World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Printable Version

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RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Naijalak - Nov. 22, 2013

Here's a great video by Wil Wheton about why it's awesome to be a nerd.

My favorite line: "It's not about what you love, but how you love it."

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Zenkoma - Nov. 23, 2013

i saw the title of this thread and immediately knew exactly what it was about before i started reading page one.
the things described extend well past just family and friends. the sort of things ive dealt with from other people for the majority of my life. the kinds of things that set me on fire.

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Gingka07 - Jun. 06, 2015

Hello Guys! is it really unusual for a girl to be interested in BEYBLADES. No I am not saying this but my sisters and friends are trying to convince me to watch girly cartoons like Disney Princess Movies, Barbie Movies and other those kind of stuffs. They are not only provoking me but also insulting me for watching boyish cartoons {as considered by them}. Even my boyfriend is telling me to stop watching any anime cartoons as he think that they should only be watched by kids. I am a girl who is very much fascinated by BEYBLADES but the world is making my life hell. Please suggest me some tips to escape from all this.

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - kanato dolsrin - Jun. 06, 2015

(Jun. 06, 2015  10:40 AM)Gingka07 Wrote: Hello Guys! is it really unusual for a girl to be interested in BEYBLADES. No I am not saying this but my sisters and friends are trying to convince me to watch girly cartoons like Disney Princess Movies, Barbie Movies and other those kind of stuffs. They are not only provoking me but also insulting me for watching boyish cartoons {as considered by them}. Even my boyfriend is telling me to stop watching any anime cartoons as he think that they should only be watched by kids. I am a girl who is very much fascinated by BEYBLADES but the world is making my life hell. Please suggest me some tips to escape from all this.

Seriously, Beyblade is for all! It don't matter your gender or age. The funny part is i am a girl who used to play beyblade and my parents found it very strange. Same with my job choice and my passions. I'm now 25 years old, I live alone with a collection of beyblade, Zoids, empty journals and 6 show cars. And I do taxidermy definitely not your girly job!

Gingka07, the truth what makes you happy. That's all that matters. Live the life you want to, after all it's YOU who has to live it not them. Its your story so write it!

A freind who provokes because they find your choice of interest as simple as beyblade or cartoons isn't a freind at all, it's an acquaintance! Don't let others make the choice of what you can and can not like for you. I used to be just like you, a girl into boy stuff. Collecting cars and beyblades, I was 13 then I'm 25 now with LS cars as the same ones on my shelf then are now in my garage. Makes my family mad at times because they know I pulled through with being what I wanted to be!

I display my blades instead of fighting them simply because I need a reminder now and then. A reminder that I didn't just prove everybody wrong but I proved myself wrong and I really wouldn't be here today if I didn't have beylades as a escape from my hectic life as a kid. I used to go out and blade because it gave me peace it made me happy. The world around me was different when I played, it was different then as to what it is now. A blade can't help my issues as a adult but I was free to be who I want to be then and I look up to that even now. A lesson you learn once in life and take it with you to the very end.

The best advice I can give you.
quitting what you love, means you didn't love it at all. Sometimes fighting for what you love makes your passion for it even stronger! People don't get anywhere in life because everybody simply approved. Through every challenge you face there is a victory; take it as yours. Be strong and remember never stop believing, it doesn't matter what you believe in as long as you believe. That's all that matters.

Silly advice I know. Wish I could be more help.

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - LOL-y Rancher - Jun. 07, 2015

(Jun. 06, 2015  10:40 AM)Gingka07 Wrote: Hello Guys! is it really unusual for a girl to be interested in BEYBLADES. No I am not saying this but my sisters and friends are trying to convince me to watch girly cartoons like Disney Princess Movies, Barbie Movies and other those kind of stuffs. They are not only provoking me but also insulting me for watching boyish cartoons {as considered by them}. Even my boyfriend is telling me to stop watching any anime cartoons as he think that they should only be watched by kids. I am a girl who is very much fascinated by BEYBLADES but the world is making my life hell. Please suggest me some tips to escape from all this.

Your boyfriend is stopping you from watching anime because it's for 'kids'? I have no idea what planet your boyfriend came from but anime is not just for kids (unless he was only referring to anime aimed at kids).

Also, your sisters and your so-called friends are stopping you from watching Beyblade just to watch Princess Disney Movies? That's forceful of them and besides, who cares what they think? They are probably just a bunch of obsessive Frozen fans who sing Let it Go everyday (no offense, I just think Frozen is overrated and I hate Let it Go... a lot). It really doesn't matter if you like Beyblades, just because it was aimed at boys doesn't mean girls aren't allowed to like them as well, that's like saying I can't watch Snow White because "it's for girls only" and yet I still do so a girl liking Beyblades is not a problem at all (Seriously, one of my friends and neighbours called ♥FussyPharmist♥ likes Beyblades and she is a girl).

Whatever makes you happy, just go ahead and watch Beyblade and if they don't like it then ignore them or just tell them to "P!$$ OFF!!".

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Jinbee - Jun. 07, 2015

(Jun. 06, 2015  10:40 AM)Gingka07 Wrote: Hello Guys! is it really unusual for a girl to be interested in BEYBLADES. No I am not saying this but my sisters and friends are trying to convince me to watch girly cartoons like Disney Princess Movies, Barbie Movies and other those kind of stuffs. They are not only provoking me but also insulting me for watching boyish cartoons {as considered by them}. Even my boyfriend is telling me to stop watching any anime cartoons as he think that they should only be watched by kids. I am a girl who is very much fascinated by BEYBLADES but the world is making my life hell. Please suggest me some tips to escape from all this.

Advice... and I'd slap your face to get the senses in you if I were in front of you right now.

Do what makes you happy, you shouldn't change just because they don't like it, stand up for yourself. Also, I don't know what goes into their ignorant shrivelled brains but telling you to watch Princess Movies because it's girly? Really? How damn stereotypical is that? That is a brain dead stupid reason to make you watch it, and I mean really really stupid. Also that advice is terrible because "it's for kids" right? In that sense your Boyfriend would never accept you watching anime of princess movies, so what your Boyfriend and Sisters say really conflict with each other, and your ahem... "friends" should accept your interests, if they don't like it, that's cool but if they can't accept you liking it then they're not even close to friend quality. Besides it's not like you constantly talked about Beyblade nor shoved it down their throats so why does your "friends" care so much?

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Neo - Jun. 07, 2015

(Jun. 06, 2015  10:40 AM)Gingka07 Wrote: Hello Guys! is it really unusual for a girl to be interested in BEYBLADES. No I am not saying this but my sisters and friends are trying to convince me to watch girly cartoons like Disney Princess Movies, Barbie Movies and other those kind of stuffs. They are not only provoking me but also insulting me for watching boyish cartoons {as considered by them}. Even my boyfriend is telling me to stop watching any anime cartoons as he think that they should only be watched by kids. I am a girl who is very much fascinated by BEYBLADES but the world is making my life hell. Please suggest me some tips to escape from all this.

Don't care about what people say.
As long as your interest doesn't harm another, it's okay.
Don't let bigots get you down.

Do whatever the ____ you want!

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - ☆★Unikitty★☆ - Jun. 07, 2015

(Jun. 06, 2015  10:40 AM)Gingka07 Wrote: Hello Guys! is it really unusual for a girl to be interested in BEYBLADES. No I am not saying this but my sisters and friends are trying to convince me to watch girly cartoons like Disney Princess Movies, Barbie Movies and other those kind of stuffs. They are not only provoking me but also insulting me for watching boyish cartoons {as considered by them}. Even my boyfriend is telling me to stop watching any anime cartoons as he think that they should only be watched by kids. I am a girl who is very much fascinated by BEYBLADES but the world is making my life hell. Please suggest me some tips to escape from all this.

Here is an idea, whenever you watch or do anything related to Beyblade but then your sisters and friends berate you for doing so, just pretend that they do not exist because that's how much their opinion matters. They're just being silly, you go and watch Beyblade if you want to because it's your interest and no one can stop you. I use to be like you when my mother use to ridicule me for liking Beyblades and even threw my collection away but that didn't stop me from liking Beyblade (eventually my father did get my collection back) so don't let them make you feel miserable, be happy with what you like.

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Team Meteor - Jun. 07, 2015

(Jun. 06, 2015  10:40 AM)Gingka07 Wrote: Hello Guys! is it really unusual for a girl to be interested in BEYBLADES. No I am not saying this but my sisters and friends are trying to convince me to watch girly cartoons like Disney Princess Movies, Barbie Movies and other those kind of stuffs. They are not only provoking me but also insulting me for watching boyish cartoons {as considered by them}. Even my boyfriend is telling me to stop watching any anime cartoons as he think that they should only be watched by kids. I am a girl who is very much fascinated by BEYBLADES but the world is making my life hell. Please suggest me some tips to escape from all this.

Slap your boy friend in the face just kidding ignore what people say

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Gingka07 - Jun. 13, 2015

Ya, now I broke up with my boyfriend bcuz he was just forcing me to do what he wants and i did not really like his attitude, he is just a dumb moron who has no fun in his life... Actually he is eveytime serious talking abt studies, career and all that... Now I am feeling down tht I have taken a wrong step, do I???

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - MissingNo. - Jun. 14, 2015

You are 12 years old, right ? Why do you care that much about boyfriends at your age ?

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Jinbee - Jun. 14, 2015

(Jun. 14, 2015  12:23 AM)MissingNo. Wrote: You are 12 years old, right ? Why do you care that much about boyfriends at your age ?

Pfft kids these days, I got that from a Deviantart user haha.


I'm kinda lucky to have parents that are neutral on me. They don't hinder or help [much] in my interest of Beys.

here's tips from what I know:
-If someone doesn't like it, cool dude, don't force it down his/her throat. If they actively seek to stop you from doing it however, I recommend to stand up, "weapons free", and fight back. We have our own tastes, but I will not stand if they start forcing their interests down my throat.
-Stereotypers are often hypocrites. Don't listen to them, there is no clear line between black and white in this case.
-Stay away from friends who are giving off a bad influence. You see, I understand if my friend is trying to stop me from doing drugs or taking alcohol, as either one could land me in death sentence. But beyblades? Dude, the worst harm they ever did was cut my hand and that's not even going to affect me in the future. I'm also not going to go to jail just because I like beys.
-Other's opinions' do not matter the slightest. Do whatever you want, as long as the law permits it.

And what, 12 and already a couple? I'm 4 years older and I haven't even got a significant other/love interest.

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - MissingNo. - Jun. 14, 2015

Yo, @[Gingka07], I'll give you the best tip someone could ever give you. Stay single, as long as you can. Haha.

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Gingka07 - Jun. 17, 2015

no, my classmates consider me and him as a couple but who cares, i was just kidding, i really dont mean it, i dont like or love him, he is so boring... i cant love a boy who does not like beyblades... he is just a friend but you know, people and their rumors. he is considered as my boyfriend but i dont like him... really, he is a bookworm

he was my best friend and in this way, i mean it. i am feeling down cuz we have had a breakup as he told me so... he behaves more than a friend with me but who cares... by the way... you are right missingno.

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Gingka07 - Jul. 11, 2015

I agree that I am insane

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Bladerguy2 - Jul. 11, 2015

I feel you bro. My brothers aren't much of a problem but my dad hates them.

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Bey Brad - Jul. 11, 2015

(Jun. 06, 2015  11:38 PM)kanato dolsrin Wrote:
(Jun. 06, 2015  10:40 AM)Gingka07 Wrote: Hello Guys! is it really unusual for a girl to be interested in BEYBLADES. No I am not saying this but my sisters and friends are trying to convince me to watch girly cartoons like Disney Princess Movies, Barbie Movies and other those kind of stuffs. They are not only provoking me but also insulting me for watching boyish cartoons {as considered by them}. Even my boyfriend is telling me to stop watching any anime cartoons as he think that they should only be watched by kids. I am a girl who is very much fascinated by BEYBLADES but the world is making my life hell. Please suggest me some tips to escape from all this.

Seriously, Beyblade is for all! It don't matter your gender or age. The funny part is i am a girl who used to play beyblade and my parents found it very strange. Same with my job choice and my passions. I'm now 25 years old, I live alone with a collection of beyblade, Zoids, empty journals and 6 show cars. And I do taxidermy definitely not your girly job!

Seriously, this post is great. My girlfriend read it too and said that she thinks having hobbies and interests you can invest yourself in is one of the fundamental truths of happiness. I agree.

As a 26 year old, it makes me really sad that this topic is still resonating with so many of you. I hope you all know that you are not in the wrong. You don't owe it to anyone to be interested in things that others wish you to be interested in. Follow what makes you happy.

When I was young my mom was mostly apathetic about my interest in Beyblade, but my extended family wasn't so forgiving. But it's been a huge positive presence in my life, and even lead to my career. Most of you will probably not find your careers because of Beyblade, but more important to me than that are the memories of all the moments I've had in this community, and playing this game.

Also, can the dudes in this thread lay off a young girl with a boyfriend? It's not your place to police her life. That said, Gingka07, it's more unusual for a 12 year old to only think about their career than to like a cool toy in my opinion :')

Quote:Advice... and I'd slap your face to get the senses in you if I were in front of you right now.

Maybe don't make comments about hitting other members, even if you mean well.

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Jinbee - Jul. 12, 2015

(Jul. 11, 2015  11:52 PM)Bey Brad Wrote:
Quote:Advice... and I'd slap your face to get the senses in you if I were in front of you right now.

Maybe don't make comments about hitting other members, even if you mean well.

Sorry about that haha, I'll try not to. But you got what I meant right?

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Bey Brad - Jul. 12, 2015

Yeah, but real people aren't anime characters Wink

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - U wot m8 - Aug. 08, 2015

Well, LMAO is the worst possible person to live with Wink

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Sun - Aug. 08, 2015

(Jun. 06, 2015  11:38 PM)kanato dolsrin Wrote:
(Jun. 06, 2015  10:40 AM)Gingka07 Wrote: Hello Guys! is it really unusual for a girl to be interested in BEYBLADES. No I am not saying this but my sisters and friends are trying to convince me to watch girly cartoons like Disney Princess Movies, Barbie Movies and other those kind of stuffs. They are not only provoking me but also insulting me for watching boyish cartoons {as considered by them}. Even my boyfriend is telling me to stop watching any anime cartoons as he think that they should only be watched by kids. I am a girl who is very much fascinated by BEYBLADES but the world is making my life hell. Please suggest me some tips to escape from all this.

Seriously, Beyblade is for all! It don't matter your gender or age. The funny part is i am a girl who used to play beyblade and my parents found it very strange. Same with my job choice and my passions. I'm now 25 years old, I live alone with a collection of beyblade, Zoids, empty journals and 6 show cars. And I do taxidermy definitely not your girly job!

Gingka07, the truth what makes you happy. That's all that matters. Live the life you want to, after all it's YOU who has to live it not them. Its your story so write it!

A freind who provokes because they find your choice of interest as simple as beyblade or cartoons isn't a freind at all, it's an acquaintance! Don't let others make the choice of what you can and can not like for you. I used to be just like you, a girl into boy stuff. Collecting cars and beyblades, I was 13 then I'm 25 now with LS cars as the same ones on my shelf then are now in my garage. Makes my family mad at times because they know I pulled through with being what I wanted to be!

I display my blades instead of fighting them simply because I need a reminder now and then. A reminder that I didn't just prove everybody wrong but I proved myself wrong and I really wouldn't be here today if I didn't have beylades as a escape from my hectic life as a kid. I used to go out and blade because it gave me peace it made me happy. The world around me was different when I played, it was different then as to what it is now. A blade can't help my issues as a adult but I was free to be who I want to be then and I look up to that even now. A lesson you learn once in life and take it with you to the very end.

The best advice I can give you.
quitting what you love, means you didn't love it at all. Sometimes fighting for what you love makes your passion for it even stronger! People don't get anywhere in life because everybody simply approved. Through every challenge you face there is a victory; take it as yours. Be strong and remember never stop believing, it doesn't matter what you believe in as long as you believe. That's all that matters.

Silly advice I know. Wish I could be more help.

great post, its pretty much the same for me Smile

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Dragunix - Jan. 08, 2018

there's not much to say. My family doesn't really mind, though my grandparents and parents do seem to wish for me to spend my money and time on other things (that goes for some mobile games as well), and my friends aren't too picky either.

if there's people who question your hobby in a critical manner, and you ask them if they have a problem with it, most of the sensible people will stop and leave you alone. If you do not succeed, then don't bother with them. Those people don't deserve to designate your hobby as dumb or nonsensical (maybe in the money department it is...)

Whatever the case, people love making fun of others for their crazy hobbies or things that they enjoy that aren't up to the social "norm." I'm not trying to support any fanbase or group of people (as some things can get very carried away), but I'm rather saying that if you can't be reasonable, or if they can't be reasonable, just stop bothering with them. It won't help you in any way, and only serves to feed their ego and make you miserable. Even if I stopped playing beyblade, I'd probably dust them off once in a while to get some of that nostalgia. I'm just here to say that people shouldn't bully you for beyblade, and definitely not your family.

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - 6Jupiter5 - Aug. 28, 2020

My parents officially hate me playing beyblades. They canceled my preorder of Infinite Achilles and they said I can’t buy beys with my own money.

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - daheavydl3 - Aug. 28, 2020

actually i feel your pains

Im sorry to say this to your parents but its the truth,

Your parents are Unnacepting Karens, They will live like Karen Commies