World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: custom 3d beyblade layer (venus flytrap)
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I'm not sure if this would work on an actual launcher, but i made it as accurate as I could, I used the teeth/slope from another model
 [Image: 9HIlG7Q.png]
Looks pretty cool

Though I'd be worried about the development of cracks from those mouths.
(Feb. 19, 2018  1:53 AM)MonoDragon Wrote: [ -> ]Looks pretty cool

Though I'd be worried about the development of cracks from those mouths.

yeah now that I notice it does look a bit like a durability issue, I may change that later on if I make another evolution / version sometime 
i'm having it 3d printed so I can test it, wish me luck XD
So It barely fits together lol, though i still managed
It needs lots of work but its still semi functional
: D
nice id like to see it real
You need to print it, get a printer if you haven't
Yeah it's laser cutted foam