Ok as we all know we have the
Worst/Saddest blading moments, but we don't have a happiest version, well at least I couldn't find one...
So here you can discuss things were stuff has been given to you or you got lucky at times, for example you may have went to a tourney an got in the top 3, but you originally only went there for fun.
I recently entered a
YouTube Giveaway, and got lucky, a dark bull got me first place, and I don't even own one, so now I'm going to get one
so what have you had recently that made you happy? obviously relating to beyblades lol
Well I dont have one but I'm sure there will be some cute stories

Change that I do...
When I was a noob blader there was one kid NO ONE could beat. He was kinda like a face hunter except he steals your beys... Now I went up to him once and lost. But he stole my best friend's bey and that got me mad enough to give me a good launch i won all the matches

I was a hero in our school

yay, Tyson! you beat Carlos! XD . joking aside, I once beat earth eagle with a dark wolf. that's honestly the best thing i can think of right now. i'm sure there is something from when it was plastics and HMS, but I can't remember
(Aug. 03, 2011 3:21 PM)Terra Blazer Wrote: [ -> ]yay, Tyson! you beat Carlos! XD . joking aside, I once beat earth eagle with a dark wolf. that's honestly the best thing i can think of right now. i'm sure there is something from when it was plastics and HMS, but I can't remember
Never underestimate the BEST balance type bey IN THE WORLD!
Well, it just might be a fluke.
Still, my happiest blading moment was when I broke my friend's Dark Wolf in battle with my LLD. My soul was finally satisfied. Uselessness had been eradicated from the bey-world!
EDIT- Hey, wait!
I thought I was actually posting in an old topic, but I realized that this was a new thread!
(Aug. 03, 2011 3:25 PM)Janstarblast Wrote: [ -> ]DON'T WE HAVE A THREAD FOR THIS!? :\
I searched but the only thing I could find was the worst/saddest version, so I thought maybe it wasn't made, so I just made it so people could share there cheesy stories

A cheesy story eh?
Got one lol.
Well I was making my video the other day which I plan to upload soon, I was using my new phone, as it just gives a better feel to the video, than a 14MPXL camera, lol. It was Dranzer V vs Strata Dragoon (or Gaia G can't remember which right now) and so Dranzer V is in S mode, and it is wobbling like CRAZY! So then here comes Strata/Gaia going in for an attack, and when it hit Dranzer V, Dranzer V took it like a BAWS, and there goes flying Strata/Gaia. With that being said it almost hit my phone but yet it flew right over it, giving it a freaking awesome part to the video

Happy times lol.
I once beat earth eagle with a Storm Capricorn
can you please come up with something a bit more creative? i know I wasn't, but I gave a reason
My happiest moment was when I found out that I won June giveaway.
(Aug. 03, 2011 3:25 PM)Janstarblast Wrote: [ -> ]Never underestimate the BEST balance type bey IN THE WORLD!
Well, it just might be a fluke.
Still, my happiest blading moment was when I broke my friend's Dark Wolf in battle with my LLD. My soul was finally satisfied. Uselessness had been eradicated from the bey-world! 
ya ur correct never under estimate that bey
well ihave many such moments like when i came back to blading after 3years of brake i was just like a new bie and my bro became a pro he owned rock leone after too many combi tries i was able to beat his bey in 108th match between us and the second one is when i destroyed a roch leone using my pegasus cause the owner as not launching properly in my stadium after i told that to him many times. i got satisfied at that moment and intrestingly i broke his bey in mid air and my bey landed properly in bey stadium

(Aug. 03, 2011 5:28 PM)Terra Blazer Wrote: [ -> ]can you please come up with something a bit more creative? i know I wasn't, but I gave a reason
I'm pretty sure what he meant by that was that he beat EE (which we all know is pretty good uncustomized) and beating it with SC with a derping M145Q, is like impossibru. Lol
Well , my happiest moment has a blader was when I organized my first Beyblade Tournament at BeyDays 2011 .
This was the first Beyblade tournament hold by the WBO in Portugal , so it was a big deal for me .
I got second place and made great friends wich makes that memory even more great !
Back in the good ol' days, my Driger G was a beast. Somehow, even against my brother who was a body builder, I could beat any beyblade he launched. Even against my friend, I couldn't loose. Those months where I had it were the best blading days ever. Then, I lost it, and couldn't find it.
Now, the best MOMENT was when I found it a few months ago, and it's still a beats, no matter how old and ripped it is.
mine was when i collected some beys i was the only one who had any, till at school when i sore this guy holding a lightning L-drago in his hand then i was like (): started talking then became best friends! and that guy was.......... Callum6939 (the guy who made this thread (X ) cool right?
i got two that are sorta equal, when i got my first bey! the phantom force wolborg!
the other one was epic, this guy broke peoples beys with the heaviest attack bey in the world! I mean it seriously, anyway this was a week after i got my wolborg, but i decided to stand up to the guy even though i really had no idea how to play! so my brother taught me how to play and the next week i went head to head in this arena that all of us in my town had made, and it was like the original ones, in series one which was like a tower with different sorta bowls in floors. and anyway we fought and my AR cracked and my friend gave me a modded one with some metal on the wings, and i ripped and my bey flew at the other guys bey and split his AR and i won! I was the most popular kid in town! serious, they even named me the Wolf Master! Ah good times...
(Aug. 04, 2011 8:53 PM)Nwolf Wrote: [ -> ]i got two that are sorta equal, when i got my first bey! the phantom force wolborg!
the other one was epic, this guy broke peoples beys with the heaviest attack bey in the world! I mean it seriously, anyway this was a week after i got my wolborg, but i decided to stand up to the guy even though i really had no idea how to play! so my brother taught me how to play and the next week i went head to head in this arena that all of us in my town had made, and it was like the original ones, in series one which was like a tower with different sorta bowls in floors. and anyway we fought and my AR cracked and my friend gave me a modded one with some metal on the wings, and i ripped and my bey flew at the other guys bey and split his AR and i won! I was the most popular kid in town! serious, they even named me the Wolf Master! Ah good times...
hahaha i enjoyed reading that (:
well i hosted a tournament at my house with a bunch of friends once. the final battle was me and pegasus vs. L-drago. and i won with a stadium out. (in a hasbro stadium

Well I have several to share.
Firstly, when I was in between a newbie and experienced blader, I went to a tournament, borrowed a basalt,
then won 6 matches before being eliminated (double elimination). Happy times.
Since then I've done better.
Secondly, was just last week. Me and my trusted friend and team mate ToRmEnTeD became partners for the
first ever tag team mini tournament (as a trial) by BladeStorm. We surprisingly beat two teams and I only had my faithful MF-H Libra GB145CS with me, nothing else! Nevertheless, we beat some noobs with gravity, and basalts with our libra and scythe combos. We even beat ControL_ and his bro.
We were literally dancing around the Regents Park bandstand afterwards!
While going to ToyWiz, at leaast 10 feet from the door, I found a Gravity Perseus BD145XF. Happiest day ever, I didn't even have to get a RBV7.

And I traded a Ray Pegasis II 100RF for the Meteo L-Drago from the TBS. Time to make the CH120XF combo!
there was one were i was a well trained blader at my friends huge 20 man tounament me and my crew i had two beys i could count on cyber capricorn ch120 cs and earth aqurio d125 hf/s and i won against a basolt girafe sw 145 wd in the finals
My happiest was a year ago when metal fusion just came out, my brother and A TON of kids at his elementery school were bladers but one of the older kids in school would battle and break the younger kids beys, so he brike my brothers storm pegasis by stealing it and useing the RF as an eraser, when my bro came home i saw the damage. so we went to the kids house, he lived in our culdisack and i chalanged him to a battle, the erased storm pegasis vs his EarthBull combo in a PTW stadium, my bey is seriously moving so fast around the stadium i think im gonna lose by a self KO but than his bey moves and my pegasis SLAMS his bey out of the stadium and into the street, than before he can go grab it someone was leaving their house and than they hit it with their car. i was lapthing SO HARD that not only did i win with a messed up RF but his Tip and Track were compleatly flatened. Best Day EVER
(Aug. 09, 2011 3:05 AM)Jdbriggs Wrote: [ -> ]My happiest was a year ago when metal fusion just came out, my brother and A TON of kids at his elementery school were bladers but one of the older kids in school would battle and break the younger kids beys, so he brike my brothers storm pegasis by stealing it and useing the RF as an eraser, when my bro came home i saw the damage. so we went to the kids house, he lived in our culdisack and i chalanged him to a battle, the erased storm pegasis vs his EarthBull combo in a PTW stadium, my bey is seriously moving so fast around the stadium i think im gonna lose by a self KO but than his bey moves and my pegasis SLAMS his bey out of the stadium and into the street, than before he can go grab it someone was leaving their house and than they hit it with their car. i was lapthing SO HARD that not only did i win with a messed up RF but his Tip and Track were compleatly flatened. Best Day EVER
Holy Carp. I don't know if I should believe this, or Just start dying of laughter. I can imagine the results.
BND! was probably one of the best days of
my life actually. Well, that weekend was anyway. I had so much fun just playing.
BC was cool too. Since I came back to NY I've been dying to just go back up again.
The happiest moment of Beyblading is when I won my best friend who have Basalt Aquario BD145 RS with Storm Capricorne M145 Q. It was a superior time
Capricorn is bad, but sometimes it can win dramatically.
When I'm battling somebody with my BBP, and it seems it cannot knock out the opponent.....
the opponent was sent flying because of the RF mode