World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Does the new ragnaruk have ashura teeth?
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I heard that the new Cyclone Ragnaruk will have "seven fine locks" AKA: ashura teeth
is that true?
I think so
but you should ask the question on the ragnaruk thread
We don't know, it hasn't been released yet...
(Apr. 02, 2021  4:34 AM)spinattacker Wrote: [ -> ]I heard that the new Cyclone Ragnaruk will have "seven fine locks" AKA: ashura teeth
is that true?

Well, given the description and the fact that this new system seems to resemble GT, Ragnurak will probably be the new Ashura. Or will it be the old Ashura since it always bursts? I have no idea, but it's most likely that Rangurak will be like Ashura if Belial is like Dragon 1.
sounds like it, given Ragnaruks track record of bursting every battle i wouldnt be surprised if it did.
It all depends on how good never is.
So I guess I will have to wait for the release
(Apr. 08, 2021  12:32 AM)spinattacker Wrote: [ -> ]So I guess I will have to wait for the release

Well by its description, it should have the same teeth as Ashura. Sure, there are other factors to bursting, but it seems like Ragnurak will still be bursting as always.
It hasn't come out, we don't know yet.