World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: Have you gotten anyone into Beyblade? Share your experiences here!
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Just thought I would make this thread because I haven't seen anything like it. I recently convinced a friend who'd owned plastics when she was younger to buy some Metal Fight (a Kreis Cygnus & a bunch of fakes) and she loves it so far Smile
I've also gotten three of my younger cousins and some of the kids I babysit into the hobby by giving them Beyblades and teaching them how to customize, though it's a little harder to keep kids interested in toys than teens or adults. I've brought my cousins to tournaments before and if I can ever get something going in my part of Florida, I'll bring the kids I babysit with me.
I find that staging mini-tournaments and teaching younger children the basics of customizing helps capture their attention more and get them excited about the hobby.

What about you guys? Have you tried to get friends/family into Beyblade and if so, have you been successful? Share your experiences and advice here!
My cousins use to be crazy of plastics and I convinced my cousin about MFB and he loved them, he was older as well, and SOMEHOW, my other cousins got into it even though I need told them about it, ah good times...
The majority of my friends either had no idea how actually in depth the game was until last year and now a majority of them own their own and attend events, haha.

Ironic how one of them made fun of it up until he began to attend an event, now he has a huge collection himself.
So were any of your friends WBO members?
(Mar. 03, 2015  8:26 PM)J.I.N.B.E.E! Wrote: [ -> ]So were any of your friends WBO members?

Not active on the site, but a good amount are members.
Well, wish my cousins joined but they probably lost interest.

However, one of my cousins actually found the WBO and showed it to me. He never signed in though, although in Christmas, I showed my Death Quetzalcoatl and he was amazed as he couldn't get Takara Tomy Beyblades either.
I got my best friends into beyblade. But they've only seen a few episodes of shogun steel.
Getting my cousin into Beyblade was a master plan because then his mom decided to take him to a tournament when I told her about the WBO. This was my first event, haha. I made it look like it was all for him and was just there like "eh it's just a beyblade tournament" when inside I'm screaming with pure joy. I was very mischevious at that age.

Probably deserved getting a worse beyrank than him for a while but eh it happens XD.
I got my neighbor into Beyblade years ago. We used to battle all the time. When he eventually moved to Arizona (from Ohio, go figure), he passed his Beyblades on to me.

Our meta consisted of Earth ___ GB145 WD. Good times.
My one referral, Lert, and my cousin (who doesn't have a WBO account). Lert and I used to take piano lessons together, and one day I brought a Beyblade and was showing him how to do tricks with it. He eventually became interested, along with a few younger kids. I bought my cousin some Beyblades for his birthday, and while he wasn't as interested for a while, I eventually visited him for some family get-together and showed him all the different customizations and why this will beat that, etc. Now he went and bought a bunch of Shogun Steel Beyblades and has some decent combos.
I actually got many guys into beyblade during the MFB era ^^' . Most were old friends who used to 'beyblade' while plastics were dominant, and the rest were family members relatives then quite a few random people over the web...
Ironically some of the people I got into the game actually played Plastics when they were little, but don't have them any more (which sucks, haha).
My friend didn't know anything about Beyblade so i taught her everything i know. She had not even seen one episode but now she loves Beyblade and battles with me.