So, I've been gone a LONG time, still been loving beyblade just not had spare time or money to buy them =P
So as usual, I've missed a lot xD
So my question is, which is looking like the bigger success competitively? I've already seen you guys have limited rules tournies and certain combos are illegal, synchromes etc. but I'm talking all in all no parts restricted as long as the parts were intended to fit together in that manner.
I don't get the purpose of this thread.
4d is the greatest. Zero-G don't work on my LR luncher too. They don't work with extended tools, and they don't work well in stadiums besides zero-g
4D was way better because they were more exciting with parts like F: D and F: S and the change of modes were cool, even if they didn't do much to the beyblades and change of modes added a bit more immagination to the beyblades. With zero-g the beyblades were a bit more unbalanced and didn't have much stamina to them which made them stop spinning a bit faster then past beyblades and didn't include much exciting parts and the launchers broke a bit easily and the syncrome wasn't as exciting as mode changes so 4D was better.
Just to stop things from rolling the wrong way in this thread before it already gets worse : all answers will have to be elaborated, not just "Zero-G is better". Explain why you think so.
I'd say Zero-G, seeing as most competitive combos are based around their heavy weight. Plus there are some great Tracks; IE- F230 & SA165.
(Oct. 16, 2014 12:57 AM)|BeyBouncer| Wrote: [ -> ]This thread is pretty much useless. Reported.
That was pretty brash and mean towards the author.
He just was asking a simple question since he's out of the loop.
(Oct. 15, 2014 11:59 PM)Yato-San Wrote: [ -> ]I don't get the purpose of this thread.
Hi, I'm just looking to find out a little about the two generations of beyblade that I've missed out on, good and bad, and perhaps peoples' opinions on which make for the more competitive combinations and exciting battles before I go spending my hard earned money unwisely.
We're all here for the same reason, we love beyblade, and most of you guys have an assortment of all the tops so I figure who better to ask for opinions?
(Oct. 16, 2014 1:16 AM)Neo Wrote: [ -> ]I'd say Zero-G, seeing as most competitive combos are based around their heavy weight. Plus there are some great Tracks; IE- F230 & SA165.
(Oct. 16, 2014 12:57 AM)|BeyBouncer| Wrote: [ -> ]This thread is pretty much useless. Reported.
That was pretty brash and mean towards the author.
He just was asking a simple question since he's out of the loop.
Thank you for seeing things from my perspective, I'm not really sure what I did to merit that response but oh well, that's just some people for you.
Thank you all for your comments, and thank you to all of you that comment in the future, it's nice to see the community is generally as friendly as it was when I left to concentrate on the unfortunate necessary evil that is work.
By the way, Kai, it's good to see names around that I recognise from so long ago 0.o
4D is my personal favorite. Back then we didn't have to worry about f230 and the meta was more balanced.
I prefer 4D because its more fun unlike the broken as hell Zero G (Especially Genbull, Dragoon and F230).
zero g is safer since 4d is outclassed
i might not be right XD get both
Zero G is ok but it's overrated, with those spamming Genbull Dragoon carp, I love 4D, it was a very interesting series, nice gimmicks, cool looking Beyblades, and all are great and it has my most favourite Beyblades of all time, Death Quetzalcoatl and Variares. The game was more balanced and no-one spammed us with Genbull Dragoon F230CF and all that nonsense.
4D has some of the coolest waves of Beyblades IMO, They had cool designs and felt more like Beyblades than spinning badges or something.
I love 4D better just because they can mode change,also I like their designs better than Zero-G ones,though Zero-G synchromes destroys any 4D wheel...
in real case all generation of MFB to Zero-g as good parts to combine together. Some 4D wheels are again considered top tier in different format like Chrom Wheel as their own top tier parts for each format. so the best I think for you, its take infos on all interesting parts and make your own choice. We have enough advice in this forum to knowledge you and make the best decision.
(Oct. 22, 2014 8:32 AM)Yato-San Wrote: [ -> ]Zero-G synchromes destroys any 4D wheel...
A big reason the Zero G meta game isn't great, especially Genbull Dragooon.
I will say it is 4D.
Zero G synchromes are way to beastly yet kinda weak on their own. That aint a fair game.
(Oct. 22, 2014 2:13 PM)loyd87 Wrote: [ -> ]it's not a big deal IMO
Well good for you, but can you think about people like me who don't have access to good parts, people who can't get 4D and cannot get Shogun Steel wave 2 and beyond at all.
That said, 4D is still easier to beat and there's a few wheels I have that can beat a few 4D without people spamming the overrated customs.
(Oct. 22, 2014 2:33 PM)JinbeeTheShark Wrote: [ -> ] (Oct. 22, 2014 2:13 PM)loyd87 Wrote: [ -> ]it's not a big deal IMO
Well good for you, but can you think about people like me who don't have access to good parts, people who can't get 4D and cannot get Shogun Steel wave 2 and beyond at all.
That said, 4D is still easier to beat and there's a few wheels I have that can beat a few 4D without people spamming the overrated customs.
I think about it, In my region we are only 2 or 4 having all good parts on 16 bladers. and Genbull Dragoon aren't been top 3 in our tournament else with me hah! a little Genbull Dragoon 85WD that i Used one time. I know 2 pe4rson who use Genbull Dragoon F230GCF and never been ranked with it in 2 tournament so I don't think it's so tough to beat.
I feel 4D is a lot better than Zero-G. My reasons are the following, the Zero-G meta is pretty much dominated by combos that involve Genbu, Dragooon and/or Leviathan. I have noticed that more combos involve those chrome wheels than anything else. 4D beyblades are also more widely than some of the Zero-G/Shogun Steel beyblades. 4D although generally dominated by wheels like Basalt and Duo from my understanding is still a little more varied in the combinations that can compete. Basically in Zero-G if you are not running some combo of Genbu, Dragooon or Leviathan, unless running balro or wyvang you may as well forget competing. The tracks of Zero-G are also far more annoying for lack of a better word than anything of 4D or before.
(Oct. 22, 2014 2:44 PM)loyd87 Wrote: [ -> ] (Oct. 22, 2014 2:33 PM)JinbeeTheShark Wrote: [ -> ] (Oct. 22, 2014 2:13 PM)loyd87 Wrote: [ -> ]it's not a big deal IMO
Well good for you, but can you think about people like me who don't have access to good parts, people who can't get 4D and cannot get Shogun Steel wave 2 and beyond at all.
That said, 4D is still easier to beat and there's a few wheels I have that can beat a few 4D without people spamming the overrated customs.
I think about it, In my region we are only 2 or 4 having all good parts on 16 bladers. and Genbull Dragoon aren't been top 3 in our tournament else with me hah! a little Genbull Dragoon 85WD that i Used one time. I know 2 pe4rson who use Genbull Dragoon F230GCF and never been ranked with it in 2 tournament so I don't think it's so tough to beat.
Tell me how I actually beat it with only wave 1 Zero G Beyblades? Without Dragoon nor Genbull.
I know this question belongs to "Build me a combo" and I won't ask for one.
(Oct. 16, 2014 2:33 PM)Camarilla Wrote: [ -> ] (Oct. 15, 2014 11:59 PM)Yato-San Wrote: [ -> ]I don't get the purpose of this thread.
Hi, I'm just looking to find out a little about the two generations of beyblade that I've missed out on, good and bad, and perhaps peoples' opinions on which make for the more competitive combinations and exciting battles before I go spending my hard earned money unwisely.
We're all here for the same reason, we love beyblade, and most of you guys have an assortment of all the tops so I figure who better to ask for opinions? 
(Oct. 16, 2014 1:16 AM)Neo Wrote: [ -> ]I'd say Zero-G, seeing as most competitive combos are based around their heavy weight. Plus there are some great Tracks; IE- F230 & SA165.
(Oct. 16, 2014 12:57 AM)|BeyBouncer| Wrote: [ -> ]This thread is pretty much useless. Reported.
That was pretty brash and mean towards the author.
He just was asking a simple question since he's out of the loop.
Thank you for seeing things from my perspective, I'm not really sure what I did to merit that response but oh well, that's just some people for you.
Thank you all for your comments, and thank you to all of you that comment in the future, it's nice to see the community is generally as friendly as it was when I left to concentrate on the unfortunate necessary evil that is work.
By the way, Kai, it's good to see names around that I recognise from so long ago 0.o
Yes, you're welcome.
Sometimes people don't understand the general consensus of a thread and direct you to another. You stated your opinion well, and I don't see any reason for another to "mini-mod".
Honestly, I want to say 4D just because Duo is arguably the most vital stamina wheel to the whole meta. Not to mention that 4D also saw the release of Flash, my favorite attack wheel, and some decent stamina wheels like Death and Phantom, in addition to competitive parts like RDF and B

. Duo aside, the meta was pretty balanced, as Dark said earlier.
Zero G may have more competitive parts, but less Zero G tournaments are held than Standard and there's the issue of overpoweredness with F230 CF/GCF + everyone only wants to use Dragooon stamina.
In my admittedly limited experience, Zero-G just does not seem that fun. The stadium and the Beyblades are too chaotic. I think it's a good idea, executed poorly. The exits are too large and the movement of the stadium is too wild. Shame.
I understand why people don't like Zero-G as much as past series, but really, I think both 4D and Zero-G are great examples of innovation in the old game.
4D brought the introduction of multiple-piece Metal Wheels and "fused" bottoms with special gimmicks and features. 4D's weight definitely began to outclass previous series and the "power creep" of the Maximum Series pretty much went full-blown. At the same time, there were lots of diverse combinations and counters to them.
Zero-G brought more innovation to the table with not only a new Beyblade design- but new stadiums. Rather than the standard BeyStadium, we saw the introduction of swaying arenas- something never seen before. On top of that, we were given Sychrom, allowing us to use 2 Metal Wheels (Chrome Wheels) in one combination. In past series, the idea of a good combination was just to defeat the opponent's top straightforward. In this series, the user can take the stadium and use it as an advantage- rather than even making contact, in Zero-G, an Attack combination can simply move around the stadium and "Sway out" the opposing Beyblade.
I understand why some people don't like one or the other, but really- both series brought a lot of good things to the table- I think the good outweigh the bad. Honestly, both were great.
I agree with Leone19; I don't think either one was better than the other. I don't particularly like the Zero-G format (although that may just be because of my obsession with eradicating F230), but the new parts the Zero-G product line introduced have been amazing. I love the design of Zero-G Beyblades; the Chrome Wheels are works of art in themselves.