World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: Beyblade Burst: Offensive
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Please keep in mind, all beys are large-scaled Single Layers. Does not contain chassis, cores, or anything crazy.


All Beys have been updated and revealed. Story in writing...
(May. 26, 2020  9:48 PM)Ghostly Wrote: [ -> ]THESE ARE MY PLANS SO FAR:

- Artifact Ghoul.0WALL.ENGINE'
- System Administrider.7WALL.ATOMIC'
- Error Managinator.0WALL.FRICTION'
- Soul Trident.8.ETERNAL
- Ouija Salamander.00LOOP.UNIVERSE

=== MAIN BEYS ===

- Infinity Sword.4ANGEL.IMPACT
- Unlimited Sheild.STING.HUNTER


1 Reply = 1 More Bey Reveal. Lol.

*asks for another reveal.*
Give another reveal
one more please
Dun. Lel. Have a gret tim
(May. 27, 2020  12:05 AM)Ghostly Wrote: [ -> ]Dun. Lel. Have a gret tim

Two more pls. (Cause you commented).
Can you guys at least post something meaningful? I get that you guys just want to know what all the Beys are, but this isn't exactly the appropriate way to do it...
Lol, dun. 3 new ones. I' ma start working on the story once I'm done with dis.
One more pls!! Smile
(Aug. 19, 2020  2:36 PM)SunBlader98 Wrote: [ -> ]One more pls!! Smile

finished all of them, lol