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Full Version: Keldeo's Awesome Graphics Shop! [Open!]
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Welcome To My Graphics Shop!
I make signatures and avatars! No animations!

Shop Rules:
1. Don't spam my requests: If I have more than three requests at a time, please don't request. Abusing this will result as 1 warning for my shop.
2. I have a life: If it's been a few days and you keep asking "where's my sig?" or "is it done yet?!", you will get in trouble. If you want it fast, go somewhere else. Abusing this will result as 1 warning for my shop.
3. Only one render. I cannot stress this enough.
4. If I find out you're multi-requesting or requesting within one week, you will be permenently banned from my shop.
5. NO SPAM! Abusing this will result as 1 warning for my shop.
6. You must follow the rules for requesting or I will not make the sig!

Warning System:
If you fail to follow these rules, you will get warned by me. If you continue to do so, I will ban you from this shop.
Warned Users: Banned Users:
Requesting Format (MUST BE FOLLOWED!):
Size: (I prefer 400 x 150 for sigs, but I can make others. Max is 500 x 200)
Picture: (Only 1! Renders and links appreciated!)
Background color: (I make backgrounds by scratch.)
Boarder: (Yes or no)
Anything Else:

And now for my examples!
Examples: Don't take these without permission, or I will hunt you down and find you. And you will be banned from this shop.

I only take three requests at at time!!!
Request List:

Please follow the rules and have fun! Thanks for requesting! Remember, a good sig takes time!
Can you make me one of N (Pokemon B/W/2) w/ green back round, any size, green back round, and no boarder?
Goodluck for ur shop Keldeo!!!!! Hope u get tons of requests XD!

(Dec. 09, 2012  4:30 AM)All Gen Blader Wrote: [ -> ]Can you make me one of N (Pokemon B/W/2) w/ green back round, any size, green back round, and no boarder?

Please put it in the correct format.
(Dec. 09, 2012  4:44 AM)Focus Wrote: [ -> ]Goodluck for ur shop Keldeo!!!!! Hope u get tons of requests XD!

Thanks man! Grin
Can you make me one of Arcanine? Thanks Grin Picture:Arcanine Size:400 x 150. Background:Red Orange. Text: Blue-ish black if possible.
(Dec. 10, 2012  12:06 AM)ShadowDragonZG Wrote: [ -> ]Can you make me one of Arcanine? Thanks Grin

Put it in the shop format, bro. XD
Good luck to you, hope you get lots of requests and make them as good as you can. Never,EVER be lazy and turn in a lazy, cheap, horrible piece of GFX art.

Best hopes,

could u make me an N sig? with Ninetails and Zorua maybe?
I was wondering who was Keldeo. I saw your examples and found out that it was China. Good luck with your shop!
(Dec. 10, 2012  1:29 AM)XSpewFireX Wrote: [ -> ]could u make me an N sig? with Ninetails and Zorua maybe?

Shop format. Tired
Good luck with the shop china. I hope to see some awesome new works from you.
Keldeo, Ok N sitting down with ninetails beside him and zorau on his lap with a blackish green backround
Ohh and I dont care the format. Suprise me.
That's still not her format bro.
DaftMau5 wat is then cause i really dont care
(Dec. 10, 2012  6:04 PM)XSpewFireX Wrote: [ -> ]DaftMau5 wat is then cause i really dont care

Maybe you should read the OP. You won't get a sig if you don't follow the format.
can i have a sig?
size: 300x200
pic: Dunamis on the left and Jade Jupiter on the right
text: leader of team predator(in gold)(in caps)(at the bottom)(same font as my old text)
back ground: purple flames
Good luck with your shop XD
You just got your first customer to use a format ! Tongue_out
(Dec. 10, 2012  7:22 PM)aidanoe Wrote: [ -> ]can i have a sig?
size: 300x200
pic: Dunamis on the left and Jade Jupiter on the right
text: leader of team predator(in gold)(in caps)(at the bottom)(same font as my old text)
back ground: purple flames

I only put one render in there.
Can I just put Dunamis? I've already got a render of him.
Oh, and I make the background myself.
Fine here
Size 400x150
N with Zorua and Ninetails, N sitting down and smiling with Zorua on his lap and Ninetails lying beside him.
Greenish Black
no border
Text none
Keldeo, It's okay, I don't mind if you only put Dunamis or if you put the back ground what ever you want.