World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Fun new battle types to try.
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So I was playing with my burst beys in unusual ways. I had made rules for my games and they turned out to be fun. Then I thought of more ideas and decided to post them here.

1. I don't have a name for this one, but in this battle type the only layers you can use are attack layers, but you can't use attack types. For example V.G.X is not allowed, but V.G.O is allowed. Also Odin, D and D2 are banned in this battle type.

2. Speed Demons. The only driver you are allowed to use is impact.

3. Again no name for this. You can only use combos like O2.O.O or H2.H.H

4. You can only use layers that have bad teeth.
(Jul. 19, 2017  6:22 PM)BurstMaster Wrote: [ -> ]So I was playing with my burst beys in unusual ways. I had made rules for my games and they turned out to be fun. Then I thought of more ideas and decided to post them here.

1. I don't have a name for this one, but in this battle type the only layers you can use are attack layers, but you can't use attack types. For example V.G.X is not allowed, but V.G.O is allowed. Also Odin, D and D2 are banned in this battle type.

2. Speed Demons. The only driver you are allowed to use is impact.

3. Again no name for this. You can only use combos like O2.O.O or H2.H.H

4. You can only use layers that have bad teeth.

to hey sound fun can u posto  some vids of to to them
Thats called stationary attack types. They were once a thing as they worked beating D well but its gone so is Stationary attacker

But theyre are sure fun. Only dF tossed em out of Meta Unhappy
(Jul. 19, 2017  6:48 PM)FIREFIRE CPB Wrote: [ -> ]Thats called stationary attack types. They were once a thing as they worked beating D well but its gone so is Stationary attacker

But theyre are sure fun. Only dF tossed em out of Meta Unhappy

Yes but Df is not attack

(Jul. 19, 2017  6:37 PM)Rebel Blader Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jul. 19, 2017  6:22 PM)BurstMaster Wrote: [ -> ]So I was playing with my burst beys in unusual ways. I had made rules for my games and they turned out to be fun. Then I thought of more ideas and decided to post them here.

1. I don't have a name for this one, but in this battle type the only layers you can use are attack layers, but you can't use attack types. For example V.G.X is not allowed, but V.G.O is allowed. Also Odin, D and D2 are banned in this battle type.

2. Speed Demons. The only driver you are allowed to use is impact.

3. Again no name for this. You can only use combos like O2.O.O or H2.H.H

4. You can only use layers that have bad teeth.

to hey sound fun can u posto  some vids of to to them

These are the ideas I thought of. I can't do any of them.
I was referring dF's presence and d's ban kinda made ir useless. But who knows it could work I don't think anyone tested it against dF

Who knows it might win

Though it still has problem with attackers
the third one sounds really fun and intersting i'll list as many of those as i can come up with i might miss a few so please do correct me if i do
a2 armed accel
b2 boost blow
d2 down defense (of course d2 gets a defensive combo lol)
e2 (no disc) edge
f2 force fusion
g2 gravity gyro (sounds like a good defence/stamina combo tbh)
h2 heavy hold
i2 infinity impact (i2 might break on that)
j2 jerk jaggy
k2 knuckle (no driver)
l2 limited liner
m2 magnum massive
n2 nine needle
o2 oval orbit
p2 polish press (that's basically stock p2 with press)
q2 quarter quake
r2 ring revolve
s2 spread survive
u2 upper unite
v2 vertical variable (yet again almost stock v2 but this time with vertical)
w2 wing weight
x2 (does not exist) xtreme
y2 yell yielding (third bey with basically stock but a bit different
and finally z2 (does not exist) zephyr
and the obvious baldur bumper bite and amaterios aero assault speak for them solves
anyways sorry for the long post
we already have a list of them somewhere haha
you missed
chaos central claw
trident triple trans
don't forget about the basic layer versions too haha
Someone can test X2 against tW, W2 and gK?  :)
I would battle with my own but I prefer keep my X2 as mint forever!
No problems?
(Aug. 06, 2017  9:41 PM)蒼井バルト Wrote: [ -> ]Someone can test X2 against tW, W2 and gK?  Smile
I would battle with my own but I prefer keep my X2 as mint forever!
No problems?

That is not really what this topic is about. You are just requesting random, uncustomized battles. You can try asking in one of the threads inside the Beyblade Customizations forum.
Sorry... Smile

...last mounth I tryed to use Beyblade Burst without metal frame.At the begin it was really funny (no burst finish and more out stadium) but my Valkyrie's teeths ring gets broken : (
this is pretty standard in fighting games, but fun especially if you share yout beys for a while. first build any two good beys. then battle until certain score (we use 3 or 5). after that winner has to use the same bey, but loser gets to build a bey to counter winners bey :p

of course if winner just cant be beaten then hey, you found new good combo graz, change becore your friend gets tired of losing Grin but let him first try different strats.