World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Beyblade Burst: Stardust
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Ayo Welcome back! I really missed reading Stardust. Such a fresh chapter honestly, with all the new characters introduced :]
I'm just sitting here, laughing at how weird the whole introduction scene was with anyone who's not Pink-

Anyway, here goes your regular review.

Plot: 5/5. This should be everyone in the S1 cast, so there's bound to be some progress now that we know what's coming next.
Dialogue: 4.5/5. Pretty good, although there hasn't been too much of it in the first place (but I still liked the one at the very beginning the best).
Characterization: 5/5. I love the Nakazatos' shenanigans, the telepathy convo, Natsumi being weirded out by pretty much everything happening, and everyone else acting like it's all normal.
Writing/Grammar: 4/5. There's no clear transition between dialogue and Natsumi's thoughts aside from mentioning who's speaking when there's dialogue, but otherwise it's fine.

Final Rating: 18.5/20, and boy I can't wait for next chapter.
Chapter 25 [Class Is In Session!]

Ryujiki was still standing on the teacher's desk as Otori-sensei walked, who does this jerk think he is? Luckily for this guy, Otori-sensei knows how to deal with people. He's very calm and I've never seen him getting pissed off yet. Let's see how this will turn out in the end, and also... what about the glass?

Tsubasa: Mr. Ryujiki, may I ask you to step off the table? 

Ryujiki: Hmph, I suppose I'll stick around for a little while... To see if any of you are worthy of my time. (He'd jump off the table and walk to his seat)

What a prick. I can also see some agitated faces around here as well, most notably the two people beside me. Ease up you two, he's just messing around. I hope.

Tsubasa: After cleaning up the glass off the floor, class will start.

Several staff members come rushing into the room, all worried at what happened to the class.

Staff Member 1: Is everyone alright here?

Some of the staff members head for the room, running and panicking.

Staff Member 2: We saw something crash into this place, is everyone okay?

Pink would respond, who was twirling locks of her hair while sitting down and looking out on the window.

Pink: We're all fine here. Don't worry.

Staff Member 2: A-are you really sure? It seems like the windows were completely broken and there are still shards on the floor...

Tsubasa: Don't worry sir, we'll deal with it. Alright class, grab a broom or a dustpan from the janitors' room. 

All of us nod and get out of the classroom to get cleaning materials. We then arrive at the classroom and clean it all up, cleaning up glass shards is a complete drag. At least we get fresh air, that is if the glass dust doesn't fly into our eyes.

Tsubasa: If you're done cleaning, please take your seats as we will start attendance.

Everyone: Yes sir.

We all clean up the mess Ryujiki made here before sitting down and taking attendance. I just hope we'll discuss something basic for our first day, having to run a hundred miles carrying two tires along the way is a complete pain. Which is how Dad trained by the way, as far as I can recall.

Tsubasa: Now as you all know this class is called the S-Class. Unlike the other classes, this class won't be focusing that much on normal academic subjects, but rather we'll be focusing on professional Blading. As for now, we'll deal with the very basics of Blading itself, starting off with launching. Launching is an integral part of Beyblade, and we'll be touching on that today. Launching of course allows your Beyblade to spin aside from hand-spinning, many people have experimented with it and have implemented their own style of launching which helps them improve on their lines and how their Beyblades move.

Launching, very basic, okay. I think I've learned enough from Dad back then when I was younger, I don't really remember what he told me but well. I still do it involuntarily, I'm kinda used to it.

Tsubasa: I'll elaborate on this further, but first we need to head for the gymnasium for our first lesson. Follow me.

We're leaving the classroom again? What a pain, if that Ryujiki guy just didn't break the windows it would've been better.

We arrive at the gymnasium and... man I didn't expect it to be that plain. Well, this is your run-of-the-mill school I guess so don't expect futuristic facilities or bio-weapons. Either way, I think that big machine might be what we'll have to use for today. Seems simple enough, this stick thingy on the center is what you're meant to pull huh? Alright, I guess. 

Tsubasa: So, the WBBA lent us this training machine we have today. Try pulling as hard as you can, and see if you can figure this out yourself. Who wants to go first-

All of a sudden, Akari cuts off Tsubasa in excitement.

Akari: Me! 

Tsubasa: Alright then Ms. Nakazato, go ahead. 

Tsubasa would move aside.

Akari: Alright! Go... shoot- agh! What the?

She'd struggle to pull the baton connected to the string, attempting to pull it out with both her hands but to no avail.

What's up with her? This is looking like a skill issue for her, no offense.

Akari: Come... on... move- Gah!

She'd get flung backward on her last attempt, without even pulling the string at all, but would still be caught by Natsumi.

Natsumi: Hey, are you okay? 

Akari: Yeah... I'm fine!

She'd furiously shake her hands, groaning in pain.

You clearly aren't, look at your hands! They're red!

Natsumi: Yeah... no you're not. You need a bit of medicine if I'm honest, wanna go to the infirmary?

Akari: (She'd sniff) No! I-I can manage!

Natsumi: Hey are you sure? 

Akari: Yeah-

Tsukasa: (He'd cut off Akari.) Enough, I suppose you'll have to watch for now considering how badly your hands are hurt.

Akari: But Tsukasa-nii!

Tsukasa: Calm down, let your hands rest. Watch for now and let them heal, or else your condition will worsen.

Akari would grit her teeth and shout in anger, slamming her fists to the ground and hurting them.

Akari: Agh! Ow, ow, ow, ow...

Ouch. Be more careful, will you? Now let's see what the older brother has to offer.

Tsukasa would breathe in before successfully pulling out the string with ease.

Tsubasa: Impressive Mr. Nakazato, I suppose we'll have to let the others figure out as well. 

Tsukasa: Alright then.

He'd walk back to the crowd and help her sister relieve the pain.

Tsubasa: Now, I suppose I haven't revealed the rest of the machines. They're over at the corner.

Tsubasa then points towards the side, revealing around 8 to 12 machines similar to the one on the center.

What the? Why didn't I see those before? That's probably just a 'me' problem, I slept up until like, 3 in the morning.

Tsubasa: For our first lesson today, we'll be learning about the Boost Shoot. I'll explain it, it's a more advanced version of the Sparking Shoot which you've seen from various legends such as Valt Aoi or Shu Kurenai. However, there are some rare instances where people manage an even stronger launch just like with Miss Hagane during your entrance exams.

The entire class looks at Natsumi save for her friends. All of which are feeling the urge to battle her, and defeat her.

H-hey, why's everyone looking at me? This is scary, hold on are they trying to kill me or something? Honestly, that's what it feels like... 

Tsubasa: Anyways, the machine we have in the center is a prototype so you wouldn't really be able to see how powerful your launches are. The machines near the walls have a meter which will show how strong you're launching. If you've done at least 50 of them in a row, you're free to go.

50 in a row? Yikes, so I'll have to cope harder for this one.

Everyone heads to their own place and begins pulling from the machine. All of them manage to perform Sparking Shoots but were just close to Boost levels. 

Ryujiki: This is just a warm-up! Grah!

Ryujiki pulls with great strength, managing to do a Boost Shoot on his third attempt.

Oh damn, this guy's no joke. Well, what do you expect from a person who just suddenly appeared from a bolt of red lightning? 

Two other people managed to perform a Boost Shoot, which was Pink as well as Tsukasa

Pink: I think I'm getting the hang of this. (She'd say in a relatively low voice)

Someone's done it, well two have. Good on you Azariya-san, and I also kind of expected Tsukasa to pull it off as well. I think I also get the gist of it now, I now remember what Dad told me back then.

Natsumi would have a small flashback to when she was a kid.

[Natsumi Hagane, 9 years old]

Gingka would Burst Natsumi's old Bey with ease, while also making her fall over by accident.

Natsumi: Ack! Ow... It's not fair!

Gingka: You still have a long way to go Natsumi. Want me to let you in on a little secret about Blading?

Natsumi: I'm all ears!

Natsumi would jump up and run towards her father, ecstatic.

Gingka: Calm down Sumi. First off, you're launching wrong.

Natsumi: Huh, how? I'm giving it my all!

Gingka: That is what's wrong with how you launch. You're not meant to do that, watch me!

Gingka would load Pegasus onto his launcher, making a combat stance and taking a deep breath.

Gingka: Pull slowly at first...

He'd steadily pull the string, but not slowly.

Gingka: Then let it all out!

He'd pull with all of his strength, resulting in Pegasus landing on the stadium smoothly and allowing it to move a lot faster. 

Natsumi: Woah, so that's how it is! (She'd look at her Bey, wanting to try it out)

She'd cut back to the present, still gripping the machine. 

Yeah, let's go. Steady now... Go shoot!

Natsumi would use the same technique her father used, resulting in her performing a Boost Shoot which was just as strong as Ryujiki's launch.

Natsumi: Another one! 

She'd perform another one following her first, then a third successive launch. The same goes for Ryujiki and Pink who were on their fourth one as well as the rest of the class who were performing Boost Shoots already. Though somewhat inconsistent they were able to perform greatly.

Ryujiki: So everyone's caught up now? Too late for that! You're all too slow! (He'd exclaim proudly)

Peter: When will you shut up?! (He'd get mad at Ryujiki, causing him to lose focus)

Marina: Pay him no mind Pete! Remember that time when you-

Peter: (He'd get flustered) H-hey shut up! You're just making it worse!

Marina: Alright, alright. (She'd focus on what she was doing.)

Akari: Hey, why was the machine from earlier hard to pull? This thing feels easy to- ack!

Akari's machine would get stuck again, much like with what happened earlier.

Akari: Ugh, not again! 

Peter: What happened? Hey, it's stuck again. Oh, joy. (He'd roll his eyes)

Peter's machine was also stuck as he lost focus. 

Again? Err... okay I guess. Good luck.

Tsukasa: Akari, remember what I showed in front of the class earlier?

He'd give her signals in sign language before going back to what he was doing

Akari: Oh! Yeah, yeah. 

She'd pull again successfully, however it was just a Sparking Shoot.

Peter: So it was just nothing then. (He'd shrug)

Peter would perform a Boost Shoot with ease after returning his focus to the machine.

I think almost everyone's finished, it's the last one for me. I think the same goes for Nakazato, Azariya, and Emperor Reptile Prick over there. So let's give it our all!

Natsumi, Tsukasa, Ryujiki, and Pink would take a deep breath, focusing their energy onto the machine.

Natsumi: Go...

(In unison): Shoot!

They'd all pull at the same time and perform Boost Shoots, creating large gusts of wind across the gym.

Marina: (She'd look at Natsumi) Oh sheesh, way to go Sumi-chan!

Rex: Dear me, interesting. 

Rex would also do his last two launches, doing both in perfect succession.

Huh, not bad. How come I didn't see Rex? All of this guy's launches are pretty smooth judging from the last two he did just now.

Rex: I guess I'm finished here. (He shrugs in content)

Fuuka, Marina, Nira, Peter, and Akari would all finish doing what Tsubasa told them to do in that order. 

Marina: Woo! That was a good one! (She'd stretch her arms)

Ryujiki: Good? What was good about taking more than half an hour to do 50 of these launches? Pathetic. (He'd face away)

Marina: Oh no, it seems that I'm weaker than the rest of the class! What a surprise! How will I manage? (She'd say in a rather satirical manner)

Natsumi and some others were chuckling while Peter was smiling a bit.

Never change Yumiya-san, never change.

Tsubasa: Good work everyone, now we move on to the next part of our first day. 

Tsubasa would pull out a Bey from his pocket, revealing it to the crowd.

Tsubasa: Prove yourselves against me and my old friend over here. 

Oh damn, so we're getting serious now! That's also quite new, when did Otori-sensei make it?

Natsumi: Woah! It's been a while since I've seen you in action Otori-sensei, glad to have you back!

Tsubasa: I feel a bit rusty but. With Levin Aquila, I can manage against you all.

I've been away for a while now but I'm proud to announce, that I'm feeling a bit more motivated now. So maybe the duration for me sending new chapters will be lessened, anyways I hope you all enjoy it!
Chapter 26 [Ground Effect]

(Sidenote: I gave Rex a full name, so don't mind if I do )

Akari would rush to look at Aquila, grabbing it from Tsubasa's hands and looking at it in amazement.

Akari: Woah, so this is Sensei's Beyblade? What was it called again? 

Natsumi: Levin Aquila, mind if you give it back to Otori-sensei? (She'd point to Tsubasa who was crossing his arms, staring at her.)

Akari: Ah, sorry! Just got a bit excited there, here you go! 

Akari would hand it over to Natsumi.

This disc, it's free-spinning. And this ring looks interesting, being somewhat of a racing fan as well as having a bit of knowledge on aerodynamics, these vents are pretty interesting. I'll need to give this back to Otori-sensei though, he might get mad.

After checking how Aquila works, she'd hand it over to Tsubasa who was standing next to her.

Tsubasa: Thank you Natsumi. Anyways, for our battle, I'll let you all go against me in a 2 vs 1 battle. Does this sound fair everyone?

The whole room would go silent at what their teacher said, why would someone they never knew before let them go against him in a 2 vs 1 battle?

Hold on, what about Otori-sensei? He said he was rusty right? I know he's strong but isn't he just putting a lot of pressure on himself at this point?

Tsubasa: Is there any problem, class?

Peter: Yeah, what about you Tsubasa-sensei?

Tsubasa: I'll be fine Peter. Right now I'll choose who you'll be paired with. 

Tsubasa would write the pairings in a notebook that he brought before reciting them in front of the class.

The pairings were:

Pink Azariya/Natsumi Hagane, Peter Kadoya/Alastair Rexell, Tsukasa Nakazato/Ryujiki, Marina Yumiya/Akari Nakazato, Fuuka Tategami/Nira Yamazaki

So I'm going with Azariya-san here eh? I wonder how she's like, just hope she's not like Ryujiki.

Natsumi would approach Pink somewhat nervously and extend her hand, wanting to shake it.

Natsumi: H-hey there...! (Her smile was somewhat awkward and so was her voice.)

Ack- My voice kinda sounded weird there, this is pretty embarrassing...

Pink: Hello Hagane-san, I'm looking forward to working with you. (She'd shake her hand.)

Tsubasa: I'll let you have a little break for a while to discuss your strategies. Feel free to leave this gymnasium to find somewhere comfortable to train in, and also when you all fight me... I won't go easy on all of you. So do your best against me as well.

Everyone would leave the gym, all about to discuss their strategy.

Will Otori-sensei be fine? He's about to go against us 1-vs-2 and we'll also have a strategy in hand. I mean, it's not that he's inexperienced or old but... I haven't seen him partake in Blading over these years. Was he doing some sort of secret training or something along those lines? Anyways, we have to fight against him now. Maybe I'll introduce myself to Azariya-san along the way too.

Pink: So, Hagane-san. Any idea where we're headed? 

Natsumi: Err... maybe that canopy near the fountain? 

Pink would nod and she'd follow her along the way.

I need to make a good impression on my classmate, I think I should get to know her first.

Natsumi: So umm... how is it Azariya-san? This school? 

Pink: I can't really say much about it, but I suppose the class I'm in is unique. Especially considering that you're the daughter of a legendary Blader from the past, Hagane-san.

Why am always I the center of attention?

Natsumi: Well, I think Yumiya-san and Kadoya-san are better than me in many ways. I'm just a girl who spends her time sitting in front of a PC.

Pink: After seeing you defeat Lui Shirosagijo, I don't think so. That attitude of yours might drag you down soon, but I guess it's safe to say seeing you is a breath of fresh air from the usual people you see as champions.

She'd make Natsumi get a bit flustered.

Natsumi: It's over here Azariya-san. So uhh... where are we gonna start?

Pink: You've seen Mr. Otori's Bey right?

Natsumi: Mhm, Levin Aquila? What about it?

Pink: I won't force you to explain every single detail about it, but what have you noticed about it? 

She'd grab a small notebook and a pen she kept in her jacket about to take notes from what Natsumi was about to say.

Natsumi: It's circular and a bit aggressive on some parts, probably for extra attack or defense I guess, considering how Sensei owns a Balance-type. 

Pink: (She'd look at Natsumi while writing) How would you know he has a Balance-type?

Natsumi: His Earth Aquila Beyblade was a Balance-type back then, as far as I remember. 

Pink: Mhm, what else?

Natsumi: The Ring looked like it had vents that would lead to the back of each wing. And when I looked inside it looked like it had some sort of big slope that interrupts the whole gap. I think this is... ground effect?

Pink: Ground effect? (She'd stop writing)

Natsumi: I'll go a little bit in-depth on stuff about aerodynamics or physics, so bear with me Azariya-san. I'll explain something called the 'Venturi' effect first, now think of a hose with a lot of water flowing inside of it, and when you compress a certain part the water that comes out is stronger which is pretty much that. As to how that happens with air molecules, the molecules have to physically speed up in order to fit through that gap resulting in the air coming out stronger. And also the choke point or in this case, the slopes in the wings will create a big low-pressure zone right there which will suck the Bey downwards to the ground. TL;DR, the slopes affect airflow so that it makes Aquila faster while also being more stable, and as for the surface that would be the Chassis. Back in the 70s, Formula 1 cars used the ground effect to go faster in general.

Damn, that was a mouthful if I'm honest. I'm surprised I managed to explain all that despite being kinda sleep-deprived after all the frustration I encountered last night.

Pink: (She'd look at Natsumi) So, is that all?

Natsumi: Well, the Driver has a semi-flat tip at the center surrounded by a metal flat and this big ring that doesn't move as well as a free-spinning disc since it's a Single Chassis. The ring on the Driver looks somewhat big though and the thing is fairly low, probably to contribute to its gimmick I guess. 

Pink: I'm surprised at how you know a lot Hagane-san. Now let's start-

Delinquent 1: Oi! What are ya' two doing over 'ere? 

She'd get interrupted by a group of delinquents who arrived just now.

Eek! Who are these guys, a biker gang? They look kinda scary, but umm... who the hell are they?

Delinquent 2: This is our spot. Get outta here, or else! 

Pink: Or else what? It's rude interrupting someone, is it not?

She'd sound rather annoyed while taunting the group of hooligans.

Delinquent 3: We'll beat ya' up and yer' pal over there into fine dust!

Pink: Feel free to do so, and try your absolute worst as well. (She'd reveal her Bey, Tune Diva.)

HUH?! Why did you ask for a fight with them? Don't add more fuel to the fire!

Natsumi: Azariya-san, let's not fight with them, shall we?

Pink: I know they look scary Natsumi, however, for people like us these guys are just target practice. Let's just have a little training match while we're at it so we can get to know our Beys well alright?

She managed to calm Natsumi down as 7 more of the delinquents appear, already with their Beys in hand.

Delinquent 4: Be prepared to face the might of the Beysozoku!

Delinquent 5: We'll beat ya' up good!

The stadium was relatively big, so it was perfect for a battle involving 12 people.

Delinquent 1: If both of you Burst, we'll be taking yer' Beys-

He'd get interrupted by a middle-aged man, who had his coat covered in some chalk. He had brown hair and wore glasses that were slightly broken.

That guy, is that their teacher? Poor guy, he looks pretty beat up. Did these guys do it?

Teacher: Hey, give that Bey back! It's my daughter's!

That's his daughter's Bey? Damn, these guys are pricks. I'm in on this then.

Delinquent 1: Shaddup old man! Continuin' on, we'll be taking yer' puny Beys if you lose!

Natsumi: Well, that is if you manage to beat us then.

Silence ensues before the group of hooligans laugh.

Delinquent 3: Brownie here's got some nerve! What are you gonna do, throw your shoes onto us?

Man, these guys suck at dissing people.

Teacher: It's best if you run away kids, we'll let the faculty deal with this-

Natsumi cuts off the teacher, angry at the gang.

Natsumi: We'll deal with it, don't worry. For now, I ask you to get out of the way sir, because we'll let these guys know their place. Also, if you all lose, replace the windows in our classroom.

Delinquent 1: Alright then.

Everyone takes position near the stadium, with Natsumi crouching to test out a new launching form.

Natsumi: So, what's the plan?

Pink: I'll just put it simply for our battle, you go on the outside line and fend off the rest while I'll deal with others in the center.

Natsumi: Roger, Azariya-san.

Teacher: Since this is the best I could do for you now, I'll count down for everyone. Three!

Everyone would prepare their Beyblades and get ready to launch.

Teacher: Two!

Pink and Natsumi would look at each other and nod.

Teacher: One... go!

(In unison): Go shoot!

Natsumi would dash forward, launching her Bey while the others would launch as well, with both Class S students performing Boost Shoots. 

Woah, Neamhain's really gotten faster! 

Pink: To the middle, Diva!

Delinquent 1: Oh no you won't! Boys!

5 Beys would surround and attack Diva, but to no avail due to its strength.

Delinquent 2: What the hell is this?

Pink: What was that you said about beating us into fine dust earlier?

Delinquent 3: What are y'all doin', get over here!

Natsumi: Oh no, you don't!

The rest of the Beys that weren't attacking Diva would rush towards it, only for Neamhain to knock them away with great speed.

Surprise, surprise! Didn't see that coming didn't you?

Delinquent 4: Where the hell did you come from?

Natsumi: There's ten of you and you can't even notice a sleep-deprived shut-in? Man, that's some immense skill issue you have there.

Delinquent 2: Shut yer mouth!

Natsumi: Hey, incoming! Radiant Slash!

One of Neamhain's blades would glow and that blade would hit three of the hooligans' Beys, causing them to Burst instantaneously. 

Delinquent 6: What the? How?

Delinquent 1: You... we'll beat you up!

Two other Beys would attempt to attack Neamhain with a pincer attack, albeit to no avail as well which results in the one surrounding it on the right Bursting while the other one on the left would get knocked away towards Diva with great speed.

Pink: Good Natsumi-san, this is just what I needed.

The Bey that Neamhain knocked away towards the crowd attacking Diva would crash into them, resulting in the attack power of the group increasing while having Diva click twice.

Pink: Reflect Counter!

Petal-like blades would grow out from the Tune Ring, Bursting three Beys in the process while knocking away the latter.

Delinquent 7: Hey, these girls are too strong! Boss, take evasive manuevers!

Natsumi: Too slow!

Neamhain would crash into one that tried to escape while Diva would do the same as a follow-up to her Reflect Counter move, both of the opposing Beys Bursting afterward.

Pink: Now, for the last one Natsumi.

Natsumi: Gotcha!

The leader would run away to the ridge, only for it to be knocked in the air by the final hit of Diva's Reflect Counter.

Delinquent 1: It's not a Burst, I've still got a chance-

Natsumi: Hate to break it to you, but you don't! Radiant Bound: Stage 2!

Neamhain would go mid-air as well through the stadium's slopes, resulting in it hitting the leader's Bey with its Ring and Chassis as well as Bursting the Bey while launching its remains towards the gang and blowing them away.

Pink: Not bad Natsumi, did you have to blow them away though?

Oh wait, I did? Oops, sorry.

Natsumi: Oh, it was intentional I guess. They did deserve it though.

Pink: True.

The teacher was standing there, frozen in shock as to what he just witnessed.

Teacher: Amazing... Wait, I feel like I've seen you two before. Are you both from Class S?

Natsumi: Yes sir, we are.

Teacher: I see, no wonder why you were able to defeat them.

Natsumi: Who are they even anyways?

Satoru: They're some of my students, I'm the advisor for Class C and my name is Satoru Miyamoto. This gang caused a bit of a ruckus on their first day, and hurt the other students in my classroom. I tried to stop them with my Bey but they broke it and took my daughter's instead, which I intend to give to her as a birthday present. Wait, where is it now?

He'd panic, looking around for his daughter's present before Natsumi would grab it from one of the hooligan's pockets as they were all knocked out. 

Natsumi: (She'd show the Bey) Is it this one, Miyamoto-sensei?

Satoru: Yes! Thank you miss, is there anything I can do to repay you both?

Natsumi: Uhh... maybe just discipline these guys better, and maybe give the Bey to your daughter!

Satoru: Wait, is that all...?

Natsumi: Well... I guess they could help with fixing the windows in our classroom.

Satoru: Oh, I understand. I'll talk with the staff later, I thank you for your help girls. (He'd bow down)

Natsumi: N-no need to bow down sir!

Pink: Don't worry about it, he's just showing his gratitude. 

I know that Azariya-san, but it's just kinda embarrassing for a grown man to bow down to a girl like me...

Pink: I suppose I haven't gotten to how we should deal with Mr. Otori, but maybe our battle against the Beysozoku gang should give you an idea. If not, then I'll just say it to you.

Natsumi: I'm listening.

Pink: Due to my Bey's left-spin nature while being defensive at the same time, I'll whittle down his strength over time and get close to him while you deal heavy attacks at the same time when I'm not attacking. Leave no room for error, because I know Mr. Otori's strength and his experience.

Interesting, but... will this work out? Especially on Otori-sensei of all people.

(To Be Continued)

, how'd I deal with Pink's character?
I’d say yes. Her sorta getting along with Natsumi on a teammate level is pretty in-character, as well as her attitude around the mooks. You did a nice job portraying her, and I liked the battle too.
Also, someone give Satoru a pat on the back, if he’s gonna be dealing with a dozen thugs in his class for a full year then he needs one.
Chapter 27 [Perseus' Successor]

[Peter's Perspective]

Both Peter and Rex would walk out of the gymnasium, looking for a spot to battle and strategize.

So, I'm paired with this guy I guess. If I'm honest I would've probably wanted to go with Natsumi or Marina because we understand each other well enough and we've been friends for a long time, maybe Tsukasa as well because he seems like a cool guy. But I suppose I'll have to stick along with this guy for now, who knows he's probably a chill person I guess.

Rex: So, I take you are Peter Kadoya? Nice to meet you. 

Rex would smile in a charming, yet sinister way.

Peter: Yeah, nice to meet you as well. Your name's Alastair Rexell right?

Rex: Why, yes. Just call me Rex if you like. 

Peter: So, Rex. What's the plan?

Rex: How about we get to know each other's Beys first? So that we can be able to understand how each of our styles.

Peter: Sounds good, so we're gonna have a practice match?

Rex would nod while smiling as he did earlier before they head to a nearby stadium.

Rex: This is my partner over here, Immortal Alastor. (He'd show it to Peter)

Peter: Here's mine, Noble Paladin. (He'd show it to Rex)

Both of them would exchange their Beys and examine them.

So, this thing's dual-spin? There's been a rise in dual-spinning Beys lately eh? Spriggan, Diabolos, Cassiopeia and now this. The driver looks like it's supported by a bearing, so of course, that's gonna make it spin better. And also, this design on the tip is weird... grooves on a low-cone? It's also got a metal flat on the center as well, and for some reason, this vaguely reminds me of the Variable or Evolution tips, so maybe if this wears down it's gonna spin even better. Then the Chassis, shift it down, it lowers the center of gravity, then if you shift it up you get more stamina.

Peter: Your Bey's interesting. (He'd give Alastor back to Rex)

Rex: The same goes for you, Peter. (He'd also give Paladin back to Peter)

Peter: So, we're gonna start?

Rex: What are you waiting for? (He'd shrug while smiling)

What I'm waiting for? Well, for you to get ready I guess.

Peter would get into position and signal Rex to follow, which he does.

Rex: So, is this going to be a two-point battle?

Peter: Yeah, it's a practice match isn't it?

Rex nods and would begin counting down.

Rex: Three, two, one... 

(In unison): Go shoot!

Both would perform their own launching styles while also performing Boost Shoots. Paladin was 6-bladed mode while Alastor was in Attack-mode.

Not bad, I can clearly feel the strength in my launcher now, especially after upgrading it. I shouldn't get too cocky though, I don't know what this guy has up his sleeves.

Rex: Wreak havoc, Alastor! 

Alastor would dash towards the center, sending an incredibly fast barrage of attacks towards Paladin who was doing a great job at taking each hit from Alastor.

God damn, this guy's strong... Well, he qualified for Class S so it makes sense anyways. But for a somewhat slippery driver, he's got great control over it, he turns early to keep himself from sliding when attacking. Not only that, his attacks are smooth and there's not that much stamina wasted when attacking. I'll need to think of how to deal with this guy though.

Rex: Your Bey can withstand my attacks, not bad.

Peter: You're pretty good too, you understand how your Bey works and try to make the most out of everything from it.

Rex: No need to flatter me that much, but I suppose that your style is more on being on the defensive most of the time.

Peter: Kind of. But I like it that way so maybe, yeah.

Rex: Your defenses are strong, but. They're no match for my Bey.

Yeah, no s*** Sherlock. You own a dual-spin Bey.

Peter: Then I'll try my best to put a good fight if my Bey's inferior to yours.

Rex: That's the spirit, now face Alastor's blade! 

One of Alastor's blades would glow dark pink as it charges towards Paladin, and Paladin would glow blue-green a little.

Rex: Immortal Bane!

Peter: Noble Shield!

A green sphere surrounds Paladin, protecting it from the oncoming impact albeit to no avail. However, the shield explodes and knocks both of the Beys out of the stadium.

What was that power? I know the shield usually breaks after several hits, even with Neamhain against me... but this guy blew it up in a single hit?

Peter: Sheesh, you broke the shield in one hit. 

Rex: Not bad on your side as well, you managed to actually withstand the might of Alastor.

Peter: I don't wanna sound arrogant, but what's up with its power anyways?

Rex: You're the son of Masamune Kadoya, aren't you?

Peter: Yeah, what's up with that?

Rex: Then you must know Team Excalibur and Julian Konzern.

Peter: Yeah, the owner of Gravity Perseus? 

Gravity Perseus... hey, don't tell me he made his from that Bey? This is news to me! How'd he get his hands on it anyway?

Peter: So you're saying you made it from Perseus? How'd you get it? (He'd raise a brow)

Rex: Let's just say... the Rexell Family and the Konzern Family are friends.

Peter: So you stole it!?

Rex: Haha, no. You have the wrong idea, Mr. Konzern gave his Bey to me. He said that he saw something in me, that he saw in his old self. It's rather cliché isn't it?

Peter: Maybe, but I guess you made an impressive Bey from him. (He'd shrug)

If this were a game, this man's already got a cheat code. Gravity Perseus was insanely strong, it had the ability to manipulate gravity. Though it had some flaws, its strength was impressive nonetheless.

Rex: Now anyways, Alastor has the ability to increase gravitational strength around it. In Attack-mode, the gravitational strength is focused on the Ring's blades whereas, in Defense-mode, it's focused on the area around it and is more spread out rather than being concentrated on three points only. Does this make sense to you, Peter?

Peter: Crystal clear, how long is your defense mode's range? Does it get weaker the farther you go away from it?

Rex: As far as I know, yes. However, the strength of the gravity will be enough and I can still control how long it extends. At best I could extend it up to 5 meters in length and height after testing, within 2 and a half meters of my range though... it could possibly affect the Bey and the owner's communication.

Affect with the Bey and the owner's communication? Does that mean he can screw around with Resonance?

Peter: Affect whose Resonance? Yours or theirs?

Rex: The latter, I've tried it against some of my servants out of curiosity. They all said that they couldn't talk with their Bey when they come close. I could use it to my advantage in single battles, but considering how this is a team battle you'll need to be on the defensive. 

Since Rex's got gravity on his side, this should be a little easier. I've also got an idea for both of us as well.

Peter: I think I've got a little idea as well. My Noble Shield ability is somewhat special not because it's a shield, but because it absorbs kinetic energy from each attack, and when it's broken it explodes just like what happened earlier. The strength of the explosion depends on how much energy it took and it technically becomes invulnerable until the shield is broken. So, we'll force Mr. Otori to attack me while you also weaken him at the same time, when the shield is close to being destroyed, send a powerful hit to increase the strength of the explosion. 

Rex: Interesting, I'll propose something as well.

Peter: What is it? 

Rex: If you take into account who Mr. Tsubasa is, this plan is 50-50. If the explosion fails to Burst Aquila or at least just scratches him, he could perform aerial attacks as that's what he specializes in. I'll utilize my Bey's gravitational force to send him crashing down and you deal with the bottom layer, as your Bey will be in its own Defense mode. 

Peter: Sounds good, the plan's approved.

Both Bladers would shake their hands, but would later get interrupted by a flash of red light nearby.

What the hell was that? What's happening?

Two Bladers were engaging in a fierce battle nearby, it was Tsukasa and Ryujiki. Both of which were attacking each other with immense force and power.

I gotta see this, this is pretty intense!

Both Rex and Peter would watch up close, but not too close where they'd be noticed.

Tsukasa and Ryujiki? Ryujiki's a prick honestly but, this battle shows a lot to his power. The name is also pretty familiar... is he somehow related to the owner of L-Drago?

Ryujiki: Not bad, Tsukasa Nakazato! Especially against the Dragon Emperor!

Tsukasa: Watch your six, Ryujiki.

Tsukuyomi and Velrog were attacking each other with blistering speed. Tsukuyomi was surrounded by black lightning whereas Velrog was surrounded by green and red flames.

Rex: This battle is getting very intense, this should be entertaining.

Ryujiki and Tsukasa would scream out as their Beys crash into one another, releasing flames and lightning from each hit.

Tsukasa: Tsukuyomi, cut them down! Gale Break: Crescent!

Tsukuyomi's rubber spikes would come into contact with the stadium floor, resulting in it speeding up so fast it seemed like it teleported towards Velrog. It also knocks Velrog a considerable distance, but Velrog also retaliates by performing a similar move due to its metal driver grinding on the floor.

Ryujiki: Aether Grind!

While dashing, Velrog would leave behind a trail of fire before crashing against Tsukuyomi, clashing with one another.

Ryujiki: Burn this imbecile to ashes, Velrog! 

Velrog was pushing Tsukuyomi towards the wall, and by the time they got there, it was crushing Tsukuyomi.

Ryujiki: Give up now, Tsukasa! You're no match for the Dragon Emperor!

Tsukasa's in a tough spot right now... the self-proclaimed Dragon Emperor is incredibly strong indeed.

Tsukasa: No match, hm? 

Tsukasa's sclera was turning black and his irises were turning white, while cracks appeared next to his eyes.

Tsukasa: (His voice would turn relatively deeper) I don't think so, Ryujiki.

The rubber spikes on the Gale driver would come into contact with the ground and the rubber on the Twilight Ring's rubber would get hooked onto Velrog, throwing him away to the other side with great force.

Ryujiki: Persistent, are we?

Tsukasa: I suppose so.

I suppose we'll have to cancel Round 2 for our match right now. This is getting really intense!

(To be continued)

Did a little rework on Rex's character and a bit of a nerf on Ryujiki to balance him.
Huh, I actually like Rex here. You really do know how to bring the best out of every character entry, which I have to admit is much better than anything I could do. Great job on the chapter.
(Aug. 23, 2021  11:07 AM)PinkRose Wrote: [ -> ]Huh, I actually like Rex here. You really do know how to bring the best out of every character entry, which I have to admit is much better than anything I could do. Great job on the chapter.

Thanks, Pink! The reason why I just decided to rework Rex is because I suck at creating edgy characters and the like, also I intended to have him be defeated in his first battle and never be used again until an idea hit me during hiatus, which was to make him more of a nobleman/royal blood type of character similar to Julian.
Delicious chapter mmm

Anyways, I might start a little rewrite and redesign on Nira as well.

(Aug. 24, 2021  3:41 AM)tenma Wrote: [ -> ]Delicious chapter mmm

Anyways, I might start a little rewrite and redesign on Nira as well.

Hmm... yeah, I might deal with that soon. Right now I'm mainly focusing on Pink, Rex, and Ryujiki. And also did you change its name from Break to Crash?

Chapter 28 [The God of the Moon vs The Dragon Emperor!]

(, if you don't mind, I'll nerf Ryujiki to keep him balanced and changed some of his moves to correspond with the parts I gave him.)

[Tsukasa's Perspective]

Ryujiki... this man is shrouded in mystery, with a side of arrogance and rudeness. I read the student list beforehand a week earlier and I decided to do research on his background, but there was none, which I was also expecting. In a way, he's similar to Natsumi Hagane, she came out of nowhere without a competitive background and suddenly defeated Legends and also he's similar to the owner of Lucifer... Lean Walhalla. His Flare still worries me, but his defeat in the hands of the Asahi brothers significantly helped with him not overloading, at best I could say that he might regain his corrupted Flare in a year or so, which is enough time for us to defeat him. But I mustn't get complacent and think of how to defeat him. For now, I could use this school to gain more allies in order to get rid of the Flare that's been plaguing him.

Tsukasa: You must be Ryujiki. My name is Tsukasa Nakazato, I'm looking forward to working with you. 

Ryujiki: Hmph, whatever. You better be useful or else I, the Dragon Emperor will crush your Bey himself.

Tsukasa would walk outside, ignoring what Ryujiki said but asking him to come along with him.

Tsukasa: Moving on, may I see your Bey? We'll have to understand how our Beys are like and what they do, in order to work efficiently during our battle.

Ryujiki: Hm, alright then. 

Both of them would exchange their Beys, with Ryujiki taking Tsukuyomi rather aggressively then inspecting it, which Tsukasa would do.

A left-spinning balance-type, similar to mine. It features three blades, all of which have rubber on them and the same goes for its Chassis. The tip seemingly has an automatic gimmick change and a different type of metal on the tip, and if I pull these tabs on the side of the driver the sharp tip retracts and makes the tip a hole flat so I can assume that whenever this Bey loses stamina, it effectively enters a more defensive state. I suppose I've seen enough already, what I am interested in is this person's skill.

Tsukasa: Impressive. 

Ryujiki: I should say the same for you, Tsukasa Nakazato.

They'd give their Beys back to each other.

Tsukasa: So, do you have a plan in mind Ryujiki?

Ryujiki: A plan? Do you doubt my strength?

Tsukasa: I am confident in your strength, which is why I'm asking to plan a strategy. Going in blindly will not benefit any of us.

Ryujiki: It's simple, crush Otori's Bey with brute force and power! Simple as that right-

Tsukasa would cut him off.

Tsukasa: No, it's not that simple. You're facing a man who's fought thousands of battles in the past, even beating many legendary Bladers as well, that is Tsubasa Otori.

Ryujiki: That man is no match for the Dragon Emperor! 

Tsukasa was clearly getting irritated but still managed to keep his cool, while Ryujiki was getting furious.

Tsukasa: Dragon Emperor or not, you're a mere lizard in the eyes of this man. Do you understand?

Ryujiki: Huh? I'm not a lizard, I'm the Dragon Emperor!

He'd start walking up to Ryujiki slowly.

Tsukasa: A self-proclaimed one at that. Ryujiki, your temper and arrogance will soon be your downfall.

He'd get up close to his face, in order to show him that he was serious about having a strategy. Which would work to no avail, as he was rather hard-headed.

Ryujiki: You've provoked the Dragon Emperor, now you shall suffer the consequences! 

His eyes would glow red for a moment, due to him being agitated.

Tsukasa: Come at me then.

They were at a stadium during their argument, so they were prepared to battle.

Ryujiki: Prepare to be destroyed by Velrog!

His Bey will be similar in nature to mine, so if I'll go on the defensive I'll lose more stamina in the process due to my rubber tip and both of us having rubber on our Rings. I'll try to end this as quickly as possible.

The two Bladers would take their positions and count down from three.

Ryujiki: Three!

Tsukasa: Two.

Ryujiki: One! Go shoot!

Tsukasa would just grunt while launching instead of reciting the 'go shoot!' catchphrase. Even so, both of them would perform Boost Shoots and have both of their Beys travel quickly across the stadium.

Ryujiki: Crush his Bey, Velrog!

The metal on the Relict driver would grind the floor which results in it changing directions quickly, while Tsukasa would mimick his actions as soon as Velrog would shift directions. This results in Tsukuyomi and Velrog crashing into one another with great force, which would result in a heated battle between the two. Hit after hit, lightning, and fire would appear from their Rings as they'd crash into one another.

The first lesson Mr. Otori taught us was incredibly useful. I could clearly feel the increase in strength just by performing a better launch, and the same applies to his Bey. This will be a tough battle, but I suppose I can consider it as training before facing off against the mighty eagle himself. This metal flat of his allows for him to switch directions easily, similar to mine but he takes a wider line when performing Flower Patterns due to the lower friction. I could use that to my advantage.

As Velrog was technically understeering every time it turned, Tsukuyomi would interfere with its line, making most of Velrog's attacks less effective due to the lack of momentum it gained every time it turned.

Ryujiki: Get out of my way, you pest! Aether Shift!

Velrog's driver would grind the stadium then turn left before immediately shifting its direction towards Tsukuyomi, knocking it away with great force but it would have no effect on Tsukuyomi's stamina whatsoever as it went away running perfectly fine.

Ryujiki: Perfect, now that you're out of my Beyblade's way I can crush you and your Bey altogether! Velrog, Aether Claw!

Green and red flames engulf Velrog as it charges towards Tsukuyomi but Tsukuyomi would tilt near the wall, resulting in its rubber spikes coming into contact with both the wall and the edge of the stadium.

Tsukasa: Not so fast, Ryujiki. Twilight Cycle!

Tsukuyomi would suddenly travel across the stadium's edge with blindingly fast speed, leaving behind a trail of black lightning and letting Velrog hit the wall instead.  He would then push Velrog against the wall while moving.

Ryujiki: Again?! You'll pay for this, you fool!

The rubber on the Aether Ring was grinding against the wall, gradually creating fire from them.

Ryujiki: Velrog, Aether Blaze!

Velrog would release a large wave of energy and fire from its Ring, breaking it free from Tsukuyomi's grasp before charging straight towards it as it was about to land. And as soon as Tsukuyomi landed on the center, Velrog was pummeling it with a devastating barrage of attacks making Tsukuyomi vulnerable with each attack.

Patience, wait for your time to attack.

Ryujiki: You were a fool to have faced me from the beginning, Tsukasa Nakazato. Now face your defeat!

Velrog had lifted Tsukuyomi up to a high point, which gave Tsukuyomi a chance for attack. And by the time Tsukuyomi landed, it landed on its rubber tip. The spikes would then grind Velrog's ring causing it to throw Velrog away to the side and he would also get away from Velrog's frenzying barrage of attacks.

Ryujiki: Not bad, Tsukasa Nakazato! Especially against the Dragon Emperor!

Tsukasa: Watch your six, Ryujiki.

Both Beys were on the edge, storing energy before attacking. They then crash into one another at the center and engage in a battle of very quick hits and attacks.

Tsukasa: Tsukuyomi, cut them down! Gale Break: Crescent!

Tsukuyomi's rubber spikes came into contact with the stadium's floor, resulting in it dashing so fast it seemed like it teleported to Velrog. It would also hit Velrog with great force but Velrog would retaliate with a similar move using its metal driver.

Ryujiki: Aether Grind!

Due to the metal flat scraping the floor, Velrog leaves behind a trail of fire on the ground as it attacks Tsukuyomi. Velrog then pushes Tsukuyomi against the wall.

Ryujiki: Give up now, Tsukasa! You're no match for the Dragon Emperor!

This was definitely an intense battle but however, this is where I'll get serious... Ryujiki.

Tsukasa's sclera would turn black and his irises would turn white. Cracks would also appear next to his eyes, making him look more sinister. Tsukasa had activated his Resonance.

Tsukasa: (His voice would get somewhat deeper) I don't think so, Ryujiki.

Tsukuyomi's rubber would get hooked onto Velrog's Ring and the Gale Driver's rubber spikes would come into contact with the floor once again, causing Velrog to be thrown away back to the center but this time the sharp tip on the Relict Driver would come out.

I saw a sharp tip pop out of its Driver, has it begun to lose stamina? Another window has opened up to me, and I will take it!

Tsukuyomi would send a devastating barrage of attacks towards Velrog with blindingly fast speed. Trails of black lightning followed Tsukuyomi with each move he made, but it looked like it had little effect on Velrog's stamina though it did do a lot to its durability.

Ryujiki: By far you're the most entertaining foe I've ever had! If you're that persistent, then show me more!

Velrog would gradually begin to spin faster and fire would surround it as well.

He's spinning faster? As soon as I thought he was about to become vulnerable...

Ryujiki: Aether Dissolution!

Velrog would create a vacuum, which pulls Tsukuyomi towards it slowly.

Ryujiki: Come closer, don't struggle!

In situations like these, I would've used the Gale Driver to escape but with the amount of force that's pulling me, I can't. I need to think of something... I see now.

Ryujiki: What's up, have you given up?! Are you serious? As soon as it was just getting good!

Tsukasa: Not exactly.

Tsukuyomi would tilt to a point where it was spinning on its Ring, then it would charge at Velrog vertically like a wheel.

Tsukasa: Full Moon!

Ryujiki: Huh?!

Tsukuyomi was grinding against Velrog like a saw, before eventually lifting him up into the air. With Velrog gone, Tsukuyomi spins towards the wall uncontrollably then also goes up into the air, where it'd land on its tip. The same happened for Velrog, who was in Attack-mode once more however this time, both Velrog and Tsukuyomi were covered in fire and lightning respectively.

Ryujiki: This ends here! Velrog, Aether Destruction Claw!

Tsukasa: Tsukuyomi! Twilight Judgement!

Tsukuyomi and Velrog would dash at each other, but it seemed like they teleported and cut through each other. Tsukuyomi left multiple afterimages of what seemed like cuts on the stadium and the air while Velrog would do something similar albeit with large scratch marks made of fire. These afterimages would disappear then both would Burst at the same time while also destroying the stadium they were on.

Hmm, I suppose that lesson from Mr. Otori paid off.

Ryujiki: (He'd smile then proceed to laugh) Normally this wouldn't be possible with lowly people, but you've proved to me you're not one of them! Now, what's the plan?

Tsukasa: With your strength, I think we'll just need a little coordination and proper timing for our battle. (His face would return to normal)

Ryujiki: So you've come to realize the strength of the Dragon Emperor?

Tsukasa: Maybe. (He'd smirk while closing his eyes.)

Both of them would pick their Beys off the ground and fix them before staff come running in.

Staff Member 1: Hey, is everything okay- Hey, aren't you those hooligans in Class C who went around stealing Beys?

Tsukasa: Huh? No, sir.

Staff Member 2: Don't lie to me, you brat!

He'd get cut off by a girl with pink hair, it was Pink. She was with Natsumi who was just about to return to the gymnaisum.

Pink: No, that isn't them. I've dealt with them alongside my classmate here. (She'd point towards Natsumi)

A person would also appear out of nowhere, it was Rex.

Rex: I'll deal with the stadium myself as well, don't you worry about it.

Tsukasa: So you were all watching?

Natsumi: Yeah...

Tsukasa: Huh, anyways how was Akari?

Natsumi: Not exactly fine, If I'm honest... probably because of her temper issues. (Natsumi would scratch her head)

Tsukasa would put his hand to his face then sigh, looking somewhat disappointed at what Natsumi just said.

Same old Akari, never change.

(Aug. 24, 2021  3:45 AM)SpeedySuomi Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug. 24, 2021  3:41 AM)tenma Wrote: [ -> ]Delicious chapter mmm

Anyways, I might start a little rewrite and redesign on Nira as well.

Hmm... yeah, I might deal with that soon. Right now I'm mainly focusing on Pink, Rex, and Ryujiki. And also did you change its name from Break to Crash?

(Aug. 24, 2021  3:45 AM)SpeedySuomi Wrote: [ -> ][quote='tenma' pid='1791197' dateline='1629772892']
Delicious chapter mmm

Anyways, I might start a little rewrite and redesign on Nira as well.

Quote:Hmm... yeah, I might deal with that soon. Right now I'm mainly focusing on Pink, Rex, and Ryujiki. And also did you change its name from Break to Crash?

Oh? Was it Break instead of Crash? I must've confused it with Cassiopeia's beta name haha.

I prefer Crash for now, though. So maybe you can put it in the fic as Crash Cassiopeia instead.
(Aug. 24, 2021  7:31 AM)tenma Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug. 24, 2021  3:45 AM)SpeedySuomi Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug. 24, 2021  3:41 AM)tenma Wrote: [ -> ]Delicious chapter mmm

Anyways, I might start a little rewrite and redesign on Nira as well.

Quote:Hmm... yeah, I might deal with that soon. Right now I'm mainly focusing on Pink, Rex, and Ryujiki. And also did you change its name from Break to Crash?

Oh? Was it Break instead of Crash? I must've confused it with Cassiopeia's beta name haha.

I prefer Crash for now, though. So maybe you can put it in the fic as Crash Cassiopeia instead.

Yeah, the thing is... Ranjiro used 'Crash' as a prefix back in Cho-Z.
Hmm, not bad. I really like your portrayal of everyone here, it just feels so smooth and generally well-done. But uh, you might want to edit your post because you posted the same chapter twice.
(Aug. 24, 2021  8:55 AM)PinkRose Wrote: [ -> ]Hmm, not bad. I really like your portrayal of everyone here, it just feels so smooth and generally well-done. But uh, you might want to edit your post because you posted the same chapter twice.

Oh lol, i sent it twice
(Aug. 24, 2021  8:35 AM)SpeedySuomi Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug. 24, 2021  7:31 AM)tenma Wrote: [ -> ]

Yeah, the thing is... Ranjiro used 'Crash' as a prefix back in Cho-Z.

Oof. Break it is then xD
If you're all asking why I removed the bios is because I feel like it would interfere with the characters themselves and my writing. Like I'll have to follow a certain path with these bios.
[Image: 947708_CmQQC5EB.png?width=427&height=427]
If you're also wondering how Natsumi looks like, here she is. (I kinda posted her on the cursed Beyblade server but not here lmao, also made with Picrew on Wayrain's avatar creator)
Chapter 29 [Argument]

[Marina's Perspective]

Alright, so I'm paired with the sister of Tsukasa Nakazato, Akari. She's not as strong as her brother because she's well... less experienced and less smart. But she's still a solid fighter and she could probably hold herself on her own, she just got unlucky on that battle with Zenkuro. I'm wondering how she'd perform this time though?

Akari: Yo, Marina! So we're teammates? 

Marina: Mhm! Looking forward to working with you. 

I'd extend my hand, and we shake hands, she then gives me a big smile. Dear me, she's cute... anyway, back to business. What I know about her Bey is that it has 5 blades and a rubber flat, also a Double Chassis. That's just pretty much what she has.

Nira would approach both of them, alongside Fuuka. Nira was waving at them while Fuuka just went along with it.

Oh, Nira's there. She's been working at Madoka-sensei's shop with Peter for a while now, she's just as old as me but she looks like Sumi-chan in terms of age, while I look like I'm a 20-year old already. Kind of weird.

Nira: Hey there, Marina-san! Have you seen Kadoya-san?

Marina: Peter? Oh, he's already left with that Rexell guy.

Nira: What about Hagane-san?

Marina: She also left with her teammate. 

I think Nira here wants to practice with Natsumi or Peter, well bad for her since she wanted to go with them. I think a group practice would be interesting though!

Marina: Hey, how about we train together?

Fuuka: Group training? Sounds good. I don't think we're able to simulate the battle itself, but I suppose we are able to test our strategies.

Akari: Alright, let's go with that then!

This sounds nice but... I feel like something might go wrong soon enough. Eh, that's just a feeling, let's go do this!

All four of them leave the gymnasium, looking for a spot much like with the other groups. They then head to the rooftop, where the largest stadium was at.

Whoo! The wind here feels really nice, the same goes for the view. If only I could use this wind in actual battle. The rooms have cold air, I could be able to use it to my advantage... I hope!

Nira: The breeze is nice, don't you think?

: I guess so. 

Akari: Alright, let's get to work then! What do we do?

Fuuka: First off, you'll discuss with your own partner. Sharing strategies means Tsubasa will know what we'll do immediately.

Akari: Yeah umm... I beg to differ.

Everyone would look at Akari.

What do you intend to do Akari? 

Akari: I think we should share our strategies. Because in that way it'll be unpredictable.

The same strategy from two different people would be unpredictable?

Nira: What are you going on about? The same strategy would be more predictable, wouldn't it?

Akari: In theory, yeah. But everyone's gonna use different strategies, right? Then Tsubasa-sensei will base what they'll do depending on what kind of Beys they have and the owner's strength in general. If all of us follow a certain strategy that departs from our usual style of fighting, he won't expect it.

She's got a point here... some of her brother's knowledge has been passed onto her as well, eh?

Fuuka: You see, that's where the flaw in your plan comes in. We'll have to adapt to a new style before time is up, which isn't an easy feat since you'd have to work with an unfamiliar fighting style.

Akari: With great risk comes great reward doesn't it? 

Fuuka: This is a practice session, not a battle.

Akari was getting annoyed at the moment, while Fuuka remained cool.

Akari: We should treat it like it is one!

The more I listen to what Akari says, it makes sense and at the same time it doesn't. I guess that's what makes her different from her brother.

The two would continue arguing for a bit, with their voices overlapping each other as they argue. While arguing, Natsumi would come in.

Natsumi: Hello... huh?!

Don't question it Sumi-chan, it's none of your business.

Marina would look at Natsumi, giving her a look with her half-opened eyes. Natsumi then knows what's happening, then she'd leave.

She ran away... was that the right call? Anyways, I'm betting that both of them would just probably fight it out in the end.

Akari: Alright then, let's have a battle then! To show whose plan works better!

Fuuka: A battle will not prove strategy, but I'll go along with it. A team battle, that is.

I'm being dragged into this? What a pain, well... whatever I guess. Just hoping it's a good battle anyways.

Fuuka would whisper to Nira before battle, then Nira would nod.

They're plotting something, I'll assume that they'll have my Bey's stamina drained in order to effectively take out Akari. I won't let that happen.

Marina: Take note of what they're gonna do, alright?

Akari: Mhm, let's go, Marina-nee!

She called me Nee-san! Well, to be fair I am two years older than her. Anyways, let's get on with this I suppose.

Everyone would get ready around the stadium, with Akari doing arm rolls while Nira ties her hair before taking off her shirt, revealing a tank-top underneath.

Looks like Nira's getting pumped up here, it seems we're all ready then!

Everyone except for Fuuka would begin counting down from three.

(In unison): Three... two... one... go shoot!

Fuuka would just grunt while launching, and Cassiopeia was in Right-spin. Fenrir and Amateros would then circle around the stadium quickly while Melusine and Cassiopeia would, however, Melusine just did a feint and evaded Cassiopeia to conserve its stamina. 

Gottem, I won't be fooled. 

With Melusine performing the feint, Fenrir's line would get interrupted and Fuuka would be forced to be evade, resulting in it to steer and run into Cassiopeia, though it would hit Cassiopeia a little.

Akari: Nice one, Marina-nee! Now it's my turn!

Amaterios would charge towards Cassiopeia, sending a small, yet fast and powerful barrage towards it. Fenrir would begin to take action, but Akari would notice.

Akari: Oh no you don't! Amaterios!

Fuuka: Tch.

This girl doesn't leave any room for error whenever she fights... she's learned a lot from her brother. And if I'm honest, her style looks cleaner than it did last time I saw her, which was in the entrance exams.

Amaterios would finish its barrage of attacks by knocking away Cassiopeia to the side, where it'd hit the wall. It'd bounce off the wall and hit Melusine. However, Amaterios would knock Fenrir away a fair distance meaning each team's backup was out of the picture for now.

: I'm not done with you yet, Nira!

Nira: Come on then!

Both Beys that were dealt heavy damage would land back on the stadium and recover, while Amaterios and Cassiopeia would clash at the center. Later on, both Fenrir would join in while Melusine would circle across the stadium. Cassiopeia and Fenrir would hit Amaterios repeatedly, with both of them sending a powerful barrage of attacks towards it.

Akari: Err... Marina-nee, I need a little help?

: Wait for it, don't worry. (She'd give Akari a little smile.)

A little patience, Akari-san.

Nira: You're not working together, are you taking this seriously?

Fuuka: Don't get too cocky, they're on to something.

Cassiopeia and Fenrir would both hit Amaterios, sending it crashing towards Melusine. Upon contact with it, Amaterios would bounce back towards the two with full strength.

If they're thinking of something to counter this, I'm betting that they'll be crushing Amaterios.

Melusine would move backward quickly, hitting the wall and bouncing towards the fray. As predicted, Fenrir and Cassiopeia would crush Amaterios with a pincer attack, however, Melusine was going so quickly that it arrived in the gap there was before the two others did. With Fenrir hitting Melusine, it wouldn't even faze it and would just slip into the wall, sending it spinning uncontrollably outside. 

Fuuka: Fenrir... (She'd grit her teeth and clench her fists.)

Sorry Fuuka-san, but that's life! Now onto Cassiopeia.

Akari: Here we come, Amaterios!

One of Amaterios' blades would glow bright orange.

Akari: Daybreak Strike!

Amaterios would hit Cassiopeia with great force, sending it flying towards Nira. Nira would then catch it with ease.

We won the first round, however... Fuuka doesn't seem to look fine about it.

Akari: Alright we won the first round! Eat that!

The other three would remain silent. While Akari was rejoicing, Nira and Marina were looking at Fuuka with concerned faces.

Hold on, could this be... Fuuka's wild side?

Fuuka would give everyone a maniacal grin, and her eyes would turn red. Her face looked like she was a beast at that point.

Fuuka: So you beat me, eh? Bring it on! 

Shoot, she's getting serious now.

Sorry for the somewhat long wait, I had to deal with my schoolwork last week.
No problem bro
(Sep. 07, 2021  5:16 PM)PikaBeyblade Wrote: [ -> ]No problem bro

Yeah, school can be a pain sometimes.
Nice story
Chapter 30 [Wolf In Sheep's Clothing]

[Akari's Perspective]

What's up with Fuuka now? She looks like a berserker right now. I know that if someone's angered in battle, they'd lose their composure but... from the looks of this, it might get bad really, really quick.

Nira: Fuuka-san, are you alright...?

Fuuka would turn her head towards Nira.

Fuuka: Alright? I'm better than alright... I'm feeling ecstatic! I'll crush all three of you with Fenrir!

I feel her strength... it's stronger than it was last round. Like, way stronger. I need to stay alert on what she might pull. 

Fuuka: So? Are we going or not?

Fuuka would raise a brow while smiling in a sinister way and tilting her head. Her eyes were widened and her irises were somewhat smaller.

Akari: Let's continue then...

Everyone would get ready for the next round, with Nira setting her Bey to Left-spin mode before everyone eventually gets into position. All four of them would then begin counting down from three.




Go shoot!

All four Beys would land on the stadium, with Melusine landing on the outer ridge to prevent contact with Fenrir while Cassiopeia would circle near the center in case Melusine would attempt to take it. Fenrir on the other hand was noticeably faster and stronger with its movements and Amaterios was just slightly faster than before which meant that their speed was just on par. Fenrir was gradually creeping in though, due to utilizing Amaterios' slipstream. 

How did Fenrir get so fast? She's even faster than earlier! 

Fenrir would eventually catch up to Amaterios, then it'd knock it upwards. Melusine would interfere though, having one half of the Bey being caught up in them, allowing Amaterios to escape. However, Cassiopeia would take action then charge at Amaterios, pushing it towards the wall with great force. 

What's up with this weight?

Nira: Sorry, Akari-san.

Marina: Shoot, Akari! Get out of there!

Akari: I'm trying to!

Fuuka: What happened to being able to win everything with your partner now, eh?

Akari: Shut up! Amaterios, push on!

Amaterios was gradually spinning faster due to having 5 blades that don't tick out as much as most Attack-types. A faint red aura would emanate from Amaterios. then one of its blades would glow bright orange.

Akari: Amaterios! Daybreak Strike!

Amaterios would send 5 consecutive hits towards Cassiopeia, with the last hit pushing Cassiopeia a fair distance away. This wasn't enough to set Cassiopeia off-balance, but it was more than enough for Amaterios to be able to escape.

I need to help Marina here, I don't know if Melusine would be able to take that much attack power.

Nira: Oh no you don't!

Cassiopeia's tip would grind against the floor, making it shift direction towards the rest of the Bladers.

Nira: Drift Break!

Cassiopeia would charge at the other Beys with great speed, but Amaterios would reach Fenrir first which results in all three Beys crushing Fenrir at the center.

Nira: Ack! Sorry, Fuuka.

Fuuka stood silent, and her lips curled into a smirk.

Fuuka: Is that all you got?!

A dark blue aura would surround Fenrir, before spinning faster.

She's spinning faster? Wait, Cassiopeia's there! I'm too late!

Fuuka: Fenrir! Frenzy Claw!

All four blades on Fenrir would glow bright blue, then it'd push everyone far away. Amaterios hit the wall with great force, crippling its stamina, Cassiopiea was near the outer ridge and was heavily destabilized and Melusine was mid-air but it controlled its descent as if it had a parachute.

What the? Why'd she hit Nira? Aren't they teammates?

Nira: Fuuka, what was that for? Aren't we teammates? (She'd sound somewhat annoyed.)

Fuuka: Nothing, you're all my enemies right now. I don't care if I go against you!

Nira: Tch, you'll pay for this! Go on, Cassiopeia!

Akari: Yeah! 

How'd this turn into a full-scale battle? I thought this was a strategy meeting? Whatever then, our main goal right now is to beat some sense into Fuuka!

Akari: Let's go, Amaterios!

As soon as Melusine landed, Amaterios would charge at Fenrir and so would Cassiopeia.

Marina: Don't attack her blindly, Akari!

Akari: I know!

Fuuka: Too slow!

As Amaterios and Cassiopeia were charging at Fenrir, it would evade Amaterios' attack then shift directions towards Cassiopeia. hitting it with great force and Bursting it.

Nira: Cassiopeia!

Fuuka: You're next, Akari!

Akari: S*it!

Fenrir would sprint towards Amaterios, but Melusine would arrive in the nick of time, interrupting Fenrir's attack and letting Amaterios escape.

Marina: Come on, Melusine!

Fuuka: Get out of my way, you pest!

Fenrir would gradually push Melusine while swerving back and forth, as Melusine's Ring had little to no friction.

Melusine's really tough, for a Stamina-type. However, I need to do something about this. Melusine might not hold on any longer!

A steel blue aura would surround Fenrir before one of its blades would glow dark blue.

Fuuka: Fenrir, Claw Upper!

The blade that glowed would hit Melusine from underneath, sending it flying upwards and Bursting it immediately without any lost stamina.

Marina: Huh?! 

Akari: Melusine Bursted? No!

Shoot, so I'm on my own now!

Fuuka: It's over, Akari!

Akari: Shut up! I'll deal with you myself!

Fenrir and Amaterios would circle around the stadium before colliding at the center with great force. They'd crash into each other many times with great force, with Amaterios taking each hit very well, and dealing great damage at the same time.

I'm not giving up here, even though this is probably just a practice match! 

Both Beys would produce an aura with their own respective auras, with Amaterios producing a red aura and Fenrir producing a steel blue aura.

Akari: Amaterios, burn it down!

Fuuka: Go wild, Fenrir!

Fenrir and Amaterios would crash into each other in the center with great force, creating relatively large gusts of wind.

Marina: You can do it, Akari!

Fuuka: Shut it, Yumiya!

Marina: I don't really care, since you Bursted me I'm just moral support right now.

Marina would give Fuuka a cheeky grin.

Fuuka: Tch, Fenrir! Rip her to pieces!

Fenrir would push back Amaterios, but Amaterios would retaliate by pushing even stronger. 

Akari: Amaterios!

All of Amaterios' blades would get engulfed by flames as it was clashing with Fenrir.

Akari: Daybreak Blaze!

Amaterios would hit Fenrir three times at once, with the last hit sending Fenrir flying away.

Akari: Attaboy!

Fenrir would then land, with the Hold tip being tilted.

Marina: Hold on, it's not yet done Akari! Watch it!

Akari: I know, but what's up now?!

Fenrir would jump as soon as it landed, then it would jump upon landing again, the Bey was acting like Hell Salamander now. Each jump was timed, as Fuuka figured out that with the correct timing and pressure applied, the tip would tilt every time it landed.

Marina: Fuuka also specializes in aerial attacks as well!

Aerial assault? What the?

Fenrir would jump onto Amaterios at the center, sending a powerful hit from above. This lifts Amaterios from the ground and sends it flying, then Fenrir would jump again after that attack, hitting Amaterios mid-air with even more force.

Fuuka: What are you gonna do? 

Damn it, I'm in a really tough spot right now... what do I do?

Use the chaos to your advantage, find a way to escape. Learn how and where your opponent is attacking, that's one piece of advice I can give you.

That's it... I remember now. Thanks, Tsukasa-nii, I won't let what you taught me go to waste!

Amaterios was being rained on by aerial attacks, however this time, Amaterios was relatively close to the wall.

The wall... the floor... I see now! This is gonna be risky, but I'll do it!

Fuuka: It's over! Claw Smash!

As soon as Fenrir would close up on Amaterios from mid-air, Amaterios would tilt, causing its rubber flat tip to make contact with both the floor and the wall.

Akari: Amaterios! Extreme Run!

Amaterios would narrowly escape Fenrir, causing Fenrir to hit the floor. Amaterios would then circle around the stadium then hit Fenrir from behind in the blink of an eye, exacerbating the damage taken from Fenrir hitting the floor.

Marina: She managed to counter Fuuka's attacks? Amazing...

Fuuka: Tch, I suppose it's not yet over then. You're persistent.

: It ain't over until I say it is!

Amaterios would send Fenrir to the center upon impact, which crippled its stamina. However, Fenrir would recover immediately recover its stance to able to battle Amaterios.

Fuuka: Fenrir! Tear her apart!

Amaterios and Fenrir would send a barrage of attacks at each other with great speed. Both of them were porducing an aura with their respective colors like earlier. After many hits, They'd grind each other at the center with great force, sparks and powerful winds were created.

Akari: Amaterios, hang in there!

The wind that they produced was getting even stronger, and Amaterios would be engulfed in fire.

Akari: Daybreak Inferno!

5 flaming blades would extend from Amaterios, then it'd hit Fenrir five times in rapid succession. With the last hit Bursting Fenrir.

I won... whoo!

Fuuka had calmed down after the battle, and her eyes turned back to its original color.

Akari: Ha! I won! Eat that!

Marina: You were pretty great there, Akari-san! 

Nira: I have to agree as well. But Fenrir though... is it alright?

Fenrir's parts were hot and smoking like an overheated engine, much to everyone's surprise. 

Ack! I sort of burned it...?

Fuuka would crouch to check on her Bey, though she wouldn't touch them as they were quite hot.

Fuuka: It seems fine, but I suggest controlling your power next time.

Akari: Sorry.

A person would enter the rooftop, it was Peter.

Peter: Oi, let's go now. Sensei's calling- What the hell happened to Fenrir? 

His tone would change from being calm to being worried.

Fuuka: We had a little battle with each other, I guess we couldn't have time to strategize in the end. So we'll have to improvise.

Akari: Yeah, sorry.

Marina: It was still a good battle though! 

Fuuka: It was, yes. Now let's go then.

Peter: What exactly happened to Fenrir anyways...? Nevermind.

All five of them would head downstairs and to the gymnasium. Tsubasa was waiting for them.

Chapter 30's out! This kind of went better in my head though, if I'm honest. But anyway, enjoy!

Extra note: Tsubasa's full combo is Levin Aquila Rotary Lotus 3B
So,. I've been reading this fanfiction but just keeping in the dark because I didn't really have anything to add but I just wanna let you know that you're doing a great job. I sorta skimmed through this chapter because I'm kinda busy as of now but I loved the battle royal, Akira's a really strong Blader and Ametarious finally gets an owner! (After 3 Gens) Anyways, keep up the amazing work and just keep on trucking, this fanfiction is awesome and has amazing potential, I'm excited to see what's next Smile
(Sep. 16, 2021  3:03 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]So,. I've been reading this fanfiction but just keeping in the dark because I didn't really have anything to add but I just wanna let you know that you're doing a great job. I sorta skimmed through this chapter because I'm kinda busy as of now but I loved the battle royal, Akira's a really strong Blader and Ametarious finally gets an owner! (After 3 Gens) Anyways, keep up the amazing work and just keep on trucking, this fanfiction is awesome and has amazing potential, I'm excited to see what's next Smile

Akari's her name but, thanks as well!
(Sep. 16, 2021  3:03 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]So,. I've been reading this fanfiction but just keeping in the dark because I didn't really have anything to add but I just wanna let you know that you're doing a great job. I sorta skimmed through this chapter because I'm kinda busy as of now but I loved the battle royal, Akira's a really strong Blader and Ametarious finally gets an owner! (After 3 Gens) Anyways, keep up the amazing work and just keep on trucking, this fanfiction is awesome and has amazing potential, I'm excited to see what's next Smile

UB, Speedy boi, can i please get the permission to call akari a sussy baka? Uncertain

like UB very distinctly said i liked the chapter and when amaterios unleashed the running move on fenrir it was totally wicked!
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