World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Pheonix. Salamander. or Forneus?
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Im thinking of buying some Takara beyblades because of the 15% off coupon code today. and i was wondering which to get. i was thinking Pheonix because it comes with a launcher so i only have to buy a grip to save money. but maybe Forneus or Salamander is the better bey to get. but it would cost more for a launcher. Which do i buy?
Phoenix will do
Pheonix- Great Parts- heaviest Layer, Disc and Decent driver.
And A good Launcher.
Phoenix and Salamander both are good choices.
Phoenix- A good layer, an excellent disc and a good driver.
Salamander- A great layer, harmful disc. Disc 12 is hazardous and then, an okay driver.

So I would suggest you to take Phoenix, but Salamander, only the layer is good too.
Finally, Go for Phoenix!