World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
The Rumble Pak Podcast -- Episode Three Now Live! - Printable Version

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RE: Gaming Random Thoughts Podcast! - SexyMichael - Jul. 10, 2008

Roan Wrote:
Bey Brad Wrote:
SexyMichael Wrote:It just sounded like an hour of you guys shooting the carp regarding video games. I could bring a tape recorder when I hang out with my game-playing friends and get the same results.

pretty sure this was the idea

You'd be right.

"Gaming Random Thoughts". Did you miss the title?

Well if that's how you want to keep it, it's your decision.

Was I the only one who couldn't sit through the entire thing? It may just be me.

RE: Gaming Random Thoughts Podcast! - Roan - Jul. 10, 2008

SexyMichael Wrote:
Roan Wrote:
Bey Brad Wrote:
SexyMichael Wrote:It just sounded like an hour of you guys shooting the carp regarding video games. I could bring a tape recorder when I hang out with my game-playing friends and get the same results.

pretty sure this was the idea

You'd be right.

"Gaming Random Thoughts". Did you miss the title?

Well if that's how you want to keep it, it's your decision.

Was I the only one who couldn't sit through the entire thing? It may just be me.

Have you ever listened to a podcast before dude?

I'm really not trying to come across as an carp here but its kind of hard because it seems to me you don't really know what the whole idea is behind it.

Its supposed to feel natural like we were just sitting there bullshitting about games. We're obviously all hobbyist gamers and I thought it would be fun for us to sit down and talk about games and record it. I was expecting a few more "LOL" moments since the three of us are always ripping on each other, but alas, you can't will magic to happen where it doesn't want to.

In the realm of podcasting, an hour long show is generally considered pretty short. Besides, this is our first try at this, of course everything isn't going to run as smoothly as we'd like it to. I appreciate your feedback but at the same time its kind of upsetting me.

RE: Gaming Random Thoughts Podcast! - SexyMichael - Jul. 10, 2008

I used to listen to the SA podcast all the time.

It's not like I'm saying your content is carp or you don't know enough about games to do this. I just think that it's really unorganized, and you should work on that for the second one.

It's up to you weather you try to improve on it or regard it as unimportant.

RE: Gaming Random Thoughts Podcast! - Roan - Jul. 10, 2008

SexyMichael Wrote:I used to listen to the SA podcast all the time.

It's not like I'm saying your content is carp or you don't know enough about games to do this. I just think that it's really unorganized, and you should work on that for the second one.

It's up to you weather you try to improve on it or regard it as unimportant.

I agree that it was a little unorganized.

The first time we attempted to record it was a lot more focused. But since we lost that recording we had to record all over again and talk about the same stuff as before. We were all a little pissed off about it so we wanted to get through everything as fast as possible. We finished up the first three segments (What we've been playing, new releases and then news) at around the 35 minute mark and we were going to end it there but I thought that we needed something more intellectual to wrap it all up.

I'm pretty sure if we hadn't gone into MGS4 like we did the episode would've suffered because then it REALLY would've sounded like a random, unorganized mess. We're planning on doing more of these intellectual topics in the future, so hopefully those will interest you a little more.

I realize that we more or less blazed through the first three segments without any real sort of transitions, but that's something we'll get better at the more we do this, I think. But as Kei said, I think in terms of first episodes we did a lot better than other shows have in the past. :\

Maybe you don't mean it to come across this way but I get the feeling you're trying to say it was carp in a sugar-coated kind of way.

RE: Gaming Random Thoughts Podcast! - SexyMichael - Jul. 10, 2008

I wouldn't go anywhere near carp.

And under the circumstances you just mentioned, I think it's completely understandable. I think your second release will be a better representation.

RE: Gaming Random Thoughts Podcast! - Roan - Jul. 10, 2008

SexyMichael Wrote:I wouldn't go anywhere near carp.

And under the circumstances you just mentioned, I think it's completely understandable. I think your second release will be a better representation.

I hope so.

Speaking of... We need some ideas for what to talk about in next week's in-depth segment. I know we are going to be discussing a lot of E3 stuff since E3 starts on Monday with Microsoft's keynote, but after we get through all of that, what should our intellectual segment be about? Any particular issues you guys would like to hear us tackle?

I'm flirting with the idea of us actually doing "reviews" of games. Nothing too long or in-depth, just us going over the basics of a game and giving our thoughts on whether or not its worth purchasing.

Also, while we're on the subject, any creative suggestions name-wise for our segments in the show would be grand. I mean I guess we could stick with the lame "What We've Been Playing", "New Releases" and "News" titles, but I think it would be much more interesting to give them some snazzy titles or something. A name for our final in-depth segment on the show would be great too.

Thanks so much for all the comments guys, it really does mean a lot to me. I thought this was going to be something I put a lot of work into only to have it be completely ignored. Its nice to see that certainly isn't the case. Smile

RE: Gaming Random Thoughts Podcast! - Guitar_Legend - Jul. 10, 2008

You guys should cut the time down.

After a few episodes, I have a feeling you might die down a bit..
Could be completely wrong but I also don't think the viewer will tune back in podcast after podcast if its rambling for an undefined time.

Personally I think 30 minute podcasts would be the best bet.

ps; roan you should make a music podcast <3

RE: Gaming Random Thoughts Podcast! - Roan - Jul. 10, 2008

Guitar_Legend Wrote:You guys should cut the time down.

After a few episodes, I have a feeling you might die down a bit..
Could be completely wrong but I also don't think the viewer will tune back in podcast after podcast if its rambling for an undefined time.

Personally I think 30 minute podcasts would be the best bet.

ps; roan you should make a music podcast <3

Honestly I do not think 30 minutes is enough time for us to get through everything we want to cover.

For instance, I think next weeks' show is going to play out something like this:

First half of show (Roughly 30 mins.):

- Intro
- Very brief What We've Been Playing (Maybe not -- this might not be necessary)
- E3 News and other news items of importance

Second half of show (Roughly 30 mins.):

- In-depth discussion on whatever we decide to talk about
- Outro

If we do another in-depth segment like we did with MGS4 again next week (which I definitely think we should as that was easily the strongest part of the show last week) that will probably take at least another 30 minutes, depending on what it is we decide to tackle.

I think our in-depth segment this week will probably revolve around the merits of E3 now that its changed so much from the huge trade show it used to be to the more intimate affair it is now. I think discussing E3 in a more critical light will make the show more coherent as we'll spend the first half actually talking about all of the news that came from the show. Hopefully this will make it sound a bit more organized.

Really I think you guys are being a little too A.D.D. with this. I realize an hour long show is a lot to digest but you don't have to listen to it all in one sitting. I'm going to try to do a better job on this upcoming episode to do smooth transitions and to make the segments actually FEEL like segments.

Maybe it would be a better idea for us to trim some of the excess and only do an intro/news segment as the first half of the show, and only talk about the most important news at that. I'm sure there is going to be A LOT of juicy stuff coming out news-wise next week during E3 so it might be a little difficult to do, but I suppose a "What We've Been Playing" segment really isn't all that necessary. What do you guys think?

On a side note, doing this whole show (recording, editing, uploading, posting, etc.) is A LOT more work than I thought it was going to be. But that's okay I guess, because I'm having a lot of fun doing it. Smile

EDIT: Also, I would love to do a music podcast but unfortunately I think that would have an even smaller potential audience and I'd probably end up doing it by myself, which would likely be disastrous.

RE: Gaming Random Thoughts Podcast! - Guitar_Legend - Jul. 10, 2008

yeah, my opinion isn't really valid, i haven't finished the podcast yet.
i have high hopes you'll impress us with the next one.
not that it was bad or anything lol.

honest the rambling on about what you guys played was interesting.
maybe don't bring it into every podcast.
every now and then would be nice.

oh and i'd consider the music podcast with you :\
but my knowledge is lacking outside of the select few bands i listen to.

RE: Gaming Random Thoughts Podcast! - Roan - Jul. 10, 2008

Guitar_Legend Wrote:honest the rambling on about what you guys played was interesting.
maybe don't bring it into every podcast.
every now and then would be nice.

I like this idea. Lately I haven't been playing a lot anyway, especially since there aren't a lot of good games coming out right now. Its mostly just been the standard, boring COD4/Halo 3/Rock Band multiplayer staples.

I think maybe we should leave out the WWBP segment unless we have something really important to talk about, or maybe we should just make it a bi-weekly thing so that way we have more time to accumulate interesting stuff to talk about.

Guitar_Legend Wrote:oh and i'd consider the music podcast with you Uncertain
but my knowledge is lacking outside of the select few bands i listen to.

It could be fun, but its not really something I'm all that interested in doing at the moment. Doing this show is demanding enough as it is, I can't imagine doing another one on top of it. Not right now anyway. lol

RE: Gaming Random Thoughts Podcast! - To - Jul. 10, 2008

Yeah, a half hour isn't any where near the length of podcasts I listen to. They're usually 50-90 minutes. However, many podcasts I listen to have special ones, one of them hitting 7 hours. I didn't listen to that one.

RE: Gaming Random Thoughts Podcast! - Sam - Jul. 10, 2008

i might be renting unreal tournament so i could talk about that

RE: Gaming Random Thoughts Podcast! - Alice - Jul. 11, 2008

I haven't listened to it all yet guys but congratulations on your first try! Smile

You all have nice voices (Ryan's is the nicest btw lol) but there's just a couple of things you could improve, in my opinion:

- I know you're all really enthusiastic about games because I know you through this community; however, listening to that podcast kind of gave me the impression you weren't even that excited to be talking about them - I'm not saying you should be all over the top and extravagant, but you all sounded pretty bored. I don't know, maybe it was just me.

- And yeah, as stated before, it was a little unorganised. I know podcasts are supposed to feel like it's 3 guys just sitting around and chatting but I think it could be tightened up a little bit - you don't need a script or anything but maybe just a schedule so you know what you're going to talk about and when. There were quite a few silences and 'so...''s which disrupted the flow and fun of things a bit. Make it tighter and I reckon it'd be ace. Smile

I'm not trying to be a carp by the way, I know it may come across like that. 8( I just wanted to let you know what I thought in case you wanted to take it on board. Good luck with your next podcast, I'll be listening!

RE: Gaming Random Thoughts Podcast! - Sam - Jul. 11, 2008

alice it was our second recording.

our first was 2 hours and such, and we were pretty bummed out repeating what we had already said. mgs4 chat in the second half is much better.

RE: Gaming Random Thoughts Podcast! - mdhvdukshsj - Jul. 11, 2008

yeah we were all pretty carp worn out considering our first was like 2 hours hahaha

but thanks for the feedback

RE: Gaming Random Thoughts Podcast! - Roan - Jul. 11, 2008

Alice Wrote:You all have nice voices (Ryan's is the nicest btw lol)

Aww, thanks Alice. Smile

I've taken to heart that it was a little unorganized and I'm working on that for the next episode. Also, while we are supposed to be recording this Tuesday, it may not be available for download until early Wednesday morning due to upload times and such.

RE: Gaming Random Thoughts Podcast! - Roan - Jul. 12, 2008

Quick update to my last post:

We are going to be recording episode 2 tomorrow instead of Tuesday so we can start getting on our weekly Saturday schedule.

We'll likely do E3 predictions. Who knows, that might just be the whole show, divided up into three segments: Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony.

RE: Gaming Random Thoughts Podcast! - Marin - Jul. 12, 2008

Can't listen now but will later. Just think its a shame you didn't go with The Rumble Pack name... On the other hand I also thought it'd make a great band name, so maybe its divine :-P

RE: Gaming Random Thoughts Podcast! - Roan - Jul. 12, 2008

[Image: grtcover2dw0.jpg]

New logo!

This will show up whenever you play the podcast in iTunes, WMP, Zune, etc. or on any MP3 player that displays album art. Smile

RE: Gaming Random Thoughts Podcast! - Roan - Jul. 13, 2008

Ok, we're in danger of being Sam-less for this episode, so if anyone would like to come on and guest this episode we'd be more than welcome to have you.

All you need is a decent PC mic and Skype (which is free). I'll take care of the rest. If you think you'd be able to come on within the next half hour to an hour, post here or PM me and I'll give you further details on how to join in.

Otherwise its just going to be me and Artie.

RE: Gaming Random Thoughts Podcast! - mdhvdukshsj - Jul. 13, 2008

carp YOU SAM

what a waste of a potentially hot makeout session on doing a podcast without you


RE: Gaming Random Thoughts Podcast! - SexyMichael - Jul. 13, 2008

I totally would have did that carp if I was home.

Your podcast needs fallout 3 anticipation pants shitting

RE: Gaming Random Thoughts Podcast! - Roan - Jul. 13, 2008

Wee, I sound like carp this episode. I'm sick though, that's why. Done editing, creating the MP3 file now. Should be online within the hour.

I'm sorry if this episode disappoints any of you, but we had a lot of things working against us. I was sick, Sam was MIA, Artie was pissed because Sam was MIA, but oh well.

I think (other than me being really quiet) we did pretty well. I think we got the organization thing down pretty good this time around and our transitions were (mostly) better. Here's what we talked about:

E3 predictions! We did 4 segments, one for each major hardware company (MS, Sony and Nintendo) and for our final segment we predicted what game would be game of the show and what announcement would surprise everyone and steal the limelight.

I apologize in advance for the low volume on my voice. I feel pretty awful right now guys. lol

RE: Gaming Random Thoughts Podcast! - Roan - Jul. 13, 2008

New episode is up. I've edited the link into my OP. As always, feedback is welcome but try to go a little easy on us this time, we had a lot working against us. lol

RE: Gaming Random Thoughts Podcast! - mdhvdukshsj - Jul. 13, 2008

ryan sick, me irritated, sam MIA

fun times