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(Feb. 16, 2012  1:18 AM)Manaphy12342 Wrote: [ -> ]Extracted the logo too. Not sure if this is for the Toyline or the Anime, but they're usually the same:

[Image: ZeroGToylineLogo.png]

epic the sign is written with pure awsomeness and zero hopes he doesnt have shoes like ginga/ clown showsSmile
The logo was already posted in the hobby topic for Beyblade Zero-G anyway.

Also, this is the pose that was used in CoroCoro :
[Image: kuroganezero1.jpg]

It is exactly the same design.
Hopefully the series will turn out good. Is it really in the Metal Fight universe?
(Feb. 16, 2012  1:26 AM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]The logo was already posted in the hobby topic for Beyblade Zero-G anyway.

Also, this is the pose that was used in CoroCoro :
[Image: kuroganezero1.jpg]

It is exactly the same design.

uuuuuuuuuh yeah just watching and looking at this picture makes me want to invent time machine
(Feb. 16, 2012  1:28 AM)DranzerX13 Wrote: [ -> ]Hopefully the series will turn out good. Is it really in the Metal Fight universe?

From what we've read in the Manga, yes. Zero references "The Legend Blader; Gingka Hagane's Miracle" and that he witnessed it.

(Feb. 16, 2012  1:28 AM)DranzerX13 Wrote: [ -> ]Hopefully the series will turn out good. Is it really in the Metal Fight universe?

It seems like it.
To me I'm wondering who the "big bad" will be. I look forward to evil clones of Zeo and the Antagonistic "Faust" name returning for Toby's doppleganger.

Bare with me here, never written on the perspective of PG cartoons....
(Feb. 16, 2012  1:36 AM)Codeine Extorts Wrote: [ -> ]To me I'm wondering who the "big bad" will be. I look forward to evil clones of Zeo and the Antagonistic "Faust" name returning for Toby's doppleganger.

Bare with me here, never written on the perspective of PG cartoons....

i bet it is going to be someone like doji or dr ziggurat using other people to abuse the power of beyblade
(Feb. 16, 2012  1:50 AM)beybladetiggy Wrote: [ -> ]
(Feb. 16, 2012  1:36 AM)Codeine Extorts Wrote: [ -> ]To me I'm wondering who the "big bad" will be. I look forward to evil clones of Zeo and the Antagonistic "Faust" name returning for Toby's doppleganger.

Bare with me here, never written on the perspective of PG cartoons....

i bet it is going to be someone like doji or dr ziggurat using other people to abuse the power of beyblade

Aww Man... Again? I know this is just a prediction, but the old guys as the bad guys seem overused in beyblade. Ahaha.
Yep. That's Yuma alright.

The color scheme is weird for me, and look at his expression!
A blue jacket and red pants. What was Adachi thinking...

I can't believe his editor approved this.

Trust me, I never written ideas on or for a PG Cartoon. I've been mostly attempting mature drama and action, with a little sitcom. So I hope nobody was too frustrated with my idea on evil clones.

However; we need something more titular than a god. Or at least more original for a focal villain.
This new main character looks better for me ... I hope the story will be interesting.
I am waiting to know the other characters.

Thanks for all the information Kai-V!
(Feb. 16, 2012  2:17 AM)Zanon Wrote: [ -> ]A blue jacket and red pants. What was Adachi thinking...

I can't believe his editor approved this.

Actually, CoroCoro does sometimes just take whatever sketch is on his desk. Colours could vary even though the manga will not have colours anyway, but they will almost surely change for the anime. D-Rights' designs are usually better in terms of shapes, and they know how to change small elements to adjust things like colour matching.
(Feb. 16, 2012  1:36 AM)Codeine Extorts Wrote: [ -> ]To me I'm wondering who the "big bad" will be. I look forward to evil clones of Zeo and the Antagonistic "Faust" name returning for Toby's doppleganger.

Bare with me here, never written on the perspective of PG cartoons....
That was really good ^^
If you ask me..the Character looks somewhat of a combination between Manga Ginga und Ryuuga. ^^;

(Feb. 15, 2012  11:31 PM)Manaphy12342 Wrote: [ -> ][Image: ZeroKuroganeManga.png]

Paint his jacket red and he can be Jaden Yuki's son lol.

He looks more mature than Ginga, his overall outfit is starting to make me think he will have a bad boy attitude..
for me the character is totally perfect from attitude to looks just like meteor tv cant wait for the story will be very happy to see new characters also madoka like girls
The main character is named "Kurogane"?

1st Tsubasa and now Kurogane..just how much of my favorite anime will beyblade reference? Haha =D

Who knows, maybe this time around we wont get a useless supportive character (ex, Hillary, Madoka. Kenny beats Madoka in every way...)
No his name is Zero, Kurogane is his last name. Asian names are different where the first name is said after the last name.

Ex. Ginga Hagane - His first name is Ginga so it would be - Hagane Ginga.
I had forgotten about that. Still, Kurogane...

If this character of Zero Kurogane is anything like that, I will be very happy. EXTREMLY DOUBTFUL though.

Based on the picture of Zero we have seen so far, he appears to have Masamune's crappy ego...just what it says to me when I look at it anyway...
For some reason I think Kenshiro when I see Zero:

[Image: bMAFV.jpg]

(he's from Fist of the North Star)
(Feb. 14, 2012  3:05 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]Just the "-gane" ... Logically you would want to choose a name that has nothing to do with the previous main character's, and there are many, many names available, but Kurogane was chosen.
Kurogane - Ninja in CLAMP series
Kurogane Yaiba - Samurai in Yaiba
Ichimura Tetsunosuke - Shisengumi in Peacemaker Kurogane

Kurogane roughly translates to "Black Iron/Steel", which is most likely just branching off of the idea that this is a metal-based Beyblade because they have to somehow through that in and Kurogane is the name of a main character who respectfully uses a sword of some kind (in this case, Kurogane uses a samurai, which is affiliated with a sword).
OK, was I supposed not to know this already ?

Picture from the manga :

And I did see that "Metal Fight Beyblade Zero-G" ...
(Feb. 16, 2012  1:23 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]OK, was I supposed not to know this already ?
yeah the post was really confusing really did understand anything that guy was saying
(Feb. 16, 2012  2:01 PM)beybladetiggy Wrote: [ -> ]yeah the post was really confusing really did understand anything that guy was saying

Deikailo's post ? She is a girl.

She was just saying that "kurogane" means "black steel", which I knew.
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