RE: Beyblade Burst: Prime! - LegendJustice - Jul. 12, 2021
Great chapter! And wait Rantaro has ANOTHER Cousin or brother or long lost cousin!?
RE: Beyblade Burst: Prime! - GenesisBlader - Jul. 12, 2021
(Jul. 12, 2021 4:30 PM)LegendJustice Wrote: Great chapter! And wait Rantaro has ANOTHER Cousin or brother or long lost cousin!?
long lost cousin, and thanks
RE: Beyblade Burst: Prime! - LegendJustice - Jul. 12, 2021
No problem
RE: Beyblade Burst: Prime! - GenesisBlader - Jul. 13, 2021
Episode 3!
Pull Through! Plasma Bound!
(It was a bright morning on the streets of Beigoma, and Ness and Enitu were walking down the sidewalk, looking at the recorded battle of Ness and Razino, seeking for a way to defeat him.)
Ness: Maybe I should attack from here... no, that wouldn't work...
Enitu: There might not be any way to defeat him...
Ness: NO! There's gotta be a way, and I'm gonna find it!
Enitu: Suit yourself...
(Valt would walk by)
Valt: Oh hey guys-
Enitu: Hey Valt..
(Ness would be completely unaware about what Valt said, only passing by him.)
Valt: Hm?
Ness: There's gotta be some way...
(Ness would have a flashback)
Razino (Flashback): Dual Winged Typhoon!
(Nirios would burst)
(The flashback would end)
Ness: I got it!! (He'd say, running to Rantaro's Training Center)
Enitu: Not again... (He'd say as he'd start to run after Ness)
(Ness would enter Rantaro's Training Center. Razino would be doing sit-ups, while Rantaro would be weight lifting)
Rantaro: Oh hey Ness! What brings you here so early?
Ness: Nothing much, just gonna do some training! (He'd say, going over to the Bey Stadium)
Razino: What's with him..?
Ness' Thoughts: Alright, if I do a strong attack to knock Roktavor off balance, it won't have enough stability to pull off that Whirlwind move!
(Enitu would enter the Training Center, completely out of breath)
Enitu (Panting): I... gotta stop doing this...
Rantaro: Oh, hey Enitu!
Ness: Oh, you're here! C'mon! (He'd say, waving his hand)
(Enitu would come over to him)
Enitu: So what's going on?
Ness: I have a strategy to defeat Razino!
Enitu: Cool! What is it?
(Ness would explain how he would defeat Razino)
Enitu: Oh, so you'll go for a counterstrike is what your saying?
Ness: Yeah! So, can you battle me to test it out?
Enitu: Sure thing! Let's go! (He'd say, attaching his beyblade to his launcher.) I've been practicing, so defeating me won't be so easy this time!
Ness: We'll see! Me and Nirios are winning this! (He'd say, attaching his bey to his launcher)
Ness and Enitu: 3! 2! 1! Let it RIP!!
Enitu: Go for the center!
(Enitu's bey would go towards the center)
Ness: Now Nirios! Plasma Launch! (He'd say, thrusting his hand forward)
(Enitu's beyblade would guard of Nirios' attacks, with Nirios only giving Enitu's beyblade slight recoil)
Enitu: Those attacks won't do anything!
Ness: Oh yeah? Well, this attack will do something!!
(Nirios would get sent up the stadium)
Ness: NIRIOS!!
(Nirios' avatar would erupt from it's beyblade, engulfed in cyan flames)
Ness: Plasma BOLT!!! (He'd say while thrusting both of his hands outward, akin to a smash attack)
(Nirios would smash at Enitu's beyblade, bursting it)
Enitu: What?
Ness: Yeah! We nailed it!! (He'd say, throwing his bey up in the air and thrusting his left arm out)
Enitu's Thoughts: He used the recoil he got from hitting me to power up for a counterattack! Nice one, Ness!
Enitu: So you thing you're ready to face Razino again?
Ness: Yeah!!
(Razino would come over to the Bey Stadium beside Ness', training)
(Ness would come over to where Razino is)
Ness: Hey Razino! Battle me-
Razino: Let it RIP!!
Ness: RAZINO!!!!
Razino: Ugh, what do you want?
Ness: I want you to battle me! I've gotten a whole lot stronger!
(Rantaro would come over)
Rantaro: So I see you've been training, eh?
Ness: Yeah! I wanna defeat Razino!
Rantaro: Ok... Razino, you should battle him! He's been getting stronger lately, and he seems really determined!!
Razino: Ugh, fine. But you'll regret it!
Ness: We'll see! I'll burst you like crazy!!
(They'd line up at the stadium)
Rantaro: I'll be reffing. (He'd say, also lining up at the stadium) First battle! Ready, and set!
Everyone: Three! Two! One!
Ness and Razino: Let it... RIP!!
(Roktavor would take the center, while Nirios would be charging up for fierce speed and attack power)
Razino: Roktavor! You know the drill!
Ness: Now Nirios!! Plasma Launch!! (He'd say, thrusting his hand out)
(Nirios would attack, and attack, and attack, but it didn't seem to be effecting Roktavor)
Razino: You think attacks like that will help? Roktavor, go for Whirlwind Force! (He'd say, spreading both of his hands outwards)
(Roktavor would create a cyclone with it's ring, pushing Nirios towards the wall)
Ness: We aren't done yet! Nirios, Plasma Launch, one more time!
(Nirios would launch an even greater barrage of attacks, yet it still wouldn't break the wind barrier)
Razino: Roktavor!!!
(Roktavor's avatar would erupt from it's beyblade, engulfed in orange flames)
(Roktavor would charge towards Nirios, then Nirios would hit the wall, then run out of stamina.)
Ness: (gasps)
Rantaro: Survivor Finish! One point goes to Razino Kiyama!
Razino: Heh!
Enitu (Mind): He's gotta switch it up, or he'll lose!
Rantaro: Second battle! Ready, and set!
Everyone: Three! Two! One! Let it... RIP!!
(Roktavor would head to the center... but... Nirios would hit it out?)
Razino: What?!
Ness: Heh!
Ness' Mind: If I can keep it out of the middle, then I have a chance to win!
Razino: Take the center, Roktavor!
Ness: Not a chance, go for a Plasma Launch! (He'd say, thrusting his left hand out)
(Nirios would repeatedly prevent Roktavor from getting in the center, pestering it with a barrage of fierce attacks)
Razino: Well, time to change plans! ROKTAVOR!!
(Roktavor's avatar would erupt from it's beyblade, engulfed in orange flames)
Razino: Dual Winged Typhoon!!
(Roktavor would create a forcefield of wind, repelling all of Nirios' attacks)
Razino: Heh!
(Ness would smirk)
Razino: What?
(Nirios would hit the wall)
Ness: Now! Nirios, let's break that barrier!!
(Nirios would thrust at Roktavor so fast, it would break the barrier)
Razino: What?!
Ness: Heh! NIRIOS!!!
(Nirios' avatar would erupt from it's beyblade, engulfed in a cyan aura)
Ness: Plasma BOLT!!! (He'd say as he'd thrust both of his hands out)
(Nirios would ricochet of the wall, then it would charge at Roktavor, bursting it)
Razino: *gasps*
Ness: YEAH!!!
Enitu: He actually did it!! Nice one Ness!
Rantaro: Burst Finish! By a score of 2-1, Ness Uminachi wins!!
Razino: Wow, you beat me fair and square. Nice job!!
Ness: Thanks and all, but can we have a rematch? That was fun!!
Razino: Sure!
Rantaro: Again? I would expect you to be tired by now-
Ness and Razino: We're not tired one bit!!
(Valt would come through the front door of the training center)
Valt: Hey guys! I heard you guys battling, so I came over!
Everyone (Except Rantaro): Hey Valt!
Rantaro: Hey Valt.
Valt: Hey, so if you guys are battling, can I join in?
Everyone: Sure! Why not?
Valt: Awesome! (He'd say, running over towards the stadium they were at)
Rantaro: First battle! Ready, and set!
Everyone: Three! Two! One! Let it RIP!!!
(A Mysterious Blader would lurk from the front door of the training center)
???: Awesome! There's more bladers that have Prime beys! Maybe it will be a challenge for me and Jinx Loki!
(Loki would shine)
???: Until tomorrow!! (He'd say, running off into the distance)
RE: Beyblade Burst: Prime! - Lucha Burst - Jul. 14, 2021
Ooh, what have I discovered lol
RE: Beyblade Burst: Prime! - LegendJustice - Jul. 14, 2021
Nice episode!
RE: Beyblade Burst: Prime! - PinkRose - Jul. 14, 2021
Eeeeeeh, I’m kinda too burned out to give a detailed review on all last 3 episodes, but the start is a fair bit similar to Matrix and...that’s not exactly a good thing. Buuuut I guess I’m still following, so long as the plot gets better later on (and mainly because of Razino, that guy kinda has my interest).
RE: Beyblade Burst: Prime! - GenesisBlader - Jul. 14, 2021
Episode 4 Preview!
Ness: Awesome! A new blader is coming in to battle us!
Ness: Jinx Loki? And it's a Prime bey? This'll be awesome!
Ness: Whoa! It's gimmick is so awesome!
Next Episode on Beyblade Burst Prime!
Mad Trickery! Jinx Loki!
RE: Beyblade Burst: Prime! - Kiryu Kazuma - Jul. 15, 2021
Looks promising. I will follow
RE: Beyblade Burst: Prime! - GenesisBlader - Jul. 15, 2021
alright guys, i'll be going on a break with Prime, but starting Saturday I will start doing 2 episodes a day (if I can)! i'll start calling this x2 Weekends
i'll be doing this to think about future episodes, and due to new episodes (of db) being released every friday
RE: Beyblade Burst: Prime! - GenesisBlader - Jul. 16, 2021
Blader: Razino Kiyama
Gender: Male
Age: 12
E/C: Amber
H/C: Copper
Hand Profession: Right
The Twister Tradewind
Ice Cream Cone Head (Ness)
Role: Tritagonist
Characteristics: Razino is a medium height boy with amber eyes and copper, tornado-like hair. He has an orange vest with light blue outlines, on top of a red jacket with orange and green lines going around it. He also has cyan workout shorts and red shoes with orange outlines on it. Finally, he has a yellow, orange, and purple lollipop going to the left of his mouth.
Personality: Razino is a skilled, calm, observant, and level-headed blader. He usually spends his time training (either with his friends, or with Rantaro). He doesn't like people that will willingly pester him. However, due to the secluded time he spent with Rantaro, he is a marvelous teacher. These personalities are a huge contrast from the other Kiyamas.
Beyblade: Whirlwind Roktavor Account Whistle-VS1
Type: Stamina
Spin Direction: Right
Nexus Chip: Roktavor - Roktavor is a right spinning chip that is horizontal going onto the chip. It has a black head with red eyes, a yellow helmet that covers all but his face, and two sangria horns on it's head. It also has an orange motif.
Primordial Blade: Whirlwind - Whirlwind is a right spinning blade with an orange motif and with two circular blades that help it with stamina, and OWD (Outward Weight Distibution). It also has 2 mini, circular blades that also help it with OWD. It also has red and blue details on it (outlinings, and flames).
Forge Disc: Account - Account is a perfectly circular disc, giving the beyblade better stamina and OWD. It also gives the bey more weight.
Performance Tip: Whistle - Whistle is a yellow performance tip with a circular segment on the top of the performance tip (while it's locked in). It helps increase the beyblade's counterattacks, stamina, and OWD.
Verse: Stamina 1 - Stamina 1 is an orange, circular Verse that goes on the bottom of the Whistle performance tip. It increases the bey's stamina, and OWD.
Dual Winged Typhoon: Using it's circular shape, it creates an outward cyclone, deflecting the opponents away and increasing it's own stamina.
Launch Form:
3! He stomps and grinds his leg backwards.
2! He sets the launcher out in front of his chest while attaching his bey to the launcher.
1! He grabs the string of the launcher.
(Coming Soon!)
RE: Beyblade Burst: Prime! - GenesisBlader - Jul. 18, 2021
Hey guys! Sorry for the wait, I've been at my aunt's house for a while and there wasn't really internet there, but now that I'm back, episode's will be releasing again!
RE: Beyblade Burst: Prime! - LegendJustice - Jul. 18, 2021
(Jul. 18, 2021 8:43 PM)BladeKingX Wrote: Hey guys! Sorry for the wait, I've been at my aunt's house for a while and there wasn't really internet there, but now that I'm back, episode's will be releasing again!
Okay I look forward to it!
RE: Beyblade Burst: Prime! - GenesisBlader - Jul. 19, 2021
RE: Beyblade Burst: Prime! - LegendJustice - Jul. 19, 2021
(Jul. 19, 2021 12:05 AM)BladeKingX Wrote: BRUH MY COMPUTER HATES ME
I hate when that happens…
RE: Beyblade Burst: Prime! - GenesisBlader - Jul. 19, 2021
welp sorry guys my brain might explode if i attempt to write the chapter again so i'll be writing it tomorrow
the fact that it was about to be one of my longest chapters ever was just so annoying I had to restart 1 hour worth of work
sorry for just complaining but its so gosh darn annoying
RE: Beyblade Burst: Prime! - Kiryu Kazuma - Jul. 19, 2021
(Jul. 19, 2021 12:05 AM)BladeKingX Wrote: BRUH MY COMPUTER HATES ME
lol. That's why I prefer a laptop
RE: Beyblade Burst: Prime! - GenesisBlader - Jul. 19, 2021
Episode 4!
Mad Trickery! Jinx Loki!
(It was a bright, sunny morning in the streets of Beigoma, and Ness and the crew were training at Rantaro's Training Center)
Ness: C'mon Nirios! We can do this! Plasma Launch!! (He'd say as he'd thrust his hand out)
Razino: Knock 'em outta the park! Dual Winged Typhoon!! (He'd then spread his arms out as if he was a bird preparing to fly)
(Roktavor's Tornado would send Nirios flying out of the stadium)
Enitu: Whirlwind Roktavor with a ring out finish! Razino Kiyama with one point!
Ness: Aw man!!
Razino: Looks like that win yesterday was just a fluke!
Ness: Hey! Take that back, how about another battle-
Enitu: Whoa whoa, maybe you should take a chill pill...
Rantaro: He's right, you should take a break! You've been at this for hours!
Ness: *sigh* I guess you guys are right... (He'd say as he'd sit down on a bench)
Rantaro: ...What are you two standing there for?! Get some exercise in!! 500 jumping-jacks, go! (He'd say as he'd point to both Enitu and Razino)
Enitu and Razino: *gulp* Yes sir! (They'd say as they'd start to do jumping-jacks)
Ness: Ooh, I'm in for some exercise too! (He'd say as leap out of his seat and started to do jumping-jacks)
(Meanwhile, at an isolated alleyway, a mysterious blader would loom)
???: Are you ready, Jinx Loki?
(Jinx Loki would glimmer)
???: This'll be awesome! (He'd say as he'd start to go to Rantaro's Training Center)
(Back at the training center)
Ness (Doing Jumping-Jacks): 499... 500! Done!
Enitu: Wow, you're done already?! I'm still at 105...
Razino (Mind): That kid is something else...
Ness: Alright, Razino! Let's battle and see if it was really a fluke!!
Razino (Mind): Another battle? This kid is relentless...
Razino: Challenge accepted! Me and Roktavor will defeat you again!!
Ness: We'll see! Me and Nirios will totally burst you like crazy!
(They'd line up at the stadium, with Enitu being the ref, and Rantaro being a spectator)
Rantaro: Let's see how this turns out...
Enitu: First battle! Ready, and set!
Everyone: Three! Two! One!
Ness and Razino: Let it... RIP!!!
Enitu: And the beys are in the stadium!!
Razino: Roktavor! Take center stage!!
(Roktavor would rush towards the center)
Enitu: Roktavor takes the center in almost an instant!!
Ness: Now Nirios! Hit 'em with Plasma Launch!! (He'd say, thrusting both his arms out)
(Nirios would land a fierce barrage of attacks!)
Razino: This again? Roktavor, go for a Dual Winged TYPHOON!!! (He'd say, once again spreading his arms like a bird about to fly)
(Roktavor would knock Nirios back towards the wall)
Razino (Mind): This time he won't burst Roktavor!
Ness: Let's go for a Plasma Bolt, Nirios!! (He'd say, thrusting his arm out)
(Nirios would charge towards Roktavor)
Razino: Now Roktavor!!
(Roktavor would go up the stadium slope)
Razino: COUNTER IT WITH WHIRLWIND CRASH!! (He'd say as he'd put his arms in an X shape and spread them back out)
Ness and Razino: HAAAAA!!!
Enitu: This... is intense!!
Rantaro: Wow! Razino stepped it up a notch and thought of a counter!!
(Finally, both beys would be sent flying out of the stadium at very high speeds)
(The mysterious blader from earlier would come through the entrance door of the training center)
???: Uh oh! (He'd say as Nirios would come charging at him at full speed, akin to a runaway train)
(The mysterious blader would catch Nirios)
Enitu: Simultaneous Ring-Out Finish! No points awarded-
Rantaro: Hey! You can't just barge in here like that-
Ness: WOW!! A new visitor? (He'd rush over to the mysterious blader) Heya! What's your name?
Razino: But we were battling-
Lenox: Uh, my name is Lenox Jiuhara, nice to meet ya!
Ness: Nice to meet ya too Lenox!!
Rantaro: he's just gonna ignore me, huh.
(Ness, Lenox, and co. would all sit down on a bench)
Ness: So why'd you come here, Lenox?
Lenox: Well, I came here because you all seemed like a fun group to be around!
Ness: Oh, so you wanna battle us is what you're saying... (He'd say, scratching his head)
Lenox: Yeah!!
Ness: Awesome! But you should battle me first!!
Lenox: Well actually, I was thinking on battling Rantaro first-
Razino: Hey! I don't wanna hear Rantaro's name come out of you're mouth!! Also if you wanna battle him, you're gonna have to go through me first!
Ness: *gasps*
Rantaro: Razino...
Lenox: ...Ok ok, geez. If you wanna battle, you should've just said so...
(They'd all line up at a nearby stadium)
Rantaro: I'll ref. (He'd say as he'd line up at the stadium)
Lenox: I'll be battling you with Jinx Loki!
Razino (Mind): Hmmm, Jinx Loki... a defense type with 6 blades to block off opponents' attacks. It's driver looks like its twisted, increasing it's stamina and weight. This'll have a tough defense, but we'll just break through it.
Rantaro: First battle! Ready, and set!
Everyone: Three! Two! One!
Razino and Lenox: Let it... RIP!!!
Ness: I wonder how this battle will turn out!!
Razino and Lenox: Take the center!! (They'd both say in synchronization)
(Loki and Roktavor would clash in the middle, with Loki completely flinging Roktavor towards the wall)
Razino: *gasps*
Lenox: Heh!
Enitu: Uh oh!
Ness: What is it?
Enitu: Check this out! (He'd say as he'd show Ness the data of Jinx Loki on his BeyPad) Since Loki is a heavy defense type, it's hard to move from the center!
Ness: Awesome... Welp, Razino's in for a wild ride!
Enitu: Yep!
(Back to the battle)
Lenox: Go Loki! Set up defense with Jinx Barrier!! (He'd say as he'd hold up both of his arms in front of his face, akin to blocking an attack)
Razino: Well, we'll just have to break through that defense! Roktavor, charge!
(Roktavor would relentlessly launch a barrage of attacks at Loki. It would seem to be doing... absolutely nothing?!)
Razino: Huh?
Razino (Mind): Why aren't the attacks effecting it?! Wait... maybe it's because of the defensive shape... I need to finish this quickly.
Razino: ROKTAVOR!! Charge at it with Whirlwind Crash!!
(Roktavor would generate a hurricane-like wind force, then it would ram into Loki)
Razino: HAAA!!!!
Lenox: Loki! Stand your ground!!
(A huge explosion full with wind would explode throughout the stadium)
Ness: Agh... this is intense!!
(Both beys would get sent flying out of the stadium)
Razino and Lenox: *gasps*
Enitu: Whoa... that was amazing!!
Rantaro: Simultaneous Ring-Out Finish! No points awarded!!
Razino (Mind): I managed to barely pull through... I gotta pull out all the stops to win.
Lenox: You may have gotten a draw, but me and Loki will totally win this!!
Rantaro: Second battle! Ready, and set!
Everyone: Three! Two! One!
Razino and Lenox: Let it... RIP!!
(Roktavor would spiral around the middle, while Loki would charge towards the middle)
Lenox: Loki! Take the center!!
Razino: Not today! Roktavor, go for Dual Winged Typhoon!!
(Roktavor would fling Loki out of the center this time)
Lenox: What?!
Enitu: Wow! Razino's really thinking in this round!!
Ness: Mhm! He used the whirlwind to prevent it from even touching Roktavor!
(Back to the stadium)
Lenox: Change of plans, Loki, charge at it, full speed!!
(Loki would dash towards Roktavor, breaking the wind barrier with relative ease)
Razino: Huh?!
Lenox: Heh!
Razino: Change of plans Roktavor, time to go on the offensive!!
Razino: Go ROKTAVOR!!
(Roktavor's avatar would erupt from it's beyblade, engulfed in an orange flame)
Lenox: ...redirect it with Jinx Barrier!!
(Loki would guard Roktavor's attack, sending it flying towards the wall, destabilizing it quite a bit)
Razino (Mind): He can counter any attack I throw at him...
Lenox: Now! LOKI!!
(Loki's avatar would beam from it's beyblade, engulfed in a green aura)
Lenox: Jinx COUNTER!!
(Loki would charge towards Roktavor, impacting it so hard it would hit the wall and burst)
Razino: *gasps*
Lenox: Heh!
Ness: W-what?!
Enitu: Wow!!
Rantaro: With a burst finish, Lenox Jiuhara wins!!
Razino: Grrr... (He'd storm off into his training room)
Ness: Uhh, what's with him?
Enitu: Yeah, he seems mad...
Rantaro: Oh, it's nothing. Sometimes he gets mad after he loses due to "his training being a waste of time", or so he says. He'll be fine, just gotta let 'em have his moment-
(Ness would run off towards Razino's room)
Rantaro: ...he did exactly what I didn't tell him to do.... *sigh*
Enitu: Oh. Well, Lenox, wanna have a battle?
Lenox: Sure, but be warned, me and Loki are a fearsome duo!!
Lenox and Enitu: Three, Two, One! Let it RIP!!
(Back at Razino's room, Ness would open the door, planning to confront him. Razino would be training at a stadium)
Razino: Let it RIP!!
Razino's Thoughts: How did I lose so easily?! Is my training worth nothing?!?
Ness: Uh, hey Ice Cream Cone Head!!
Razino: Thanks for the compliment, dweeb.
Ness: Wait, that's not the point! Why are you mad?
Razino: Why should it be any of your buisness?
Ness: Because... well... we're friends, right?
Razino: Not at all. You're just a stepping stone on my path to impressing Rantaro.
Ness: *gasps*
Razino: So GET OUT!!
Ness: O-ok... (He'd say as he'd go out of Razino's training room)
(Ness would walk towards where the rest of the group was)
Ness (Mind): Impressing Rantaro...
(Ness would finally arrive at the stadium)
Rantaro: So how'd it go?
Ness: *gulp* Bad...
Rantaro: Wait, what's wrong? He usually doesn't...
Ness: He... got really mad...
Lenox: Dang... I didn't mean to blow him away so hard...
Enitu: ...Way to ruin the moment, Lenox.
Lenox: Heheh... sorry.
Enitu: Maybe a battle will cheer him up...?
Ness: BATTLE?! OF COURSE?! (He'd say, as if the whole Razino incident didn't happen)
Lenox: You'll be battling me.
Ness: Cool! I get a shot at Loki!!
Lenox: Don't be too excited, me and Loki will blow you outta the water!!
Ness: Nuh uh! Me and Nirios are gonna send ya six ways to Sunday!! (He'd say, holding out his bey)
(They'd line up at the stadium)
Enitu: Yo Rantaro, can I ref this time?
Rantaro: Sure thing! (He'd say, taking a seat)
Enitu: First battle! Ready, and set!
Everyone: Three! Two! One!
Ness and Lenox: Let it... RIP!!
Ness: Go Nirios! Lets send 'em six ways to Sunday!!
Lenox: Charge Loki! Let's show 'em what we're made of!
(Nirios and Loki would charge at each other, with both of them being sent flying out of the stadium, and Nirios landing a few seconds after Loki)
Lenox: Wow! You're not half bad!
Ness: You're not so bad yourself either! Wanna go again?
Lenox: Yeah!
Enitu: *sigh* I think they're getting a bit too excited...
Rantaro: Nah, let 'em battle.
Ness and Lenox: Three! Two! One! Let it... RIP!!!
RE: Beyblade Burst: Prime! - Kiryu Kazuma - Jul. 19, 2021
(Jul. 19, 2021 8:04 PM)BladeKingX Wrote: Episode 4!
Mad Trickery! Jinx Loki!
(It was a bright, sunny morning in the streets of Beigoma, and Ness and the crew were training at Rantaro's Training Center)
Ness: C'mon Nirios! We can do this! Plasma Launch!! (He'd say as he'd thrust his hand out)
Razino: Knock 'em outta the park! Dual Winged Typhoon!! (He'd then spread his arms out as if he was a bird preparing to fly)
(Roktavor's Tornado would send Nirios flying out of the stadium)
Enitu: Whirlwind Roktavor with a ring out finish! Razino Kiyama with one point!
Ness: Aw man!!
Razino: Looks like that win yesterday was just a fluke!
Ness: Hey! Take that back, how about another battle-
Enitu: Whoa whoa, maybe you should take a chill pill...
Rantaro: He's right, you should take a break! You've been at this for hours!
Ness: *sigh* I guess you guys are right... (He'd say as he'd sit down on a bench)
Rantaro: ...What are you two standing there for?! Get some exercise in!! 500 jumping-jacks, go! (He'd say as he'd point to both Enitu and Razino)
Enitu and Razino: *gulp* Yes sir! (They'd say as they'd start to do jumping-jacks)
Ness: Ooh, I'm in for some exercise too! (He'd say as leap out of his seat and started to do jumping-jacks)
(Meanwhile, at an isolated alleyway, a mysterious blader would loom)
???: Are you ready, Jinx Loki?
(Jinx Loki would glimmer)
???: This'll be awesome! (He'd say as he'd start to go to Rantaro's Training Center)
(Back at the training center)
Ness (Doing Jumping-Jacks): 499... 500! Done!
Enitu: Wow, you're done already?! I'm still at 105...
Razino (Mind): That kid is something else...
Ness: Alright, Razino! Let's battle and see if it was really a fluke!!
Razino (Mind): Another battle? This kid is relentless...
Razino: Challenge accepted! Me and Roktavor will defeat you again!!
Ness: We'll see! Me and Nirios will totally burst you like crazy!
(They'd line up at the stadium, with Enitu being the ref, and Rantaro being a spectator)
Rantaro: Let's see how this turns out...
Enitu: First battle! Ready, and set!
Everyone: Three! Two! One!
Ness and Razino: Let it... RIP!!!
Enitu: And the beys are in the stadium!!
Razino: Roktavor! Take center stage!!
(Roktavor would rush towards the center)
Enitu: Roktavor takes the center in almost an instant!!
Ness: Now Nirios! Hit 'em with Plasma Launch!! (He'd say, thrusting both his arms out)
(Nirios would land a fierce barrage of attacks!)
Razino: This again? Roktavor, go for a Dual Winged TYPHOON!!! (He'd say, once again spreading his arms like a bird about to fly)
(Roktavor would knock Nirios back towards the wall)
Razino (Mind): This time he won't burst Roktavor!
Ness: Let's go for a Plasma Bolt, Nirios!! (He'd say, thrusting his arm out)
(Nirios would charge towards Roktavor)
Razino: Now Roktavor!!
(Roktavor would go up the stadium slope)
Razino: COUNTER IT WITH WHIRLWIND CRASH!! (He'd say as he'd put his arms in an X shape and spread them back out)
Ness and Razino: HAAAAA!!!
Enitu: This... is intense!!
Rantaro: Wow! Razino stepped it up a notch and thought of a counter!!
(Finally, both beys would be sent flying out of the stadium at very high speeds)
(The mysterious blader from earlier would come through the entrance door of the training center)
???: Uh oh! (He'd say as Nirios would come charging at him at full speed, akin to a runaway train)
(The mysterious blader would catch Nirios)
Enitu: Simultaneous Ring-Out Finish! No points awarded-
Rantaro: Hey! You can't just barge in here like that-
Ness: WOW!! A new visitor? (He'd rush over to the mysterious blader) Heya! What's your name?
Razino: But we were battling-
Lenox: Uh, my name is Lenox Jiuhara, nice to meet ya!
Ness: Nice to meet ya too Lenox!!
Rantaro: he's just gonna ignore me, huh.
(Ness, Lenox, and co. would all sit down on a bench)
Ness: So why'd you come here, Lenox?
Lenox: Well, I came here because you all seemed like a fun group to be around!
Ness: Oh, so you wanna battle us is what you're saying... (He'd say, scratching his head)
Lenox: Yeah!!
Ness: Awesome! But you should battle me first!!
Lenox: Well actually, I was thinking on battling Rantaro first-
Razino: Hey! I don't wanna hear Rantaro's name come out of you're mouth!! Also if you wanna battle him, you're gonna have to go through me first!
Ness: *gasps*
Rantaro: Razino...
Lenox: ...Ok ok, geez. If you wanna battle, you should've just said so...
(They'd all line up at a nearby stadium)
Rantaro: I'll ref. (He'd say as he'd line up at the stadium)
Lenox: I'll be battling you with Jinx Loki!
Razino (Mind): Hmmm, Jinx Loki... a defense type with 6 blades to block off opponents' attacks. It's driver looks like its twisted, increasing it's stamina and weight. This'll have a tough defense, but we'll just break through it.
Rantaro: First battle! Ready, and set!
Everyone: Three! Two! One!
Razino and Lenox: Let it... RIP!!!
Ness: I wonder how this battle will turn out!!
Razino and Lenox: Take the center!! (They'd both say in synchronization)
(Loki and Roktavor would clash in the middle, with Loki completely flinging Roktavor towards the wall)
Razino: *gasps*
Lenox: Heh!
Enitu: Uh oh!
Ness: What is it?
Enitu: Check this out! (He'd say as he'd show Ness the data of Jinx Loki on his BeyPad) Since Loki is a heavy defense type, it's hard to move from the center!
Ness: Awesome... Welp, Razino's in for a wild ride!
Enitu: Yep!
(Back to the battle)
Lenox: Go Loki! Set up defense with Jinx Barrier!! (He'd say as he'd hold up both of his arms in front of his face, akin to blocking an attack)
Razino: Well, we'll just have to break through that defense! Roktavor, charge!
(Roktavor would relentlessly launch a barrage of attacks at Loki. It would seem to be doing... absolutely nothing?!)
Razino: Huh?
Razino (Mind): Why aren't the attacks effecting it?! Wait... maybe it's because of the defensive shape... I need to finish this quickly.
Razino: ROKTAVOR!! Charge at it with Whirlwind Crash!!
(Roktavor would generate a hurricane-like wind force, then it would ram into Loki)
Razino: HAAA!!!!
Lenox: Loki! Stand your ground!!
(A huge explosion full with wind would explode throughout the stadium)
Ness: Agh... this is intense!!
(Both beys would get sent flying out of the stadium)
Razino and Lenox: *gasps*
Enitu: Whoa... that was amazing!!
Rantaro: Simultaneous Ring-Out Finish! No points awarded!!
Razino (Mind): I managed to barely pull through... I gotta pull out all the stops to win.
Lenox: You may have gotten a draw, but me and Loki will totally win this!!
Rantaro: Second battle! Ready, and set!
Everyone: Three! Two! One!
Razino and Lenox: Let it... RIP!!
(Roktavor would spiral around the middle, while Loki would charge towards the middle)
Lenox: Loki! Take the center!!
Razino: Not today! Roktavor, go for Dual Winged Typhoon!!
(Roktavor would fling Loki out of the center this time)
Lenox: What?!
Enitu: Wow! Razino's really thinking in this round!!
Ness: Mhm! He used the whirlwind to prevent it from even touching Roktavor!
(Back to the stadium)
Lenox: Change of plans, Loki, charge at it, full speed!!
(Loki would dash towards Roktavor, breaking the wind barrier with relative ease)
Razino: Huh?!
Lenox: Heh!
Razino: Change of plans Roktavor, time to go on the offensive!!
Razino: Go ROKTAVOR!!
(Roktavor's avatar would erupt from it's beyblade, engulfed in an orange flame)
Lenox: ...redirect it with Jinx Barrier!!
(Loki would guard Roktavor's attack, sending it flying towards the wall, destabilizing it quite a bit)
Razino (Mind): He can counter any attack I throw at him...
Lenox: Now! LOKI!!
(Loki's avatar would beam from it's beyblade, engulfed in a green aura)
Lenox: Jinx COUNTER!!
(Loki would charge towards Roktavor, impacting it so hard it would hit the wall and burst)
Razino: *gasps*
Lenox: Heh!
Ness: W-what?!
Enitu: Wow!!
Rantaro: With a burst finish, Lenox Jiuhara wins!!
Razino: Grrr... (He'd storm off into his training room)
Ness: Uhh, what's with him?
Enitu: Yeah, he seems mad...
Rantaro: Oh, it's nothing. Sometimes he gets mad after he loses due to "his training being a waste of time", or so he says. He'll be fine, just gotta let 'em have his moment-
(Ness would run off towards Razino's room)
Rantaro: ...he did exactly what I didn't tell him to do.... *sigh*
Enitu: Oh. Well, Lenox, wanna have a battle?
Lenox: Sure, but be warned, me and Loki are a fearsome duo!!
Lenox and Enitu: Three, Two, One! Let it RIP!!
(Back at Razino's room, Ness would open the door, planning to confront him. Razino would be training at a stadium)
Razino: Let it RIP!!
Razino's Thoughts: How did I lose so easily?! Is my training worth nothing?!?
Ness: Uh, hey Ice Cream Cone Head!!
Razino: Thanks for the compliment, dweeb.
Ness: Wait, that's not the point! Why are you mad?
Razino: Why should it be any of your buisness?
Ness: Because... well... we're friends, right?
Razino: Not at all. You're just a stepping stone on my path to impressing Rantaro.
Ness: *gasps*
Razino: So GET OUT!!
Ness: O-ok... (He'd say as he'd go out of Razino's training room)
(Ness would walk towards where the rest of the group was)
Ness (Mind): Impressing Rantaro...
(Ness would finally arrive at the stadium)
Rantaro: So how'd it go?
Ness: *gulp* Bad...
Rantaro: Wait, what's wrong? He usually doesn't...
Ness: He... got really mad...
Lenox: Dang... I didn't mean to blow him away so hard...
Enitu: ...Way to ruin the moment, Lenox.
Lenox: Heheh... sorry.
Enitu: Maybe a battle will cheer him up...?
Ness: BATTLE?! OF COURSE?! (He'd say, as if the whole Razino incident didn't happen)
Lenox: You'll be battling me.
Ness: Cool! I get a shot at Loki!!
Lenox: Don't be too excited, me and Loki will blow you outta the water!!
Ness: Nuh uh! Me and Nirios are gonna send ya six ways to Sunday!! (He'd say, holding out his bey)
(They'd line up at the stadium)
Enitu: Yo Rantaro, can I ref this time?
Rantaro: Sure thing! (He'd say, taking a seat)
Enitu: First battle! Ready, and set!
Everyone: Three! Two! One!
Ness and Lenox: Let it... RIP!!
Ness: Go Nirios! Lets send 'em six ways to Sunday!!
Lenox: Charge Loki! Let's show 'em what we're made of!
(Nirios and Loki would charge at each other, with both of them being sent flying out of the stadium, and Nirios landing a few seconds after Loki)
Lenox: Wow! You're not half bad!
Ness: You're not so bad yourself either! Wanna go again?
Lenox: Yeah!
Enitu: *sigh* I think they're getting a bit too excited...
Rantaro: Nah, let 'em battle.
Ness and Lenox: Three! Two! One! Let it... RIP!!!
Rantaro cannot give'em a break could he? And that's a really long chapter, Nice job!
RE: Beyblade Burst: Prime! - GenesisBlader - Jul. 19, 2021
(Jul. 19, 2021 8:09 PM)Kiryu Kazuma Wrote: (Jul. 19, 2021 8:04 PM)BladeKingX Wrote: Episode 4!
Mad Trickery! Jinx Loki!
(It was a bright, sunny morning in the streets of Beigoma, and Ness and the crew were training at Rantaro's Training Center)
Ness: C'mon Nirios! We can do this! Plasma Launch!! (He'd say as he'd thrust his hand out)
Razino: Knock 'em outta the park! Dual Winged Typhoon!! (He'd then spread his arms out as if he was a bird preparing to fly)
(Roktavor's Tornado would send Nirios flying out of the stadium)
Enitu: Whirlwind Roktavor with a ring out finish! Razino Kiyama with one point!
Ness: Aw man!!
Razino: Looks like that win yesterday was just a fluke!
Ness: Hey! Take that back, how about another battle-
Enitu: Whoa whoa, maybe you should take a chill pill...
Rantaro: He's right, you should take a break! You've been at this for hours!
Ness: *sigh* I guess you guys are right... (He'd say as he'd sit down on a bench)
Rantaro: ...What are you two standing there for?! Get some exercise in!! 500 jumping-jacks, go! (He'd say as he'd point to both Enitu and Razino)
Enitu and Razino: *gulp* Yes sir! (They'd say as they'd start to do jumping-jacks)
Ness: Ooh, I'm in for some exercise too! (He'd say as leap out of his seat and started to do jumping-jacks)
(Meanwhile, at an isolated alleyway, a mysterious blader would loom)
???: Are you ready, Jinx Loki?
(Jinx Loki would glimmer)
???: This'll be awesome! (He'd say as he'd start to go to Rantaro's Training Center)
(Back at the training center)
Ness (Doing Jumping-Jacks): 499... 500! Done!
Enitu: Wow, you're done already?! I'm still at 105...
Razino (Mind): That kid is something else...
Ness: Alright, Razino! Let's battle and see if it was really a fluke!!
Razino (Mind): Another battle? This kid is relentless...
Razino: Challenge accepted! Me and Roktavor will defeat you again!!
Ness: We'll see! Me and Nirios will totally burst you like crazy!
(They'd line up at the stadium, with Enitu being the ref, and Rantaro being a spectator)
Rantaro: Let's see how this turns out...
Enitu: First battle! Ready, and set!
Everyone: Three! Two! One!
Ness and Razino: Let it... RIP!!!
Enitu: And the beys are in the stadium!!
Razino: Roktavor! Take center stage!!
(Roktavor would rush towards the center)
Enitu: Roktavor takes the center in almost an instant!!
Ness: Now Nirios! Hit 'em with Plasma Launch!! (He'd say, thrusting both his arms out)
(Nirios would land a fierce barrage of attacks!)
Razino: This again? Roktavor, go for a Dual Winged TYPHOON!!! (He'd say, once again spreading his arms like a bird about to fly)
(Roktavor would knock Nirios back towards the wall)
Razino (Mind): This time he won't burst Roktavor!
Ness: Let's go for a Plasma Bolt, Nirios!! (He'd say, thrusting his arm out)
(Nirios would charge towards Roktavor)
Razino: Now Roktavor!!
(Roktavor would go up the stadium slope)
Razino: COUNTER IT WITH WHIRLWIND CRASH!! (He'd say as he'd put his arms in an X shape and spread them back out)
Ness and Razino: HAAAAA!!!
Enitu: This... is intense!!
Rantaro: Wow! Razino stepped it up a notch and thought of a counter!!
(Finally, both beys would be sent flying out of the stadium at very high speeds)
(The mysterious blader from earlier would come through the entrance door of the training center)
???: Uh oh! (He'd say as Nirios would come charging at him at full speed, akin to a runaway train)
(The mysterious blader would catch Nirios)
Enitu: Simultaneous Ring-Out Finish! No points awarded-
Rantaro: Hey! You can't just barge in here like that-
Ness: WOW!! A new visitor? (He'd rush over to the mysterious blader) Heya! What's your name?
Razino: But we were battling-
Lenox: Uh, my name is Lenox Jiuhara, nice to meet ya!
Ness: Nice to meet ya too Lenox!!
Rantaro: he's just gonna ignore me, huh.
(Ness, Lenox, and co. would all sit down on a bench)
Ness: So why'd you come here, Lenox?
Lenox: Well, I came here because you all seemed like a fun group to be around!
Ness: Oh, so you wanna battle us is what you're saying... (He'd say, scratching his head)
Lenox: Yeah!!
Ness: Awesome! But you should battle me first!!
Lenox: Well actually, I was thinking on battling Rantaro first-
Razino: Hey! I don't wanna hear Rantaro's name come out of you're mouth!! Also if you wanna battle him, you're gonna have to go through me first!
Ness: *gasps*
Rantaro: Razino...
Lenox: ...Ok ok, geez. If you wanna battle, you should've just said so...
(They'd all line up at a nearby stadium)
Rantaro: I'll ref. (He'd say as he'd line up at the stadium)
Lenox: I'll be battling you with Jinx Loki!
Razino (Mind): Hmmm, Jinx Loki... a defense type with 6 blades to block off opponents' attacks. It's driver looks like its twisted, increasing it's stamina and weight. This'll have a tough defense, but we'll just break through it.
Rantaro: First battle! Ready, and set!
Everyone: Three! Two! One!
Razino and Lenox: Let it... RIP!!!
Ness: I wonder how this battle will turn out!!
Razino and Lenox: Take the center!! (They'd both say in synchronization)
(Loki and Roktavor would clash in the middle, with Loki completely flinging Roktavor towards the wall)
Razino: *gasps*
Lenox: Heh!
Enitu: Uh oh!
Ness: What is it?
Enitu: Check this out! (He'd say as he'd show Ness the data of Jinx Loki on his BeyPad) Since Loki is a heavy defense type, it's hard to move from the center!
Ness: Awesome... Welp, Razino's in for a wild ride!
Enitu: Yep!
(Back to the battle)
Lenox: Go Loki! Set up defense with Jinx Barrier!! (He'd say as he'd hold up both of his arms in front of his face, akin to blocking an attack)
Razino: Well, we'll just have to break through that defense! Roktavor, charge!
(Roktavor would relentlessly launch a barrage of attacks at Loki. It would seem to be doing... absolutely nothing?!)
Razino: Huh?
Razino (Mind): Why aren't the attacks effecting it?! Wait... maybe it's because of the defensive shape... I need to finish this quickly.
Razino: ROKTAVOR!! Charge at it with Whirlwind Crash!!
(Roktavor would generate a hurricane-like wind force, then it would ram into Loki)
Razino: HAAA!!!!
Lenox: Loki! Stand your ground!!
(A huge explosion full with wind would explode throughout the stadium)
Ness: Agh... this is intense!!
(Both beys would get sent flying out of the stadium)
Razino and Lenox: *gasps*
Enitu: Whoa... that was amazing!!
Rantaro: Simultaneous Ring-Out Finish! No points awarded!!
Razino (Mind): I managed to barely pull through... I gotta pull out all the stops to win.
Lenox: You may have gotten a draw, but me and Loki will totally win this!!
Rantaro: Second battle! Ready, and set!
Everyone: Three! Two! One!
Razino and Lenox: Let it... RIP!!
(Roktavor would spiral around the middle, while Loki would charge towards the middle)
Lenox: Loki! Take the center!!
Razino: Not today! Roktavor, go for Dual Winged Typhoon!!
(Roktavor would fling Loki out of the center this time)
Lenox: What?!
Enitu: Wow! Razino's really thinking in this round!!
Ness: Mhm! He used the whirlwind to prevent it from even touching Roktavor!
(Back to the stadium)
Lenox: Change of plans, Loki, charge at it, full speed!!
(Loki would dash towards Roktavor, breaking the wind barrier with relative ease)
Razino: Huh?!
Lenox: Heh!
Razino: Change of plans Roktavor, time to go on the offensive!!
Razino: Go ROKTAVOR!!
(Roktavor's avatar would erupt from it's beyblade, engulfed in an orange flame)
Lenox: ...redirect it with Jinx Barrier!!
(Loki would guard Roktavor's attack, sending it flying towards the wall, destabilizing it quite a bit)
Razino (Mind): He can counter any attack I throw at him...
Lenox: Now! LOKI!!
(Loki's avatar would beam from it's beyblade, engulfed in a green aura)
Lenox: Jinx COUNTER!!
(Loki would charge towards Roktavor, impacting it so hard it would hit the wall and burst)
Razino: *gasps*
Lenox: Heh!
Ness: W-what?!
Enitu: Wow!!
Rantaro: With a burst finish, Lenox Jiuhara wins!!
Razino: Grrr... (He'd storm off into his training room)
Ness: Uhh, what's with him?
Enitu: Yeah, he seems mad...
Rantaro: Oh, it's nothing. Sometimes he gets mad after he loses due to "his training being a waste of time", or so he says. He'll be fine, just gotta let 'em have his moment-
(Ness would run off towards Razino's room)
Rantaro: ...he did exactly what I didn't tell him to do.... *sigh*
Enitu: Oh. Well, Lenox, wanna have a battle?
Lenox: Sure, but be warned, me and Loki are a fearsome duo!!
Lenox and Enitu: Three, Two, One! Let it RIP!!
(Back at Razino's room, Ness would open the door, planning to confront him. Razino would be training at a stadium)
Razino: Let it RIP!!
Razino's Thoughts: How did I lose so easily?! Is my training worth nothing?!?
Ness: Uh, hey Ice Cream Cone Head!!
Razino: Thanks for the compliment, dweeb.
Ness: Wait, that's not the point! Why are you mad?
Razino: Why should it be any of your buisness?
Ness: Because... well... we're friends, right?
Razino: Not at all. You're just a stepping stone on my path to impressing Rantaro.
Ness: *gasps*
Razino: So GET OUT!!
Ness: O-ok... (He'd say as he'd go out of Razino's training room)
(Ness would walk towards where the rest of the group was)
Ness (Mind): Impressing Rantaro...
(Ness would finally arrive at the stadium)
Rantaro: So how'd it go?
Ness: *gulp* Bad...
Rantaro: Wait, what's wrong? He usually doesn't...
Ness: He... got really mad...
Lenox: Dang... I didn't mean to blow him away so hard...
Enitu: ...Way to ruin the moment, Lenox.
Lenox: Heheh... sorry.
Enitu: Maybe a battle will cheer him up...?
Ness: BATTLE?! OF COURSE?! (He'd say, as if the whole Razino incident didn't happen)
Lenox: You'll be battling me.
Ness: Cool! I get a shot at Loki!!
Lenox: Don't be too excited, me and Loki will blow you outta the water!!
Ness: Nuh uh! Me and Nirios are gonna send ya six ways to Sunday!! (He'd say, holding out his bey)
(They'd line up at the stadium)
Enitu: Yo Rantaro, can I ref this time?
Rantaro: Sure thing! (He'd say, taking a seat)
Enitu: First battle! Ready, and set!
Everyone: Three! Two! One!
Ness and Lenox: Let it... RIP!!
Ness: Go Nirios! Lets send 'em six ways to Sunday!!
Lenox: Charge Loki! Let's show 'em what we're made of!
(Nirios and Loki would charge at each other, with both of them being sent flying out of the stadium, and Nirios landing a few seconds after Loki)
Lenox: Wow! You're not half bad!
Ness: You're not so bad yourself either! Wanna go again?
Lenox: Yeah!
Enitu: *sigh* I think they're getting a bit too excited...
Rantaro: Nah, let 'em battle.
Ness and Lenox: Three! Two! One! Let it... RIP!!!
Rantaro cannot give'em a break could he? And that's a really long chapter, Nice job!
thanks! i didnt even stop to eat lunch for this chapter (for some reason, I wanted to complete it before I ate lunch) I put a lot of effort into this and i even put some funny stuff towards the end, like the ice cream cone reaction and how lenox ruined the moment
now if everyone excuses me ima eat meh lunch while making the preview
RE: Beyblade Burst: Prime! - Demon Belial - Jul. 19, 2021
And the award for the longest fan-fic chapter goes to.......
RE: Beyblade Burst: Prime! - GenesisBlader - Jul. 19, 2021
Episode 5 Preview!
Ness: A new rival! This is so awesome!
Ness: Wait, VALT isn't gonna be busy, so he can get some training in with us!
Ness: This time, we're totally gonna defeat Valtryek!
Next Episode on Beyblade Burst Prime:
Sword of Divinity! Marvel Valtryek!
RE: Beyblade Burst: Prime! - UnseenBurst - Jul. 19, 2021
(Jul. 19, 2021 8:04 PM)BladeKingX Wrote: Episode 4!
Mad Trickery! Jinx Loki!
(It was a bright, sunny morning in the streets of Beigoma, and Ness and the crew were training at Rantaro's Training Center)
Ness: C'mon Nirios! We can do this! Plasma Launch!! (He'd say as he'd thrust his hand out)
Razino: Knock 'em outta the park! Dual Winged Typhoon!! (He'd then spread his arms out as if he was a bird preparing to fly)
(Roktavor's Tornado would send Nirios flying out of the stadium)
Enitu: Whirlwind Roktavor with a ring out finish! Razino Kiyama with one point!
Ness: Aw man!!
Razino: Looks like that win yesterday was just a fluke!
Ness: Hey! Take that back, how about another battle-
Enitu: Whoa whoa, maybe you should take a chill pill...
Rantaro: He's right, you should take a break! You've been at this for hours!
Ness: *sigh* I guess you guys are right... (He'd say as he'd sit down on a bench)
Rantaro: ...What are you two standing there for?! Get some exercise in!! 500 jumping-jacks, go! (He'd say as he'd point to both Enitu and Razino)
Enitu and Razino: *gulp* Yes sir! (They'd say as they'd start to do jumping-jacks)
Ness: Ooh, I'm in for some exercise too! (He'd say as leap out of his seat and started to do jumping-jacks)
(Meanwhile, at an isolated alleyway, a mysterious blader would loom)
???: Are you ready, Jinx Loki?
(Jinx Loki would glimmer)
???: This'll be awesome! (He'd say as he'd start to go to Rantaro's Training Center)
(Back at the training center)
Ness (Doing Jumping-Jacks): 499... 500! Done!
Enitu: Wow, you're done already?! I'm still at 105...
Razino (Mind): That kid is something else...
Ness: Alright, Razino! Let's battle and see if it was really a fluke!!
Razino (Mind): Another battle? This kid is relentless...
Razino: Challenge accepted! Me and Roktavor will defeat you again!!
Ness: We'll see! Me and Nirios will totally burst you like crazy!
(They'd line up at the stadium, with Enitu being the ref, and Rantaro being a spectator)
Rantaro: Let's see how this turns out...
Enitu: First battle! Ready, and set!
Everyone: Three! Two! One!
Ness and Razino: Let it... RIP!!!
Enitu: And the beys are in the stadium!!
Razino: Roktavor! Take center stage!!
(Roktavor would rush towards the center)
Enitu: Roktavor takes the center in almost an instant!!
Ness: Now Nirios! Hit 'em with Plasma Launch!! (He'd say, thrusting both his arms out)
(Nirios would land a fierce barrage of attacks!)
Razino: This again? Roktavor, go for a Dual Winged TYPHOON!!! (He'd say, once again spreading his arms like a bird about to fly)
(Roktavor would knock Nirios back towards the wall)
Razino (Mind): This time he won't burst Roktavor!
Ness: Let's go for a Plasma Bolt, Nirios!! (He'd say, thrusting his arm out)
(Nirios would charge towards Roktavor)
Razino: Now Roktavor!!
(Roktavor would go up the stadium slope)
Razino: COUNTER IT WITH WHIRLWIND CRASH!! (He'd say as he'd put his arms in an X shape and spread them back out)
Ness and Razino: HAAAAA!!!
Enitu: This... is intense!!
Rantaro: Wow! Razino stepped it up a notch and thought of a counter!!
(Finally, both beys would be sent flying out of the stadium at very high speeds)
(The mysterious blader from earlier would come through the entrance door of the training center)
???: Uh oh! (He'd say as Nirios would come charging at him at full speed, akin to a runaway train)
(The mysterious blader would catch Nirios)
Enitu: Simultaneous Ring-Out Finish! No points awarded-
Rantaro: Hey! You can't just barge in here like that-
Ness: WOW!! A new visitor? (He'd rush over to the mysterious blader) Heya! What's your name?
Razino: But we were battling-
Lenox: Uh, my name is Lenox Jiuhara, nice to meet ya!
Ness: Nice to meet ya too Lenox!!
Rantaro: he's just gonna ignore me, huh.
(Ness, Lenox, and co. would all sit down on a bench)
Ness: So why'd you come here, Lenox?
Lenox: Well, I came here because you all seemed like a fun group to be around!
Ness: Oh, so you wanna battle us is what you're saying... (He'd say, scratching his head)
Lenox: Yeah!!
Ness: Awesome! But you should battle me first!!
Lenox: Well actually, I was thinking on battling Rantaro first-
Razino: Hey! I don't wanna hear Rantaro's name come out of you're mouth!! Also if you wanna battle him, you're gonna have to go through me first!
Ness: *gasps*
Rantaro: Razino...
Lenox: ...Ok ok, geez. If you wanna battle, you should've just said so...
(They'd all line up at a nearby stadium)
Rantaro: I'll ref. (He'd say as he'd line up at the stadium)
Lenox: I'll be battling you with Jinx Loki!
Razino (Mind): Hmmm, Jinx Loki... a defense type with 6 blades to block off opponents' attacks. It's driver looks like its twisted, increasing it's stamina and weight. This'll have a tough defense, but we'll just break through it.
Rantaro: First battle! Ready, and set!
Everyone: Three! Two! One!
Razino and Lenox: Let it... RIP!!!
Ness: I wonder how this battle will turn out!!
Razino and Lenox: Take the center!! (They'd both say in synchronization)
(Loki and Roktavor would clash in the middle, with Loki completely flinging Roktavor towards the wall)
Razino: *gasps*
Lenox: Heh!
Enitu: Uh oh!
Ness: What is it?
Enitu: Check this out! (He'd say as he'd show Ness the data of Jinx Loki on his BeyPad) Since Loki is a heavy defense type, it's hard to move from the center!
Ness: Awesome... Welp, Razino's in for a wild ride!
Enitu: Yep!
(Back to the battle)
Lenox: Go Loki! Set up defense with Jinx Barrier!! (He'd say as he'd hold up both of his arms in front of his face, akin to blocking an attack)
Razino: Well, we'll just have to break through that defense! Roktavor, charge!
(Roktavor would relentlessly launch a barrage of attacks at Loki. It would seem to be doing... absolutely nothing?!)
Razino: Huh?
Razino (Mind): Why aren't the attacks effecting it?! Wait... maybe it's because of the defensive shape... I need to finish this quickly.
Razino: ROKTAVOR!! Charge at it with Whirlwind Crash!!
(Roktavor would generate a hurricane-like wind force, then it would ram into Loki)
Razino: HAAA!!!!
Lenox: Loki! Stand your ground!!
(A huge explosion full with wind would explode throughout the stadium)
Ness: Agh... this is intense!!
(Both beys would get sent flying out of the stadium)
Razino and Lenox: *gasps*
Enitu: Whoa... that was amazing!!
Rantaro: Simultaneous Ring-Out Finish! No points awarded!!
Razino (Mind): I managed to barely pull through... I gotta pull out all the stops to win.
Lenox: You may have gotten a draw, but me and Loki will totally win this!!
Rantaro: Second battle! Ready, and set!
Everyone: Three! Two! One!
Razino and Lenox: Let it... RIP!!
(Roktavor would spiral around the middle, while Loki would charge towards the middle)
Lenox: Loki! Take the center!!
Razino: Not today! Roktavor, go for Dual Winged Typhoon!!
(Roktavor would fling Loki out of the center this time)
Lenox: What?!
Enitu: Wow! Razino's really thinking in this round!!
Ness: Mhm! He used the whirlwind to prevent it from even touching Roktavor!
(Back to the stadium)
Lenox: Change of plans, Loki, charge at it, full speed!!
(Loki would dash towards Roktavor, breaking the wind barrier with relative ease)
Razino: Huh?!
Lenox: Heh!
Razino: Change of plans Roktavor, time to go on the offensive!!
Razino: Go ROKTAVOR!!
(Roktavor's avatar would erupt from it's beyblade, engulfed in an orange flame)
Lenox: ...redirect it with Jinx Barrier!!
(Loki would guard Roktavor's attack, sending it flying towards the wall, destabilizing it quite a bit)
Razino (Mind): He can counter any attack I throw at him...
Lenox: Now! LOKI!!
(Loki's avatar would beam from it's beyblade, engulfed in a green aura)
Lenox: Jinx COUNTER!!
(Loki would charge towards Roktavor, impacting it so hard it would hit the wall and burst)
Razino: *gasps*
Lenox: Heh!
Ness: W-what?!
Enitu: Wow!!
Rantaro: With a burst finish, Lenox Jiuhara wins!!
Razino: Grrr... (He'd storm off into his training room)
Ness: Uhh, what's with him?
Enitu: Yeah, he seems mad...
Rantaro: Oh, it's nothing. Sometimes he gets mad after he loses due to "his training being a waste of time", or so he says. He'll be fine, just gotta let 'em have his moment-
(Ness would run off towards Razino's room)
Rantaro: ...he did exactly what I didn't tell him to do.... *sigh*
Enitu: Oh. Well, Lenox, wanna have a battle?
Lenox: Sure, but be warned, me and Loki are a fearsome duo!!
Lenox and Enitu: Three, Two, One! Let it RIP!!
(Back at Razino's room, Ness would open the door, planning to confront him. Razino would be training at a stadium)
Razino: Let it RIP!!
Razino's Thoughts: How did I lose so easily?! Is my training worth nothing?!?
Ness: Uh, hey Ice Cream Cone Head!!
Razino: Thanks for the compliment, dweeb.
Ness: Wait, that's not the point! Why are you mad?
Razino: Why should it be any of your buisness?
Ness: Because... well... we're friends, right?
Razino: Not at all. You're just a stepping stone on my path to impressing Rantaro.
Ness: *gasps*
Razino: So GET OUT!!
Ness: O-ok... (He'd say as he'd go out of Razino's training room)
(Ness would walk towards where the rest of the group was)
Ness (Mind): Impressing Rantaro...
(Ness would finally arrive at the stadium)
Rantaro: So how'd it go?
Ness: *gulp* Bad...
Rantaro: Wait, what's wrong? He usually doesn't...
Ness: He... got really mad...
Lenox: Dang... I didn't mean to blow him away so hard...
Enitu: ...Way to ruin the moment, Lenox.
Lenox: Heheh... sorry.
Enitu: Maybe a battle will cheer him up...?
Ness: BATTLE?! OF COURSE?! (He'd say, as if the whole Razino incident didn't happen)
Lenox: You'll be battling me.
Ness: Cool! I get a shot at Loki!!
Lenox: Don't be too excited, me and Loki will blow you outta the water!!
Ness: Nuh uh! Me and Nirios are gonna send ya six ways to Sunday!! (He'd say, holding out his bey)
(They'd line up at the stadium)
Enitu: Yo Rantaro, can I ref this time?
Rantaro: Sure thing! (He'd say, taking a seat)
Enitu: First battle! Ready, and set!
Everyone: Three! Two! One!
Ness and Lenox: Let it... RIP!!
Ness: Go Nirios! Lets send 'em six ways to Sunday!!
Lenox: Charge Loki! Let's show 'em what we're made of!
(Nirios and Loki would charge at each other, with both of them being sent flying out of the stadium, and Nirios landing a few seconds after Loki)
Lenox: Wow! You're not half bad!
Ness: You're not so bad yourself either! Wanna go again?
Lenox: Yeah!
Enitu: *sigh* I think they're getting a bit too excited...
Rantaro: Nah, let 'em battle.
Ness and Lenox: Three! Two! One! Let it... RIP!!!
Awesome chapter! I'm excited for the next one! (Ranzino take a chill pill)
RE: Beyblade Burst: Prime! - GenesisBlader - Jul. 19, 2021
(Jul. 19, 2021 8:48 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: (Jul. 19, 2021 8:04 PM)BladeKingX Wrote: Episode 4!
Mad Trickery! Jinx Loki!
(It was a bright, sunny morning in the streets of Beigoma, and Ness and the crew were training at Rantaro's Training Center)
Ness: C'mon Nirios! We can do this! Plasma Launch!! (He'd say as he'd thrust his hand out)
Razino: Knock 'em outta the park! Dual Winged Typhoon!! (He'd then spread his arms out as if he was a bird preparing to fly)
(Roktavor's Tornado would send Nirios flying out of the stadium)
Enitu: Whirlwind Roktavor with a ring out finish! Razino Kiyama with one point!
Ness: Aw man!!
Razino: Looks like that win yesterday was just a fluke!
Ness: Hey! Take that back, how about another battle-
Enitu: Whoa whoa, maybe you should take a chill pill...
Rantaro: He's right, you should take a break! You've been at this for hours!
Ness: *sigh* I guess you guys are right... (He'd say as he'd sit down on a bench)
Rantaro: ...What are you two standing there for?! Get some exercise in!! 500 jumping-jacks, go! (He'd say as he'd point to both Enitu and Razino)
Enitu and Razino: *gulp* Yes sir! (They'd say as they'd start to do jumping-jacks)
Ness: Ooh, I'm in for some exercise too! (He'd say as leap out of his seat and started to do jumping-jacks)
(Meanwhile, at an isolated alleyway, a mysterious blader would loom)
???: Are you ready, Jinx Loki?
(Jinx Loki would glimmer)
???: This'll be awesome! (He'd say as he'd start to go to Rantaro's Training Center)
(Back at the training center)
Ness (Doing Jumping-Jacks): 499... 500! Done!
Enitu: Wow, you're done already?! I'm still at 105...
Razino (Mind): That kid is something else...
Ness: Alright, Razino! Let's battle and see if it was really a fluke!!
Razino (Mind): Another battle? This kid is relentless...
Razino: Challenge accepted! Me and Roktavor will defeat you again!!
Ness: We'll see! Me and Nirios will totally burst you like crazy!
(They'd line up at the stadium, with Enitu being the ref, and Rantaro being a spectator)
Rantaro: Let's see how this turns out...
Enitu: First battle! Ready, and set!
Everyone: Three! Two! One!
Ness and Razino: Let it... RIP!!!
Enitu: And the beys are in the stadium!!
Razino: Roktavor! Take center stage!!
(Roktavor would rush towards the center)
Enitu: Roktavor takes the center in almost an instant!!
Ness: Now Nirios! Hit 'em with Plasma Launch!! (He'd say, thrusting both his arms out)
(Nirios would land a fierce barrage of attacks!)
Razino: This again? Roktavor, go for a Dual Winged TYPHOON!!! (He'd say, once again spreading his arms like a bird about to fly)
(Roktavor would knock Nirios back towards the wall)
Razino (Mind): This time he won't burst Roktavor!
Ness: Let's go for a Plasma Bolt, Nirios!! (He'd say, thrusting his arm out)
(Nirios would charge towards Roktavor)
Razino: Now Roktavor!!
(Roktavor would go up the stadium slope)
Razino: COUNTER IT WITH WHIRLWIND CRASH!! (He'd say as he'd put his arms in an X shape and spread them back out)
Ness and Razino: HAAAAA!!!
Enitu: This... is intense!!
Rantaro: Wow! Razino stepped it up a notch and thought of a counter!!
(Finally, both beys would be sent flying out of the stadium at very high speeds)
(The mysterious blader from earlier would come through the entrance door of the training center)
???: Uh oh! (He'd say as Nirios would come charging at him at full speed, akin to a runaway train)
(The mysterious blader would catch Nirios)
Enitu: Simultaneous Ring-Out Finish! No points awarded-
Rantaro: Hey! You can't just barge in here like that-
Ness: WOW!! A new visitor? (He'd rush over to the mysterious blader) Heya! What's your name?
Razino: But we were battling-
Lenox: Uh, my name is Lenox Jiuhara, nice to meet ya!
Ness: Nice to meet ya too Lenox!!
Rantaro: he's just gonna ignore me, huh.
(Ness, Lenox, and co. would all sit down on a bench)
Ness: So why'd you come here, Lenox?
Lenox: Well, I came here because you all seemed like a fun group to be around!
Ness: Oh, so you wanna battle us is what you're saying... (He'd say, scratching his head)
Lenox: Yeah!!
Ness: Awesome! But you should battle me first!!
Lenox: Well actually, I was thinking on battling Rantaro first-
Razino: Hey! I don't wanna hear Rantaro's name come out of you're mouth!! Also if you wanna battle him, you're gonna have to go through me first!
Ness: *gasps*
Rantaro: Razino...
Lenox: ...Ok ok, geez. If you wanna battle, you should've just said so...
(They'd all line up at a nearby stadium)
Rantaro: I'll ref. (He'd say as he'd line up at the stadium)
Lenox: I'll be battling you with Jinx Loki!
Razino (Mind): Hmmm, Jinx Loki... a defense type with 6 blades to block off opponents' attacks. It's driver looks like its twisted, increasing it's stamina and weight. This'll have a tough defense, but we'll just break through it.
Rantaro: First battle! Ready, and set!
Everyone: Three! Two! One!
Razino and Lenox: Let it... RIP!!!
Ness: I wonder how this battle will turn out!!
Razino and Lenox: Take the center!! (They'd both say in synchronization)
(Loki and Roktavor would clash in the middle, with Loki completely flinging Roktavor towards the wall)
Razino: *gasps*
Lenox: Heh!
Enitu: Uh oh!
Ness: What is it?
Enitu: Check this out! (He'd say as he'd show Ness the data of Jinx Loki on his BeyPad) Since Loki is a heavy defense type, it's hard to move from the center!
Ness: Awesome... Welp, Razino's in for a wild ride!
Enitu: Yep!
(Back to the battle)
Lenox: Go Loki! Set up defense with Jinx Barrier!! (He'd say as he'd hold up both of his arms in front of his face, akin to blocking an attack)
Razino: Well, we'll just have to break through that defense! Roktavor, charge!
(Roktavor would relentlessly launch a barrage of attacks at Loki. It would seem to be doing... absolutely nothing?!)
Razino: Huh?
Razino (Mind): Why aren't the attacks effecting it?! Wait... maybe it's because of the defensive shape... I need to finish this quickly.
Razino: ROKTAVOR!! Charge at it with Whirlwind Crash!!
(Roktavor would generate a hurricane-like wind force, then it would ram into Loki)
Razino: HAAA!!!!
Lenox: Loki! Stand your ground!!
(A huge explosion full with wind would explode throughout the stadium)
Ness: Agh... this is intense!!
(Both beys would get sent flying out of the stadium)
Razino and Lenox: *gasps*
Enitu: Whoa... that was amazing!!
Rantaro: Simultaneous Ring-Out Finish! No points awarded!!
Razino (Mind): I managed to barely pull through... I gotta pull out all the stops to win.
Lenox: You may have gotten a draw, but me and Loki will totally win this!!
Rantaro: Second battle! Ready, and set!
Everyone: Three! Two! One!
Razino and Lenox: Let it... RIP!!
(Roktavor would spiral around the middle, while Loki would charge towards the middle)
Lenox: Loki! Take the center!!
Razino: Not today! Roktavor, go for Dual Winged Typhoon!!
(Roktavor would fling Loki out of the center this time)
Lenox: What?!
Enitu: Wow! Razino's really thinking in this round!!
Ness: Mhm! He used the whirlwind to prevent it from even touching Roktavor!
(Back to the stadium)
Lenox: Change of plans, Loki, charge at it, full speed!!
(Loki would dash towards Roktavor, breaking the wind barrier with relative ease)
Razino: Huh?!
Lenox: Heh!
Razino: Change of plans Roktavor, time to go on the offensive!!
Razino: Go ROKTAVOR!!
(Roktavor's avatar would erupt from it's beyblade, engulfed in an orange flame)
Lenox: ...redirect it with Jinx Barrier!!
(Loki would guard Roktavor's attack, sending it flying towards the wall, destabilizing it quite a bit)
Razino (Mind): He can counter any attack I throw at him...
Lenox: Now! LOKI!!
(Loki's avatar would beam from it's beyblade, engulfed in a green aura)
Lenox: Jinx COUNTER!!
(Loki would charge towards Roktavor, impacting it so hard it would hit the wall and burst)
Razino: *gasps*
Lenox: Heh!
Ness: W-what?!
Enitu: Wow!!
Rantaro: With a burst finish, Lenox Jiuhara wins!!
Razino: Grrr... (He'd storm off into his training room)
Ness: Uhh, what's with him?
Enitu: Yeah, he seems mad...
Rantaro: Oh, it's nothing. Sometimes he gets mad after he loses due to "his training being a waste of time", or so he says. He'll be fine, just gotta let 'em have his moment-
(Ness would run off towards Razino's room)
Rantaro: ...he did exactly what I didn't tell him to do.... *sigh*
Enitu: Oh. Well, Lenox, wanna have a battle?
Lenox: Sure, but be warned, me and Loki are a fearsome duo!!
Lenox and Enitu: Three, Two, One! Let it RIP!!
(Back at Razino's room, Ness would open the door, planning to confront him. Razino would be training at a stadium)
Razino: Let it RIP!!
Razino's Thoughts: How did I lose so easily?! Is my training worth nothing?!?
Ness: Uh, hey Ice Cream Cone Head!!
Razino: Thanks for the compliment, dweeb.
Ness: Wait, that's not the point! Why are you mad?
Razino: Why should it be any of your buisness?
Ness: Because... well... we're friends, right?
Razino: Not at all. You're just a stepping stone on my path to impressing Rantaro.
Ness: *gasps*
Razino: So GET OUT!!
Ness: O-ok... (He'd say as he'd go out of Razino's training room)
(Ness would walk towards where the rest of the group was)
Ness (Mind): Impressing Rantaro...
(Ness would finally arrive at the stadium)
Rantaro: So how'd it go?
Ness: *gulp* Bad...
Rantaro: Wait, what's wrong? He usually doesn't...
Ness: He... got really mad...
Lenox: Dang... I didn't mean to blow him away so hard...
Enitu: ...Way to ruin the moment, Lenox.
Lenox: Heheh... sorry.
Enitu: Maybe a battle will cheer him up...?
Ness: BATTLE?! OF COURSE?! (He'd say, as if the whole Razino incident didn't happen)
Lenox: You'll be battling me.
Ness: Cool! I get a shot at Loki!!
Lenox: Don't be too excited, me and Loki will blow you outta the water!!
Ness: Nuh uh! Me and Nirios are gonna send ya six ways to Sunday!! (He'd say, holding out his bey)
(They'd line up at the stadium)
Enitu: Yo Rantaro, can I ref this time?
Rantaro: Sure thing! (He'd say, taking a seat)
Enitu: First battle! Ready, and set!
Everyone: Three! Two! One!
Ness and Lenox: Let it... RIP!!
Ness: Go Nirios! Lets send 'em six ways to Sunday!!
Lenox: Charge Loki! Let's show 'em what we're made of!
(Nirios and Loki would charge at each other, with both of them being sent flying out of the stadium, and Nirios landing a few seconds after Loki)
Lenox: Wow! You're not half bad!
Ness: You're not so bad yourself either! Wanna go again?
Lenox: Yeah!
Enitu: *sigh* I think they're getting a bit too excited...
Rantaro: Nah, let 'em battle.
Ness and Lenox: Three! Two! One! Let it... RIP!!!
Awesome chapter! I'm excited for the next one! (Ranzino take a chill pill)
lol don't worry Razino may... uhhh... nvm
RE: Beyblade Burst: Prime! - PinkRose - Jul. 19, 2021
Aaaand Rantaro continues being best dad for the second generation in a row. If only a certain blueberry and albino tried to learn a thing or two from him...