World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Beyblade Burst Sparking Episode #44 (January 22, 2021)
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It's the same move. Why they keep calling it infinite sword I don't know.
Wow I didn't know Wakiya had Chickens.
(Jan. 22, 2021  6:07 PM)AdmiralĀ W Wrote: [ -> ]It's the same move. Why they keep calling it infinite sword I don't know.

Yeah, it bothers me as well.
Then call the move just Infinite Buster. But seriously I have never seen anyone get excited like Aiga did šŸ™„šŸ˜³
wakiya should be a talk show host
I'm going to call Wakiya farmboy from now on
(Jan. 22, 2021  6:34 PM)EarthHelios Wrote: [ -> ]I'm going to call Wakiya farmboy from now on

Let's call Aiger Happy Donut boy
Someone please tell me why did both of these Cho-Z Buddies decided to sneak in the rich house lol. I thought there days of sneaking in were over
(Jan. 22, 2021  6:38 PM)EarthHelios Wrote: [ -> ]Someone please tell me why did both of these Cho-Z Buddies decided to sneak in the rich house lol. I thought there days of sneaking in were over

They want some money lol
(Jan. 22, 2021  6:38 PM)Ryuga's Son Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 22, 2021  6:38 PM)EarthHelios Wrote: [ -> ]Someone please tell me why did both of these Cho-Z Buddies decided to sneak in the rich house lol. I thought there days of sneaking in were over

They want some money lol

Kids these days
(Jan. 22, 2021  6:31 PM)g2_ Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 22, 2021  6:07 PM)AdmiralĀ W Wrote: [ -> ]It's the same move. Why they keep calling it infinite sword I don't know.

Yeah, it bothers me as well.

It doesn't benefit them to call it Infinite Sword. They should just keep it Buster/Breaker. It calls back to an older move and it stops any confusion.
I still don't know why they gave Wakiya a special move since Jet Shield is literally just the same of a normal spin of the ring, there wasn't even resonance or an avatar.
Eclipse Force is on a riot because Wakiya's bey doesnt have a avatar or aura lol.
(Jan. 22, 2021  9:19 PM)EclipseĀ Force Wrote: [ -> ]I still don't know why they gave Wakiya a special move since Jet Shield is literally just the same of a normal spin of the ring, there wasn't even resonance or an avatar.

I think the ring actually spun slightly faster to deflect the beys off. Still not a great move though. Why they didnā€™t give it an avatar m, nobody will ever know. What sucks is that this may very well be Wyverns only appearance in the sparking anime. Either way I still liked the episode tbh.
Funny moment this episode: Dante crying after winning the battle and making the mistake turning on Wakiya lol
Even Jormuntor got an Avatar and I bet you forgot Jinn existed until this exact moment.
Even Fusion Aether got a avatar. But First Uranus did not get one cause it was just another forgotten bey
(Jan. 22, 2021  9:25 PM)EarthHelios Wrote: [ -> ]Even Fusion Aether got a avatar. But First Uranus did not get one cause it was just another forgotten bey
[Image: 1000?cb=20181127231352]
(Jan. 22, 2021  9:26 PM)Eclipse Force Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 22, 2021  9:25 PM)EarthHelios Wrote: [ -> ]Even Fusion Aether got a avatar. But First Uranus did not get one cause it was just another forgotten bey
[Image: 1000?cb=20181127231352]

Stop posting broken images lol
(Jan. 22, 2021  9:27 PM)EarthHelios Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 22, 2021  9:26 PM)EclipseĀ Force Wrote: [ -> ][Image: 1000?cb=20181127231352]

Stop posting broken images lol

How is it broken
(Jan. 22, 2021  9:28 PM)Eclipse Force Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 22, 2021  9:27 PM)EarthHelios Wrote: [ -> ]Stop posting broken images lol

How is it broken

I cant see it
(Jan. 22, 2021  9:28 PM)EarthHelios Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 22, 2021  9:28 PM)EclipseĀ Force Wrote: [ -> ]How is it broken

I cant see it

I can?
wakiya laugh in the end lol
(Jan. 22, 2021  9:29 PM)Eclipse Force Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 22, 2021  9:28 PM)EarthHelios Wrote: [ -> ]I cant see it

I can?

They dont work Ive tried it before and it doesnt work for other people Idk why
(Jan. 22, 2021  9:29 PM)EclipseĀ Force Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 22, 2021  9:28 PM)EarthHelios Wrote: [ -> ]I cant see it

I can?

It might be the image source. Where you got the pic may determine if it's visible. It's best to hit open image in another tab and get the link from there.
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