World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Worst pain you have ever experienced - Printable Version

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RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - Akatsuki - May. 11, 2010

Hmm i have 3 most painful experiences:

1 - One week after my 14th birthday i was out cycling on my bike down a large hill. I was going slowly and then picked up speed so in order to slow down i put on my brakes. But with the speed i was doing and the friction the brakes were not very effective and my bike came off the pavement and i smacked my wrist into a parked white van XD when i got up i saw my right wrist was all floppy and blood was coming out everywhere. Went to hospital and they said i had broken my wrist

2 - Again i was on my bike cycling to a friends house when i was 17. I was cycling there and some stupid old ladys dog runs infront of my bike so in order to not run over the small animal i braked hard lost my balance and then scraped along the ground for easily about 10 seconds. I had all the skin on the top of my right forearm come off, lost loads of skin on the left side of my stomach and my knee caps were cut and blood was streaming everywhere Pinching_eyes_2

3 - Last one was about 1 year ago when i found out that one of my closest friends had passed away. She was a very close and special friend and i thought of her as a sister. I also had feelings for her but sadly i never had a chance to tell her how special she was to me Crying she had been suffering from an illness and her heart failed. She is at peace though and wont have to suffer anymore

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - Corey - May. 11, 2010

Dislocated knee caps.

Left knee three times, right knee twice.

Can't snowboard anymore, can't play contact sports anymore. There's almost definitely structural damage, and they are stiff if I sit for a long period of time. I haven't gotten surgery though, so it's my own fault.

They blow.

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - Serotonin - May. 11, 2010

That is really horrible man, feel bad for you.

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - lewis - May. 11, 2010

i have 3 worst pains
1st- was when i went face first into a barbed wire fence when i was boggiebording
2nd- was when i broke my toe(its is still broken 3months laterUnhappy)
and the 3rd was damaging my back on the trampolineUnhappy

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - Corey - May. 12, 2010

(May. 11, 2010  10:45 PM)♥ Wrote: That is really horrible man, feel bad for you.

I appreciate it.

The worst part is, I'm only 19. I can't imagine what's going to happen when I'm 40.

My mom passed down her weak joints, so I'll have to get some stuff fixed eventually.

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - Zeda - May. 12, 2010

I think i only have 2....
1. twisting my knee in high jump (my spikes caught the ground when i was about to twist to land on my shoulders)
2. When i was riding my horse somethng made his head hurt so he reared up and fell back on top of me (hes part shire and he was a gypsy horse but he was abandoned) i had a slight concussion but i was fine after a week!

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - Priscient - May. 16, 2010

1. when coming home from a haircut THE MOST OF MY BODY goes "inside" the house and my idiot sister accidently slammed the door on my right ring finger Gasp had to get stitches, not that bad.

2.had a really bad headache, and really high temperature, easily the worst i've felt.

To sum it up: My life is carp.

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - BDaichi - May. 26, 2010

I got in a fight one time when I was a freshmen.
It was David vs Goliath, me being David cause I was like tiny back then.
Towards the end of the fight I was on top the other dude holding down and some how he got up.
I fell face first toward the concrete and the way I fell was impossible for me to put my hands out to protect my face.

Well after falling I went to my friend house and he sprayed some Korean medicine thing on my face and it burned like fire lol XD

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - djspida5 - May. 26, 2010

nothing is worse than heartbreak~


RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - Adam0935 - May. 26, 2010

Oh sooo many stories. I'll go with this one:

I got in a fight with my brother (like I usually do :P) and I ran from him. I hid behind a door but decided to leave the room before he got there, but he kicked the door open and it went straight into my lip. My upper lip was around 2 or 3 times as big and it was dripping out pus and blood. My brother just yelled "You deserve it" and my mom said the same thing, until she saw what actually happened (since I couldn't talk and my brother told her).

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - manga - May. 26, 2010

once i was skatebording down a slide i sliped at the end my entire back was literaly a scene from a horror movie i couldnt bend jump or strech my back for 3 months in case i broke the (masive) scab it was two years ago when I was 8

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - tenzeku123 - May. 30, 2010

when i went on the swing and flew a few feet above twirling and fell on my back and i couldnt breath at all and each time i hicupp my heart feels like its dying and my friend wanted to bring me to the hospital and after a while it healed but each time i hiccup i sound like a frog

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - bladercam - May. 30, 2010

the worst pain i ever felt was when my friend accidently moved my leg off the metal pipe i was trying to walk across and i slipped fell and landing on my nutsPinching_eyes_2 im never walking on that thing againPinching_eyes

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - XDBeyblade - Jun. 01, 2010

One of the most painful: A jerk threw a rock on my bike when I was racing, I fell, the doctor said I almost broke my neck, and the blood, ew!

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - Priscient - Jun. 02, 2010

(May. 26, 2010  9:02 PM)BDaichi Wrote: Well after falling I went to my friend house and he sprayed some Korean medicine thing on my face and it burned like fire lol XD

Yeah, well our medicine does that sometimes. xP

Plus another pain I've felt, drinking Hanyak. (If your're korean you know what I'm talking about.)

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - megaroarm5 - Jun. 02, 2010

when i was born...ha ha ha, jk, probably when my girlfriend dumped me, it sucked, i cried Unhappy

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - pegasis105rf - Jul. 29, 2010

when a stick went trough my foot and got out the other side

that was painful

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - Cpt. Squirrel - Jul. 29, 2010

Getting killed by a camper on Modern Warfare 2. That or burning off my fingerprint with the cigarette lighter from a car.

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - pegasis105rf - Jul. 29, 2010

(Jul. 29, 2010  10:41 PM)Cpt. Squirrel Wrote: Getting killed by a camper on Modern Warfare 2. That or burning off my fingerprint with the cigarette lighter from a car.
ouch that must hurt

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - Ultra - Aug. 22, 2010

Had to walk 20 miles for charity for school. It was torture. The blisters were so painful it hurt to walk for a few days.

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - Pimpju - Aug. 22, 2010

Damn that sucks. I let my martial arts student practice low kicks on me. Ow.

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - Moss-Da-Boss - Aug. 24, 2010

Riding my bmx down a 10 meter slide and then crashing into a wall ......

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - Gearfried97 - Aug. 26, 2010

about 5 months ago i smashed my thumb on my patio door. it hurt like hell and there was blood under my nail. after a month, the nail started to come off. after about another month or two of chewing on the back of my nail, the rest just fell off. it grew back, but it never looked the same

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - ChAoStOrM - Aug. 26, 2010

Me and my bro were playing tug of war when I was five. It just happens that I am turned away from the stairs. he releases and I tumbled down.

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - AbhorEvil - Aug. 27, 2010

Probably pulling my groin it happens alot to me IDK why.
Also getting racked repeatadly by some bullys at skool.
And maybe getting turned down by this girl I like Im still sad about it. It happened Monday actually :b (she was/is my first real crush)