World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Dark Aquario ED145 WD: Possible Anti-Meta for Left Spinning Beys (READ OP!) - Printable Version

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RE: Dark Aquario ED145 WD: Possible Anti-Meta for Left Spinning Beys (READ OP!) - ControL_ - Jun. 23, 2011

I hope you realise WD145 is a very large upgrade to ED145. If your going for free-spinning and no reaction - That's just stupid, have a 145 track with no protrusions instead. It's not like the wings literally grab onto the opponent and/or lobs it out of the stadium or anything along those lines.

RE: Dark Aquario ED145 WD: Possible Anti-Meta for Left Spinning Beys (READ OP!) - Raigeko13 - Jun. 23, 2011

Well I can see what he was getting at. Because LLD hits the track from a different direction, the track would somewhat "stop" but not affect the bey at all. I think of it as a shield, that the warrior doesn't hold, Tongue_out but honestly, this is too great. And my Dark MW was from a Dark cancer CH120SF booster, if that makes any difference.

RE: Dark Aquario ED145 WD: Possible Anti-Meta for Left Spinning Beys (READ OP!) - Hero of Ooo - Jun. 23, 2011

hmm try storm with D145MS with bull and a MF

RE: Dark Aquario ED145 WD: Possible Anti-Meta for Left Spinning Beys (READ OP!) - KCPJ - Jun. 23, 2011

By looking at the combo you just typed,i know that it can be beat easily

RE: Dark Aquario ED145 WD: Possible Anti-Meta for Left Spinning Beys (READ OP!) - Raigeko13 - Jun. 23, 2011

cyberpegasus29 What in blasted carp kind of a combo is that?

RE: Dark Aquario ED145 WD: Possible Anti-Meta for Left Spinning Beys (READ OP!) - ControL_ - Jun. 23, 2011

(Jun. 23, 2011  10:42 PM)Raigeko13 Wrote: Well I can see what he was getting at. Because LLD hits the track from a different direction, the track would somewhat "stop" but not affect the bey at all. I think of it as a shield, that the warrior doesn't hold, Tongue_out but honestly, this is too great. And my Dark MW was from a Dark cancer CH120SF booster, if that makes any difference.
Well it blatantly wouldn't act as a shield.

The force of right spin wings from the Dark is minute compared to that of the left spinner if it's making direct contact. The right spinner and the wings are creating such little friction, the wings will be going at a fraction of the rest of the bey's angular velocity.

Therefore the left spinner's angular velocity would completely displace any movement and the wings being near useless. There might as well be a 145 as the contact is similar to nothing. By spinning a bey with ED145 alone, if you put your fingers on the spin track it completely stops the wings yet the rest of the bey spins. Applying fingers includes zero angular velocity whereas the left spinner would include a force that would just be spinning the wings the other way.

This entire concept is flawed and let's be honest.

Lightning Force stadium.
& Dark.

Spin stealers would beat this, taller left spinners would. Right spinners would ect.

RE: Dark Aquario ED145 WD: Possible Anti-Meta for Left Spinning Beys (READ OP!) - KCPJ - Jun. 23, 2011

Well,then,I think we concluded this debate and that Dark Aquario isn't such a good combo and can be beaten by Left-spinners it seems,so we will just leave this to the mods to decide whether this thread should be closed or not.

RE: Dark Aquario ED145 WD: Possible Anti-Meta for Left Spinning Beys (READ OP!) - LeonTempest - Jun. 24, 2011

(Jun. 23, 2011  11:38 PM)ControL_ Wrote:
(Jun. 23, 2011  10:42 PM)Raigeko13 Wrote: Well I can see what he was getting at. Because LLD hits the track from a different direction, the track would somewhat "stop" but not affect the bey at all. I think of it as a shield, that the warrior doesn't hold, Tongue_out but honestly, this is too great. And my Dark MW was from a Dark cancer CH120SF booster, if that makes any difference.
Well it blatantly wouldn't act as a shield.

The force of right spin wings from the Dark is minute compared to that of the left spinner if it's making direct contact. The right spinner and the wings are creating such little friction, the wings will be going at a fraction of the rest of the bey's angular velocity.

Therefore the left spinner's angular velocity would completely displace any movement and the wings being near useless. There might as well be a 145 as the contact is similar to nothing. By spinning a bey with ED145 alone, if you put your fingers on the spin track it completely stops the wings yet the rest of the bey spins. Applying fingers includes zero angular velocity whereas the left spinner would include a force that would just be spinning the wings the other way.

This entire concept is flawed and let's be honest.

Lightning Force stadium.
& Dark.

Spin stealers would beat this, taller left spinners would. Right spinners would ect.

What part of "I requested that the test be repeated in a TT Attack Stadium" do you fail to understand? And Hasbro Dark is a decent defense wheel, but is still not good.

I said I would repeat the tests again, and I will. The only reason I can think of that my testing was innacurate was that for Earth, Ldrago was launched right at the bey, allowing the most powerful of Ldrago's attacks to hit it.

Also understand, LF is not a perfect stadium, but it isn't trash like PTW.

everyone remember that anti-metas don't necisarily consist of top tier parts, or even good parts, however weather or not any of the combos I named here are actualy anti meta is hard to determine right now

RE: Dark Aquario ED145 WD: Possible Anti-Meta for Left Spinning Beys (READ OP!) - BladeStorm - Jun. 24, 2011

(Jun. 24, 2011  2:47 AM)LeonTempestXIII Wrote: "I requested that the test be repeated in a TT Attack Stadium"

There's a thread for that IIRC.

RE: Dark Aquario ED145 WD: Possible Anti-Meta for Left Spinning Beys (READ OP!) - Ultra - Jun. 24, 2011

This has been debunked and even if it hadn't been tested this would clearly never work in a proper stadium. Shouldn't have been made.

RE: Dark Aquario ED145 WD: Possible Anti-Meta for Left Spinning Beys (READ OP!) - Callum6939 - Jun. 24, 2011

(Jun. 24, 2011  11:16 AM)Ultrablader Wrote: This has been debunked and even if it hadn't been tested this would clearly never work in a proper stadium. Shouldn't have been made.

I agree, as thats the type of stuff i posted all over page 1...

RE: Dark Aquario ED145 WD: Possible Anti-Meta for Left Spinning Beys (READ OP!) - LeonTempest - Jun. 24, 2011

The reason I didn't post this in the test requesting thread was to test weather or not this could be anti meta.

It has been provent that this most likely is not anti met. I am ok with that

Just because a combo thread is wrong does not mean it needs to be closed. The purpuse of the thread was to test a theory. Even if we stop discussing it others should still be allowed to post their resultts here regarding this topic, weather to strengthen or weaken the current argument.

Its not like i even disagree with you guys. I know what went wrong durring my original tests and you guys are probobly right

RE: Dark Aquario ED145 WD: Possible Anti-Meta for Left Spinning Beys (READ OP!) - BladeStorm - Jun. 24, 2011

I really think all anti-meta combos/concepts are either:
a. obscure and relatively unsucessful.
b. found to be relatively good and integrated into the metagame at a later time in the future.

RE: Dark Aquario ED145 WD: Possible Anti-Meta for Left Spinning Beys (READ OP!) - Cyber Blader - Jun. 24, 2011

MF Dark Aquario ED145WD vs. MF Lightning L Drago BD145LRF
Dark Auaurio: 2 wins (When LLD hit it, it got a wall save and LLD lost it's flower pattern.)
Lightning L Drago: 18 Wins (ALL KO)

This combo could be decent if you improved it, I have a few questions.

1. Why no MF-H?
2. Why WD for a defense combo?
3. Why not Libra or Earth? I know you said Earth had too much recoil, but in my testing Earth has less recoil then Dark, and same with Libra.

IMO, the best way to improve this combo and make it somewhat competitive is MF-H Libra ED145CS.

RE: Dark Aquario ED145 WD: Possible Anti-Meta for Left Spinning Beys (READ OP!) - tehfez - Jun. 24, 2011

from reading this thread, i personally think that this combo is a bit redundant due to the fact that low attacking combos are very uncommon now due to 230, and thus the ED145 wont really be used.