World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: B-135 Bushin Ashura.Hr.Kp 天
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Another Booster to populate the launch of the 'new series' in March 2019.

(Mar. 14, 2019  6:27 PM)Ganjulus.34M.L Wrote: [ -> ][Image: 4904810123811_12aaeefe36b24b1ab7afd184b84c86be.jpg]

Image from Takara Tomy Mall listing for "B-135 Booster Bushin Ashura.Hr.Kp Ten"
There's also the possibility of any of these boosters related to the new trademarks of Rock Dragon, Ace Dragon, Gran Dragon, Bushin Ashura.
(Jan. 02, 2019  2:52 PM)DranzerX13 Wrote: [ -> ]There's also the possibility of any of these boosters related to the new trademarks of Rock Dragon, Ace Dragon, Gran Dragon, Bushin Ashura.
Those don't sound like Beyblades, unless there are two-part energy layers...
(Jan. 02, 2019  8:32 PM)CitrusNinja3 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 02, 2019  2:52 PM)DranzerX13 Wrote: [ -> ]There's also the possibility of any of these boosters related to the new trademarks of Rock Dragon, Ace Dragon, Gran Dragon, Bushin Ashura.
Those don't sound like Beyblades, unless there are two-part energy layers...
Why wouldn't they be beyblades?
(Jan. 02, 2019  2:52 PM)DranzerX13 Wrote: [ -> ]There's also the possibility of any of these boosters related to the new trademarks of Rock Dragon, Ace Dragon, Gran Dragon, Bushin Ashura.

Those really sound like some MFB names, I wonder if it’s some zero g burst going on here..
If these are at all accurate, two part layers might be a thing... but I'm not entirely sure how that would work either with layers that have differing numbers of sides unless there's a clear border between them that's equal among all beys. I can see that restricting designs pretty heavily though.

It's also possible those trademarks have nothing to do with Beyblades, but we'll just have to wait for confirmation on all of this.
(Jan. 02, 2019  11:02 PM)MagikHorse Wrote: [ -> ]If these are at all accurate, two part layers might be a thing... but I'm not entirely sure how that would work either with layers that have differing numbers of sides unless there's a clear border between them that's equal among all beys. I can see that restricting designs pretty heavily though.

It's also possible those trademarks have nothing to do with Beyblades, but we'll just have to wait for confirmation on all of this.

For all we know, they could be more of those wrestling robot "car" things, whose name I forgot. I could see something similar to rP's gimmick, but locked in during battle with interchangeable outer rings

(Jan. 02, 2019  8:38 PM)KnightPro Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 02, 2019  8:32 PM)CitrusNinja3 Wrote: [ -> ]Those don't sound like Beyblades, unless there are two-part energy layers...
Why wouldn't they be beyblades?

Rock Dragon, Ace Dragon, and Gran Dragon sound skeptical. There are already dragon Beys in Burst, so just saying "Dragon" as the Avatar name would be silly. Plus, why would three Beys with the same avatar name be trademarked together, especially since these ones don't sound as special as Shining and and Shadow Amaterios?

Bushin Ashura is probably the most likely of them

You might call me crazy, but here is why I think Bushin Ashura could be the shining star among these four trademarked names:
I've heard of Asuras before. It's possible out of that... but then what else? In the end we're gonna need 3 names somewhere, and one just isn't enough.

I mean, unless this is "Beyblade Dragons" or something and every bey has "Dragon" in the name, we're way too short on information to really be speculating in-depth yet.
(Jan. 02, 2019  2:52 PM)DranzerX13 Wrote: [ -> ]There's also the possibility of any of these boosters related to the new trademarks of Rock Dragon, Ace Dragon, Gran Dragon, Bushin Ashura.

Asura is demon or devil in hindi,and I have a theory,kind of

Maybe the beys have Multi layer system,but it’s compatible for only the same elements,like dragon element beys can exchange the core and outer layer with another dragon element bey,and maybe there could be other elements like asura,(water),(fire),(earth) etc.

This also complements what magikhorsesaid that we can’t get new Valkyrie and Achilles this soon,when and if they come,they
May be part of the (warrior) class

And is there a way to know that if these trademarks are for beyblade or something else
B-135 Defensive Gyro Booster: Bushin Asura
from vocare
(Mar. 04, 2019  5:25 AM)Adarsh Abhinav Wrote: [ -> ]B-135 Defensive Gyro Booster: Bushin Asura
from vocare

Wonder what gyro means?
It may be translating it oddly. Gyro may just mean spin top
This is probably my favorite gt bey. also, we have a bushin wheel and an asura middle in rbv15 if anyone would try photoshopping them together.
(Mar. 11, 2019  11:10 PM)Ntruder19 Wrote: [ -> ]This is probably my favorite gt bey. also, we have a bushin wheel and an asura middle in rbv15 if anyone would try photoshopping them together.

We could, but it'd still be really fuzzy.

Wonder what color its stock combo will be. Maybe something yellow, since Asuras have thunder powers?
B-135 防禦型陀螺 Booster:Bushin Asura・Hr・Kp 天 / ブシンアシュラ・Hr・Kp 天

(Mar. 12, 2019  2:15 AM)renidage Wrote: [ -> ]B-135 防禦型陀螺 Booster:Bushin Asura・Hr・Kp 天 / ブシンアシュラ・Hr・Kp 天


Oooooh thank you for the info.

I'm gonna make a wild guess and assume Kp is Keep.
At long last, the saga of the K Driver comes to a close... except its Kp and not K... good enough I suppose lol

I suppose Kp could stand for Keep, maybe a Rubber Sharp tip? Hr could be a lot of things though so whatever. I suppose name spectulation means little this close to the official release, haha.
These new names are really interesting. I honestly couldn't tell what either Hr or Kp would mean, that makes discovering it all the more interesting. A few of you say Kp might be Keep which is believable.

EDIT: Oh yeah TrainiacJ is right! This is our first K driver, technically.
I find it interesting that both this Booster and Slash Valkyrie's Booster have only original parts, unlike most other Boosters.
(Mar. 12, 2019  3:40 AM)CitrusNinja3 Wrote: [ -> ]I find it interesting that both this Booster and Slash Valkyrie's Booster have only original parts, unlike most other Boosters.

Almost every first wave of boosters have all new parts, Forneus was an exception. Single layers technically had four starters though.
[Image: nAUSWvD.png]
Does Bushin Asura have a Layer Weight made with plastic and metal? I can't see how the hexagons are connected, and the random Booster proves that the Bushin Layer Base doesn't cover up the Layer Base. I think this might also apply to Cosmo Valkyrie.
Bushin Asura looks neat, I like the green and gold colour of it! The layer is compact looking but the shape isn't too promising but we'll see. I'm still really curious to know what the parts are like.
(Mar. 12, 2019  11:44 AM)CitrusNinja3 Wrote: [ -> ]Does Bushin Asura have a Layer Weight made with plastic and metal? I can't see how the hexagons are connected, and the random Booster proves that the Bushin Layer Base doesn't cover up the Layer Base. I think this might also apply to Cosmo Valkyrie.

I took a look back at Random Booster 15 and noticed the same thing on Cosmo Valkyrie's layer weight which clearly doesn't cover anything up at that angle. I think that this 4-hex layer weight just doesn't actually connect on the outer edge, essentially just being 4 spokes coming off the center and ending at the hex instead of becoming a figure-8 like the others.

Cosmo Valkyrie's layer weight is also painted orange, which I find interesting to note.
Parts on this bey are Hr. Kp.
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