World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Nintendo Switch Friend Codes
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Pages: 1 2
(May. 24, 2021  4:50 PM)beykid44 Wrote: [ -> ]
(May. 24, 2021  3:56 PM)kai edits Wrote: [ -> ]I broke my joycons xd. I got a GameCube controller tho.

ayo can I have it?
ikik i already have a switch lite but can I have it?

(May. 24, 2021  5:18 PM)kai edits Wrote: [ -> ]
(May. 24, 2021  4:50 PM)beykid44 Wrote: [ -> ]ayo can I have it?
ikik i already have a switch lite but can I have it?


My Friend Code - SW-5041-7758-8411

My Profile Name - Sansy.

Anyone can request to be my friend, it might take a while for me to accept the request, as I sometimes have limited internet usage.
You guys have NSO? *sad broke noises*
(Nov. 14, 2021  3:04 AM)Beykid3.0 Wrote: [ -> ]Does anyone remember me? Unhappy

You’re not supposed to make a new account. Contact staff if you’re unable to login to your main account for some reason.
(Nov. 14, 2021  3:37 AM)BuilderROB Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 14, 2021  3:04 AM)Beykid3.0 Wrote: [ -> ]Does anyone remember me? Unhappy

You’re not supposed to make a new account. Contact staff if you’re unable to login to your main account for some reason.

Sorry i forgot my password twice and im unable to access the email linked to my og account
My switch is going ou to repair today can't wait to start back playing!
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