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Shu is stronger than Free PERIODT. Can we close this thread already?
(Jun. 30, 2020  1:56 AM)kimeru Wrote: [ -> ]Shu is stronger than Free PERIODT. Can we close this thread already?

yea this thread is useless cause its becoming more I prefer this and I prefer that now. clearly theirs not going to be an agreement just like the valt and lui thing too despite that the creator and writer of beyblade burst pretty much give a go stronger than who.
Just to add this final thing... this thread is redundant and will only cause unnecessary controversy.. it would be best if it was closed.. in the.super king anime I would say that all the legendary bladers have about the same strength..
I know this what I’m about to say isn’t about the characters, but is about the blades. I’m pretty sure that Spriggan (stock combo wise) with a sparking evolution will be better than fafnirs, it’s almost inevitable. And endless cycle of god Spriggan, but who knows, maybe it’ll get a nerf like most of the community wants
(Jun. 30, 2020  1:33 AM)Isaiah.burley Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jun. 30, 2020  1:25 AM)Zeutron Wrote: [ -> ]Free was not called a legendary blader in season 3. Valt and Shu were called legendary as a nod to who powerful they are. Free did not beat Aiga 5-0 there were two seperate battles. And Valt turning to Shu makes sense because at the time there was no Cho z Valkyrie or Dead Phoenix so Shu was likely the strongest and the only one who could put Aiga in his place in hopes of making him come to a realization. Saying that Free is better Than Shu because he beat Lui 3-1 is what is really random.
If you count Free’s battles as separate I hope you know Shu’s are too. After Aiga lost the first one he begged Shu to battle him again in which Fubuki tried to stop but Shu agreed. If you want a breakdown here 
Shu vs Opponents. 

Lui: 1-2 

Valt: 5-1 

Free 0-1 

Aiga 6-1 

Free vs Opponents. 

Lui 1-1 

Valt: 9-1 

Shu 1-0 

Aiga 2-0
Again counting past battles is not a correct way to assume current strength. Also, the two Shu battles happened right after another so it’s effectively 4-0 and not two 2-0
(Jun. 30, 2020  1:05 AM)Isaiah.burley Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jun. 29, 2020  11:05 PM)God Dragruler Wrote: [ -> ]I like how you keep using tournaments means something despite lane priven other wise.  And more exuse tournament goes to 3 point while none goes to 2 lol. You do know that 2 point matches are official match like the 3 point matches right? Have you forgetten the longinus cup Which was a tournament an 2 points give you the win aside from the final theirs not only 3 point tournaments ? The try harder in tournament so you saying free vs phi or shu ve phi they werent trying hard to the point the let their beys get broken huh guess lui is safe then the can make exuses For him when he loses to lean/lane cause its not a tournament And he wasnt trying .  Your Just going to find all the excuses to justifyed that winning tournamet thing huh.
Bro we haven’t seen lane battle in the anime. Everyone knows past battles don’t mean anything. Plus Free has Geist Fafnir.

(Jun. 30, 2020  12:47 AM)Admiral W Wrote: [ -> ]This is a very hard one to nail down. I've wondered about this myself. When you compare them in Evolution, I might give it to Free. When you look at both they're battles against Lui, Free more handily defeates Lui while Shu has a rougher go of it. Free defeated him 3-1, Shu 3-2. Then we have they're matches against Phi, where Shu was able to burst Dread Phoenix and Free was not. It's a really hard matchup. They're both extremely powerful bladers, and as far as I'm concerned, they're both close in power. When looking at it though, let's keep personal preferences out if it. Some have said they like Shu and Free more than Valt which is fine, but it doesn't really have anything to do with their power levels.
Shu didn’t burst Pheonix

When Shu hit Phoenix with Turbo Spryzen Whip, Phoenix hit the floor and bursted afterwards. So even though Shu didn't get the point, he pushed Phi right to the edge.
Well, I was watching Cho z, free vs phi and shu bs phi, and it looks like they seemed to be around the same power. With of course phi winning, I don’t think there’s a definite scale on who’s stronger, but only judging manga rank, i guess I’d have to go with Shu
(Jun. 30, 2020  2:24 AM)JavariTheChamp Wrote: [ -> ]Well, I was watching Cho z, free vs phi and shu bs phi, and it looks like they seemed to be around the same power. With of course phi winning, I don’t think there’s a definite scale on who’s stronger, but only judging manga rank, i guess I’d have to go with Shu
I personally think that the fact he has cho z Spriggan really sells it for the anime.
(Jun. 30, 2020  1:25 AM)Zeutron Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jun. 30, 2020  1:22 AM)Isaiah.burley Wrote: [ -> ]Free beat Aiga 5-0 in the same episode. Since when wasn’t Free referred to as a legendary blader? Just because Valt turned to Shu that doesn’t make him better at all. You’re just saying random stuff at this point. Plus look up at my last post.
Free was not called a legendary blader in season 3. Valt and Shu were called legendary as a nod to who powerful they are. Free did not beat Aiga 5-0 there were two seperate battles. And Valt turning to Shu makes sense because at the time there was no Cho z Valkyrie or Dead Phoenix so Shu was likely the strongest and the only one who could put Aiga in his place in hopes of making him come to a realization. Saying that Free is better Than Shu because he beat Lui 3-1 is what is really random.

I wouldn't call Free beating Lui 3-1 it random. Since we're trying to compare the power of these bladers, I was using a benchmark as a way of comparing them. They both faced to this opponent very close together (both there battles took place at the international bladers cup) seeing how each of them fared against this opponent can help us to gauge their power when compared to each other.
(Jun. 30, 2020  2:30 AM)Admiral W Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jun. 30, 2020  1:25 AM)Zeutron Wrote: [ -> ]Free was not called a legendary blader in season 3. Valt and Shu were called legendary as a nod to who powerful they are. Free did not beat Aiga 5-0 there were two seperate battles. And Valt turning to Shu makes sense because at the time there was no Cho z Valkyrie or Dead Phoenix so Shu was likely the strongest and the only one who could put Aiga in his place in hopes of making him come to a realization. Saying that Free is better Than Shu because he beat Lui 3-1 is what is really random.

I wouldn't call Free beating Lui 3-1 it random. Since we're trying to compare the power of these bladers, I was using a benchmark as a way of comparing them. They both faced to this opponent very close together (both there battles took place at the international bladers cup) seeing how each of them fared against this opponent can help us to gauge their power when compared to each other.
I would agree but we also saw Lui training very seriously for his match with Shu and he even has flashbacks of Valt and Norman having their beys destroyed so he likely got stronger in fear Longinus would be destroyed. It’s like comparing to fractions that aren’t equivalent it just doesn’t work due to multiple factors. That was also in s2 and I guess we are primarily talking about Shu as a current blader.

(Jun. 30, 2020  2:19 AM)Zeutron Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jun. 30, 2020  1:33 AM)Isaiah.burley Wrote: [ -> ]If you count Free’s battles as separate I hope you know Shu’s are too. After Aiga lost the first one he begged Shu to battle him again in which Fubuki tried to stop but Shu agreed. If you want a breakdown here 
Shu vs Opponents. 

Lui: 1-2 

Valt: 5-1 

Free 0-1 

Aiga 6-1 

Free vs Opponents. 

Lui 1-1 

Valt: 9-1 

Shu 1-0 

Aiga 2-0
Again counting past battles is not a correct way to assume current strength. Also, the two Shu battles happened right after another so it’s effectively 4-0 and not two 2-0
I said that because you are the one continuously bring up Cho-Z and how Free did have a big role. Plus the last time Free and Shu battled good bladers WAS IN CHO-Z so what else are we supposed to fall back on?
(Jun. 30, 2020  2:30 AM)Admiral W Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jun. 30, 2020  1:25 AM)Zeutron Wrote: [ -> ]Free was not called a legendary blader in season 3. Valt and Shu were called legendary as a nod to who powerful they are. Free did not beat Aiga 5-0 there were two seperate battles. And Valt turning to Shu makes sense because at the time there was no Cho z Valkyrie or Dead Phoenix so Shu was likely the strongest and the only one who could put Aiga in his place in hopes of making him come to a realization. Saying that Free is better Than Shu because he beat Lui 3-1 is what is really random.

I wouldn't call Free beating Lui 3-1 it random. Since we're trying to compare the power of these bladers, I was using a benchmark as a way of comparing them. They both faced to this opponent very close together (both there battles took place at the international bladers cup) seeing how each of them fared against this opponent can help us to gauge their power when compared to each other.

It is a good way to compare them but theirs one little issue free cought lui by surprised cause of his vein mode (smart move from free) which he uses to quickly take out lui so that the match doesnt drag out. Meanwhile when lui fought shu their was no surprised form or last power boost lui knew every trick shu had thats why that match was longer a more intense. Thats the reason why I use free vs valt as a better example valt saw 5he vein mode And the power boost it gives And kept up with it to the point that free hit his limits And valt was still ready to go. Valt literally took on and surpassed the breaker of limits. That same valt battle shu For 18 straight rounds to get the W And shu kept up with it keep in mind Valkyrie literally busrt second after if Valkyrie burst second earlier at that momment it would've been GG for valt. Thats how hard that match was
(Jun. 30, 2020  2:38 AM)Zeutron Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jun. 30, 2020  2:30 AM)Admiral W Wrote: [ -> ]I wouldn't call Free beating Lui 3-1 it random. Since we're trying to compare the power of these bladers, I was using a benchmark as a way of comparing them. They both faced to this opponent very close together (both there battles took place at the international bladers cup) seeing how each of them fared against this opponent can help us to gauge their power when compared to each other.
I would agree but we also saw Lui training very seriously for his match with Shu and he even has flashbacks of Valt and Norman having their beys destroyed so he likely got stronger in fear Longinus would be destroyed. It’s like comparing to fractions that aren’t equivalent it just doesn’t work due to multiple factors. That was also in s2 and I guess we are primarily talking about Shu as a current blader.

His flashbacks were mostly his pondering Shu's change. Even during their match, he still thought Shu was no match for him (He stated so during the battle) As for the comparison from season 2, I used that and their battles with Phi. I compared both their most recent battles against the same opponent. I still stand by my comparisons, but I find your Valt comparison interesting.
This is off topic but thanks for making me stay up thinking this, also i would say shu because he was closer to beating phi
In all honesty I think that we should all just interpret things our own way and maybe abandon this thread before some type of hostile argument starts because it almost happened a couple of pages ago. We all have very good points and it’s nice to debate but I’m sure we all don’t want something to get out of hand.
Agreed but that is up to the mods and phoniex so maybe he can consider closing the thread but it’s his choice
I'd love to see a fanfic writer tackle the battle. Too bad I can't find one.

I'd do it but I need to finish my chapter one of my burst fanfic.....and I didn't put in any canon characters.

If we go by Cho-Z, I think I know 2 ways Free could beat Shu, but I'll sleep on it, figure it out in my dreams, and if the thread is still here, I'll let you know.
(Jun. 30, 2020  3:46 AM)Strider Xanthos Wrote: [ -> ]I'd love to see a fanfic writer tackle the battle. Too bad I can't find one.

I'd do it but I need to finish my chapter one of my burst fanfic.....and I didn't put in any canon characters.

If we go by Cho-Z, I think I know 2 ways Free could beat Shu, but I'll sleep on it, figure it out in my dreams, and if the thread is still here, I'll let you know.

I may tackle it now that you bring it up.
shu obviusly
(Jun. 30, 2020  5:10 AM)BladerUmar Wrote: [ -> ]shu obviusly

That's the thing, it's not so obvious. Free is an extremely powerful blader and took down Lui, one of Shu's greatest rivals.
It's a tough choice but I'll have to say they're evenly matched, Free has more intense physical training alongside his usage of free hand launching outside of intense battles, however Shu and Spriggan have more versatility on their side, with the way Spriggan can mode change and rotate either direction, in the end it'l all depend on if we do see more on screen battles between the two of them
Shu is very intelligent blader i would say he take seriously battles any battles if he played with rantaro now he would play seriously as we know but Free don't because like Lui Free wants worthy bladers so mean to say that if Free seriously trains and give his best he would easily defeat anyone Shu also with no doubt
(Jun. 30, 2020  7:50 AM)SathvikPheonix Wrote: [ -> ]Shu is very intelligent blader i would say he take seriously battles any battles if he played with rantaro now he would play seriously as we know but Free don't because like Lui Free wants worthy bladers so mean to say that if Free seriously trains and give his best he would easily defeat anyone Shu also with no doubt
I mean, he does train these days and it was particularly in s2 that he did not train. At the end of s2 Valt taught him the fun of having battles and while he only battles worthy bladers he still nonetheless trains to fight them as seen in s3 and s5. I wouldn’t say he can beat Just anyone and I think his rank as number 4 is a good place to keep things.
(Jun. 29, 2020  6:42 AM)Zeutron Wrote: [ -> ]In my opinion at the end of god it was Shu. Yes Free did have to forfeit from His match against Valt but that was because he surpassed his own limits which I believe is his own fault. Also, Shu created Spriggan requiem as the perfect bey with the ultimate bond so I doubt Free was even meant to be better. In cho z it’s Shu in my opinion since he beat Aiga 4-0 at full dark power while Free beat him 3-0 at moderate dark power. He also has an awakening bey and only bladers with the strongest bonds can successfully control beys in that system and lastly, he did slightly  better than Free against Phi and in the anime it was stated that Phi could have burst Free in the second round but intentionally didn’t. In the Superking manga it’s still pretty much Shu since he is ranked higher than Free-however, in the Superking anime it’s likely neither.
same for me
Shu and free worked so hard so i can’t say who’s stronger
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