World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Brad Day III Face Contest: Brad Fanart!
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Do not double post.
And no, you aren't allowed to do anything now.
Well, the deadline is here, and I wished to enter this...
Damn! I do not have Photoshop!

I'll at least tell you guys about what I planned to do.
Brad's Face, on Giovanni's Chibi form, from one of 'Meowth's Boss Fantasies'
Instead of Pokemon, Brad would be surrounded by beys!
And, I would call it- 'Jan's Brad Fantasy'. Tongue_out
I wish I could present it here, and at least impart a smile on Brad's face... Smile
Time's up, though! So, all the best guys!!!
I just realised I drawed 2 Tajador Spinners in my entry.Good luck to everybody!Brad is so cool,he has two Tajador Spinners!
(Dec. 20, 2011  9:12 AM)Janstarblast Wrote: [ -> ]Do not double post.
And no, you aren't allowed to do anything now.
Well, the deadline is here, and I wished to enter this...
Damn! I do not have Photoshop!

I'll at least tell you guys about what I planned to do.
Brad's Face, on Giovanni's Chibi form, from one of 'Meowth's Boss Fantasies'
Instead of Pokemon, Brad would be surrounded by beys!
And, I would call it- 'Jan's Brad Fantasy'. Tongue_out
I wish I could present it here, and at least impart a smile on Brad's face... Smile
Time's up, though! So, all the best guys!!!

Well, what else to do unless double post? Because I can't edit my previuos post to send my entry in, or else people will think I edited my entry, and if i post, It will auto-double post.
That's a very good reason for double posting. It is contest-specific, and relevant.
Good bye beat lynx... buhuhuhu!! So many awesome posts!
(Dec. 20, 2011  9:26 PM)tRiblaDeQ Wrote: [ -> ]Well, what else to do unless double post? Because I can't edit my previuos post to send my entry in, or else people will think I edited my entry, and if i post, It will auto-double post.

Oh yes, that is certainly a great reason to double post; you were quite alert there! Grin
I am sorry for that, though. Smile
Nah, it's all right, people make mistakes. I make them more than you do! Smile
Sorry to sound so impatient, but does the committee have and projected day(s) on which the contest winners will be announced? Very silly question but sometimes impatience gets the best of me! Tongue_out
When the judging is done, we will announce it!

Such things cannot always be predicted!
... Brad agreed to judge, so we have no judging to do actually. He will pick whatever he favours.
I did not say who was judging! Brad is still doing judging!
(Dec. 14, 2011  3:32 PM)Janstarblast Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec. 14, 2011  2:52 PM)Whatzzer Wrote: [ -> ]NatsuDragneel:Hmm,why bother do when it's only 3 minutes?Mine took a long time to create.To The Fire Wyrm:-Is it just me,or have you edited your entries' post?

Nah, he hasn't edited it yet.
He last edited his post 4 minutes from the time he actually posted...
An edit in 4 minutes seems to be almost impossible. So, yeah.
And, its been almost 14 hours since his post...
Just to clear this up, when i posted the sprite was still in progress. Thus I edited it to add my entry.

In the future, do not do that.
I am so winning this contest! you guys need my address now?


Happy Super Late Birthday Brad
It's due the dateline already,BDaichi.
Lol I'm pretty sure that's a troll-joke BDaichi is doing. ;o Fantansic drawing man!
oh my god.

THANK GOD YOU DIDN'T ENTER EARLIER! We all would have been smoked!!
(Dec. 27, 2011  8:28 PM)Dan Wrote: [ -> ]...
oh my god.

THANK GOD YOU DIDN'T ENTER EARLIER! We all would have been smoked!!


I put sooo much work into that bad boy.
I tried to get the hair perfect any everything.
I really need to log on more often :p

So glad you didn't enter before the deadline. Everyone else's entrees would be blown away like what a grenade does to ya.
soz but who actually won, i'd like to see their fan art
The sweet nectar/ambrosia of deliberation has yet to be given to the humble members of the organization.
All in favor in Kai-V accepting my late submission say I.


Can someone make a list of all the entries so I can look at them a bit more easily? (same with the placard contest)
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