World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
General Health Thread - Printable Version

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RE: General Health Thread - Shabalabadoo - Feb. 03, 2012

Uwik, I think you might be interested in this

It's the most incredible supplement forever ever in the history of ever, haha. I've never tried it, but I've never heard one bad thing, I've even heard of people dropping their multivitamins and all other supplements because of the way it makes them feel. They confidently say that this is an all in one supplement, and that if they were to drop all their supplements but one, they'd keep Shakeology. There's yOuTube videos and websites and stuff if you want to hear it from them.

The only downside is the price, but when people try it, they really don't care anymore. Supposedly it tastes super too, plus they're releasing a vegan one! What could be better?

So you should consider giving it a shot, as long as you're fine with a $130 per month cost, but you can just get it once.

RE: General Health Thread - 3-Dog - Feb. 03, 2012

(Feb. 03, 2012  4:08 PM)Hazel Wrote:
(Feb. 03, 2012  3:55 PM)Zain Wrote: If you want to bolster your immune system, take shots of wheatgrass. Or, since it tastes horrible, take a good multivitamin like animal pak.

Wheatgrass has not had any substantial evidence of impact on the immune system whatsoever beyond the - extremely ill-represented - "benefits" of chlorophyll in one's diet. The supposed links to reduction in cancer rates and such are just that - supposed. Not scientifically supported. Its very few tangible benefits are unrelated entirely.

Wheatgrass is also nutritionally inferior to most green vegetables, aside from... Vitamin E? I think.

Regardless, it will help his immune system about as much as turning a doorknob or chewing gum after meals.

As for the multivitamin... those are just not really all they're cracked up to be in general. They work for certain things, and generally only those certain things - and beyond that you constantly run the risk of medication interactions, overdoses, and so forth.

The idea that everyone needs vitamins is a myth, along with the idea that they provide a universal boon and that there's no harm in taking them.

Hey, say what you want about the wheatgrass, but don't talk bad about ANIMAL PAK! Seriously though, it's good stuff, although I can only provide that evidence from my experience with it. It really improved my immune system, I found myself getting less sick after workouts. Normally, after every workout I'd get a cold because the immune system gets weaker post-workout, but when I started taking animal-pak the colds stopped and I felt healthier in general. Good stuff! If a good multivitamin is combined with a healthy diet then I really do think they'll help in most cases. I'd say it's definitely worth a try!

EDIT: That Shakeology thing looks like such a scam. 'You'll eat like a 2nd grader' ROFL

It's also incredibly expensive, might be worth a try if it cost $40 or so

RE: General Health Thread - Hazel - Feb. 03, 2012

The reason animal pak helped you getting colds post-workout is due to the balance of vitamins in it being geared toward counteracting the metabolic reaction of a hard workout.

Unless Uwik is going musclehead, it will not do anywhere near as well for him. Same of any supplement regimen you'd find in one of those protein powder stores - those things are marketed for a specific demographic, Animal Pak especially.

This is one of those points where my health expertise and your health expertise - mine being scientific and the sort of thing you learn in nursing/medical school and yours being what you learn... somewhere? I'm sure there's pamphlets and community college courses for it and plenty of websites - are going to tell different sides of the same story.

If someone is genuinely concerned about their immune health, they go see an Immunologist, not a Nutritionalist/"Fitness Guru"/Mr. Universe.

RE: General Health Thread - 3-Dog - Feb. 04, 2012

(Feb. 03, 2012  11:46 PM)Hazel Wrote: The reason animal pak helped you getting colds post-workout is due to the balance of vitamins in it being geared toward counteracting the metabolic reaction of a hard workout.

Unless Uwik is going musclehead, it will not do anywhere near as well for him. Same of any supplement regimen you'd find in one of those protein powder stores - those things are marketed for a specific demographic, Animal Pak especially.

This is one of those points where my health expertise and your health expertise - mine being scientific and the sort of thing you learn in nursing/medical school and yours being what you learn... somewhere? I'm sure there's pamphlets and community college courses for it and plenty of websites - are going to tell different sides of the same story.

If someone is genuinely concerned about their immune health, they go see an Immunologist, not a Nutritionalist/"Fitness Guru"/Mr. Universe.

Are you calling me Mr. Universe, Hazel? Cos I'm blushing right now. ROFL at 'nutritionalist'! All messing aside, I agree with you there (people who call themselves fitness gurus make my blood boil).

I like giving advice based on my experiences, although at the end of the day the best advice you can give to anyone is go see the certified expert in that field.

By the way, that 'somewhere' where I learned my stuff is all experience, but I admit my pool of knowledge is focused mainly on bodybuilding and powerlifting. Questions about immune system health can be answered by me through what I've learnt doing what I have, I'm probably not gonna be able to back it up scientifically off the top of my head.

RE: General Health Thread - Shabalabadoo - Feb. 04, 2012

Zain, I'm not quite sure what you're basing your opinion on about Shakeology. You're honestly the only person who I've heard a negative opinion from, but you haven't tried it so I'm just wondering where it's coming from. Smile

RE: General Health Thread - Hazel - Feb. 04, 2012

That is the balance I bring. I'm not a certified expert, of course, but... my experiences in life have give me insights to the other side of the spectrum.

Immune health in fit people and in "regular" people is completely different, though. Your bodies need things to keep the muscles fueled and greased. Your average person, who does not have such a large protein and calorie burn going on, will metabolize completely differently and thereby their immune health is subject to completely different chemistry(figuratively, of course - it's all the same cell types and so forth).

I have been a bit bothered over the years by nutritionalists and fitness gurus and so forth confusing anecdotes with science. There are some that actually do have degrees in microbiology and medicine, but those are few and far between - and come with price tags in the five or six digits.

RE: General Health Thread - Shabalabadoo - Feb. 04, 2012

Speaking about certification, I've heard about this thing called CSCS, which stands for Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, which basically is certification to train college level athlete, possibly even more, I'm not sure. Admittedly, I haven't even searched it up once, but I'm interested in knowing about it.

In University, what I wish to do is Kinesiology. There's two Universities I could go to that have the course, one is free for me and has a poorer program and more highschool requirements, and one I have to pay full tuition but it's a much much nicer course and has less highschool requirements. I've taken courses to get into the harder one, but I intend to get into the second one. Anyways, this is not so much about this topic anymore, just talking about what certification I would like to get.

RE: General Health Thread - Hazel - Feb. 04, 2012

SSJ, Kinesiology... it's something you will get nothing but disrespect for investing any time in. It's a very imprecise art - and not a science of any kind, despite the name. The problem is that every single person's body will respond differently to the individualized kinetic motion therapy treatments, which invariably results in it taking a very long time to work for individuals, and many just never benefit from it at all.

I'm not saying it isn't neat or whatever, but please heed my warning and also take up a course you can fall back on for money. This is the same advice I give liberal arts majors and "art students".

RE: General Health Thread - Arupaeo - Feb. 04, 2012

The interesting thing about vitamins is that they don't actually do anything on their own inside the human body.

You can think of them as being like different kinds of building supplies: bricks, nails, 2x4s, bolts, etc. Let's say that Vitamin C is a "brick". When the body is in a healthy state, it only needs say 15 or 20 bricks a day to help repair various structures inside the body that need it. If you have more than 20 bricks floating around your body, it doesn't do anything at all because nothing needs them.

But when the body is going through some sort of event (like a cold), all of a sudden the demand for bricks goes sky high! "Hey, I need some bricks over here! This wall is falling apart!" A normal amount of bricks isn't able to keep up with the wall-damage being perpetrated by the cold, and the deleterious effects start stacking up and cannot be overcome after the fact. In this case, if you were already taking high doses of Vitamin C then you'd be all set. "No worries! I've got plenty of bricks on hand".

Or say that you are an athlete who goes through more than a typical amount of vitamin supplies because the workouts you do call for more supplies than an average person can provide. Here again, increased levels of certain types of vitamins can be of great benefit because the athlete is running out of them. Still, the goal here is only to provide as many vitamin "bricks" as is needed by the body. Any additional supply just goes to waste - or in an extreme case can interfere with the bodies normal functions and create vitamin poisoning.

For the average person on the average day, a well balanced diet with a multivitamin provides more than enough of the supplies needed to keep the body functioning as it should.

RE: General Health Thread - Shabalabadoo - Feb. 04, 2012
So here's where you can see clearly who I have learned my motives from.

RE: General Health Thread - Wizard - Feb. 06, 2012

I had a seizure today during church. I'm in the hospital right now and they're keeping me overnight.

This was much worse than the last time. They're putting me on some seizure medacine, and they want me to start wearing a bracelet that says I have seizures. No word yet on whatcaused it. But I wish tthey would let me eat already. I havent eaten since breakfast... Uncertain Its been more than 12 hours.... Pinching_eyes_2

RE: General Health Thread - Shabalabadoo - Feb. 06, 2012

I really hope you get better, this seems pretty scary. Best of luck man.

RE: General Health Thread - Wizard - Feb. 08, 2012

Thanks, man.

My left arm is still weak, but I'm able to do more with it. For example, I can type with it now. I wasn't able to do that on Monday. They're putting me through physical therapy so I can get it back to normal. So I don't have toworry about this affecting my music. Smile

I tried playing a Piano today. I hit a lot of wrong notes on my left hand, but I improved since Monday, so I'm gonna try again in a few hours when the sun rises (Yes, I pulled an all-nighter in the hospital. No, I'm still not tired).

They said that the seizure was caused by a tiny stroke in the right side of my brain. The right side of your brain controls, the left side of your body, so my left side was temporarely paralized. I can walk just fine, my arm is the only thin gstill affected by that. They said the tiny stroke was caused by a blood clot of some sort.They're doing tests to find out what caused the blood clot. The doctor I saw yeserday (Wednesday) said hes gonna try to get me sent home today, or tomorrow. By the looksof things, I'll be getting discharged today.

I'll probably be wearing Medical ID Bracelets though, but it will most likely be by my own choice. I'm just happy it happened in church. If it happened at school, they would have thought I was sleeping, and I could have been seriously affected. So if I wear Medical ID Bracelets, they'll know I seize, andd they'llcheck on me.

RE: General Health Thread - Shabalabadoo - Feb. 15, 2012

Here's some stuff on gaining mass. It's basically the roots of it, but I still managed to learn at least one new thing; I had no idea about hyperplasia.

RE: General Health Thread - Shabalabadoo - Feb. 27, 2012

Ugh, I've tried to give Whey Protein a second chance, even a third. Isolate and concentrate make me feel super bloated.

I'm going to give this brand a go, I'm really excited because it's all plant based:

I'm going to get the protein and recovery drink. The brand really impresses me. The protein is obviously not Whey since it's vegan, it's from SaviSeed. The BCAA's won't be as complete, but it's still impressive because of it's all natural and vegan formula, which is what I mostly care about.

I may try the pre-workout that they have, but I have no near-future plans.

Other than that, I tried foam rolling for the first time today. I didn't get to try the rumble roller since there wsn't one for demo, but I tried a relatively similar one and it was absolutely fantastic. I also got the huge elastic bands that are used for pull up assists, because my dad needed it. It's pretty cool. I really want to apply at one of our fitness stores called Fitness Town, it's a BC company, but I absolutely love it. I'll apply either during Spring Break (which is in two weeks) or in the summer, I've got to talk about it with my dad a bit more. He also wants me to apply at some gyms over here, so I'm pretty excited. Anyways, that's more of a random thought or for the job topic or whatever it's called.

RE: General Health Thread - MFB Mad Master - Feb. 28, 2012

I just want to build my ab and arm strength, thats all, that's it Smile

RE: General Health Thread - AeroRespawn - Feb. 28, 2012

My left pinky has fully recovered since it had been fractured Smile Feels like it always has been before I fractured it, except every now and then, there's minor pains in it. I'm just glad I can move it normally and do everything I did before.

RE: General Health Thread - Shabalabadoo - Mar. 10, 2012

So I just read this:

If that doesn't make you want to never drink pop again, I don't know what will. It's a pretty hilarious way of dealing with it, it really shows that the biggest change has to come from you, blaming the government isn't going to make your health problems better. Hazel, if you were to read only one of the links I post, this would be the one.

RE: General Health Thread - Pony - Mar. 10, 2012

Scooby, why? Why must coke (Not that I drink it much) have 4-MEI? It's terrible, I'm never drinking coke again! *Runs away to North Pole

RE: General Health Thread - 3-Dog - Mar. 10, 2012

I will never, ever be able to give up fizzy drinks. I'm actually addicted to them.

RE: General Health Thread - th!nk - Mar. 10, 2012

Basically everything is carcinogenic to some extent, haha.

RE: General Health Thread - ButterflyKnight - Mar. 11, 2012

Some yellow-coloured drinks may cause allergies... Hovewer, I am a yellow-coloured artificial juices addict... They are so delicious... Maybe I need to switch into natural juices.

RE: General Health Thread - Hazel - Mar. 11, 2012

You can be allergic to quite literally any substance, and food dye allergies are some of the most common.

RE: General Health Thread - Kai-V - Mar. 11, 2012

I basically had an allergic reaction to some grape-flavoured water, but there was not much I could be allergic to in its ingredients, and apparently it was mostly an ophtalmic migraine that perhaps got heavily triggered by something in the water ...

RE: General Health Thread - Hazel - Mar. 11, 2012

What was the source of the water? There are some additives that can cause migraines in people with such sensitivities. If it was a pre-bottled or mix brand, listing the ingredients, I could probably identify what it was for you.