World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: What percentage of your collection is Hasbro/TAKARA-TOMY ?
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I own 100% Hasbro. You can find hasbro beys almost evreywere. Even CVS pharmacy. takara dose have
better quality beys than hasbro. however something about ordering beys from another country really creeps me out!!!!!!!!!
I have 100% Takara tomy beyblade
95% Takara Tomy or Takara (for plastic).
The other 5% were my first beyblades.
I have 25 Takara Tomy Beyblades, 47 Hasbro Beyblades and 1 SonoKong Beyblade
I have 9 Hasbro Beys and 1 TT one so that's 90%-10%, respectively.
70% Hasbro and 30% Takara-Tomy.
100% Takara Tomy
its cheaper for me to get hasbro because the prices of takara tomy items online seem to stay steady....
100% Takara Tomy

Because I'm an Asian who lives in Asia and can far more easily get the Asian versions of Beyblades.
(Jul. 07, 2012  2:45 PM)zionson Wrote: [ -> ]100% Takara Tomy

Because I'm an Asian who lives in Asia and can far more easily get the Asian versions of Beyblades.

Your Lucky. About 80% of my collection is Takara Tomy.
I only have 8 takara beys at the moment
90 percent Takara Tomy since i have 2 SonoKong Beys......
99 percent Hasbro and 1 percent takara tomy i literally only have one takara tomy bey which is l drago destroy beacause i live in america and there are only a few rare stores that sell takara tomy
(Jul. 08, 2012  10:03 AM)Sniper Kid Wrote: [ -> ]90 percent Takara Tomy since i have 2 SonoKong Beys......

Hehe, the Sonokong beys count as TT beys for the purposes of this poll (see OP). Grin
I have about 40 hasbro beys, I think. I only have 3 TT beys which are Hell Kerbecs BD145DS, Samurai Saramanda E230ES, and Shinobi Ifraid 230WD. So 90% Hasbro or maybe 85%, I don't know.

EDIT, 47 beys, 3 are TT, so 89% by a random guess of my beys are Hasbro.
I had fake beyblade now i am starting my collection of TAKARa TOMy
I am now in the status of 99 percent TakaraTomy and 1 percent Hasbro
I got at the exact moment of 100 bey. I am an Asian, so like zionson, I bought TT
They only Hasbro I had was the L-drago assault my uncle gave me as a gift from his trip to neitherland(?) or Mexico - can't rememm ber right now
(Jul. 09, 2012  2:34 AM)Tyler Le Wrote: [ -> ]I am now in the status of 99 percent TakaraTomy and 1 percent Hasbro
I got at the exact moment of 100 bey. I am an Asian, so like zionson, I bought TT
They only Hasbro I had was the L-drago assault my uncle gave me as a gift from his trip to neitherland(?) or Mexico - can't rememm ber right now
Well i'm kinda like 100% TT now. I was considering buying a DS game with Counter Leone Hasbro ver. but I decided to choose the Vulcan Horses game instead.
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