. PM me or something.

RE: Where are you in life? What's going on? - SK - Jul. 30, 2011

(Jul. 18, 2011  1:03 AM)Ronin Fox Wrote:
(Jul. 17, 2011  8:24 AM)momiji manju Wrote: Hah, I was paid quite well for working in an office. Very professional atmosphere though, dealt with super annuation and other funds/investments/annuities.

Finance is great to work in. If you get into certain companies, it can be a lot of crazy fun. Since finance work is so serious and numbers-based, some big companies invest in making sure that the work environment is enjoyable everyday.

WOAH, are you THE ronin fox from damashii/otc? i remember i used to talk to you on msn

im gonna work in finance too btw, currently studying it

RE: Where are you in life? What's going on? - sonicsora123 - Jul. 31, 2011

(Jul. 29, 2011  2:47 PM)BeybladerPotter Wrote: I don't know...I'm just 10. Anyway,

I moved to a new school this year. Took me time to adjust really. Now I'm happy, although I already failed my quiz in Music...Dang. I'll get it back....I'm recently busy with my PC life. I recently was pulled into Graphic Making too. For once, I think I found three hobbies that will last for a LONG time..Graphic Making, PC, and Beyblade....Speaking of which, I'm way behind on Beyblade stuff.

used to be like this but now im really into beyblade. im spending my summer making money to buy some

RE: Where are you in life? What's going on? - BeybladerPotter - Jul. 31, 2011

It doesn't mean I lost my spirit. I mean I don't know what's happening anymore.

RE: Where are you in life? What's going on? - sonicsora123 - Jul. 31, 2011

(Jul. 31, 2011  7:57 AM)BeybladerPotter Wrote: It doesn't mean I lost my spirit. I mean I don't know what's happening anymore.

yes thats how i was. dont worry. you'll find your beyblades just lying around and eventually get back into them. very into them

RE: Where are you in life? What's going on? - RowDog - Jul. 31, 2011

In year 9 in all the extension classes that there are but only barely passing the extension subjects. This year seems to be so much harder than any other year. Maybe its this addicting forum which is lowering my grades. I umpire junior football which is great pay and how I am getting my beyblades. Got $83 today for umpiring footy. My parents also consider umpiring as a sport, because of all the running, and considering I am not to big of a fan of sport I may aswell get paid for doing it. I attend drama class on Monday afternoons hoping for another audition. It's one of my dreams to become a good actor. Anyone here watched Cloudstreet? I was an extra in it (yeah, big deal). I am pretty sure thats it for the moment.

RE: Where are you in life? What's going on? - Thresher - Aug. 06, 2011

On August 7 at 18:00 PST I will be separated from all electronic devices. On top of that I will be gone for AT LEAST 13 weeks, and possibly longer as I ship off for United States Marine Corps Boot Camp at MCRD San Diego. The next thirteen weeks are crucial and will determine the next 8 years of my life.

RE: Where are you in life? What's going on? - Volcarona - Aug. 06, 2011

10th grade. Have to learn about Health mainly. My grades good so far. Grin

RE: Where are you in life? What's going on? - Temporal - Aug. 08, 2011

You know how you get a letter for an application, and you don't wanna open it? Well, I honestly wished I didn't open the letter for my selective enrollment application. Well, I find the letter, and the envelope has the logos for Whitney Young, Lane Tech, Walter Payton, and Lindblom. My response, DO NOT OPEN, you did just get rejected last year, in case you've forgotten. Eventually, the suspense was killing me and I tore open the envelope. I cried for an hour. First five words: "We Regret to inform you..." I'm still not feeling so hot, but I'll avoid letting MY disappointment show on the forums. The reason I'm so PO'ed? I didn't get in because there is no room. Tests? 99th percentile across the board. Application? 300/300. Grades? 3.42 GPA last year. The problem is, the letter was held up for a long time, and didn't get here until today. The deadline to claim a reserve spot in case someone didn't register was yesterday.

RE: Where are you in life? What's going on? - Raigeko13 - Aug. 08, 2011

Dude, that is carp horrible. Unhappy

RE: Where are you in life? What's going on? - Temporal - Aug. 08, 2011

I know. It totally sucks, and the worst part is, the first time, it was my own fault. Bad grades the year before last, so I didn't get in. Now, it's not even my fault. And to think I worked so hard to get in. The recommendation letters, making sure my GPA was up to snuff, essentially going insane because of this damn thing, and I get NOTHING? Is that all my work is worth? A big, fat, "Sorry, we're full"? From FOUR DIFFERENT SCHOOLS? I applied for four schools, got accepted to ZERO. That hurt quite a bit, dude. A nice little headshot to my ego, if you will.