World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: My design of disc E, X, Z and core disc 9, as well as driver K
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We've seen the picture of Screw Trident, which might be the last release of god layer system. Unfortunately, we still have no disc-9. And TT didn't give us disc E, X or Z, either. Therefore, I made some design of these four alphabets.

[Image: 26730661_322413318253414_649003224709234...e=5AEF40F6]
This is a disc similar to Ωuter and Ring. Its weight is distributed at the outer side. And it has relatively large size, so it would have enough inertia and competitive stamina.

[Image: 26804391_322413321586747_228672153426528...e=5ADE86FF]
Basically this disc is similar to Force, but has a larger size and more aggressive shape. I think this would work well when combo with Xcalibur or some other attack type layers.

[Image: 26219766_322413324920080_310108738072499...e=5AFF5587]
This disc has similar structure with Magnum, Jerk and Polish. The yellow part is plastic, and has a lot of teeth to improve the attack and can also absorb the impacts from opponent (not sure on this point, but Bump is claimed to reduce impacts, I think this might have similar effect).

Core disc-9
[Image: 26230612_322413314920081_968077383808606...e=5AE24AF2]
This is a core disc which can assembled with a Frame. This core disc is small and light, so it has relatively low stamina and stability, but high burst resistance. This would not be very useful in most case, but might be useful for certain attack or defense combos.

And driver-Keeper(No inside structure)
[Image: 26731265_322799661548113_633039198737665...e=5ADF005A]
This is a defense type driver, and is similar to driver Revolve, Bearing and Destroy. Its yellow part is rubber, and it has two bearings inside so that the yellow rubber ring can free spin. Its tip is green plastic. When the bey is tilted or almost been knocked off the stadium, this rubber ring can hold the stadium and adjust the bey. Since this ring is made of rubber, it can toughly catch the stadium and since there are two bearings inside, the spinning would not slow down when the rubber part touch the stadium.

Here are my desigh of the three alphabets and a number which didn't appear in TT's release.
All these designs are just for fun. I am not sure whether they really have any potential in practical use. XD
I must say there incredible
I feel like 9 would work like 8, though that high OWD would make it good for Attack?
Nice designs
Wow these designs are brilliant and so realistic may I ask what program you use to make these 3D designs and do you plan on possibley making layers and drivers and more in the future
(Jan. 14, 2018  2:27 AM)GodOfBeybladesX Wrote: [ -> ]Wow these designs are brilliant and so realistic may I ask what program you use to make these 3D designs and do you plan on possibley making layers and drivers and more in the future

Creo Parametric 2.0
For layer and driver, unfortunately, since I cannot get the accurate measurement of the teeth of layer and the inside structure of driver, I may not do design of these two parts.
(Jan. 14, 2018  3:16 AM)CrazyAries Wrote: [ -> ]Creo Parametric 2.0
For layer and driver, unfortunately, since I cannot get the accurate measurement of the teeth of layer and the inside structure of driver, I may not do design of these two parts.
Maybe make the layers if you want to but, leave the bottom blank until you can get the measurements you need.
Can u make a greater central because I feel like inner defense has been forgotten?
(Jan. 14, 2018  8:37 AM)Maximum beys Wrote: [ -> ]Can u make a greater central because I feel like inner defense has been forgotten?

2 is a inner defense disc.Smile
Sorry didn’t know much about 2
nice driver
@[CrazyAries] I have no idea why TT didn't hire you yet. These designs are fantastic! I love all of those designs. Keep up the great work! Smile