World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: MakaCHOP!'s websites
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Herro everyone!

I am here to tell you about websites I am making/made.

I have one set up already but it's not up already.
Its called otaku den.
Its for the most popular anime,manga,and video games.

EX: We vote a week before the next month.
Lets say the results are:
Video Game: The Legend Of Zelda (any game), SSBB, Halo Reach, CoD (all)
Anime: Soul Eater, Naruto, Bleach, Beyblade
Manga: Soul Eater NOT!, Naruto, Bleach, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds

So at the moment I need everyone(or atleast alot) to vote.
Here is how you vote

Video Game:

Here is mine! (yes i get to vote)

User: MakaCHOP!
Anime: Soul Eater
Manga: Angel Beats!
Video Game: Super Smash Bros Brawl

This is NOT suppose to be alot alike Otaku Space.
We can only vote when the site is up right?