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Full Version: Burst Limited Testing and Discussion
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Hey everyone, here's a thread to test and discuss Hasbro Burst stuff for the Burst Limited Format.

I wanted to start off this thread by comparing several Layers.

The Layers currently being compared are Xcalius X3, Xcalius X4 (both modes), Hades H3, Khalzar K3, Noctemis N3 (both modes), Turbo Valtryek V3, Turbo Achilles A4 as well as several HyperSphere Layer Bases from Beyblade Burst Rise (Sword, Ace, Union (both modes), Judgement, Venom, Harmony, Rock, Cosmic, Glyph, Bushin, and Monster) on the current tightest Right-Spin GT Chip of mine, Joker J5. I also want to test other HyperSphere Layer Bases (examples include Hasbro's Knockout, Imperial, Prime, etc.) as we get more and more releases but these are the ones I have at the moment.

Weights Of Layers From Least To Greatest (Click to View)

The current comparison will be general effects and both Layers will be on 00Bump Atomic-S (Battle Ring Mode) with the Discs and Drivers being switched halfway through the tests. I will also try to compare Stamina only as well as Mobile and Stationary Attack down the line.

Something to also note when going into these tests is that HyperSphere Layer Bases have an advantage over their predecessors from the SwitchStrike and SlingShock lines. The tightness of a HyperSphere combo can be changed by using a different GT Chip. So in addition to the Driver, Disc, or another part making the combo tight, you can now improve the tightness in another way while keeping the parts that make contact with the opponent the same. Because of this, if the opposing combo has lower Burst Resistance than the HyperSphere combo, the former might have a higher chance of Bursting compared to the latter, even if the former is heavier. This happened in some of the tests below. Very interesting stuff.

Also, while Turbo Achilles A4 is currently banned, this testing was done before Burst Limited was announced. I hadn't tested it yet and I wanted to see how it'd interact with Limited stuff.

Also, some of the tests may not have all the individual matches viewable. I thought I had copied them over when I finished them but I guess not. Sorry lol.

This post will be edited as I complete more and more tests.

Xcalius X3 General Effect Tests (Click to View)

(Normal Mode) Xcalius X4 General Effect Tests (Click to View)

(Breaker Mode) Xcalius X4 General Effect Tests (Click to View)
Just got Monster recently thanks to so I'm gonna add it to these Burst Limited tests that I'm doing.

Monster Joker J5 weighs 12.52 grams.

Xcalius X3 00Bump Atomic-S (Battle Ring Mode) (Odd) vs. Monster Joker J5 00Bump Atomic-S (Battle Ring Mode) (Even) (Switch Discs And Drivers After 10 Battles)
- X3.00B.At-S: 3 OS, 2 Burst, 1 KO (30% Win Rate)
- MJ5.00B.At-S: 14 Burst (70% Win Rate)

Battles 1-10: X3 had 00B (1) and At-S (1), MJ5 had 00B (2) and At-S (2)
Battles 11-20: X3 had 00B (2) and At-S (2), MJ5 had 00B (1) and At-S (1)

Monster actually Burst Xcalius X3 the most out of all the HyperSphere Layer Bases I've done so far.

Also putting this in the opening post as well.

EDIT: The general effect tests for (Normal Mode) Xcalius X4 and (Breaker Mode) Xcalius X4 have been added to the opening post too.
Can somebody do testing on shadow/shining Amaterios tt
What's up dudes, today I decided to test something pretty interesting, since it's been a recurring topic in the discord chat: which of these 4 right spin combos has the highest same-spin Stamina, Twin Nemesis 0 Expand Destroy', Deep Chaos Ωuter Revolve, Triumph Dragon 10 Expand Atomic, and Flame Sagittario 7 Expand Wave. All of these are pretty strong contenders for this title imo, and while they can do other things besides same spin Stamina, that's only what I'll be comparing, so I'll be doing this Outlast Steakhouse style where only OSes count.

Probably should have waited until I got Hasbro Wheel before doing these tests, but hopefully someone else who has it can substitute it in when necessary. I also don't have Wave', which is the other part that Virtuous Circle used on his Flame Sagittario combo in his recent event, but had previously tested out FS.7E.Wv as a spicy combo (before preferring FS.7C.Un) so I can definitely see both of these newer parts buffing the combo to top tier in Limited.

Triumph Dragon 10 Expand Atomic vs Deep Chaos Ωuter Revolve
TD.10E.At: 0 wins
dC.Ω.R: 10 wins
dC.Ω.R win rate: 100%

dC is one of those really neat parts that not only has a gimmick, but the gimmick actually works, and it's actually good. The spring-loadedness of the Layer makes it difficult to destabilize, despite its cone shaped Driver and light weight.

Twin Nemesis 0 Expand Destroy' vs. Flame Sagittario 7 Expand Wave
tN.0E.Ds': 2 wins + 1 KO, 2 Burst
FS.7E.Wv: 8 wins + 3 KO
[/b]FS.7E.Wv win rate: 80%[/b]

All 3 of Flame's KOs were recoil KOs. Not sure if that means anything in particular, but it happened 3 times so hey

Deep Chaos Ωuter Revolve vs. Twin Nemesis 0 Expand Destroy'
dC.Ω.R: 8 wins
tN.0E.Ds': 2 wins + 1 KO, 1 Burst
dC.Ω.R win rate: 80%

The springs also tend to be pretty good at absorbing hits too, though the awoken-ness of my dC also might play a role in how resistant it seemed to be to tN - The two OSes came from when I launched a little weaker than I realized I could have to try and avoid bursting, which I didn't really end up needing to do. I could also just be bad at launching Ds', it's not really a part I like using offensively at least, and I admittedly hadn't launched a Beyblade in a couple months.

Flame Sagittario 7 Expand Wave vs. Triumph Dragon 10 Expand Atomic
FS.7E.Wv: 6 wins
TD.10E.At: 4 wins + 1 Burst
[/b]FS.7E.Wv win rate: 60%[/b]

This one tended to come down to which was launched first.

Deep Chaos Ωuter Revolve vs Flame Sagittario 7 Expand Wave
dC.Ω.R: 7 wins
FS.7E.Wv: 3 wins
dC.Ω.R win rate: 70%

Occasionally FS was able to destabilize dC, so it seems to be a little better than Triumph or tN in that aspect, but overall dC was still the winner.

Twin Nemesis 0 Expand Destroy' vs. Triumph Dragon 10 Expand Atomic
tN.0E.At: 3 wins + 1 KO + 1 Burst
TD.10E.At: 7 wins + 1 KO
TD.10E.At win rate: 70%

Both of these Drivers move around a bunch, so this is definitely the matchup where different launch techniques and 2 players will change it the most, but I found that if tN is able to get several heavy hits early on, it can narrowly OS Triumph late game.

So overall, from my testing:
1: Deep Chaos Ωuter Revolve - I think this might be the best combo for right spin Stamina in all of Limited. It's got a lot of raw Stamina, and quite a few ways to cover for most of its weaknesses (destabilization and burst resistance). It admittedly has the least LAD of any of the four combos I tested, though, and it's among the lightest competitive combos in Limited, so maybe something like Right Artemis Ωcta could beat it down gF style.

2: Flame Sagittario 7 Expand Wave - This combo is an improvement over the FS Bullet combo that was supposed to mimic Flame 230, though Wave, Wave', and High Defense aren't as tall as Bullet, they are more stable than Bullet, and also have better LAD at least in the case of Wv/Wv'. The Expand was supposed to act like a pseudo-BD145/E230, but I'm sure Wheel would overall be a better choice - the reason I preferred FS.7C.Un the first time I tested it was because while FS.7E.Wv worked, it wasn't super consistent in terms of staying together or OSing the opponent, and Universe won many of the same matchups with more consistency.

3: Triumph Dragon 10 Expand Atomic - This thing fills a niche that's kind of been empty since Shadow Amaterios got banned, but outside of that it's not particularly interesting. I still want to try it on Destroy someday, to see if it has the potential to be as much of a force as gF.Ds' seems to be.

4: Twin Nemesis 0 Expand Destroy' - It loses to these combos and probably a few variants of them by OS, but that's only if it can't KO or Burst them first. This combo can be used for pretty much anything in the game depending on the matchup so it doesn't need to be super good at Stamina anyways.
(Jan. 17, 2022  3:22 AM)Wombat Wrote: [ -> ]What's up dudes, today I decided to test something pretty interesting, since it's been a recurring topic in the discord chat: which of these 4 right spin combos has the highest same-spin Stamina, Twin Nemesis 0 Expand Destroy', Deep Chaos Ωuter Revolve, Triumph Dragon 10 Expand Atomic, and Flame Sagittario 7 Expand Wave. All of these are pretty strong contenders for this title imo, and while they can do other things besides same spin Stamina, that's only what I'll be comparing, so I'll be doing this Outlast Steakhouse style where only OSes count.

Probably should have waited until I got Hasbro Wheel before doing these tests, but hopefully someone else who has it can substitute it in when necessary. I also don't have Wave', which is the other part that Virtuous Circle used on his Flame Sagittario combo in his recent event, but had previously tested out FS.7E.Wv as a spicy combo (before preferring FS.7C.Un) so I can definitely see both of these newer parts buffing the combo to top tier in Limited.

Triumph Dragon 10 Expand Atomic vs Deep Chaos Ωuter Revolve
TD.10E.At: 0 wins
dC.Ω.R: 10 wins
dC.Ω.R win rate: 100%

dC is one of those really neat parts that not only has a gimmick, but the gimmick actually works, and it's actually good. The spring-loadedness of the Layer makes it difficult to destabilize, despite its cone shaped Driver and light weight.

Twin Nemesis 0 Expand Destroy' vs. Flame Sagittario 7 Expand Wave
tN.0E.Ds': 2 wins + 1 KO, 2 Burst
FS.7E.Wv: 8 wins + 3 KO
[/b]FS.7E.Wv win rate: 80%[/b]

All 3 of Flame's KOs were recoil KOs. Not sure if that means anything in particular, but it happened 3 times so hey

Deep Chaos Ωuter Revolve vs. Twin Nemesis 0 Expand Destroy'
dC.Ω.R: 8 wins
tN.0E.Ds': 2 wins + 1 KO, 1 Burst
dC.Ω.R win rate: 80%

The springs also tend to be pretty good at absorbing hits too, though the awoken-ness of my dC also might play a role in how resistant it seemed to be to tN - The two OSes came from when I launched a little weaker than I realized I could have to try and avoid bursting, which I didn't really end up needing to do.  I could also just be bad at launching Ds', it's not really a part I like using offensively at least, and I admittedly hadn't launched a Beyblade in a couple months.

Flame Sagittario 7 Expand Wave vs. Triumph Dragon 10 Expand Atomic
FS.7E.Wv: 6 wins
TD.10E.At: 4 wins + 1 Burst
[/b]FS.7E.Wv win rate: 60%[/b]

This one tended to come down to which was launched first.

Deep Chaos Ωuter Revolve vs Flame Sagittario 7 Expand Wave
dC.Ω.R: 7 wins
FS.7E.Wv: 3 wins
dC.Ω.R win rate: 70%

Occasionally FS was able to destabilize dC, so it seems to be a little better than Triumph or tN in that aspect, but overall dC was still the winner.

Twin Nemesis 0 Expand Destroy' vs. Triumph Dragon 10 Expand Atomic
tN.0E.At: 3 wins + 1 KO + 1 Burst
TD.10E.At: 7 wins + 1 KO
TD.10E.At win rate: 70%

Both of these Drivers move around a bunch, so this is definitely the matchup where different launch techniques and 2 players will change it the most, but I found that if tN is able to get several heavy hits early on, it can narrowly OS Triumph late game.

So overall, from my testing:
1: Deep Chaos Ωuter Revolve - I think this might be the best combo for right spin Stamina in all of Limited. It's got a lot of raw Stamina, and quite a few ways to cover for most of its weaknesses (destabilization and burst resistance). It admittedly has the least LAD of any of the four combos I tested, though, and it's among the lightest competitive combos in Limited, so maybe something like Right Artemis Ωcta could beat it down gF style.

2: Flame Sagittario 7 Expand Wave - This combo is an improvement over the FS Bullet combo that was supposed to mimic Flame 230, though Wave, Wave', and High Defense aren't as tall as Bullet, they are more stable than  Bullet, and also have better LAD at least in the case of Wv/Wv'. The Expand was supposed to act like a pseudo-BD145/E230, but I'm sure Wheel would overall be a better choice - the reason I preferred FS.7C.Un the first time I tested it was because while FS.7E.Wv worked, it wasn't super consistent in terms of staying together or OSing the opponent, and Universe won many of the same matchups with more consistency.

3: Triumph Dragon 10 Expand Atomic - This thing fills a niche that's kind of been empty since Shadow Amaterios got banned, but outside of that it's not particularly interesting. I still want to try it on Destroy someday, to see if it has the potential to be as much of a force as gF.Ds' seems to be.

4: Twin Nemesis 0 Expand Destroy' - It loses to these combos and probably a few variants of them by OS, but that's only if it can't KO or Burst them first. This combo can be used for pretty much anything in the game depending on the matchup so it doesn't need to be super good at Stamina anyways.
Have you tried Screw in place of Chaos or Blaze?
(Jan. 17, 2022  3:24 AM)p0l1w4g06 Wrote: [ -> ]Have you tried Screw in place of Chaos or Blaze?

Screw Trident is outclassed by Deep Chaos, and Blaze Ragnaruk was outclassed by Alter Chronos and Galaxy Zeus months before dC was released. I'm also very suprised you read that entire post in 2 minutes
I think I didn’t. I just breezed through it, Super sonic style