World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: BeyDays Face Contest: Photography 4!
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OK Bladers! Yep, it's the now yearly Photography Face Contest that's back!

As usual, all you have to do is take one photograph related to the Beyblade hobby! It can be anything: a disintegrating Bull 125SF up in the air, or even that beautiful Legend Beyblade Set box art being put to glory. Wink

Be as creative as you want, but don't forget basic picture composition rules!

The winners will get their choice of:

How mysterious! I wonder what could be inside of them?

And yes, that's right, winners. The top three entries will win a Face Booster, woohoo!

In addition to that, a special BeyDays gift will be given to one winner out of that top three: a Saramanda Ifraid DF145XF!!

Here are the basic rules:
  • Photographs must contain at least one real Hasbro, Takara-Tomy, or SonoKong manufactured Beyblade. No exceptions!
  • Limit one entry per person! Your first entry will be the only one that's considered, so work hard on it!
  • The WBO Committee isn't eligible. Meh.
  • You have until 11:59 PM EST Saturday, June 14th, 2014 to submit your photograph. Any entries after that will be disqualified!
  • Post your entries in this thread! (You can also talk about the contest, ideas, or whatever in this thread as well!) However, you cannot post drafts of your entry and ask for feedback!

As veteran Blue worded it so well, "Think Like A Camera"!
This sounds great; lots of time for me to think of an entry, haha.

I'm happy to enter. Tongue_out
So editing is allowed?

Count me in 4 sure.
(May. 20, 2014  1:53 AM)DRAGON KING Wrote: [ -> ]So editing is allowed?

Count me in 4 sure.

Well, not too much : it is a photograph contest, not a graphics contest.
Woooo!! I'll definitely be partaking in this. Now to think of a cool theme for my picture...
& lmao at "a disintegrating Bull 125SF up in the air"
Could the WBO committee members submit photographs anyway and just not have them included in the competition? They could be there as examples perhaps? Seems a shame to always leave you out.
It sucks that my camera needed to break at such a time period. I'll try to find something on my SD card, though.

But yes, definitely count me in!
(May. 20, 2014  2:00 AM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]
(May. 20, 2014  1:53 AM)DRAGON KING Wrote: [ -> ]So editing is allowed?

Count me in 4 sure.

Well, not too much : it is a photograph contest, not a graphis contest.

umm ... till what extent can we edit it ?
(May. 20, 2014  12:39 PM)-Midnight Wrote: [ -> ]It sucks that my camera needed to break at such a time period. I'll try to find something on my SD card, though.

But yes, definitely count me in!

Not under any circumstance should editing be allowed.

There are a couple edited photographs I've seen, which look a lot better than the non-edited ones.
I'd assume what Kai-V said during the second Beyblade Photography contest still applies:

(Jul. 13, 2012  2:10 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]Photography in general can involve some quite heavy editing, but obviously, you cannot do a "montage" and go in a totally different direction than what you actually took as a photograph ... If you can produce something awesome with as little retouching as possible, that will be best.

EDIT: But then the post below from the third Photography contest contradicts the above post...

What's the ruling on this year's?
An edit should just be subtle visually and compliment the actual photograph, instead of totally manipulating it into a 'graphic design-esque' thing.

Things like minor touch ups, black & white, brightness & contrast adjustment should be OK. More often than not, these things will make a better photograph.

Essentially, we are looking for 'photographs'. Please keep that in mind when you guys start heading towards the graphic design aspect of a picture.
Can beyblade combos' photos be posted?
(May. 21, 2014  6:45 PM)CrazyBlader111 Wrote: [ -> ]Can beyblade combos' photos be posted?

If it's a picture of one, yes.
Thanks, i'll take one soon Wink
"The WBO Committee isn't eligible. Meh."

And what about the section's mods? Like the mods of the Italian, Francais and Indonesian forum?
(May. 22, 2014  3:28 PM)C a o S³ Wrote: [ -> ]"The WBO Committee isn't eligible. Meh."

And what about the section's mods? Like the mods of the Italian, Francais and Indonesian forum?

There is no problem for moderators, because you do not vote.
(May. 22, 2014  4:51 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]
(May. 22, 2014  3:28 PM)C a o S³ Wrote: [ -> ]"The WBO Committee isn't eligible. Meh."

And what about the section's mods? Like the mods of the Italian, Francais and Indonesian forum?

There is no problem for moderators, because you do not vote.
Ah perfect, thanks for the clarification Kai-V! I have a great idea for this contest Grin
I'm in! I got a really cool idea just now involving some ninja stars I just got...
Count me in!

(Tee Hee,Synchrome photography)
Well, I guess I'll be the first one to enter. I already took the picture. Stuck the ninja stars in a log hehe Wink
THIS CONTEST'S ENTRY (Name: Fire and Lightning)

And a random mention to my entry from Photo Contest 3:
LAST TIME'S ENTRY (Name: Phoenic's on Fire)

Randomly posting my entry from the last contest with this. Just so judges don't get mixed up, my entry for this contest is the Ninja Star one...
Definitely gonna enter this one. Might even pick up a new Bey to photograph. Hopefully my school photography course pays off!
Yayy, I'll participate! Joyful_3
Nice pic Ashton and amazing choice of bey! Wink
Cool pic Ashton ! Nice background n ldrago looks just the cherry on the cake Grin
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