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For anyone wanting to know:

Chapter 9 from the CoroCoro magazine was split into 2 different chapters in the tankoban of Volume 2.
Chapter 18 from the CoroCoro magazine was split into 2 different chapters in the tankoban of Volumes 4 and 5.

and a few more later on to which I don't know since I don't have past volume 6.

The english volumes done in Singapore has the exact same chapters/covers as the Japanese one does.

The reason behind the chapter splitting is because...

When said volume is being made, if they're close to the CoroCoro issue version, they split said chapter into two different chapters.

Like for example in volume 2, chapter 10 is split only showing the first half of the CoroCoro issue version, while the second half is shown in Volume 3.
Interesting, too bad Zero-G isn't on my what anime to watch list at the moment XD

Also I noticed something about the main characters;

In Bakuten Shoot Beyblade all the 4 main characters (Takao, Rei, Max, Kai) had female voice actresses (Japan only).
Then in Metal Fight Beyblade Ginga, Masamune, Madoka and a few others (e.g. Kenta and Yui - though they're support characters) were the only ones with female voice actresses (the majority of the cast were male voice actors).
Now Zero-G, the main character is voiced by a male; the majority of the cast will probably be voiced by male voice actors

It seems that Beyblade is getting more manlier every season XD
I'm surprised to see that Hiryuuin's seiyu is the same seiyu as Soul from Soul Eater Grin
(Mar. 15, 2012  4:19 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]By the way, unabara means 'sea', so perhaps one of them owns Pirates Oroja.

"Hi" in Hiryuuin is also written with the symbol for 'fire', and 'ryuu' is dragon of course. "In" refers to 'institute', apparently.

"Hiryu" is apparently an alternative reading of "Karyu" (火龍) which can mean "Salamander", and since "忍" is read as both "Shinobi" and "Shinobu", his name is more or less a pun on his beyblade vice versa.

As for the "In", I think it might be a posthumous name thing, not really sure though.

Assuming either Kaito or Eito has Guardian Leviather, I wonder if there's another reference involved.
I'm getting more and more excited for this show everyday. A male voice actor for zero? YES. +50 awesome points.

I wonder how old Zero could be since he actually has a male actor.
(Mar. 16, 2012  1:01 PM)Saigo Wrote: [ -> ]Guardian Leviather

Surely if it was that, it would be pronounced 'rivayazaa' or 'rivaiazaa' instead of 'rivaizaa' ...
Ah well, I scanned said page in, so I can show you what I was talking about.

(Mar. 16, 2012  3:40 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]Guardian Leviather
Surely if it was that, it would be pronounced 'rivayazaa' or 'rivaiazaa' instead of 'rivaizaa' ...

Yeah, you're right, I put an extra a by mistake, definitely Levi-something though.
Kai-V Wrote:
(Mar. 15, 2012  6:56 PM)Manaphy12342 Wrote: [ -> ]Zero-G isn't common throughout the world at that point? It's exclusive to Metal Bey City? Wow, this seems interesting. Maybe we'll see basic battles if Zero travels to other cities?
It really could just be Zero's isolated village. I think most big countries in which Zero will travel, if he ever travels in the first season, will have Zero-G.
Probably, I may have just jumped a few minor details there. Still, he has a Zero-G bey, there must have been at least something similar.

Kai-V Wrote:
(Mar. 15, 2012  7:52 PM)Manaphy12342 Wrote: [ -> ]Since nobody has mentioned it yet, is anyone looking forward to seeing the intro and outro themes? It seems to be an under-mentioned topic, despite this being a new season. Generally with most shows, people always look forward to the intro themes more than the anime.

I really do not want to hear YU+KI anymore. Get a female singer and do an epic music just like in Bakuten Shoot Beyblade ...
We'll most likely hear YU+KI again though, I think they practically have a contract. Although, YCHRO sang "Destiny" and did a good job of it too, so we might hear them?
(Mar. 16, 2012  4:49 PM)Saigo Wrote: [ -> ]
(Mar. 16, 2012  3:40 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]Guardian Leviather
Surely if it was that, it would be pronounced 'rivayazaa' or 'rivaiazaa' instead of 'rivaizaa' ...

Yeah, you're right, I put an extra a by mistake, definitely Levi-something though.

Didn't a similar thing happen in Yu-Gi-Oh ZEXAL? The Japanese was Revise, but they dubbed it as Leviathan?
As for the Japanese name for Number 17 leviathan Dragon its No.17 リバイス・ドラゴン.The Japanese letter リ is majorly pronounced "Ri" but it's also utilized when pronouncing "Li".リバイス, is the major way of translating the word revise in katakana so it's highly sure thats the reason.However its still odd why its not "レ".apparently Japanese people cannot pronounce differently between r and l(ie. rock and lock which is both ロック).the translated term for leviathan has many ways though.リバイアサン and レヴィアタン has drastic difference in pronunciation but has the exact same meaning.
I do not know if that was targeted to me, but I know Katakana.
I think it was targeted at me and my comment about Leviathan Dragon and ZEXAL.

You have a very good point, Brood. It'd be so much easier if we knew what element the bey actually is, since, if it's water, then it's likely to be Leviather rather than Reviser as a Leviathan is a sea monster.

I guess only time will tell.
What is a Levaither supposed to be though ...
Some name Takara Tomy came up with because Leviathan is too simple? I don't know. That's like asking what a Sagittario is, it's just a Sagittarius.

We could just find out that it actually is Leviathan, it seems the most likely at the moment.
Sagittario is Spanish/Italian/or Portuguese for Sagittarius. It is a word that actually exists.
Wow, I learned something new today. I take back my statement then, sorry.
there should be a movie like yu gi oh bonds of time where tyson,gingka and zero meet up that would be epic!
the problem is that all yu gi oh characters are from the same universe, however tyson is from another universe compared to gingka and zero.
Gingka might be in the series..

Zero Kurogane, the new protagonist who looks up to Ginga Hagane and aims to become the strongest Blader, is the No. 1 Blader who remains undefeated on his home turf. In order to test his own strength, Zero arrived at the town where Ginga and his friends were, but Ginga wasn't there and champion Bladers who aim at becoming the strongest Blader of tomorrow had gathered.
Straightaway, Zero starts to battle with them, but he wasn't used to dealing with the Zero-G Stadium, which wasn't in his hometown, so it was a tough fight for him... However, with his natural guts and instinct, Zero understands the walkthrough methods and heads towards victory.

As such, will the champion Bladers stand in Zero's way one after the other?!
Saigo posted that in the thread already.
does anybody else know about the whole tip usage switch around with S becoming a defense tip and D and all its variations becoming useless for defense and better for stamina?if so and something like this has posted then
(Mar. 20, 2012  12:01 PM)capncapri Wrote: [ -> ]does anybody else know about the whole tip usage switch around with S becoming a defense tip and D and all its variations becoming useless for defense and better for stamina?if so and something like this has posted then
yes we all know that for more or less over a week now. And It it was already known that D serie bottoms where more suited for a good part of 2-3 years now. Starting From the time that Bull arrived already SD was a top tier stamina bottom. The only thing that surprised us was the S serie becoming defensive. and opening up new talks about reviving the S series test. And Reopening F: S and X: D for their gimmick that can be proving to be lethal.

when will zero g on tv
(Mar. 19, 2012  11:04 PM)username786 Wrote: [ -> ]the problem is that all yu gi oh characters are from the same universe, however tyson is from another universe compared to gingka and zero.

(Mar. 20, 2012  7:35 PM)beymasterldrago Wrote: [ -> ]when will zero g on tv

It will air on tv tokyo on 8 April 2012.You get all info on the episode 1 thread
(Mar. 20, 2012  7:35 PM)beymasterldrago Wrote: [ -> ]when will zero g on tv

Just in case he was wondering when will it air in the US/Europe, it will probably air near the end of 2013. Thats if Hasbro continue with it. Might go a bit later though. I'm not sure. This is just my prediction based on what Hasbro has done before, none of this is confirmed.
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