Buster Xcalibur, like its predecessors, is an Attack Type Energy Layer based on the legendary sword Excalibur that features a large sword running down the length of the layer, the end of which protrudes from the bottom which acts as the primary point of contact. Unlike previous Xcalibur Layers such as Sieg Xcalibur and Xeno Xcalibur, Buster Xcalibur's contact point is very pronounced which creates heavy recoil. As part of the Super Z Layer System, Buster Xcalibur features metal in its design. in this case, the sword is made of metal, akin to its predecessor Sieg Xcalibur. However the tip of the sword is covered in plastic, to reduce the possibility of breaking the opponent's Layer. Buster Xcalibur also features a gimmick, the sword can extend further from the rest of the Layer.
The inclusion of metal increases the weight of the Layer, granting higher inertia that increases both Knock-Out and Burst Attack as well as increasing the Layer's Burst resistance as the high inertia resists teeth skipping, a property that compliments the tall teeth of the Japanese release. However the asymmetrical design of the metal sword means that this Layer is incredibly unbalanced, a trait that drains the Stamina of combinations and can break a combination's banking pattern.
Due to the nature of the gimmick, the recoil of Buster Xcalibur can be adjusted by either retracting or extending the sword, the latter of which also exposes the slot for a Level Chip. However, due to the Layer's design and purpose, it is recommended to have the sword fully extended. Like other Super Z Layers, Buster Xcalibur is unbalanced which increases Burst risk and drains Stamina. However, these issues can be solved with the use of a Level Chip that fits underneath the Layer.
==Use in Attack Combinations==
Buster Xcalibur can be used in the Attack Combination Buster Xcalibur 0/1/1'/7/10 Bump/Meteor/Star/Cross/Glaive Xtreme/Xtreme'/Jolt/Atomic/Trans/Needle. The heavy weight of 0/1/1'/7/10 Bump/Meteor bolsters Buster Xcalibur's Burst potential while the Layer's strong teeth and weight can compensate for the increased Burst risk. Xtreme/Xtreme' makes the combination a Mobile Attack Type and its high speed further increases Burst potential while its friction can reduce the risk of banking pattern loss by Buster Xcalibur's unbalanced nature. Atomic makes the combination a Stationary Attack Type and its stability and Stamina can off set the low Stamina posed by Buster Xcalibur's unbalanced nature while Atomic's free spinning ring and the Cross/Glaive/Star Frame adds Life-After-Death which can allow the combination to potentially out spin the opponent if a Burst is not achieved. Trans is capable of performing both tasks but at the cost of possible pattern loss in Attack Mode and stability and Stamina loss in Stamina mode. Needle can improve Attack potential early in battle with it's movement and its tabs and studs improves recoil control.
Buster Xcalibur features a recoil heavy design, heavy weight and strong teeth making it a top-tier Energy Layer for attack combinations. While the unbalanced design is liable to throwing off a combination's banking pattern and reducing stamina, its high Burst potential makes it on par with, if not greater than Winning Valkyrie.
As such, Buster Xcalibur is a must have for competitive bladers.
Isn't the retracted mode better? All videos of bX have shown the fully extended sword to be less effective? Although I may be wrong as I haven't seen any official testing on the modes yet
(Aug. 19, 2018 5:18 PM)DaJetsnake Wrote: [ -> ]Isn't the retracted mode better? All videos of bX have shown the fully extended sword to be less effective? Although I may be wrong as I haven't seen any official testing on the modes yet
Actually , the Extended mode faces a disadvantage for high recoil of layer ( this increases the burst rate ) and makes the combo ( layer) more UN-balanced
DaJetSnake was saying Extended = worse.
(Aug. 19, 2018 5:18 PM)DaJetsnake Wrote: [ -> ]Isn't the retracted mode better? All videos of bX have shown the fully extended sword to be less effective? Although I may be wrong as I haven't seen any official testing on the modes yet
I was just guessing, we'll see once proper testing is done
Glad to hear that bX is good! I was scared at first when I watched videos on it, but later learned it was just Sword that had a weak spring.
(Aug. 19, 2018 6:36 PM)brandbrick Wrote: [ -> ]Glad to hear that bX is good! I was scared at first when I watched videos on it, but later learned it was just Sword that had a weak spring.
Sword doesn't seem to have a weak spring. Iron's the one with a weak spring
(Aug. 19, 2018 6:39 PM)MonoDragon Wrote: [ -> ] (Aug. 19, 2018 6:36 PM)brandbrick Wrote: [ -> ]Glad to hear that bX is good! I was scared at first when I watched videos on it, but later learned it was just Sword that had a weak spring.
Sword doesn't seem to have a weak spring. Iron's the one with a weak spring
I thought Sword did too? In K1mboslice’s video, with Sword bX seemed loose, and then when he put a different driver on it was tighter.
Should I get wV or bX then? I know the information currently says that bX has (possibly) greater attack than wV, but in terms of weight and versatility, which is better?
(Aug. 19, 2018 6:57 PM)brandbrick Wrote: [ -> ] (Aug. 19, 2018 6:39 PM)MonoDragon Wrote: [ -> ]Sword doesn't seem to have a weak spring. Iron's the one with a weak spring
I thought Sword did too? In K1mboslice’s video, with Sword bX seemed loose, and then when he put a different driver on it was tighter.
I watched both Leo Bursts’ and k1mboslices’ videos on the unboxing. They for some reason have a loose sword spring. Super beyblade family’s sword driver seems tight so my theory is simply loose molds
(Aug. 19, 2018 11:59 PM)Hellibleri Wrote: [ -> ] (Aug. 19, 2018 6:57 PM)brandbrick Wrote: [ -> ]I thought Sword did too? In K1mboslice’s video, with Sword bX seemed loose, and then when he put a different driver on it was tighter.
I watched both Leo Bursts’ and k1mboslices’ videos on the unboxing. They for some reason have a loose sword spring. Super beyblade family’s sword driver seems tight so my theory is simply loose molds
Probably, I don’t see any other reason.
(Aug. 19, 2018 7:48 PM)Dragunix Wrote: [ -> ]Should I get wV or bX then? I know the information currently says that bX has (possibly) greater attack than wV, but in terms of weight and versatility, which is better?
Have patience...Make sure you are alert of the "Winning" combos thread.
(Aug. 19, 2018 7:48 PM)Dragunix Wrote: [ -> ]Should I get wV or bX then? I know the information currently says that bX has (possibly) greater attack than wV, but in terms of weight and versatility, which is better?
WV is more stable than BX ( so this increses the stamina of WV combo ) but it seems that BX has a good amount of stamina , unnnn , Wait for some testing for the layers !!
(Aug. 20, 2018 7:26 AM)Infinite.Zero Wrote: [ -> ] (Aug. 19, 2018 7:48 PM)Dragunix Wrote: [ -> ]Should I get wV or bX then? I know the information currently says that bX has (possibly) greater attack than wV, but in terms of weight and versatility, which is better?
Have patience...Make sure you are alert of the "Winning" combos thread.
It's not so much impatience as a simple question I had...I'm not exactly running around shrieking at people to test the layer, though if anybody did get that from me asking which was superior, I apologize.
(Aug. 20, 2018 1:47 PM)Dragunix Wrote: [ -> ] (Aug. 20, 2018 7:26 AM)Infinite.Zero Wrote: [ -> ]Have patience...Make sure you are alert of the "Winning" combos thread.
It's not so much impatience as a simple question I had...I'm not exactly running around shrieking at people to test the layer, though if anybody did get that from me asking which was superior, I apologize.
tEst iT iMmeDIATlY!!!!!
Doesn't Buster Xcalibur have clear teeth syndrome?
(Aug. 20, 2018 10:52 AM)GOD CHIPS Wrote: [ -> ] (Aug. 19, 2018 7:48 PM)Dragunix Wrote: [ -> ]Should I get wV or bX then? I know the information currently says that bX has (possibly) greater attack than wV, but in terms of weight and versatility, which is better?
WV is more stable than BX ( so this increses the stamina of WV combo ) but it seems that BX has a good amount of stamina , unnnn , Wait for some testing for the layers !!
That is due to the driver
(Aug. 21, 2018 10:49 PM)BuilderROB Wrote: [ -> ]Doesn't Buster Xcalibur have clear teeth syndrome?
What does this means? Clear teeth syndrome?
(Aug. 28, 2018 9:25 AM)kidwhoasksalot Wrote: [ -> ] (Aug. 21, 2018 10:49 PM)BuilderROB Wrote: [ -> ]Doesn't Buster Xcalibur have clear teeth syndrome?
What does this means? Clear teeth syndrome?
I think it's the rumor going around that clear teeth wear out faster than that of filled ones...
(Aug. 28, 2018 9:39 AM)ThePheonix Wrote: [ -> ] (Aug. 28, 2018 9:25 AM)kidwhoasksalot Wrote: [ -> ]What does this means? Clear teeth syndrome?
I think it's the rumor going around that clear teeth wear out faster than that of filled ones...
Yeah, that's right, but as it has been pointed out, it's just an instance thing.
(Aug. 28, 2018 9:57 AM)Suhasini Wrote: [ -> ] (Aug. 28, 2018 9:39 AM)ThePheonix Wrote: [ -> ]I think it's the rumor going around that clear teeth wear out faster than that of filled ones...
Yeah, that's right, but as it has been pointed out, it's just an instance thing.
So it just depends on the mold of the layer if one unfortunately got a bad one?
(Aug. 28, 2018 2:51 PM)kidwhoasksalot Wrote: [ -> ] (Aug. 28, 2018 9:57 AM)Suhasini Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, that's right, but as it has been pointed out, it's just an instance thing.
So it just depends on the mold of the layer if one unfortunately got a bad one?
This too is not proved. The mold number idea too is just a speculation for it's use. All molds are the same as it was stated by Kevo and Frostic Fox in one their posts. The only thing that pops in my mind is that it was done to differentiate between your parts and the opponent blader in case you guys use the same part. During a double burst, it might help you to identify that which part is yours.
Quoting the post
(Aug. 21, 2018 10:47 PM)Frostic Fox Wrote: [ -> ] (Aug. 17, 2018 8:56 AM)Kevo Wrote: [ -> ]While I do believe part variation does exist, I don't believe TT intentionally made "A3" better than "A4" or whatever. For example, a Japanese beytuber claimed A3 was the tightest mould of hK but mine is an A2. Same applies to the "A mould" god chip and whatnot.
(Aug. 17, 2018 11:02 PM)kidwhoasksalot Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry for double posting, it's actually A4, bummer.
Wait, I did a quick search about mold variations, A1 - A2
Exactly this. It's not a sure A1 > A2 > A3 > A4 thing. If there are better molds than others, it's by accident, so the number is just a way to identify it.
On top of that, we need to gather multiple reports to confirm that certain molds are better than others, because it could just be that other differences get introduced. (Variances within mold versions themselves, damage that occurs during the process, etc.)
So one person's claim isn't a lot of weight, multiple confirmations would be better proof.
(Aug. 28, 2018 9:39 AM)ThePheonix Wrote: [ -> ] (Aug. 28, 2018 9:25 AM)kidwhoasksalot Wrote: [ -> ]What does this means? Clear teeth syndrome?
I think it's the rumor going around that clear teeth wear out faster than that of filled ones...
I thought clear teeth slipped more than regular teeth
(Aug. 28, 2018 11:05 PM)BuilderROB Wrote: [ -> ] (Aug. 28, 2018 9:39 AM)ThePheonix Wrote: [ -> ]I think it's the rumor going around that clear teeth wear out faster than that of filled ones...
I thought clear teeth slipped more than regular teeth
Guys this is getting of VERY off topic.also
bx bursted sr 0 b br left spin on stock combo and mg 7 g at on the combo bx 0 b x .i feel bx has loads of potential ,
By the way this is from jojo’s livestream which is now on YouTube.
Does bX damages/scratches other layers?