Sep. 14, 2012 12:40 AM
Ok, so I just got my Dragooon yesterday and my Synchrom Set a couple days back so I decided to try and make a Dragooon combo.
I saw that no one has any official testing of Dragooon RF/LRF/R2F and I really don't understand why. MF Lighting L Drago BD145LRF was one of the biggest threats in it's founding, so IMO people should have naturally tested LRF. In fact LRF was the first thing I tested on Dragooon.
So originally I made the set-up Killerken Dragooon BD145LRF; however the BD145 just got in the way and slowed the combo down. And then that's when I realized I was being stupid.
The reason Lightning L Drago did so well with BD145 was the fact that the wheel had poor spin equalization abilities to begin with and BD145 boosted it by a lot. It also made the relatively "light" Lightning a whole lot more bulky. Now, Dragooon synchrom's are already severely bulky and they already have great spin equalization abilities. Using BD145 will add to Dragooon's spin equalization abilities, but the effect is negligible. (Unless your bragging to your friend how man rotations your Dragooon could win by, In which you would be better off with SA165EWD XD) BD145 also brings many negative effects such as those I stated above.
So now we just need to find a good track for it. I originally went to CH120 as it gave me the height advantage, however it looses to LTDCs because it isn't low enough. The next obvious choice was 105 and DF105 was supposedly the best 105? It was designed for Left spin so it would be even better. Because the Beyblade's center of gravity is low to the ground, it has great balance during low rotations.
And Killerken? It was the best Zero-g chrome wheel I had. Killerken actually has a pretty good amount of attack and is know for some grind. Probably due to the shape of the metal wheel. The weight is also more focused on the outside, making it a great candidate for spin equalization.
Def. reminds me of a Zero-G Advance Balancer.
So now to the tests. Unfortunately my SECOND Duo broke.....while battling a force smash combo I made: Killerken Ifraid TH195RF (I'm telling you Killerken's got some potential.)
Killkerken Dragooon DF105LRF vs MF-H Flash Lynx W145R2F
Killerken: 17/20 (8 OS, 9 KO)
Flash: 3/20 (All KO)
Killerken Win Rate: 85%
2 Tie's Redone
Killkerken Dragooon DF105LRF vs MF-H Ifraid Saramanda B:D
Killerken: 18/20 (All KO)
Saramanda: 2/20 (All OS)
Killerken Win Rate: 90%
I did this mainly because I know synchrom B:D is supposed to give non RF/LRF/R2F Dragooon's issues.
Killkerken Dragooon DF105LRF vs MF-H Wing Kerbecs BD145CS
Killerken: 20/20 (8 KO, 12 OS)
Wing: 0/20 (N/A)
Killerken Win Rate: 100%
Trolololol. Wing was the best thing I had, since my Duo broke. K. Dragooon KO'd both of the BD145 and Wing, but mostly Wing.
Proof of Parts:
I saw that no one has any official testing of Dragooon RF/LRF/R2F and I really don't understand why. MF Lighting L Drago BD145LRF was one of the biggest threats in it's founding, so IMO people should have naturally tested LRF. In fact LRF was the first thing I tested on Dragooon.
So originally I made the set-up Killerken Dragooon BD145LRF; however the BD145 just got in the way and slowed the combo down. And then that's when I realized I was being stupid.
The reason Lightning L Drago did so well with BD145 was the fact that the wheel had poor spin equalization abilities to begin with and BD145 boosted it by a lot. It also made the relatively "light" Lightning a whole lot more bulky. Now, Dragooon synchrom's are already severely bulky and they already have great spin equalization abilities. Using BD145 will add to Dragooon's spin equalization abilities, but the effect is negligible. (Unless your bragging to your friend how man rotations your Dragooon could win by, In which you would be better off with SA165EWD XD) BD145 also brings many negative effects such as those I stated above.
So now we just need to find a good track for it. I originally went to CH120 as it gave me the height advantage, however it looses to LTDCs because it isn't low enough. The next obvious choice was 105 and DF105 was supposedly the best 105? It was designed for Left spin so it would be even better. Because the Beyblade's center of gravity is low to the ground, it has great balance during low rotations.
And Killerken? It was the best Zero-g chrome wheel I had. Killerken actually has a pretty good amount of attack and is know for some grind. Probably due to the shape of the metal wheel. The weight is also more focused on the outside, making it a great candidate for spin equalization.
Def. reminds me of a Zero-G Advance Balancer.
So now to the tests. Unfortunately my SECOND Duo broke.....while battling a force smash combo I made: Killerken Ifraid TH195RF (I'm telling you Killerken's got some potential.)
Killkerken Dragooon DF105LRF vs MF-H Flash Lynx W145R2F
Killerken: 17/20 (8 OS, 9 KO)
Flash: 3/20 (All KO)
Killerken Win Rate: 85%
2 Tie's Redone
Killkerken Dragooon DF105LRF vs MF-H Ifraid Saramanda B:D
Killerken: 18/20 (All KO)
Saramanda: 2/20 (All OS)
Killerken Win Rate: 90%
I did this mainly because I know synchrom B:D is supposed to give non RF/LRF/R2F Dragooon's issues.
Killkerken Dragooon DF105LRF vs MF-H Wing Kerbecs BD145CS
Killerken: 20/20 (8 KO, 12 OS)
Wing: 0/20 (N/A)
Killerken Win Rate: 100%
Trolololol. Wing was the best thing I had, since my Duo broke. K. Dragooon KO'd both of the BD145 and Wing, but mostly Wing.
Proof of Parts:
Spoiler (Click to View)