World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Heaviest legal combo per gen.
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Hey guys!
I know that the heaviest Burst Combo is probably level chip Perfect Phoenix .00Wall/Sting .Charge 
But, what are the heaviest BSB and MFB combos?
I was thinking about something like MF-H Diablo Whatever GB145MB for MFB, but don't know anything about BSB/HMS customizations, so don't have a point to start

Can anyone help me?
Plastic: I have no clue. MFB: MF-H Diablo Kerbecs BD145MB. Burst: Perfect Phoenix Blitz, Sting, Hurricane (not sure which one's heaviest) Charge
Genbu Genbu Metal Stone FAce Heavy BD145MB
(Aug. 28, 2020  8:44 PM)SunBlader98 Wrote: [ -> ]Genbu Genbu Metal Stone FAce Heavy BD145MB

This thread has been dormant for some time you shouldn’t post on dead posts (also should long dead threads be reported so that they can be placed for archival in the closed threads?)