World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Beyblade Burst Sparking Episode #45 (January 29, 2021)
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(Jan. 29, 2021  8:44 PM)ЗемляГелиос Wrote: [ -> ]Шу и Лейн ушли, как будто им было все равно (что уже очевидно). Но, черт возьми, когда братцы вспыхнули, рука Лейна вспыхнула вокруг него, и я подумал, что обжечь руки - это достаточно плохо, но Лейн берет торт

It's because he know how final end. I would say that I would end final better
lol Aiga and Ranjiro doing their little celebration after they win
(Jan. 29, 2021  8:53 PM)EarthHelios Wrote: [ -> ]lol Aiga and Ranjiro doing their little celebration after they win

I hated when aiga won
(Jan. 29, 2021  8:55 PM)Ryuga's Son Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 29, 2021  8:53 PM)EarthHelios Wrote: [ -> ]lol Aiga and Ranjiro doing their little celebration after they win

I hated when aiga won

Why do you hate him for winning?
(Jan. 29, 2021  8:56 PM)EarthHelios Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 29, 2021  8:55 PM)Ryuga's Son Wrote: [ -> ]I hated when aiga won

Why do you hate him for winning?

I don't hate him I didn't like when he beat Valt tbh
Bruh it doesnt even matter anyways I mean Valt and Rantaro are still gonna have 3 wins at the end of the day so I dont see the problem with that
(Jan. 29, 2021  8:59 PM)EarthHelios Wrote: [ -> ]Bruh it doesnt even matter anyways I mean Valt and Rantaro are still gonna have 3 wins at the end of the day so I dont see the problem with that

Yes it does to me
Rantaro saying nani and his expression is the most funniest thing out of his personality for me 😂
(Jan. 29, 2021  8:59 PM)EarthHelios Wrote: [ -> ]Bruh it doesnt even matter anyways I mean Valt and Rantaro are still gonna have 3 wins at the end of the day so I dont see the problem with that
Not confirmed, they could still lose to Shu and Lane. If they do win, there would be a tie-breaker against Hikaru and Hyuga.
Man, the YouTube bey community really is toxic sometimes. The episode wasn't no Aiga VS Valt focus but the conversation turns into who's stronger based off of one tag battle, sheesh. I'm still glad that Aiga and Ranjiro won by skill, because it's good to see other characters (not just Valt) winning. It also is questionable why Ranjiro isn't a legend at this point, as he seems more or less on par with or slightly above Rantaro. Either way, that was the best battle of the episode.
(Jan. 30, 2021  12:45 AM)Valtryek Aoi Wrote: [ -> ]Man, the YouTube bey community really is toxic sometimes. The episode wasn't no Aiga VS Valt focus but the conversation turns into who's stronger based off of one tag battle, sheesh. I'm still glad that Aiga and Ranjiro won by skill, because it's good to see other characters (not just Valt) winning. It also is questionable why Ranjiro isn't a legend at this point, as he seems more or less on par with or slightly above Rantaro. Either way, that was the best battle of the episode.


I like valt but aiga's good as well

I would say Ranjiro deserves the title of legend more than Slias tbh
(Jan. 30, 2021  12:46 AM)Ryuga's Son Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 30, 2021  12:45 AM)Valtryek Aoi Wrote: [ -> ]Man, the YouTube bey community really is toxic sometimes. The episode wasn't no Aiga VS Valt focus but the conversation turns into who's stronger based off of one tag battle, sheesh. I'm still glad that Aiga and Ranjiro won by skill, because it's good to see other characters (not just Valt) winning. It also is questionable why Ranjiro isn't a legend at this point, as he seems more or less on par with or slightly above Rantaro. Either way, that was the best battle of the episode.


I like valt but aiga's good as well

I would say Ranjiro deserves the title of legend more than Slias tbh

Nah, Sisco is pretty strong himself. Always been and always will be world class when he's on screen.
(Jan. 30, 2021  12:47 AM)Valtryek Aoi Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 30, 2021  12:46 AM)Ryuga's Son Wrote: [ -> ]Agreed.

I like valt but aiga's good as well

I would say Ranjiro deserves the title of legend more than Slias tbh

Nah, Sisco is pretty strong himself. Always been and always will be world class when he's on screen.

I just think Ranjiro's personality is better

And I think Ranjiro should be a legend

Maybe kick Zac outta there
(Jan. 30, 2021  12:50 AM)Ryuga's Son Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 30, 2021  12:47 AM)Valtryek Aoi Wrote: [ -> ]Nah, Sisco is pretty strong himself. Always been and always will be world class when he's on screen.

I just think Ranjiro's personality is better

And I think Ranjiro should be a legend

Maybe kick Zac outta there

Welp, all the legends have worked hard, so it would be cool if they just expanded the ranks a bit instead of kicking people out (at first). 15 is a bit of an odd number for me, personally.
Honestly I enjoyed this episode and for once Im not even mad.
(Jan. 30, 2021  12:55 AM)EarthHelios Wrote: [ -> ]Honestly I enjoyed this episode and for once Im not even mad.

This episode was on fire. Since this episode is finished maybe they should close this thread or something. Tbh maybe they could make a Burst Episode thread so they don;t have to make a thread for every ep lol
I honestly think this Episode was better, It was easier to predict.
The thing was that when you lost the match, you lost it fast.
And they really didn't let Free And Silas or Valt and Rantaro Put up a Decent Fight. That's what's annoys me most about this episode.
At least the Brothers they tried.
What did people expect Free to do lol? Nothing has got past the speed of a bey boosted by a Storm Plate before. Also what else is Satomb supposed to do? Drift? Triple Twister focuses all energy into 3 points (key word focus) you can't drift and still keep up the twister.
Told ya Lane had no interest in Free lmao. Jesus Triple Twister got defeated by The End Wall what a surprise not!
I like how Limit Break the end activated and knocked Dragon and Luinor away. It's an actual valid strategy and not just plot armor. Epic.
Rantaro thought it was... while Ranjiro the God of Wind, Stamina, and uh Tornado lol lifts the other Roktavor
(Jan. 30, 2021  1:47 AM)EarthHelios Wrote: [ -> ]Told ya Lane had no interest in Free lmao. Jesus Triple Twister got defeated by The End Wall what a surprise not!

he never did it was always a one-sided thing for free I knew they wouldn't do the free vs lane for 2 reason 1 . lane isn't interested in free 2. free would take that L in fact the would've made worse than the knock out shu had on him . a revenge match is great when it's at least going to be in equal footing which we all know it's not.  sure It would've been cool to see a confrontation but it really wouldn't be good the writers miss their chance to do that rematch which should've happen way earlier.  my issues with this episode is how short the shu vs free was which I wanted above lane vs free but hey at least shu got his revenge in a similar fashion since free did beat him fast without to much trouble haha
(Jan. 30, 2021  1:55 AM)God Dragruler Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 30, 2021  1:47 AM)EarthHelios Wrote: [ -> ]Told ya Lane had no interest in Free lmao. Jesus Triple Twister got defeated by The End Wall what a surprise not!

he never did it was always a one-sided thing for free I knew they wouldn't do the free vs lane for 2 reason 1 . lane isn't interested in free 2. free would take that L in fact the would've made worse than the knock out shu had on him . a revenge match is great when it's at least going to be in equal footing which we all know it's not.  sure I would've been cool to see a confrontation but it really wouldn't be good the writers miss their chance to do that rematch which should've happen way earlier.  my issues with this episode is how short the shu vs free was which I wanted above lane vs free but hey at least shu got his revenge in a similar fashion since free did beat him fast without to much trouble haha

I like Shu vs Free is was short but simple and made sense.
Bruh lol the 1st battle was less then a minute lol
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