World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Printable Version

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RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Slee - May. 19, 2011

My mom was a bit iffy about the new beyblades at first, but eventually became more leniant towards it (she even bought herself a killer beafowl at the last tournament, though she never really battles) My dad's just kinda stood around, looking at me oddly sometimes, asking some questions here and there about it. One day, I managed to muster the courage to bring one of my beys to school, and almost everyone there had a nostalgia trip. The teachers thought it was pretty neat looking as well. I guess I'm a bit more lucky than most people when it comes to this hobby, and I'm almost 18!

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - toatanu - May. 19, 2011

(May. 19, 2011  12:56 AM)Slee Wrote: My mom was a bit iffy about the new beyblades at first, but eventually became more leniant towards it (she even bought herself a killer beafowl at the last tournament, though she never really battles) My dad's just kinda stood around, looking at me oddly sometimes, asking some questions here and there about it. One day, I managed to muster the courage to bring one of my beys to school, and almost everyone there had a nostalgia trip. The teachers thought it was pretty neat looking as well. I guess I'm a bit more lucky than most people when it comes to this hobby, and I'm almost 18!

Damn, you are lucky. I'm only eleven and in MOST of my classes I can't even bring out a bey without someone yelling "THIS KID PLAYS WITH GAYBLADES!!!1!!1!!11111!!" or grabbing it just to mess with me, they don't realize those two beys I always have with me (Aquario and Earth Wolf C145B/WD) are part of my very soul...

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - To - May. 19, 2011

Parents just don't understand.

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Vamasco_ - May. 19, 2011

You're right To .
I have 15 Beyblades , and when I need to buy more they ALWAYS say " Do you really need more ?! "
Of course I need more I say , but they still won't let me buy has many has I want ...

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - TylerPT - May. 19, 2011

Well, me too! Im 12, which u will probably say, WELL UR A KID still

Well, my dad thinks its for YOUNGER kids, like really young people like 6 -8 or something..
He still buys it for me sometimes, Or i buy it off ebay (i choose, my bro/sis pays with paypal)
Still, when i see a cool bey, he goes psshhh, but he still buys it when he thinks i deserve it. Sometimes i dont want to buy a bey, like i want to wait for new releases. But my dad doesn't want to buy it anymore, he says i have too many, to be honest, 24 is alot. But compared to u guyz, NUH UHH Tongue_out

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - toatanu - May. 19, 2011

(May. 19, 2011  11:26 AM)vamasco Wrote: You're right To .
I have 15 Beyblades , and when I need to buy more they ALWAYS say " Do you really need more ?! "
Of course I need more I say , but they still won't let me buy has many has I want ...

My mom always does this, and forces me to buy beys with my own allowance money. However, my allowance is five bucks a week(OR MORE) for doing next to nothing(except being awesome), so this isn't a problem. Although I will still do a victory dance when the Hasbro boosters reach Florida. Then I won't have to waste money on included launchers, ripcords, of assembly tools that I don't need.

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Chups - May. 20, 2011

(May. 19, 2011  11:24 PM)toatanu Wrote:
(May. 19, 2011  11:26 AM)vamasco Wrote: You're right To .
I have 15 Beyblades , and when I need to buy more they ALWAYS say " Do you really need more ?! "
Of course I need more I say , but they still won't let me buy has many has I want ...

My mom always does this, and forces me to buy beys with my own allowance money. However, my allowance is five bucks a week(OR MORE) for doing next to nothing(except being awesome), so this isn't a problem. Although I will still do a victory dance when the Hasbro boosters reach Florida. Then I won't have to waste money on included launchers, ripcords, of assembly tools that I don't need.
Man you got it Goood.

In my family you dont Get Money handed on a Plate to you Smile We dont do Jobs ad Chores around the House for Money we do it because its our House to.

Anyways my Parents say. Go Work for Neighbours and take there Money not Ours.

I mean you have to see there reasoning. Smug

Your lucky as. Your saying you are Unlucky because your Parents never Buy you Beys.

I buy everything. (Well Everything that is for me E:G YoYo's and Toys and Cards and stuff) with my Money. Your sa Lucky Gasp

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Sasukia - May. 20, 2011

(May. 20, 2011  12:26 AM)Chups Wrote:
(May. 19, 2011  11:24 PM)toatanu Wrote:
(May. 19, 2011  11:26 AM)vamasco Wrote: You're right To .
I have 15 Beyblades , and when I need to buy more they ALWAYS say " Do you really need more ?! "
Of course I need more I say , but they still won't let me buy has many has I want ...

My mom always does this, and forces me to buy beys with my own allowance money. However, my allowance is five bucks a week(OR MORE) for doing next to nothing(except being awesome), so this isn't a problem. Although I will still do a victory dance when the Hasbro boosters reach Florida. Then I won't have to waste money on included launchers, ripcords, of assembly tools that I don't need.
Man you got it Goood.

In my family you dont Get Money handed on a Plate to you Smile We dont do Jobs ad Chores around the House for Money we do it because its our House to.

Anyways my Parents say. Go Work for Neighbours and take there Money not Ours.

I mean you have to see there reasoning. Smug

Your lucky as. Your saying you are Unlucky because your Parents never Buy you Beys.

I buy everything. (Well Everything that is for me E:G YoYo's and Toys and Cards and stuff) with my Money. Your sa Lucky Gasp

Same thing with me, It's retarded just buy me the god dam toy already!
They always tell me to buy it with my own money but they think that beyblade is stupid!

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Chups - May. 20, 2011

In a Way. Beyblade is sorta Stupid Smile I mean how can we get Addicted to Metal Spinning Tops Smile But I love them. They are Stupid though Smile Dont get me wrong.

I dont expect Parents to fork over money. I earn my Money to spend on My Things they Earn Theirs Smile

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Ga' - May. 20, 2011

Too bad I and many other people on here don't have any opportunities to earn our own money... But I see your point. Beyblade is a perfect example of the term 'pure fun'. Why do you stare at a electronic moving screen all day and press buttons to change the image on the screen? To have pure fun.

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - BeybladeGeeks - May. 20, 2011

(May. 20, 2011  12:43 AM)Chups Wrote: In a Way. Beyblade is sorta Stupid Smile I mean how can we get Addicted to Metal Spinning Tops Smile But I love them. They are Stupid though Smile Dont get me wrong.

I dont expect Parents to fork over money. I earn my Money to spend on My Things they Earn Theirs Smile

haha this is so true!!!!!!

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Vamasco_ - May. 20, 2011

I get 30 euros a month , but I have to get good grades or else , no money ...
In Portugal kids with less than 16 years can't work .
I don't mind working to get my own money , it's just that no one will give a job ...
So I guess I'm lucky , but not so lucky at the same time .

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - firedragons1 - May. 20, 2011

same things happens with my little brother in law.grrr i am get in killed by him.haaaaaaaaaaa

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - crsmelee - May. 20, 2011

Dang .... that is a horrible.... u really should be mad at ur parents ..... My parents dont care if I play Beyblade(maybe cause I'm only 12).... but my teacher did criticize the Pokemon lovers in my class....

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Callum6939 - May. 20, 2011

Right im stuck in a middle of a revolving circle, and ive got a problem, my dad always says stuff like 'grow up, your life doesn't revolve around spinning objects', and he also says some hurting word but i cant say then here, then after 20 minutes he says 'im not trying to get you to quite, just stop playing with them' with more words (which cannot be said).

he always contradicts himself, and even when i rip a bey in my room and hes watching TV, he goes Aggro, I play with them as i like chance and competitive games, now since i havent played with them in about 4 and a half weeks, im slowly going off beyblade....

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Breaker - May. 21, 2011

My family kinda supports my blading they know I want them for my B-day and stuff. Its just the kids at schools some are understanding and the others I cant trust... But if they do make fun of me for it all i have to do is just fall on them ( i'm a really big child)

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Naitrax - May. 21, 2011

(May. 20, 2011  3:09 AM)GaHooleone Wrote: Too bad I and many other people on here don't have any opportunities to earn our own money... But I see your point. Beyblade is a perfect example of the term 'pure fun'. Why do you stare at a electronic moving screen all day and press buttons to change the image on the screen? To have pure fun.

couldnt have put it better myself


My mom put my death gargoyle and super vortex stadium outside in the winter. It rained that night. It was in a block of ice in the morning. Then my mom threw it somewhere near the composter. That's how much she hates it.

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Awyseone - May. 21, 2011

i didn't read everyone posts but I can say after blading for about the past 10years I've yet to have anyone tell me it was stupid. As I said in another post back when i was in school me and my friends used to play with out beys duing lunch and when we got bored in class. something about a high speed spinning tops flying around the table got lots of onlookers it was quiet epic. As for getting the support of your family, tell them there's bigger waste of money on out there.

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Dragoonrocks - May. 21, 2011

Well the same is the case here....My parents even go to the extend of praying everyday so as to stop my addiction over beys...well my father is pretty supportive...we both wont mention anything about beyblades in front of my mom...she just gets angry with me all the time, if i mention anything about beyblades..I recently purchased 3 beys without her knowledge...why wont my mom just get over it...if only she 2 wud have been perfect..But both my parents keep teasing me all the time...

"15 and he's still playing with beys.."

Man im just 15 fr Christ's sake...

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - b.demonsreturn - May. 21, 2011

(May. 21, 2011  5:03 AM)dragoonrocks Wrote: Well the same is the case here....My parents even go to the extend of praying everyday so as to stop my addiction over beys...well my father is pretty supportive...we both wont mention anything about beyblades in front of my mom...she just gets angry with me all the time, if i mention anything about beyblades..I recently purchased 3 beys without her knowledge...why wont my mom just get over it...if only she 2 wud have been perfect..But both my parents keep teasing me all the time...

"15 and he's still playing with beys.."

Man im just 15 fr Christ's sake...

lol im 14 and my buddies at school were like that to at point...3 days later were all searching stuff on eBay lol
but yea my pnts think im a retard for liking spinning tops but whever they wont get out of there way to stop me so i find that g00d enough....hang in there bro, hang in there Wink

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - AeroRespawn - May. 21, 2011

AngryCryingUnhappyPinching_eyesArgh!Argh!Argh! .............. CARPING CARP!

One day I decide I want to buy a BB-10 WITH MY OWN MONEY. If mention the word stadium one time in front of either of my parents, they go, " THERE YOU GO AGAIN! WANTING TO BUY A CARPING $30 STADIUM FOR HIS BEYBLADES! IT'S $30 WHY DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND!?!?!?" And they just keep blabbering on and on about it until they calm down. It ruins my whole day. This is THE ONLY reason I don't have a BB-10 otherwise I'd have a lot more videos on my YouTube channel and I'd have more views and subscribers but more importantly since when do my parents get to decide what I buy or not? I WILL SPEND MY MONEY HOWEVER I CARP WELL PLEASE GOD CARP IT!!! LEAVE ME THE CARP ALONE AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!! Argh! Argh! Argh!
I swear, when I get my own PayPal, I don't care if they don't know I purchased something without their consent. Honestly, who decides what other people buy and don't buy? Argh!

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - firedragons1 - May. 21, 2011

(May. 20, 2011  12:17 PM)crsmelee Wrote: Dang .... that is a horrible.... u really should be mad at ur parents ..... My parents dont care if I play Beyblade(maybe cause I'm only 12).... but my teacher did criticize the Pokemon lovers in my class....
i am also 12

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - sasuke41915 - May. 21, 2011

(Dec. 28, 2008  4:44 PM)Ryuuga BB Ruler Wrote: My mom don't like me playing with little kids toys like B-Daman or BeyBlade, when I ask her about it she always change the subject to buying clothes with the money my dad gave me or my mom dad. My dad is the same way and he just come out and saying* Stop playing with those little baby carp and start acting your age, I for me don't give a carp what my mom, sister or dad say.

they are not kids toys

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Chups - May. 21, 2011

Yes they are.