First and foremost, a huge thank you for SpiderHazuki for facilitating the use of MacLeod Ale Brewing again for us. Great food, great drinks, great people and great venue. I also want to thank poliswag, AppleMcLaughter, Justj11., Kingz_hero_, Infinite.Zero, and RacingCheetahz for their help running the event.
My only regret for this event is that I had to turn a few players away who couldn’t make it to the venue on time. I know how disappointing that must be. I want to remind everyone that you must assume the tournament is going to start on time and that the registration is going to close when it is suppose to close. There are time constraints that comes with the use of some of our tournament venues.
Perfect Phoenix saw a good amount of play in this tournament, but the dominating layers were still Lord, Judgment, and Zwei. Wall bounces continued to cause headaches in judging. Too often there are instances where unless there is video recording(s) at a good angle(s) the result is just too hard to call. I personally would very much like to see the wall bounce rule changed ASAP.
We implemented the newly updated 1 point for KO in the finals stage. I am not sure how I feel about the 1 point KO in the finals yet. I do feel less nervous about using attack and getting recoil KOed, but I am also emboldened to hard launch my stamina combos to KO attack!? I think I still need more matches to figure this one out.
pP.Ω.Vl’ is probably the only thing that Mitchjett and I played that is a little unusual. The combo has been around for a while but it just hasn’t seen much play in the WBO as far as I know. In my experience, it is not the best at same spin stamina, it is not the best at opposite spin stamina, it is not the best defensive combo, and it is not the best tornado staller. But it is pretty decent at doing all of the above. It is certainly beatable as it was my demise at Beyblade West and it did very poorly at my last match against poliswag. I guess I just like the versatility.
Thank you for reading.
(Dec. 23, 2019 8:57 AM)Shindog Wrote: [ -> ]My only regret for this event is that I had to turn a few players away who couldn’t make it to the venue on time. I know how disappointing that must be. I want to remind everyone that you must assume the tournament is going to start on time and that the registration is going to close when it is suppose to close. There are time constraints that comes with the use of some of our tournament venues.
This is unfortunate, but likely the only way that people will learn is to find out that Organizers will actually enforce start times ... so I'm sorry to hear you had to turn some people away, but also glad you stuck to your plan for the sake of the venue and all of the other participants who showed up on time.
(Dec. 23, 2019 8:57 AM)Shindog Wrote: [ -> ]Perfect Phoenix saw a good amount of play in this tournament, but the dominating layers were still Lord, Judgment, and Zwei. Wall bounces continued to cause headaches in judging. Too often there are instances where unless there is video recording(s) at a good angle(s) the result is just too hard to call. I personally would very much like to see the wall bounce rule changed ASAP.
We're still discussing this, and I am personally on board with changing the rule. However, some concerns have been raised with the idea of reducing KOs to 1pt in Deck
and removing this rule. Some feel it may nerf attack types too much.
Now, this wouldn't have an effect on the first stage since KOs were already 1pt, and I don't personally believe it would make a huge difference. I think the argument that the wall bounce rule has become more difficult to judge is stronger than any concern about whether removing it would nerf attack types; I'd rather make our tournaments easier and more clear to judge for the sake of everyone involved.
(Dec. 23, 2019 8:57 AM)Shindog Wrote: [ -> ]We implemented the newly updated 1 point for KO in the finals stage. I am not sure how I feel about the 1 point KO in the finals yet. I do feel less nervous about using attack and getting recoil KOed, but I am also emboldened to hard launch my stamina combos to KO attack!? I think I still need more matches to figure this one out.
I'll talk about my experience with it at Papabey's Winter Solstice Classic when I write my report, but I personally felt that it worked out perfectly. I felt more empowered to use attack types. If players was to try hard launching their stamina combos to KO attack, that's something that can certainly be done, but it's also risky. I did the same thing at Beyblade West versus JoJo because I thought I could KO her through hard-launching my semi-worn Bearing combo. It was just one round mind you, but I ended up being bursted.
(Dec. 23, 2019 8:57 AM)Shindog Wrote: [ -> ]pP.Ω.Vl’ is probably the only thing that Mitchjett and I played that is a little unusual. The combo has been around for a while but it just hasn’t seen much play in the WBO as far as I know. In my experience, it is not the best at same spin stamina, it is not the best at opposite spin stamina, it is not the best defensive combo, and it is not the best tornado staller. But it is pretty decent at doing all of the above. It is certainly beatable as it was my demise at Beyblade West and it did very poorly at my last match against poliswag. I guess I just like the versatility.
I had meant to talk to you more about this when I saw you using it at Beyblade West!
What sort of match-ups do you like it the most for? How did you lose with it at Beyblade West?
I would say with pP.Ω.Vl’ I prefer to play against attack combos in either direction including things on Ds. Stamina things in either direction is never a sure thing.
I essentially lost to LB.0C.Xt+ at Beyblade West. We went back and forth a little bit but it was pretty clear to me I would lose the LAD battle eventually. I think I switched to Hy to get the score to 4-3 in Alta’s favor? The details are getting fuzzy at this point. I do remember switching to Judgement to get that KO but also bursting in the process.
Shindog and SpiderHazuki,
This event was such a fantastic starter event in the WBO. While EmperorMcQueen was not yet participating in tournaments, the warmth and logistics (and location with good food and beverage for the support staff) was something that led EmperorMcQueen to attend subsequent events and then sign up to participate in tournaments in Sherman Oaks and Carlsbad over the coming weeks.
As with any competition, there's always challenges in rules and officiating. we look forward to riding the wave of changes as EmperorMcQueen works his way through the competitions in the coming years.
We hope there are many more events at MacLeod's because the space, parking and amenities were fantastic.
Cheers and Thanks for putting on this and many other meaningful events!
The Grand Steward