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Full Version: BEYDAYS 2012 BeyLotto Results + Afterthoughts!
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Wow, I won something. Thanks WBO. PMed Kei.
Congratz to everyone who won something! Grin Especially BeyHyperKill, EnzoXS and Bleik who are all really good Bladers in the UK.

Too bad I couldn't attend, The Beydays Face for this year looks soo coool xD
Huge Congrats to all the winners Smile!
Man Xcore, you've had one helluva Beydays! Congrats!

Anyway, I'd like to get my Face Booster Azure opened Eee! Thanks! Smile

Oh and did I mention ? The Beydays face is is Super-Cool!
Oh! great Xcore seriously had the best beydays congrats man.Congrats to all other winners to
face booster orange please
I Skype Ethan daily. I don't think he knows he won. I'll tell him. Wink

Good everybody who attended Beydays 2012
Yay I won face booster azure congrats to everyone else who won or participated!!!
Thanks so much
Xcore Chaos congrats man!!
Thanks a lot guys!
Seriously Kai-V, this new BeyDays face is awesome!
It actually marks a whole new era of BeyDays faces, seeing how the ones used in the last two BeyDays were never these decorative, haha!
I liked it so much, that I'd actually like to own an enlarged version of it to stick on some Facebolt I own. Tongue_out

Oh, I didn't seem to notice my Indian mates atop the winners' list. Congratulation Xcore! Seriously man, this would be such a HUGE month for you! Also congrats to Relic, GalaxyHart, sridbeyz, and N0body(no pun intended). Smile

- Whoa! That is what I call excitement, haha! Congrats man!
Wew,I don't believe it, hmm, a face booster blue might be nice.
(Jun. 19, 2012  1:30 PM)Xcore Chaos Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks a lot guys!

Make sure to choose your Face Booster too!
Um, i'm not sure if any of the MOD's saw my Face Booster request, or there not giving Face boosters out yet. But just in case, can i have a Face Booster Azure please. Smile

EDIT: Oh yeah, and the face looks epic!
(Jun. 19, 2012  3:53 AM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]I did not expect people to like the Face so much ...

I really really really like it! It's different from the others, I like its colors Tongue_out

Huge congratulations to all the entrants and winners! Grin

Anyway, some afterthoughts about my\our Beydays and some suggestions for the next year!

guys just for no confusion lord n has changed his name to extremeblader2
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. Congrats to all the winners. And, I hope my Facebooster Azure has some new face(or a face which I can trade with Gaia Dragoon face). And the Beydays 3 face looks awesome indeed or at least better than any other face I currently have Grin.
can i have the crimson face bolt
Hitsugiya, the meme master wins!

Congrats bro, you gusta?

Anyways, now I can change my username Smile
congrats to winners
Ah, wish I could have gone to New York or somewhere for a Bey Days tourney XD Congrats to the winners, and remember, this is pretty cool!
(Jun. 19, 2012  8:48 PM)Insomniac Wrote: [ -> ]Hitsugiya, the meme master wins!

Congrats bro, you gusta?

Anyways, now I can change my username Smile
Thank you, but meme master, what? I am delighted though.
Yesssssss! I won something for the first time on WBO-from my very first tourney! I'm lucky
Face Booster Orange Please!
That's terrific! Four winners from the Philippines!

Congratulations Boy Pickup, Taebak, Juro Maximus, and Mega Blader -- who incidentally also won the tournament, so he should be getting a gold face soon, too! Haha

EDIT: Make that FIVE winners! Alfonsokian won an Azure face! Yay!
Darn it!!!!!i cant believe i didnt win anything!!! Crying Crying
Anyways hearty congrats to xcore for winning
thanks ehoes of hell~!
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