Sep. 21, 2020 6:02 AM
Organizer Note:
I had issues with Challonge at first and had to do it all manually, (Which KJ ended up informing me how to input it properly, so I know better now. But it was my first time organizing anyways.) but I put all of the results into a spreadsheet here
Personal Notes:
The tournament went well for my first time. Had a few things fall over, but it was fun. In total we had 4 no shows, but 20 still made it out and I was very happy. There were some exciting matches and -Fireblaze- was a great help as my secondary Judge. I look forward to hosting another tournament again. Next time I'm gonna pick a venue with a closer bathroom, but it was great considering I had to do a last minute change. The shade was nice and no one else really bothered us at the park, so it went fairly smoothly. And a lot of the parents brought chairs so they sat apart and watches as the kids were blading. I offered plenty of bottled water so everyone was hydrated and there were prepackaged snacks next to the sanitation station as well for the kids. Where I had gloves, extra single-use masks, hand sanitizer, and wipes to utilize.
Side note: Should've taken more pictures lol but we were running a bit long.
Judges Notes:
There were a lot of newcomers to blading so some didn't bring more than one beyblade and others I had to enforce the rule of not mixing TT and Hasbro parts. Most of them were understanding fortunately and just seemed unaware as they were young children. I had to do my best to maintain proper social distancing and sanitizing. It was not easy to keep the kids apart during downtime lol But I managed to keep it pretty calm when I could. Lots of great matches and awesome calls. We had to pull up the camera footage a few times xD But overall it went well. I did my best to make sure everyone was up to date with the rules and was following proper procedure. Of course with lots of kids it was no easy task. The few parents who stuck around were very helpful, especially when it came to proper sanitizing and socializing during the event. I did not notice any groups with more than 2 people aside from a pair of bladers who registered with one parent, so it was fine.
I had to do a couple tie-breaker matches so the tournament went a bit longer than anticipated, but we also did get off to a slightly late start due to two late arrivals. That being said, -Fireblaze- and I ran two matches at a time with both of our stadiums and this helped A LOT.
Note: Cscramon, -Fireblaze-, and UnionAchilles performed very well. Some seriously skilled bladers. -Fireblaze- was the only person undefeated but he got knocked out first round in the finals.
Winning Combos:
1st Place - Cscramon
Lord Spriggan Vanguard Bearing
Rage Longinus Jolt' 3A
2nd Place - FireKingArd
Tempest Uranus Xt+ 2A
Judgement Valkyrie Blitz X' Goku (Deck Format Finals Only)
Brave Lucifer Wheel Atomic 1S
3rd Place Union Achilles
Tempest Lucifer Xt+ 2A
Rage Longinus Jolt' 3A (Deck Format Finals Only)
Master Spriggan 00Wall Bearing (Deck Format Finals Only)
4th Place: Cdrago
I had issues with Challonge at first and had to do it all manually, (Which KJ ended up informing me how to input it properly, so I know better now. But it was my first time organizing anyways.) but I put all of the results into a spreadsheet here
Personal Notes:
The tournament went well for my first time. Had a few things fall over, but it was fun. In total we had 4 no shows, but 20 still made it out and I was very happy. There were some exciting matches and -Fireblaze- was a great help as my secondary Judge. I look forward to hosting another tournament again. Next time I'm gonna pick a venue with a closer bathroom, but it was great considering I had to do a last minute change. The shade was nice and no one else really bothered us at the park, so it went fairly smoothly. And a lot of the parents brought chairs so they sat apart and watches as the kids were blading. I offered plenty of bottled water so everyone was hydrated and there were prepackaged snacks next to the sanitation station as well for the kids. Where I had gloves, extra single-use masks, hand sanitizer, and wipes to utilize.
Side note: Should've taken more pictures lol but we were running a bit long.
Judges Notes:
There were a lot of newcomers to blading so some didn't bring more than one beyblade and others I had to enforce the rule of not mixing TT and Hasbro parts. Most of them were understanding fortunately and just seemed unaware as they were young children. I had to do my best to maintain proper social distancing and sanitizing. It was not easy to keep the kids apart during downtime lol But I managed to keep it pretty calm when I could. Lots of great matches and awesome calls. We had to pull up the camera footage a few times xD But overall it went well. I did my best to make sure everyone was up to date with the rules and was following proper procedure. Of course with lots of kids it was no easy task. The few parents who stuck around were very helpful, especially when it came to proper sanitizing and socializing during the event. I did not notice any groups with more than 2 people aside from a pair of bladers who registered with one parent, so it was fine.
I had to do a couple tie-breaker matches so the tournament went a bit longer than anticipated, but we also did get off to a slightly late start due to two late arrivals. That being said, -Fireblaze- and I ran two matches at a time with both of our stadiums and this helped A LOT.
Note: Cscramon, -Fireblaze-, and UnionAchilles performed very well. Some seriously skilled bladers. -Fireblaze- was the only person undefeated but he got knocked out first round in the finals.
Winning Combos:
1st Place - Cscramon
Lord Spriggan Vanguard Bearing
Rage Longinus Jolt' 3A
2nd Place - FireKingArd
Tempest Uranus Xt+ 2A
Judgement Valkyrie Blitz X' Goku (Deck Format Finals Only)
Brave Lucifer Wheel Atomic 1S
3rd Place Union Achilles
Tempest Lucifer Xt+ 2A
Rage Longinus Jolt' 3A (Deck Format Finals Only)
Master Spriggan 00Wall Bearing (Deck Format Finals Only)
4th Place: Cdrago