World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Printable Version

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RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - JDBriggsBlader - Jul. 04, 2011

For me, im 15, if i get in trouble, my mom always goes in for takeing whatever im currently into, in this case, and the case for 13 months now, she takes all my beyblades, launchers, even the keychain bey of Storm pegasis i have on my backpack,=( and even my beyblade ds games! and throws it all into a bag, i get SO MAD when she treats my beys like carp >=0 even some of my mint beys i have ie= RED Cyberpegasis, and my painted beys like galaxy and counter leone(DS Version, Green one) UUUUHHHHHH parents just dont know the value of things, so now my galaxy pegasis has a super chiped metal wheel=(......

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Temporal - Jul. 04, 2011

Don't get in trouble. It's that easy. If you hate it, avoid the situations where it could happen, that's the only half-decent advice I've got. Getting angry makes the problem worse, not better.

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - TimelessOne - Jul. 04, 2011

My familys pretty fine with beyblades, they always buy them for me and there quite interested with the differt combos you can make and like to beyblade with me and my lil bro.

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - BeyCenter - Jul. 04, 2011

Sometimes my cousins complain about me liking it and tell me to shut up and get a life. Well i tell then to get a life to, then a friend of mine makes fun of me for liking it and tells every one and i get rediculed. Some friend he is Tired. My parents don't care. They think its ok and it keeps me occupied.

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Temporal - Jul. 04, 2011

At this point, it's clear that you need to avoid those people. It's just gonna get worse if you continue to stay around them. Or better yet, why should you have to move? Tell them to get lost.

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - JDBriggsBlader - Jul. 04, 2011

(Jul. 04, 2011  6:33 AM)Megablader9 Wrote: Don't get in trouble. It's that easy. If you hate it, avoid the situations where it could happen, that's the only half-decent advice I've got. Getting angry makes the problem worse, not better.

thanks, but its the point where i do something like, spill water on the ground, my mom GOES INSANE!!!!! and takes everything, she blows everything out of proportion to the point where spilling a drop of water is like killing someone

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Temporal - Jul. 04, 2011

Erm... I doubt this. There are VERY few parents who actually can be classified as insane, and none would even bother to buy any beyblades to take in the first place. You've probably done something like blown her off and never noticed. That's really the only realistic possibility. Did you try talking with her? If so, try again. If not, try. If she's actually doing this, you did something that hurt her pride or something. Maybe you forgot her birthday, than asked for something for yourself? Go over the last few weeks, you'll find something. I guarantee it, as no parent goes ballistic over something that small. Otherwise, back off. She's stressed because of work, bills, and some other things. And NEVER. I mean EVER, try to say something like she's not being fair, or she doesn't like you, or play the big "F" (Favoritism.) No matter how mad you get, you never want to lose the trust of your parents. Ever. (I've made a few VERY stupid decisions, and had to watch my mother cry in embarrassment. Not a good feeling.) They will always have your back when it matters, no mater how annoying they are.

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - PunkBlader - Jul. 05, 2011

My parents are not bothered by it. As long as it isn't violence, booze, drugs or smoking they are usually accepting.

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - bobro1976 - Jul. 05, 2011

As a parent myself, everything in moderation is my advice. As long you don't go nuts spending too much money into beyblades, I wouldn't bother saying anything as a parent. Then again, I understand how you would feel as I play beyblades as a 34 yrd old with my son and other parents look at me funny! haha. Not that I care. Men as they say are always kids at heart. Enjoy!

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - toatanu - Jul. 05, 2011

(Jul. 02, 2011  11:24 PM)dranzerAID Wrote: This all depends on how old you are, like if your 16 or something then its pretty wierd to be playing beyblade and if your 5 then thats not the right age aswell

My lil' bro(Uses Dark Unicorno D125WD) is 4 and he ATTEMPTS to play beyblade, but always gets owned by me or my mom/dad. I usually beat my mom(Burn/flame Capricorn ED145D) too, but my dad(60 yrs. old XD, uses random combos with all sorts of junky tips, but I may give him Ray Fireblaze H145CS) and I are evenly matched, although he doesn't blade much of at all.

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - IceGadget - Jul. 05, 2011

My mom doesn't care, my nephew plays with me but he gets owned.! My sis laughs at me but thats cause she and I have a 14 year difference so yeah, I can't really say their supportive but their not disapproving, like if I need a ride they'll take me and maybe give me a little money for some so yeah.!

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - beycrusher jim - Jul. 12, 2011

My parents do that to me to. There like its time for u to grow up. Whenever I get a beyblade from the mail they laugh. They don't have respect for me at all.

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - MegaPanda - Jul. 15, 2011

My uncle calls me an eight year old boy for buying beyblades. I'm a thirteen year old girl LOL.

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - kevinlee123 - Jul. 15, 2011

no one i know really cares about beyblades anymore. but my parents are completely fine with the fact im collecting them except for the cost cos we're not that rich. when i get my beyblades im like hey sis come look at this its shiny and shes like wooh pretty. im happy that i got my vulcan horuseus the only one i would really want would be mercury anubis. i've got a few moer i play with but i'd lke to keep vulcan horuseus for collecion purposes.

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - IdiotBox - Jul. 15, 2011

My family is pretty accepting, considering that I already am a pretty big weirdo. XD

My mom doesn't care, so long as I use my own money.
My big brother is kinda curious that I might think of getting rid of them, but he says I don't have to if I don't want to. I bet he secretly thinks it's realleh weird that I still like beyblade. Confused
My cousins (about from same age as me up to 21 years old) don't care either, mostly my 4 year old cousin likes beyblade, and even knows how to play. Seriously, I gave her a beylauncher and a Flame Sagittario, and surprise surprise, she actually is pretty good at beyblade already. XD

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - BHorogium - Jul. 18, 2011

My mom is okay with it, my dad doesn't know (if he did then I wouldn't be posting here) , my two sister's think it's stupid, my cat doesn't pay attention to it, and my cat's babies are too young to see. Overall, no one really discourages me from playing it.

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - sasuke41915 - Jul. 18, 2011

every one in my family totally hates it,even worse,my grandparents just came from Egypt so another two people to diss me about my hobbies
(Jun. 05, 2011  5:03 AM)NightWolf7919 Wrote:
(Jun. 04, 2011  8:01 PM)Dracomageat Wrote:
(Jun. 04, 2011  1:49 AM)tman14 Wrote: uhhh you want to stay immature ?Unhappy? that will really help you the rest of your life Speechless

Obviously, it has it's drawbacks but acting all grown up is only going to burden me with political worries that aren't my own and a sense of guilt towards my childish hobbies. I think it's better this way.

I for one don't find Beyblade to be childish at all. Perhaps the name and the marketing techniques make it seem childish but it requires strategy as well. I'm sure many people think its an all-luck game, but that is seriously not the case. It's all about the way you shoot, the combo you use, etc.. If beyblade is childish then why aren't sports like baseball, football, basketball childish as well?

THX THX THX I've been waiting for someone to say this for so long it's hard to express my feelings online but i am currently pissed

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Capricorn7 - Jul. 18, 2011

every one in my family is very suppotive and encourge my hobby

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Prince Blaze - Jul. 18, 2011

My family does not care as long as i don't take too far

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - darkwolf1 - Jul. 20, 2011

My family has gotten mildly supportive after seeing the intelligent aspects. the dog though, he steals them and hides 'em under his doggy bed. maybe he'll still mad about when he literally stuck his nose in a four way battle.

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - b.demonsreturn - Jul. 20, 2011

(Jul. 18, 2011  11:53 PM)Shadowâ„¢ Wrote: My family does not care as long as i don't take too far

that can be interpreted in many ways my friend...

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - sonicsora123 - Jul. 20, 2011

im still pretty young but still the same things happen to me. im not even that hardcore on beyblade. i mean until i get a good stadium (which im ordering now just to off topic) i cant really play but i guess my family doesn't really like me wasting my time and money on toys. Meh.

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Spdshadow - Jul. 20, 2011

(Jan. 01, 2011  7:15 AM)NitroNeo Wrote:
(Jan. 01, 2011  12:44 AM)Arasan1998 Wrote: My whole school are into beyblades, even the teachers, and my parents dont mind. My uncle comes to canada, he brings like 20 beys from japan and gives them to me and my cuzins.

Wow thats just insane , your uncle is pretty cool , my uncle also got me a earth aquilla from Singapore & he is also cool with my beyblade hobby , he ask me if i want any beys if he goes abroad

Hey hey! I'm from Singapore! Next time ask him to buy a hell or basalt etc not a earth Aquila ! Anyway we have a big bey tournament almost every school holiday( June and December) and usual free fights at TRU to get stamps and stuff to redeem for parts etc. Recently, we had a tournament for the Asia cup 2 tournament . The lucky guy must have been so happy to get to go to japan for compete with people from around the world

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Annoying-Fork - Jul. 20, 2011

My parents are okay, despite my age....

We are in a society where people think spending like an adult and acting as and adult are the same thing.

My (although a bit generic) word of advice?

Act as if your older than the target audience if you are 18/19. Don't take it too seriously.

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Triple-X-Turbo - Jul. 21, 2011

(Jul. 20, 2011  11:08 PM)Codeine Extorts Wrote: My parents are okay, despite my age....

We are in a society where people think spending like an adult and acting as and adult are the same thing.

My (although a bit generic) word of advice?

Act as if your older than the target audience if you are 18/19. Don't take it too seriously.

Sounds like you know them very well.
Well...... Same matters with the people of our society. They also think that but this is also a part of their thought that someone should act according to his age. They think If some kid acts as adults in future he would suffer from some mental informalities and depression. That's why he should act and spend like what his age is supposed to.