World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Fan Fiction Beyblade Burst: Drive - Printable Version

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RE: Beyblade Burst: Drive - LegendJustice - Aug. 23, 2021

This Fan-Fic is Okay, I feel like sometimes there's no plot It's just them talking but besides that it Okay, I'm excited for more episodes! but Chapter 7 was fire!

RE: Beyblade Burst: Drive - GenesisBlader - Aug. 23, 2021

(Aug. 21, 2021  5:24 AM)ZionandBirddo Wrote: Episode 7: Intense Initiation! Revolutionary Recruits!

*As we pick up from last episode Raijin, Susanoo, Undine, and Phantom's bey all burst through the stadium hitting the rubber ring  getting an intense burst of speed!*

Ryuta: (questioning) Hey Phantom what is your bey? I mean it'll be kind of important in a tag team and all

Phantom: (smoothly) Why, this bey is my namesake, Rebel Phantom Gemini Spirit! A mighty stamina type that will forever stay upright

Ryuta: (excited) Stamina type, I can work with this very well, Phantom head for the center before Senshi!

Yami: *smirks* As if I would let that happen Ryuta, Undine go and counter Phantom, Undying Crash!!!

*Undine heads for Phantom knocking it around the stadium trying to drain it's stamina a bit, but it doesn't seem to be falling down at all or even taking a bit of damage*

Yami: (dumbfounded) H-Huh??!! How come nothing's happening you should be seriously slowed down by now!

Phantom: Phantom's blades can be raised upward or downwards to reduce or increase damage, and luckily for me I knew your bey wasn't going for upward attack

Senshi: (worrisome) Don't worry Yami-san I can deal with Ryuta just focus on dealing with Phantom's stamina or we could be in trouble!

Ryuta: (confident) Don't be so sure you can handle me Senshi I've got a new strategy that you won't  be able to beat!

Phantom: (thinking) His Striker disc is in upward mode, seems he's going for a more controllable strategy, interesting

Yami: (frustrated) Hey!! Keep your head in the game!! I'm still here!!

*Undine starts to clash with Phantom seeming to have the same result as last time, Undine tilts downward to clash with Phantom's layer*

Phantom: (to himself) Good, he seems to not only be a balanced fighter but also a quick learner when it comes to countering others

Yami: (fierce) Undine now do an upper attack to destabilize Phantom!!

*Undine Knocks Phantom down. but it's low hanging bumpers smoothly pick itself back up and counters Undine thrusting it upward!*

Ryuta: *Looks at Undine flying* Hey I've got an idea Phantom!

*Raijin stops circling around the center to zip towards the outer ring so it can receive a mighty speed boost, and then hits Undine as it starts to fall down*

Phantom: (supportive) That's it Ryuta! From the looks of it this is it for Undine great job!

*As Raijin hits Undine it spikes to the ground causing it to burst on impact! Then Raijin goes after Susanoo!*

Ryuta: (confident) Phantom go to the other side of Susanoo, because if I'm correct in a few more seconds this battle will be over!

*As Ryuta predicted the remaining beys' Drive modes started to activate! Raijin and Phantom speed towards Susanoo creating a powerful pincer attack!*

Senshi: (determined) No! I'm not losing now, I can't let Yami-san lose to you two, Susanoo Counter!!

*Susanoo repels the two beys and then loops around to hit them back, but unfortunately this is what Ryuta was waiting for this whole time*

Ryuta: Now! Raijin Thunder Formation Drive!!!!

Raijin: (happy) Ah-hahahah-ha-ha! It's been a long time since our last victory Ryuta!

Ryuta: *smiles* Indeed it has Raijin

*Raijin counters Susanoo's attack striking back heavily breaking through it's wall of defense very quickly! And with it's last ounce of stamina Raijin heaves itself at Susanoo one last time bursting it!

Fumi: *wakes up* -uh, Phantom and Ryuta win with a score of 4-0!

Yami: (awkwardly) So.....what'd you think of us Phantom?

Phantom: *smiles* You three were great, I'd be happy to see you guys in my club, next training session will be next Friday at 8 am

Yami: (realization) Wait isn't that the time when we're supposed to head to the Nexus Facility?

Phantom: (displeased) Well you can either come for some training or go to your amazing facility

Ryuta: I'd rather come here then the boring old Nexus Facility we'll just say we need to go to the bathroom and sneak out

Senshi: (hesitant) I don't know doesn't it seem a bit wrong Ryuta?

Yami: (reasoning) They let kids not go on field trips all the time I'm sure it'll be fine Senshi

Senshi: *eases up* Fine, we could use the practice for the upcoming events the Beyclub is planning

*Ryuta, Senshi, and Yami leave the Revolution headquarters and Phantom turns to Fumi*

Phantom: I do need you need you to go though Fumi, I need you to find those files I need from Nexus, I presume you have a way in?

Fumi: Of course I do Phantom, I'll keep in touch in case they get a bit wise though

to be continued..............
i like how you express the detail!

RE: Beyblade Burst: Drive - ZionandBirddo - Aug. 28, 2021

Episode 8: Ryuta at The Gate...

*Hours after the events of Episode 7*

Ryuta: (tired) Y'know Yami we could crash at my place since it's closer this time

Yami: (tired) I don't know why we decided to make some more launcher cores in the printing room it takes much longer then mine!

Senshi: (tired) You wanted to use more than one to speed it up overall remember Yami-san?

Yami: *remembers* Oh right....I did say that..

Ryuta: *looks at the cores* Well they'll certainly be interesting to test out

Senshi: (delighted) Oh yes of course! But I do have a question Ryuta-san

Ryuta: (curious) Hmmmmm?

Senshi: How come you were so opposed of going to the Nexus Facility?

Ryuta: (unsure) I....don't know I just had a feeling I don't want to go there

Senshi: (surprised) You've had some pretty good judgements before so I trust you Ryuta -san

Yami: (joking) And what would those be Senshi?

Senshi: (meekly) well..I had my doubts about Revolution at first but...Phantom was a genuinely nice guy..

Ryuta: (gleeful) I could tell they meant no harm when finding me! And battling by Phantom was like battling with an old friend!

*Yami looks at the dorm numbers while Senshi and Ryuta are talking when he notices a person with odd coloured hair passes by him and then the figure stops in front of him*

?????: (sly) I have something for a Mikado-kun, give it to him will you???

Yami: (cautious) And who is this coming from anyways?

?????: (cold) An old friend you could say

Yami: *takes the item* Fine...

?????: *chuckles* Then, I'll thank you in advance!

Ryuta: *shouts* Yami!!! The dorm is this way!!!

*Yami runs after Ryuta heading towards the dorm door as Ryuta opens it*

Ryuta: *notices what's in Yami's hand* Hey what's that Yami?

Yami: I dunno, some guy said it was for you *hands it to Ryuta*

Ryuta: (thankful) Oh alrighty then *opens it*

*Ryuta stares at the letter with a symbol on it, the symbol seemed so similar it flared in his mind burning in his head he couldn't stop thinking about it but not know what it was so he stood there in pain as it seemed something stopped him from knowing what it was in the first place but it seemed to drive him mad*

Ryuta: (agony) AAAUUUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Senshi: (worried) Yami-san! What's going on?! What did you give Ryuta-san??

Yami: (worried) I don't know!!! Somebody gave this to me for him I don't know what it is!!!

*Ryuta collapsed on the ground screaming in agony drifting into sudden unconsciousness as Yami and Senshi ran after him*

Ryuta: (confused) W-w-where am I?

*A demonic figure that looked like an oni and a door started talking but their mouth did not move at all*

Kie: This is the Gate, a weakened soul looking for their half is here, if you open the gate you set them free but be prepared to open your darkness in exchange...

to be continued..........