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Hasbro released a lot of these beyblades making them less rare. Does anyone know much about them and the uses of their parts? (Shadow/Death Driger, Guardian Driger, Bound Attacker, Bound Defenser and so on...) I have the Hasbro version of Shadow/Death Driger as well as Guardian Driger. Shadow Driger has an 8 Balance WD as well as SG Sharp base. Guardian Driger has 8 Heavy WD as well as MW SG Flat. Does anyone know anything else about them?
There's a reason we don't talk about them: they are garbage.
Yeah that's true. I don't think I've seen a single person with Shadow Driger. Even Beholder doesn't talk about them or have a database article on them. Is there any use for the AR? It's quite small so could it be used for WD attack or something like that?
It could be, but WD attack kind of sucks.
I like Guardian Driger since I just use the AR to replace my Galeon's broken AR, but asides that they're junk.

Those Bounds Beys are too fragile to use IMO.
alex_Lei1993 Wrote:Yeah that's true. I don't think I've seen a single person with Shadow Driger. Even Beholder doesn't talk about them or have a database article on them. Is there any use for the AR? It's quite small so could it be used for WD attack or something like that?

The only thing I could use it for is WD Attack. It's too small for anything else in my opinion.
bugturtles Wrote:
alex_Lei1993 Wrote:Yeah that's true. I don't think I've seen a single person with Shadow Driger. Even Beholder doesn't talk about them or have a database article on them. Is there any use for the AR? It's quite small so could it be used for WD attack or something like that?

The only thing I could use it for is WD Attack. It's too small for anything else in my opinion.
Oh well I think it's cool looking. It's too bad that some of the rarest non-limited edition blades are useless.;_;
Bound defencer hurts. You could use it to injure your opponent.
bugturtles Wrote:
alex_Lei1993 Wrote:Yeah that's true. I don't think I've seen a single person with Shadow Driger. Even Beholder doesn't talk about them or have a database article on them. Is there any use for the AR? It's quite small so could it be used for WD attack or something like that?

The only thing I could use it for is WD Attack. It's too small for anything else in my opinion.
I could see it working for a Grinder or endurance blade.
The narrow profile makes it good at avoiding hits.
Grinding sucks even harder, and it would be awful for survival.
PRINCEcharming Wrote:
bugturtles Wrote:
alex_Lei1993 Wrote:Yeah that's true. I don't think I've seen a single person with Shadow Driger. Even Beholder doesn't talk about them or have a database article on them. Is there any use for the AR? It's quite small so could it be used for WD attack or something like that?

The only thing I could use it for is WD Attack. It's too small for anything else in my opinion.
I could see it working for a Grinder or endurance blade.
The narrow profile makes it good at avoiding hits.
It'd never work for a grinder. They're supposed to keep contact with the other blade and that's using their AR. A combo with a WD larger than the AR or anything that would recoil too much, can't be considered a grinder (grinding does suck, but that's beside the point here).
Just off the top of my head I remember 10-Balance aligns quite closely to star shape. That could grind, assuming it contacted the opponent's blade at the right height.

For endurance I'd say it's pretty good as long as your opponent's blade isn't hitting above your WD. Against upper-attackers it deprives them of range, so they can't make the most of their ramps.
PRINCEcharming Wrote:Just off the top of my head I remember 10-Balance aligns quite closely to star shape. That could grind, assuming it contacted the opponent's blade at the right height.

For endurance I'd say it's pretty good as long as your opponent's blade isn't hitting above your WD. Against upper-attackers it deprives them of range, so they can't make the most of their ramps.

It is so inept at grinding compared to other ARs that it is not even worth considering. Most upper attackers lift the WD or BB. And it would be awful for survival compared to the other staples.
A lot of upper attackers do contact the AR while lifting, because they have long ramps that sustain contact for longer. Against something like that I'd rather use Star-Shape than say Smash Turtle or its like.

Obviously there are better/more aerodynamic/better balanced endurance oriented ARs, but there's a lot of stuff you wouldn't dream of touching if it was them or Star-Shape.

I don't mean that SS is particularly good, but with a little imagination, and in the right circumstances it ceases to be completely useless.
in india too,beyblade was known as "latto",now they have extinct because india is a very stupid country,it copies everything of western culture(i m AGAINST MY COUNTRY)and forgetting its culture well western culture is famous all over the latoo were very nice and spinned so fastly that they become invisible,my father told me,they were very beautiful and popular
rukiachann Wrote:in india too,beyblade was known as "latto",now they have extinct because india is a very stupid country,it copies everything of western culture(i m AGAINST MY COUNTRY)and forgetting its culture well western culture is famous all over the latoo were very nice and spinned so fastly that they become invisible,my father told me,they were very beautiful and popular

I am pretty sure you mean invincible right?
Z Wrote:
rukiachann Wrote:in india too,beyblade was known as "latto",now they have extinct because india is a very stupid country,it copies everything of western culture(i m AGAINST MY COUNTRY)and forgetting its culture well western culture is famous all over the latoo were very nice and spinned so fastly that they become invisible,my father told me,they were very beautiful and popular

I am pretty sure you mean invincible right?

No, she means invisible. It's hyperbole.
Tamer Brad Wrote:
Z Wrote:
rukiachann Wrote:in india too,beyblade was known as "latto",now they have extinct because india is a very stupid country,it copies everything of western culture(i m AGAINST MY COUNTRY)and forgetting its culture well western culture is famous all over the latoo were very nice and spinned so fastly that they become invisible,my father told me,they were very beautiful and popular

I am pretty sure you mean invincible right?

No, she means invisible. It's hyperbole. its now no more played but beyblade is.i play only cyber games
Wait, I know the true perpose of those blades. When your about to start, your opponent will say "what the heck is that?" and laugh so hard he goes into a coma and you win. nuf said.
rukiachann Wrote:western culture
We don't have (a) culture. Not since the widespread adoption of TV.