World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Fan Fiction Tournament/Battles Redo and Made up - Printable Version

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RE: Tournament/Battles Redo - EarthHelios - Jan. 19, 2021

No that is not allowed here lol.

RE: Tournament/Battles Redo - Golden Freddy - Jan. 19, 2021

(Jan. 19, 2021  8:53 PM)Pixi Wrote:
(Jan. 19, 2021  8:52 PM)Golden Freddy Wrote: So you are joining me in gods work


Welcome to the cult of plot armor. We shall murder characters with plot armor

RE: Tournament/Battles Redo and Made up - EarthHelios - Jan. 19, 2021

Free and Lui vs. Valt and Hyuga
Hanami: Oh yeah boys and girls today we bring you a very special match it being: Free and Lui vs. Valt and Hyuga!
Refree: Battle Royale!
Free: Lui let's crush them.
Free goes into Absorb Mode (Not I'm not gonna make it obvious ok)
Lui: They don't stand a chance against us.
Hyuga: Woohoo I'm teamed up with Valt and no one can stop us now!
*Valt smiles and giggles*
Valt: Let's show them what teamwork looks like.
Refree: Get Ready and Set!
Everyone: 3 2 1 Let It Rip!
Hanami: All 4 beys have made a landing on the stadium!
Free: You know the drill Fafnir!
Fafnir takes the center quickly
Free gives a look to Lui to signal what he has to do
Lui: Luinor shatter them here and now.
Valt and Hyuga look at each other and exchange looks
Hyuga: Hyperion bash him out now!
Hyperion sets a course to attack on Luinor
Lui: Huh? Heh this was your plan? How dull!
Luinor throws Hyperion easily
Valt: Go Valtryek!
Valtryek heads for the center to aim for Fafnir
Lui smiles menacingly
Lui: Take him out Luinor!
Luinor's avatar appears
Lui: Use Raider Upper now!
Hyuga: Don't worry Valt I got your back!
Hyperion speeds up and attacks Luinor at the perfect time
Free: Now Fafnir!
Fafnir picks up speed from the Nothing Driver and smacks Hyperion away
Hyuga: Wait Hyperion comeback don't leave me to go to heaven!
Hikaru gets embarassed
Hikaru: Stop fooling around and be serious Hyuga!
Hyuga realizes what his brother said and nodded his head
Hyuga: Hyperion burn more!
Hyperion's avatar appears
Free: Now Fafnir!
Fafnir's avatar appears
Valt: Crush him Valtryek!
Valtryek's avatar appears
Hyuga: Hold on tight Hyperion.
Hyperion was saved by the Upper Deck
Free: Mirage Claw!
Valt: Brave Sword!
Hyuga: Super Strike!
Lui: Raider Upper!
They all got at it at once and get blown back
Valt: Hyuga let's do it.
Hyuga: Ok!
Both Valt and Hyuga: Double Attack!
They both cross Fafnir and hold him still
Free: Nice try but that won't work on me... Fafnir get out of there now!
Fafnir pushes down at crazy speed
Free: Hit it with Nothing Break!
Lui: Luinor chase him down!
Both Fafnir and Luinor hunt down at Valtryek and Hyperion
Hyuga: Eek! Hyperion!
Fafnir bursts Hyperion before he gets a chance to do anything
Hyuga: Oh! Hyperion my beyblade lost waaahhh how?!
Valt: No go forth Partner!
Valtryek engages in a battle against Fafnir and soon Luinor comes in and hits them both
Valt: Valtryek use Rush Launch now!
He hits Fafnir and knocks him out
Free: Oh I didn't see that one coming.
Lui: Just me and you left Valt.
Valt: Yeah... now bring it on Lui
Both: Ahhh! Charge now!
Both Luinor and Valtryek clash with all their might until Luinor accidentaly gets hit on one of the dragon heads causing it to get knocked out by Valtryek
Refree: Winner of the tag battle: Valt Aoi and Hyuga Asahi!
*Hanami cries lol*
Hanami: These 2 really did it! Now Valt and Hyuga get 1 star each!
Valt: Oh yeah we won how is that for sweetness!
Hyuga: Yay! Woohoo! We did it!
Hikaru: Good job Hyuga! I'm proud of you!
Free: Well can't say we didn't try our best?
Lui sighs*
Lui: Guess not? I wonder what went wrong there!
Lain: Yes that's it Valt Aoi is another blader who is worthy of taking my flare on!
Harry is there and squeaks happily
Shu: We will just wait and see who wins this whole tournament... Lain!

RE: Tournament/Battles Redo and Made up - i'm batman - Jan. 20, 2021

(Jan. 19, 2021  10:39 PM)EarthHelios Wrote: Free and Lui vs. Valt and Hyuga
Hanami: Oh yeah boys and girls today we bring you a very special match it being: Free and Lui vs. Valt and Hyuga!
Refree: Battle Royale!
Free: Lui let's crush them.
Free goes into Absorb Mode (Not I'm not gonna make it obvious ok)
Lui: They don't stand a chance against us.
Hyuga: Woohoo I'm teamed up with Valt and no one can stop us now!
*Valt smiles and giggles*
Valt: Let's show them what teamwork looks like.
Refree: Get Ready and Set!
Everyone: 3 2 1 Let It Rip!
Hanami: All 4 beys have made a landing on the stadium!
Free: You know the drill Fafnir!
Fafnir takes the center quickly
Free gives a look to Lui to signal what he has to do
Lui: Luinor shatter them here and now.
Valt and Hyuga look at each other and exchange looks
Hyuga: Hyperion bash him out now!
Hyperion sets a course to attack on Luinor
Lui: Huh? Heh this was your plan? How dull!
Luinor throws Hyperion easily
Valt: Go Valtryek!
Valtryek heads for the center to aim for Fafnir
Lui smiles menacingly
Lui: Take him out Luinor!
Luinor's avatar appears
Lui: Use Raider Upper now!
Hyuga: Don't worry Valt I got your back!
Hyperion speeds up and attacks Luinor at the perfect time
Free: Now Fafnir!
Fafnir picks up speed from the Nothing Driver and smacks Hyperion away
Hyuga: Wait Hyperion comeback don't leave me to go to heaven!
Hikaru gets embarassed
Hikaru: Stop fooling around and be serious Hyuga!
Hyuga realizes what his brother said and nodded his head
Hyuga: Hyperion burn more!
Hyperion's avatar appears
Free: Now Fafnir!
Fafnir's avatar appears
Valt: Crush him Valtryek!
Valtryek's avatar appears
Hyuga: Hold on tight Hyperion.
Hyperion was saved by the Upper Deck
Free: Mirage Claw!
Valt: Brave Sword!
Hyuga: Super Strike!
Lui: Raider Upper!
They all got at it at once and get blown back
Valt: Hyuga let's do it.
Hyuga: Ok!
Both Valt and Hyuga: Double Attack!
They both cross Fafnir and hold him still
Free: Nice try but that won't work on me... Fafnir get out of there now!
Fafnir pushes down at crazy speed
Free: Hit it with Nothing Break!
Lui: Luinor chase him down!
Both Fafnir and Luinor hunt down at Valtryek and Hyperion
Hyuga: Eek! Hyperion!
Fafnir bursts Hyperion before he gets a chance to do anything
Hyuga: Oh! Hyperion my beyblade lost waaahhh how?!
Valt: No go forth Partner!
Valtryek engages in a battle against Fafnir and soon Luinor comes in and hits them both
Valt: Valtryek use Rush Launch now!
He hits Fafnir and knocks him out
Free: Oh I didn't see that one coming.
Lui: Just me and you left Valt.
Valt: Yeah... now bring it on Lui
Both: Ahhh! Charge now!
Both Luinor and Valtryek clash with all their might until Luinor accidentaly gets hit on one of the dragon heads causing it to get knocked out by Valtryek
Refree: Winner of the tag battle: Valt Aoi and Hyuga Asahi!
*Hanami cries lol*
Hanami: These 2 really did it! Now Valt and Hyuga get 1 star each!
Valt: Oh yeah we won how is that for sweetness!
Hyuga: Yay! Woohoo! We did it!
Hikaru: Good job Hyuga! I'm proud of you!
Free: Well can't say we didn't try our best?
Lui sighs*
Lui: Guess not? I wonder what went wrong there!
Lain: Yes that's it Valt Aoi is another blader who is worthy of taking my flare on!
Harry is there  and squeaks happily
Shu: We will just wait and see who wins this whole tournament... Lain!

Ah well, I was hoping Free and Lui to take this one. But this is better than Zoom Zoom Boi dealing the finishing blow.

RE: Tournament/Battles Redo and Made up - EarthHelios - Jan. 20, 2021

Shu and Lain vs. Rantaro and Ranjiro
Hanami: Let's get to the battle folks: Shu and Lain vs. Rantaro and Ranjiro!
Refree: Tag Team Battle!
Shu: Let's finish off strong Lain.
Shu goes with Counterclockwise Attack Mode
Lain: I don't nedd you to tell me Shu.
Rantaro: Time for Honcho to show his true power yeah ha!
Ranjiro: Were gonna smash em to bits big bro!
Refree: Get Ready and Set!
Everyone: 3...2...1... Let It Rip!
Lain: Lucius!
Lucius takes the center quickly
Kiyamas both nod to each other
Kiyamas: Double Tornado!
Lain gets surprised to see what they do
Both Roktavor's for super strong tornadoes and surround Lucius completely and levitate it in the air and are able to throw him off balance a bit
Lain: You think that will work on me? Destroy them Lucius: Vexing Wall!
Lucius pushes both Roktavor's back but only end up winding more power and gain more stamina
Lain: Hey Shu now is the time to help me out!
Shu: Ok Lain! Spryzen demolish it using Counter Break!
Spryzen attacks Ranjiro's Roktavor
Ranjiro: Roktavor use Glide Tornado to finish up
*Lain yells*
Aiger: What is he doing?
The bros: Ah his flare!
Lain's flare appears and burns more than ever
Lain: Fuel my flare more... Lucius!
Lucius avatar appears
Shu: Lain do it!
Lain: Alright.
Shu and Lain: Go! Vexing Slash!
Lucius pushes in Spryzen's burst stoppers and Shu does World Slash while Lain does Vexing Wall causing a ton of friction and ends up bursting Ranjiro's Roktavor
Ranjiro: Uh?
Rantaro: Send them away... Roktavor!
Roktavor's avatar appears
Rantaro: Use Honcho Tornado now!
Roktavor creates a huge tornado with Rantaro's face on it (Sorry I had to do it lol) and ends up making Spryzen get knocked out of the stadium
Shu: Spryzen?! Lain use that move now!
*Lain grunts*
Lain: You miserable blader! Vexing Press!
Lucius hits Roktavor to the wall and ends up bursting it easily
Lain: Hmph what a waste of time!
*Lucius returns to Lain*
Rantaro: I lost?!
Refree: Winner of the Tag Team Battle: Shu and Lain!
Hanami with his mouth open lol
Hanami: And like that Shu and Lain have earned 1 star!
Shu: Looks like were doing well Lain.
Lain: Yes
Lucius and Lain start to resonate differently
(The teams will stay the same till the end of the tag team rounds in Legend Festival)

RE: Tournament/Battles Redo and Made up - i'm batman - Jan. 20, 2021

(Jan. 20, 2021  5:58 PM)EarthHelios Wrote: Shu and Lain vs. Rantaro and Ranjiro
Hanami: Let's get to the battle folks: Shu and Lain vs. Rantaro and Ranjiro!
Refree: Tag Team Battle!
Shu: Let's finish off strong Lain.
Shu goes with Counterclockwise Attack Mode
Lain: I don't nedd you to tell me Shu.
Rantaro: Time for Honcho to show his true power yeah ha!
Ranjiro: Were gonna smash em to bits big bro!
Refree: Get Ready and Set!
Everyone: 3...2...1... Let It Rip!
Lain: Lucius!
Lucius takes the center quickly
Kiyamas both nod to each other
Kiyamas: Double Tornado!
Lain gets surprised to see what they do
Both Roktavor's for super strong tornadoes and surround Lucius completely and levitate it in the air and are able to throw him off balance a bit
Lain: You think that will work on me? Destroy them Lucius: Vexing Wall!
Lucius pushes both Roktavor's back but only end up winding more power and gain more stamina
Lain: Hey Shu now is the time to help me out!
Shu: Ok Lain! Spryzen demolish it using Counter Break!
Spryzen attacks Ranjiro's Roktavor
Ranjiro: Roktavor use Glide Tornado to finish up
*Lain yells*
Aiger: What is he doing?
The bros: Ah his flare!
Lain's flare appears and burns more than ever
Lain: Fuel my flare more... Lucius!
Lucius avatar appears
Shu: Lain do it!
Lain: Alright.
Shu and Lain: Go!  Vexing Slash!
Lucius pushes in Spryzen's burst stoppers and Shu does World Slash while Lain does Vexing Wall causing a ton of friction and ends up bursting Ranjiro's Roktavor
Ranjiro: Uh?
Rantaro: Send them away... Roktavor!
Roktavor's avatar appears
Rantaro: Use Honcho Tornado now!
Roktavor creates a huge tornado with Rantaro's face on it (Sorry I had to do it lol) and ends up making Spryzen get knocked out of the stadium
Shu: Spryzen?! Lain use that move now!
*Lain grunts*
Lain: You miserable blader! Vexing Press!
Lucius hits Roktavor to the wall and ends up bursting it easily
Lain: Hmph what a waste of time!
*Lucius returns to Lain*
Rantaro: I lost?!
Refree: Winner of the Tag Team Battle: Shu and Lain!
Hanami with his mouth open lol
Hanami: And like that Shu and Lain have earned 1 star!
Shu: Looks like were doing well Lain.
Lain: Yes
Lucius and Lain start to resonate differently
(The teams will stay the same till the end of the tag team rounds in Legend Festival)

LMAO! Honcho Tornado beat Spryzen lol.

RE: Tournament/Battles Redo and Made up - EarthHelios - Jan. 20, 2021

(Jan. 20, 2021  6:04 PM)i'm batman Wrote:
(Jan. 20, 2021  5:58 PM)EarthHelios Wrote: Shu and Lain vs. Rantaro and Ranjiro
Hanami: Let's get to the battle folks: Shu and Lain vs. Rantaro and Ranjiro!
Refree: Tag Team Battle!
Shu: Let's finish off strong Lain.
Shu goes with Counterclockwise Attack Mode
Lain: I don't nedd you to tell me Shu.
Rantaro: Time for Honcho to show his true power yeah ha!
Ranjiro: Were gonna smash em to bits big bro!
Refree: Get Ready and Set!
Everyone: 3...2...1... Let It Rip!
Lain: Lucius!
Lucius takes the center quickly
Kiyamas both nod to each other
Kiyamas: Double Tornado!
Lain gets surprised to see what they do
Both Roktavor's for super strong tornadoes and surround Lucius completely and levitate it in the air and are able to throw him off balance a bit
Lain: You think that will work on me? Destroy them Lucius: Vexing Wall!
Lucius pushes both Roktavor's back but only end up winding more power and gain more stamina
Lain: Hey Shu now is the time to help me out!
Shu: Ok Lain! Spryzen demolish it using Counter Break!
Spryzen attacks Ranjiro's Roktavor
Ranjiro: Roktavor use Glide Tornado to finish up
*Lain yells*
Aiger: What is he doing?
The bros: Ah his flare!
Lain's flare appears and burns more than ever
Lain: Fuel my flare more... Lucius!
Lucius avatar appears
Shu: Lain do it!
Lain: Alright.
Shu and Lain: Go!  Vexing Slash!
Lucius pushes in Spryzen's burst stoppers and Shu does World Slash while Lain does Vexing Wall causing a ton of friction and ends up bursting Ranjiro's Roktavor
Ranjiro: Uh?
Rantaro: Send them away... Roktavor!
Roktavor's avatar appears
Rantaro: Use Honcho Tornado now!
Roktavor creates a huge tornado with Rantaro's face on it (Sorry I had to do it lol) and ends up making Spryzen get knocked out of the stadium
Shu: Spryzen?! Lain use that move now!
*Lain grunts*
Lain: You miserable blader! Vexing Press!
Lucius hits Roktavor to the wall and ends up bursting it easily
Lain: Hmph what a waste of time!
*Lucius returns to Lain*
Rantaro: I lost?!
Refree: Winner of the Tag Team Battle: Shu and Lain!
Hanami with his mouth open lol
Hanami: And like that Shu and Lain have earned 1 star!
Shu: Looks like were doing well Lain.
Lain: Yes
Lucius and Lain start to resonate differently
(The teams will stay the same till the end of the tag team rounds in Legend Festival)

LMAO! Honcho Tornado beat Spryzen lol.

Well yeah duh Rantaro is the boss lol

RE: Tournament/Battles Redo and Made up - i'm batman - Jan. 20, 2021

(Jan. 20, 2021  6:05 PM)EarthHelios Wrote:
(Jan. 20, 2021  6:04 PM)i\m batman Wrote: LMAO! Honcho Tornado beat Spryzen lol.

Well yeah duh Rantaro is the boss lol

Correct, Lane only beat him cuz PLOT ARMOR. Also, somehow I tried to imagine how the tornado would look lol.

RE: Tournament/Battles Redo and Made up - EarthHelios - Jan. 20, 2021

Battle of the Devil: Phi and Silas vs. Delta and Dante

RE: Tournament/Battles Redo and Made up - Ryuga's Son - Jan. 20, 2021

(Jan. 19, 2021  9:23 PM)Golden Freddy Wrote:
(Jan. 19, 2021  8:53 PM)Pixi Wrote: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Welcome to the cult of plot armor. We shall murder characters with plot armor

Can I join? I have some Legendary Plot Armor on my side

RE: Tournament/Battles Redo and Made up - EarthHelios - Jan. 20, 2021

After Legends Festival I am defintely redoing Sony's Supermarket Beyblading Tournament where Tyson lost to Ozuma

RE: Tournament/Battles Redo and Made up - i'm batman - Jan. 20, 2021

(Jan. 20, 2021  6:10 PM)EarthHelios Wrote: Battle of the Devil: Phi and Silas vs. Delta and Dante

This will be fun. Fitting name, two devil beys, one devil blader and another, uh... blader with devil-like facial expressions I guess?

RE: Tournament/Battles Redo and Made up - EarthHelios - Jan. 20, 2021

(Jan. 20, 2021  6:15 PM)i'm batman Wrote:
(Jan. 20, 2021  6:10 PM)EarthHelios Wrote: Battle of the Devil: Phi and Silas vs. Delta and Dante

This will be fun. Fitting name, two devil beys, one devil blader and another, uh... blader with devil-like facial expressions I guess?

Lol but Phi still uses his Cho-Z Bey

RE: Tournament/Battles Redo and Made up - Ryuga's Son - Jan. 20, 2021

(Jan. 20, 2021  6:16 PM)EarthHelios Wrote:
(Jan. 20, 2021  6:15 PM)i'm batman Wrote: This will be fun. Fitting name, two devil beys, one devil blader and another, uh... blader with devil-like facial expressions I guess?

Lol but Phi still uses his Cho-Z Bey

Phi has To win this

EarthHelios can u do Rantaro vrs Lui plz?

RE: Tournament/Battles Redo and Made up - EarthHelios - Jan. 20, 2021

I guess I should give the standings as of now:
Aiger: 2 Stars
Lain: 2 Stars
Shu: 1 Star
Hikaru: 1 Star
Valt: 1 Star
Hyuga: 1 Star
Gwyn: 0 Stars
Daigo: 0 Stars
Lui: 0 Stars
Free: 0 Stars
Rantaro: 0 Stars
Ranjiro: 0 Stars
The others not yet cause I haven't finished the chapter for the last tag battle for (now)

RE: Tournament/Battles Redo and Made up - Golden Freddy - Jan. 20, 2021

(Jan. 20, 2021  6:11 PM)Ryuga's Son Wrote:
(Jan. 19, 2021  9:23 PM)Golden Freddy Wrote: Welcome to the cult of plot armor. We shall murder characters with plot armor

Can I join? I have some Legendary Plot Armor on my side

You must burn

RE: Tournament/Battles Redo and Made up - Ryuga's Son - Jan. 20, 2021

(Jan. 20, 2021  6:23 PM)Golden Freddy Wrote:
(Jan. 20, 2021  6:11 PM)Ryuga's Son Wrote: Can I join? I have some Legendary Plot Armor on my side

You must burn


RE: Tournament/Battles Redo and Made up - Golden Freddy - Jan. 20, 2021

(Jan. 20, 2021  6:26 PM)Ryuga's Son Wrote:
(Jan. 20, 2021  6:23 PM)Golden Freddy Wrote: You must burn


You said you have plot armor meaning you must burn

RE: Tournament/Battles Redo and Made up - Ryuga's Son - Jan. 20, 2021

(Jan. 20, 2021  6:32 PM)Golden Freddy Wrote:
(Jan. 20, 2021  6:26 PM)Ryuga's Son Wrote: What?

You said you have plot armor meaning you must burn

I stole it from valt. I'm gonna give it to Ryuga.

RE: Tournament/Battles Redo and Made up - Golden Freddy - Jan. 20, 2021

(Jan. 20, 2021  6:37 PM)Ryuga's Son Wrote:
(Jan. 20, 2021  6:32 PM)Golden Freddy Wrote: You said you have plot armor meaning you must burn

I stole it from valt. I'm gonna give it to Ryuga.
Ok that is reasonable. You will not burn

RE: Tournament/Battles Redo and Made up - Ryuga's Son - Jan. 20, 2021

(Jan. 20, 2021  6:37 PM)Golden Freddy Wrote:
(Jan. 20, 2021  6:37 PM)Ryuga's Son Wrote: I stole it from valt. I'm gonna give it to Ryuga.
Ok that is reasonable. You will not burn

Let's name the Cult.....Plot Stealer/Destroyer cult! We need to steal Dante's plot armor

RE: Tournament/Battles Redo and Made up - Golden Freddy - Jan. 20, 2021

(Jan. 20, 2021  6:38 PM)Ryuga's Son Wrote:
(Jan. 20, 2021  6:37 PM)Golden Freddy Wrote: Ok that is reasonable. You will not burn

Let's name the Cult.....Plot Stealer/Destroyer cult! We need to steal Dante's plot armor

Yes we need to give it to the Dragon emperor

RE: Tournament/Battles Redo and Made up - Ryuga's Son - Jan. 20, 2021

(Jan. 20, 2021  6:39 PM)Golden Freddy Wrote:
(Jan. 20, 2021  6:38 PM)Ryuga's Son Wrote: Let's name the Cult.....Plot Stealer/Destroyer cult! We need to steal Dante's plot armor

Yes we need to give it to the Dragon emperor


RE: Tournament/Battles Redo and Made up - EarthHelios - Jan. 20, 2021

Phi and Silas vs. Delta and Dante
HanamI: Let's see the next battle which contains Phi and Silas vs. Delta and Dante
Refree: Ok Tag Battle #4
Phi: Hmm so these must be the 2 that were tag partners during the showdown between Victories and Inferno. How interesting to see someone like Delta fall out of his darkness.
Silas: Don't understimate these guys. They may not look like a challenge to us but they have a great friendship... Delta went even as far as to give the Master layer base to Dante in order to battle Gwyn.
Dante: Delta which Devolos will you go with?
Delta: Oh I didn't pay attention to what you said but I will go with Abyss Devolos. It's just someone like Phi looking at him is scary.
Dante: But you do know he stopped being bad right?
Delta: Yeah I know that but he went as far as to destroy Geist Fafnir and Turbo Spryzen as well as destroying Aiger Akabanae's bey, One of the Turbo 4 members bey and his own brother Hyde's bey!
Dante smiles
Dante: No worries man we can beat them together with our teamwork.
Delta also smiles and both him and Dante give a fist bump to each other
Sila: See what I mean Phi?
Phi: Yes I see know.
Refree: Tag Battle! Ready and Set!
Everyone: 3 2 1 Let It Rip!
Hanami: All 4 beys have landed on the stadium, now who will make the first attack?
Delta: I will... Devolos!
Abyss Devolos decides to take one Phoenix
Phi: Your wish will be my command: Dread Break!
Phoenix goes for Devolos and is able to repel Devolos attack
Delta: Ah you repelled my attack?
Phi: What did you expect? For me to sit their acting like my bey is weak? I don't think so!
Phoenix chases after Devolos
Silas: Satomb!
Dante: Dragon!
Satomb and Dragon are pushing each other for the center (Yeah Idk why I did it but whatever)
Silas: Roller Defense now!
Satomb blocks off Dragon
Dante: Dragon Launch!
Dragon attacks Satomb but no use
Phi: Go Phoenix!
Phoenix avatar appears
Delta: Devolos!
Devolos avatar appears
Devolos knocks off Phoenix Armor
Phi: Dread Crush now!
Phoenix and the Armor press on Devolos sending it flying across the stadium and Devolos hits Dragon activating one of it's wings
Delta: Dante finish it now!
Dante: Hee yah! Dragon!
Dragon's avatar appears
Silas: Heh! Satomb!
Satomb's avatar appears
Silas; Crush it wih Triple Twister!
Dante and Delta: Attack now!
Satomb does the move and ends up deflecting Dragon and Devolos attack
Both: It's not working! Go again!
They attack but it is no use
Delta; Devolos charge now with Abyss Smash
Devolos goes for Phoenix instead and bursts it in one shot
Phi: Huh?
But Devolos in the process ends up getting knocked out of the stadium
Dante: Double Bound!
Dragon is able to finally break through Triple Twiste!
Silas; Not on my watch... Universe Drift!
Satomb drifts bit by bit and bursts Dragon easily
Dante: What not again!
Refree: Winners! Phi and Silas!
HanamI: With that our winners of this match is Phi and Silas!
Phi: Looks like we won!
Silas being a showoff
Silas: Oh yeah I won! You lost! Woohoo Silas Karlisle is the best blader ever!
Dante gets angry
Dante: Next time I will beat you!
Silas: Come at me kid anytime you want!
Both of them laugh at each other
Delta: Dante Dante Dante! You never grow old do you.
Phi leaves
Delta thinking: What do you plan to do Phi?
Phi: Phoenix our next goal is to become champions in here

RE: Tournament/Battles Redo and Made up - Pixi - Jan. 20, 2021

i wonder what the final match would be in the LF