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Hello everyone,
[warning, bad english I´m German]
I made a Beypointer Software! When I was looking for a Beypointer for my PC, I found NOTHING. So I made one my own:
If you want a Beypointer for your PC too, just follow These Steps.

1) Create a new .txt document you can Name it Beypointer.
2) Paste this Text into the .txt File:
3) Save it and RENAME your .txt to a .bat
4) Just enjoy your Beypointer

I hope it helped you too!

This sounds a bit to open handed for my taste....How can I trust you just yet?~
works nicely! gud work ! its simple but cool to use it Grin Makes me feel like a real geek hehe
Does it work good
yes it does
This is awesome, thanks for making this! Do you know how to make one for iOS? I want this on my iPhone!!
this is really cool lol mine works.
(May. 28, 2015  5:37 AM)S8 Wrote: [ -> ]This is awesome, thanks for making this! Do you know how to make one for iOS? I want this on my iPhone!!

You can use it on your iphone providing you convert the script from a .bat to a .bash

Nice little script though!
Yo maaaan it really works awesome