World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: Beyblade Burst Super Z Episode #35 (November 26, 2018)
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Link for the episode please
(Nov. 26, 2018  11:37 AM)Darksoulz Wrote: [ -> ]Link for the episode please

Sorry I haven't completely recorded it, so better wait a few hours
(Nov. 26, 2018  11:40 AM)Adarsh Abhinav Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 26, 2018  11:37 AM)Darksoulz Wrote: [ -> ]Link for the episode please

Sorry I haven't completely recorded it, so better wait a few hours

Thank you
is someone gonna post
(Nov. 26, 2018  11:02 AM)Valtryek Aoi Wrote: [ -> ]

Why is Shu using the same Requiem strategies if he isn’t possessed, unless he is...

I’m just kidding, he’s just using the strongest moves to win. Also, the battle came out exactly how I predicted, except Aiga didn’t win at all.

You can rely on Valt to bring beybread at the worst possible moment.
I got to admit Shu never disappoint and spriggan is still crazy when moving I like that. it was great episode the interaction between shu and aiga was good , don't forget shu and valt these two just look good as b3st friends.
It was an okay episode.
(Nov. 19, 2018  5:01 PM)NPN Wrote: [ -> ]Although I would love to see Shu breaking Achilles but I think Valt deserves that chance more than Shu.

i agree so he can get revenge
the battle with portuguese subs:[url=][/url]

so, Shu said that "Aiga is killing Achilles" ,that when Aiga feels Achilles pain,it's actually Achilles trying to warn him of danger and Aiga is ignoring the bond between him and Achilles...

looks like Achilles is the victim here,not Aiga
(Nov. 27, 2018  7:26 PM)Grey Bey Wrote: [ -> ]the battle with portuguese subs:[url=][/url]

so, Shu said that "Aiga is killing Achilles" ,that when Aiga feels Achilles pain,it's actually Achilles trying to warn him of danger and Aiga is ignoring the bond between him and Achilles...

looks like Achilles is the victim here,not Aiga

So if we go by this then it could mean that both phi and hearts did the same thing to their bey along time ago are something like that.
Aiga has a demon resonance in him. She explains that to him.

Fubuki: Aiga, Shu watched you lose to Hearts and came here out of concern.{アイガ シュウさんは\Nお前がハーツに負けた試合を見て心配して来てくれたんだ。}
Aiga: Oh, is that all?{な~んだ そういうことか。}
Aiga: Well, he doesn't need to be concerned at all! {心配なんかいらねえよ!}
Aiga: I'm much stronger than I was before...{俺は あれから\Nどんどん強くなってる。}
Aiga: And it's all thanks to that "resonance" thing!{共鳴ってやつが\N俺を強くしてんのさ。}
Shu: That's where you're wrong.{お前は間違ってる。}
Aiga: Huh!?{あぁ!?}
Shu: Your resonance is a demon's resonance.{お前の共鳴は 悪魔の共鳴だ。}
Aiga: A Demon's Resonance?{悪魔の共鳴?}
Shu: You're forcing your will onto Achilles just to become stronger.{強くなりたいがために アキレスを\N無理やり支配しようとしてる。}
Aiga: What do you know!?{そんなことねえよ!}
Shu: Resonance comes from the bond you share with your Bey. Do you have such a thing with Achilles?{共鳴というのは ベイとの絆だ。\Nお前とアキレスには 絆があるのか?}

I have a new translator to handle the newer episodes till Siliva catches up. I will not release 34+ till Siliva gets up to episode 33.
Good news. Shu got his Victory Royale
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