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Full Version: Omega Dragonis 85XF (Magazine exclusive)
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(Jan. 17, 2012  1:42 AM)WBBA1990 Wrote: [ -> ]also from the beyblade wikipedia i saw with the hasbro versions of the 4D beyblades going to be sold in different molds? e.g the combining the separate pieces of metal in the 4d fusion wheels and selling the modes separately? i dont know if thats true or not someone please correct me if im wrong.. if thats true then there would be 2 different omega dragonis available by hasbro ? that would definately make me think twice about buying it.. i like the takara 4D beys with the option to change from mode to mode

All of that is only rumours, so it would be appreciated if you did not spread potentially wrong information.
his information was misleading me as well. hope no one posts stuff like this again.
Who would want six big bang Pegasus? Anyway, I have a feeling I might be able to get it at a Japanese bookstore I visit once in a while. Hopefully I'll be able to snag one and thankfully, they display a stocking list so I might be able to predict when it may arrive.
so is there a chance that TT will release the anime colors as a starter or booster (i hate 4D starters cuz i have a bunch of LL2s that i don't really use)?
(Jan. 17, 2012  12:21 PM)Shogun Wrote: [ -> ]so is there a chance that TT will release the anime colors as a starter or booster (i hate 4D starters cuz i have a bunch of LL2s that i don't really use)?

Not really, there is not much chance.
I get one for 30 euro now Grin when I get it I will make tests
(Jan. 17, 2012  2:43 PM)Glowfire1 Wrote: [ -> ]I get one for 30 euro now Grin when I get it I will make tests

You pre-ordered it or you bought it ?
I pre-ordered, on 20th it will be send also 17 days I think but it seems really nice

isn´t a pre-order nearly the same ?
The early release for this bey was actually 5 days ago. Together with Kreis Cygnus and Wing Pegasis Memorial Ver. I'm surprised that no-one had posted a review video yet.

Go forth WBO drones, scour the interweb for a review video.
I think most people which got/get one (so early) are collecting this bey
Of course they are, but a video (if not a battle video) is certainly possible. Wink
(Jan. 17, 2012  3:01 PM)Uwik Wrote: [ -> ]The early release for this bey was actually 5 days ago. Together with Kreis Cygnus and Wing Pegasis Memorial Ver. I'm surprised that no-one had posted a review video yet.

Go forth WBO drones, scour the interweb for a review video.

I actually think it was not sold at the World Hobby Fair last weekend. Its release date is January 20th, and Japanese, especially at official events, usually really follow the dates. It even clearly says on the fair's site that it will only be sold after/as soon as the Tokyo conference happens, which is this upcoming weekend.

It is therefore not sold, unless it was leaked already by regular book stores.
It makes sense. But it definitely was out at the same time. I saw pictures of the actual bey already. Although, it makes no sense to purchase the early release, few days early for usd 10,- extra.
I think they were. In MSpapitan's video of the event, there were a bunch of magazines in one area. Could that be it?
(Jan. 17, 2012  3:27 PM)Jaygrazer Wrote: [ -> ]I think they were. In MSpapitan's video of the event, there were a bunch of magazines in one area. Could that be it?

It could just have been CoroCoro's latest issue ... If it is written on the site that it would not be sold at that event, I really trust Japanese to respect that even if it were a mistake.

Uwik, you would have to post the pictures you saw, because there seems to be absolutely nothing from the Japanese community.
Hmm, for whatever reason, I can't seem to find the picture anymore. It was on one of the chinese beyblade fan pages on facebook. It was a loose bey, magazine wasn't in the picture.

On a related note. Wwqqyang might be able to confirm. I remember her saying that hers will arrive 'tomorrow'. This was 2 days ago. Might be worth asking her to post pics if she got hers already.

I pre-ordered mine like regular people, to be shipped on 21st only. can pre-order it already?

Hm...I can't even find the link. .....

I really wish they had stuck to the original color..I hate painted wheels..
I think most or all pre-orders are for Japanese residents only, so you would have to find a middleman anyway.
To make it clear : what Nuzumaki90 posted was nothing, simply nothing of importance.

There is a reason I do not post certain things, and if you are unable to read Japanese and that you have no idea in what context this or that picture can be found in real life, then omit from trying to bring up "news".
Sorry about that Kai-V.

Probably should've known that by now...

I am supposing this will be on YJA, and that is currently the only way to obtain a pre-order.

Time to shop for several.

It leads me to wonder however, why they would change the color of the MW from the anime...since blue on I not the best combination. Also, since the wheel is will really be a pain to test it.

Nice; finally this bey is released. I will surely be testing this. Even though it's painted. And 85XF.. It'll be very hard to control against Stamina & defense beys due to wasting energy spinning around the stadium and losing all of its stamina. ): But nevertheless, hoping to see how well it performs. Smile
What was the point in that statement exactly? We've had XF for ages. Everyone knows how it works. Also who would use this uncustomised which is what your post seems to suggest.?
(Jan. 18, 2012  9:12 PM)Ultrablader Wrote: [ -> ]What was the point in that statement exactly? We've had XF for ages. Everyone knows how it works. Also who would use this uncustomised which is what your post seems to suggest.?

To give his two cents on the idea. Dont critize people for what they want to do with a rare beyblade, for you have no control over his life. If he wants to test it, let him be.

Anyhow, Im putting this on the the display shelf Eee Cant wait!
Well I just found it wierd that he was saying it like we'd never seen XF before...
Rgh...I'm going to have to get this eventually. The temptation will eventually overcome me.. much? lol Let's continue that via. PM.

I just can't get over that...nauseating blue color. It just seems...too blue.
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