World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Best Looking beyblade anime character
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I reckon... Takanosuke, Kyoya, Chris, Zero, Johannes, King and the guy with gryph girago and bandid genbull (sorry forgot there names).
(Jan. 30, 2013  7:14 PM)Janstarblast Wrote: [ -> ]No, I liked everything about him, but the scarf was amazing as hell!
Face paint though, isn't one of my most favourite things about him. Then again, he wouldn't look as good as he does now if he had no Face paint...
To be honest, every element in the series that was directly related to Kai looked awesome.
For instance, all the Dranzers he owned were a beautiful blue-green-red coloured beys. That is the best colour combination in my opinion.
Then, Dranzer itself was a beautiful phoenix...

Really? The face paint, alongside his scarf, was one of the most iconic things about him, haha. Just like that one episode in V-Force, where he was attending school.. At first I didn't recognize him, without the face paint, the scarf and all until you hear him talk. It was weird. I'm glad the school-related episodes didn't last a while, haha.

Definitely. And then there was Tyson. (Click to View)
its a tie between kai ryuga and toby (when toby was faust)
(Jan. 30, 2013  9:14 PM)Meteo4Ever Wrote: [ -> ]out of the animes I watch
Beyblade: tie between kai ryuga and toby (when toby was faust)
dragon ball: piccalo the green boss
avatar: opa the beastly air bison

This thread is for beyblade anime good lookyness only xD
I edited it. sorry for the trouble
(Jan. 30, 2013  9:21 PM)Meteo4Ever Wrote: [ -> ]I edited it. sorry for the trouble

It's fine, just read the title more carefully in future. Smile
I will. and on the subject of this thread, I also think that the v-force Kia was the coolest, g-revolution Ray was also awesome, but Ryuga, Kyoa and Toby as Faust give them a Run for their money. Also has anybody at all mentioned Lee from the White Tigers, he was pretty boss.
(Jan. 30, 2013  9:35 PM)Meteo4Ever Wrote: [ -> ]I will. and on the subject of this thread, I also think that the v-force Kai was the coolest, g-revolution Ray was also awesome, but Ryuga, Kyoa and Toby as Faust give them a Run for their money. Also has anybody at all mentioned Lee from the White Tigers, he was pretty boss.

Haha, Lee is definitely not the best looking beyblade anime character in my opinion XD
I dislike his eyes... I don't know why :L
Chris is the best looking character. His look glove on one hand, his power There all amazing
I think Hikaru is pretty attractive lol
Kyouya & Tsubasa are definitely the best looking males, in my opinion.
Can I ask why everyone thinks Kyoya and tsubasa look so great? They put their shirt in the dryer, it shrinks, and bam.
I'd have to say the coolest looking character would probably be Max. Maybe I'm being a bit biased, but he's one of the few people who where's normal stuff.
Lots of people are gonna hate me now, haha.
For female characters I'd have to say Mei Mei

For males, I'd say Tetsuya(the only one who represents his bey), Ryuga, and the Kerbeks guy
(May. 11, 2013  4:25 AM)Ultramarine Wrote: [ -> ]Can I ask why everyone thinks Kyoya and tsubasa look so great? They put their shirt in the dryer, it shrinks, and bam.
I'd have to say the coolest looking character would probably be Max. Maybe I'm being a bit biased, but he's one of the few people who where's normal stuff.
Lots of people are gonna hate me now, haha.
I can't explain my love of Kyouya, but I'm only saying Tsubasa because of that one episode of Zero G...if you catch my drift.
Oh. I'm a boy though, so yah.
I see where you're coming from, I think.
Haha I'm not into guys, so it's not like I'm saying I'm attracted to either character myself, but after that one fanservice episode with Tsubasa, I'm pretty sure that's the reason most girls would consider him one of the best looking characters in the anime.
FROM MY SIDE ITS Tsubasa/chris and ryuga all three are cool!
In my opinion, Chris, Ren, and Takanosomething are the best looking.
In my opinion, the best looking characters are Kyoya and Ryuga!!XD
Kai Hiwatari man dude had mysterious vegeta like swag
Tobio Oike
Madoka Amano
Ren Kurenai
Sakyo Kurayami
I dunno. Gingka looks pretty cool in Zero-G but Shinnobu *not sure if i spelled it right* Is a lot like me. Examining the surroundings, and opponent.
Max and Tyson Smile
Tsubasa, Nile, Kai, Dynamis, Chris, Kyoya, Chris, Ginga (somewhat), Ren, and Sakyo! But this is only my opinion Smile
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