Okay, this seems crazy, but I had an idea for a Beyblade sport, called "Beyrun". The field would be a straight plastic line... road, I guess, with 2-inch walls on both sides. It would be about 4 yards long and 2-3 feet wide, and it would have a small Beystadium-like bowl at one end. The other end would be open.
From the open side, there'd be a line marked after about a foot. That is the "Runner" line. We'll get to that in a bit. Then, about a foot from the bowl (called the "Pocket Goal") is another line, called the "Guardian" line. Also talked about later. Then, about a foot from the middle, closer to the Pocket goal, is yet another line called the "Defender" line.
On each team, there are 6 players, 3 defensive, 3 offensive. The offensive players are the "Runner", and 2 "Protectors". The defensive players are the "Guardian", and 2 "Defenders". The team MUST have 6 players, but they can rotate positions.
Likewise, when they rotate positions, they can rotate out their Bey. Each player MUST have 1-4 Beys registered. The maximum registered is 4 because each member may have one Bey of each different position.
Now, the goal of the game is to get 10 points. You get points by getting your Runner into the Pocket goal. The Defenders try to run into the Runner and stop him. The Guardian is positioned in front of the goal to try to stop the Runner there. The Protectors try to stop the Defenders and/or knock out the Guardian.
There are sets called "Cycles". During a Cycle, the offensive team has 5 attempts to get their Runner into the Pocket goal. At the beginning of each attempt, they count down "3-2-1, Let it Rip", and all players launch their Beys. ALL offensive Beys must be launched from behind the Runner line. The Guardian must be launched from behind the Guardian line. Same for the Protectors.
Each time that the Runner fails to make it into the Pocket goal, all Beys are taken out of the "Dash Track" (the long strip of stadium), and they start again by launching from the lines. If a Bey besides the Runner falls into the Pocket goal, and it is NOT the cause of impact with another Bey, it is considered a foul. That simply means that the attempt is RESTARTED, not counted as unsuccessful.
If the Runner has unsuccessfully attempted to make the goal all 5 times, another Cycle is started, with the teams on offense and defense switched. If the teams are tied after 13 Cycles, "Final Cycle" is started. During Final Cycle, Protectors and Defenders are NOT used. Also, if the Runner doesn't make the goal, he doesn't get another attempt. The offense and defense are immediately switched. This repeats until a team scores. That team is the winner.
For a good runner, use a light Beyblade with an attack-type tip.
For a good Guardian, use a very heavy Beyblade with some variation of WD.
For a good Protector, use a decently heavy Beyblade with an attack type tip.
For a good Defender, use a heavy Beyblade with any kind of tip.
Oh, also, I want to know if you guys think this is a good idea, if you would play this, if you would change anything, or if you are unclear about anything.
I like the idea, but i'm almost sure of it mods will close it.

I honestly haven't a clue how this is supposed to work.
(Aug. 26, 2012 1:12 AM)SoulEater57 Wrote: [ -> ]I like the idea, but i'm almost sure of it mods will close it. 
Well, like in the World Tournament, we'll have a ref check out the Beys before starting.
(Aug. 26, 2012 1:13 AM)Raigeko13 Wrote: [ -> ]I honestly haven't a clue how this is supposed to work.
Uhhh..... it's kinda like football.
But without the foot.
Or the ball.
A similar topic was closed already. Why resurrect it?
That makes a bit more sense.
Without the sense.
LOL, jk, that does help explain it a bit more though.
(Aug. 26, 2012 1:16 AM)DefStamina88 Wrote: [ -> ]A similar topic was closed already. Why resurrect it?
Oh. Well, in my defense, I didn't know about the other topic.
(Aug. 26, 2012 1:17 AM)Raigeko13 Wrote: [ -> ]That makes a bit more sense.
Without the sense.
LOL, jk, that does help explain it a bit more though.
Oh, good. I actually used football as a base for it.
Okay, but this is in the wrong spot for discussion, and it could've been searched up before being posted.
You could also make them battle once they reach the bowl.
(Aug. 26, 2012 1:19 AM)DefStamina88 Wrote: [ -> ]Okay, but this is in the wrong spot for discussion, and it could've been searched up before being posted.
Well, this is in the "My Creation" Spot. And this sport is my creation.
(Aug. 26, 2012 1:28 AM)SoniKzone Wrote: [ -> ] (Aug. 26, 2012 1:19 AM)DefStamina88 Wrote: [ -> ]Okay, but this is in the wrong spot for discussion, and it could've been searched up before being posted.
Well, this is in the "My Creation" Spot. And this sport is my creation.
And it seems like a darn fun creation too! If Beyblades were able to be radio-controlled and keep them the size they are, this sport would be so much fun.
(Aug. 26, 2012 7:31 AM)KCygnus Master Wrote: [ -> ]And it seems like a darn fun creation too! If Beyblades were able to be radio-controlled and keep them the size they are, this sport would be so much fun.
Well, I was thinking you wouldn't need super control or IRS, just as long as you had a good shot, and you could rebound on the sides, etc.
Eh. its a okay idea. but wouldn't the beyblades tips get messed up.

Unless he/she creates a plastic flooring. I like the idea. But what if the beyblades get launched out? And lets say someone on a team gets hurt. Is that game over? Or will there be substitutes?
(Aug. 27, 2012 6:04 AM)Clefairy Wrote: [ -> ]Unless he/she creates a plastic flooring. I like the idea. But what if the beyblades get launched out? And lets say someone on a team gets hurt. Is that game over? Or will there be substitutes?
Yes, the whole track is made out of plastic.
And the big reason for the walls is to prevent launching out, but in case it does happen, the track will have another wider track underneath it to prevent damage. If they land in the wider track, it will be counted as being an incomplete attempt, NOT a foul.
If someone is injured for some reason, they will be replaced by a member of the offensive/defense (depending on who was injured). If the Guardian is injured, then he/she will be replaced by the Runner, and vice versa. Same between the Protectors and Defenders. But anyone replacing another player still has to play their original part, too.
(Aug. 28, 2012 12:03 AM)SoniKzone Wrote: [ -> ] (Aug. 27, 2012 6:04 AM)Clefairy Wrote: [ -> ]Unless he/she creates a plastic flooring. I like the idea. But what if the beyblades get launched out? And lets say someone on a team gets hurt. Is that game over? Or will there be substitutes?
Yes, the whole track is made out of plastic.
And the big reason for the walls is to prevent launching out, but in case it does happen, the track will have another wider track underneath it to prevent damage. If they land in the wider track, it will be counted as being an incomplete attempt, NOT a foul.
If someone is injured for some reason, they will be replaced by a member of the offensive/defense (depending on who was injured). If the Guardian is injured, then he/she will be replaced by the Runner, and vice versa. Same between the Protectors and Defenders. But anyone replacing another player still has to play their original part, too.
Now that makes a bit more sense. Can you get your friends together and try to play it?
(Aug. 28, 2012 4:03 AM)Clefairy Wrote: [ -> ]Now that makes a bit more sense. Can you get your friends together and try to play it?
Yes, if I could get the track for it- I don't know where to get that much plastic.
I would buy some sheet metal. It would be more interesting. Mwahahaha
(Aug. 30, 2012 3:25 AM)wtater888 Wrote: [ -> ]I would buy some sheet metal. It would be more interesting. Mwahahaha
Yes, I do wonder what metal would do. Probably less traction, making the Beys have a hard time staying still.
(Aug. 30, 2012 3:31 AM)beybladefoever Wrote: [ -> ]i like the idea and im gonna try to build it because im a wiz at this stuff im just afraid this might happen with your idea [Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR3YyLlVmsDL-92tmjyQgf...ES390NiwZL]
What, they fall in water, they fall out of the stadium, or they fall apart? Because there's no water, the stadium track should have a safe material for Beyblades where ever they could fall out of, and they'd only come apart if they aren't put together right.
I wanna try to make a render of the Dash Track

I think the measurements should be adjusted though. A lot of them seems like they were underthought. If you've ever seen a yard stick, it's pretty big. According to my tape measure and my measurements, here's how I think it should be:
Measurements of Dash Track Wrote:(These are how long/wide the indicated portions should be.}
Track Length: 2 1/2 feet
Track Width: 1 foot
Beybowl: 8 inches
Guardian Line: 3 inches
Defender Line: 3 inches
Runner Line: 5 inches
The Beybowl will be taken from my Hasbro Max Stampede stadium, seeing as I finally have a TT Attack Type. If size needs to be readjusted for the Beybowl, I was thinking 6 inches.
The Guardian Line is 3 inches because of it's distance from the Beybowl. For the same reason, I was thinking that an extra inch could be added to make it 4 inches long.
The Defender and Runner Lines should hold all their respective Beyblades well.
Lemme know what you (guys/gals) think!
My bad . Umm it seems like a great measurement idea.
(Aug. 31, 2012 11:51 PM)KCygnus Master Wrote: [ -> ]I wanna try to make a render of the Dash Track
I think the measurements should be adjusted though. A lot of them seems like they were underthought. If you've ever seen a yard stick, it's pretty big. According to my tape measure and my measurements, here's how I think it should be:
Measurements of Dash Track Wrote:(These are how long/wide the indicated portions should be.}
Track Length: 2 1/2 feet
Track Width: 1 foot
Beybowl: 8 inches
Guardian Line: 3 inches
Defender Line: 3 inches
Runner Line: 5 inches
The Beybowl will be taken from my Hasbro Max Stampede stadium, seeing as I finally have a TT Attack Type. If size needs to be readjusted for the Beybowl, I was thinking 6 inches.
The Guardian Line is 3 inches because of it's distance from the Beybowl. For the same reason, I was thinking that an extra inch could be added to make it 4 inches long.
The Defender and Runner Lines should hold all their respective Beyblades well.
Lemme know what you (guys/gals) think!
Well, the reason I had the Dash track so long is that it's like football, it's supposed to be very difficult to get to the Pocket goal. Maybe 4 yards is a bit extreme, but it should be between 1 to 2.5 yards for the Dash track for maximum results.
Make it so that the runner launches his bey in a angled domnward facing tube if the bey has enough stamina it will make it to the stadium and make smaller side tubes for the defenders if the defenders defeat the runner the defender gets to be the runner but has to use the same beyblade so basically the stadium is a downward angled tube with to separate tubes for the defenders and there are to runners well not runners the one Who launches later after is called the securer the runner will knockout the defenders and the securer will secure the victory that is in less the runner can't beat the defenders. oh yeah ppppiiiieeee
If you completely miss the track there should be a large stadium that spins to the right or left depending on the beyblades spin direction if the bey spins right so will the large stadium making the beyblade spin faster and faster at a constant rate this way if the defenders are beaten as knocked out of the stadium they would constantly fight for that the winner scoring half a point
(Sep. 01, 2012 12:22 AM)SoniKzone Wrote: [ -> ]Well, the reason I had the Dash track so long is that it's like football, it's supposed to be very difficult to get to the Pocket goal. Maybe 4 yards is a bit extreme, but it should be between 1 to 2.5 yards for the Dash track for maximum results.
I can understand that, but yeah, 4 yards is extreme hahaha. I think about 1.5 yards should do it.